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Marcus' Mortal Embrace (Book 3) (The Supernatural Desire Series), Page 4

Darlene Kuncytes

  “Des, what’s wrong?” she murmured against his throat, and he shivered, that ever present need for her rushing through his body like a tidal wave.

  “Marcus called with some information,” he murmured against her temple, his lips soft and gentle.

  Abby leaned back and looked up into his eyes, her stomach fluttering at the worry she saw creasing his perfect brow. “What did he find?”

  “It seems our vampire is travelling with a female.”

  “So?” she questioned, confused as to why that fact worried him so.

  “A female vampire,” he explained on a sigh, and leaned his forehead against hers. “Females of our kind can be extremely dangerous. They have the ability to seduce their prey very easily, especially other Supernaturals. And if this woman is as viscous as her companion is, there is no telling what they are up to. They might be building alliances with other Demons and Witches,” he went on, his exasperation evident. “And we cannot have them building their forces only to come after you or Katrina.” His hand slid around her waist and rested on the small bump in her tummy, gently rubbing where his fingers rested.

  Abby pressed her lips against his, her mouth soft and reassuring. All the love she felt radiated from her in that gentle gesture and Desmond felt a tingle run up his spine. His mate was amazing.

  “We will handle it,” she whispered against his mouth. “We’re safe here, Des. You and Luke have this place guarded like a fortress.” She smiled, and lifted her brow. “Besides, Kat and I won’t do anything stupid.”

  Desmond couldn’t help the chuckle that burst from his lips. “You and Katrina are two of the most hard-headed women that I have ever met,” he laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “And neither one of you has any sense of self-preservation whatsoever, and are utterly dangerous when you put your heads together. I am just fortunate that I can’t get grey hair, or else I would truly look my age.”

  Abby swatted him, giggling happily. “Well, thank God for that!” she snorted. “I am much too young to be saddled with an ancient relic for a husband!”

  “Is that so?” he murmured, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging gently. His hands slid to the curve of her bottom and he pulled her closer, grinding his growing erection against her hip.

  “Mmm hmm,” she breathed.

  “Geez, can’t you two give it a rest, already?” Luke laughed from behind them, and they turned in unison to find him and Katrina standing there in the doorway. Luke’s arms were wrapped around his mate as he held her securely against his body, that shit-eating grin plastered across his face as his amber eyes glimmered devilishly.

  “Oh, bite me, Lucas!” Abby laughed.

  “That is a dangerous thing to be saying in this house, Abs. Besides, your lesser half has that pretty much handled, I’m sure,” he replied smarmily.

  “Is there something that the two of you need?” Desmond asked in frustration, although his smile belied his irritation.

  “Red seems to think that something is wrong,” Luke explained, his gaze caressing Katrina’s face with care. “Her witchy sense shit is going all haywire, and she insisted that we come up here and find out what was going on.”

  “Listen here, Benji!” Kat interjected, her eyes narrowing slightly, “All I said is that I got the feeling that something was up!” She elbowed him in the ribs, causing Luke to grunt softly.

  Desmond burst out laughing, loving the way this feisty witch kept his friend in line. He had grown extremely fond of Katrina in the past few months.

  “I just got off of the phone with Marcus,” he said. “We seem to have a slight issue. It seems our Vamp has a female vampire with him.”

  Luke whistled through his teeth. “Shit!”

  “What?” Kat asked, looking from Desmond, then back to Luke. The two men were looking at each other intently, the look passing between them causing the hair to rise on the back of her neck.

  Luke caught Kats nervous gaze and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s just that female blood suckers have a special knack at…let’s say, persuading Supernaturals to do their bidding,” he explained softly.

  “So, you think that they will be able to recruit demons and witches onto their side?” Kat felt a lump form in her throat when he nodded solemnly. Oh, crap!

  “Marcus is determined to find out who this pair is,” Desmond interjected, rubbing the small of Abby’s back. “I really don’t feel that we have anything to worry about. The pack is still patrolling, and they would be insane to attempt coming here.”

  Luke nodded his agreement and pulled Kat a little closer, wanting to reassure her that she was safe. He and Desmond would move Heaven and earth to insure their mate’s safety, and he knew that his pack felt the same. They had all become extremely protective of Kat and Abby, but he still made a mental note to discuss this with them as soon as possible. You just couldn’t be too sure.

  “There is something more,” Desmond sighed, “Although, it is more of a personal matter concerning Marcus.”

  All eyes in the room went to Desmond, waiting for him to continue.

  “It seems that a mortal is staying at the bed and breakfast,” he finally said, a hint of a smile turning up at the corners of his mouth. “And, he can’t compel her.”

  “You’re kidding?” Luke asked.

  “I’ve never heard of this before,” Desmond went on. “He’s certain that she isn’t supernatural, yet there is no explanation as to why she is immune to his compulsion.”

  “Maybe he has the hot’s for her.”

  They all turned in unison to find Harper standing there, a smug grin on her face. She had blossomed in the past few months. Her previously dyed, black hair was now its natural auburn color, which shimmered with golden hi-lights exactly like her sisters. She had matured so much, yet had not lost her sense of fun and wonderment. The feisty little witch kept everyone on their toes–especially poor Caleb, who followed the girl around like a lovesick puppy.

  “Excuse me?” Desmond queried, his brow lifting slightly as he looked at her with affection. She had fit into their family flawlessly.

  “Geez, you guys are just so totally dense sometimes, I swear!” she laughed. “He probably just wants to bump uglies with her and is thinking with the wrong head.”

  “Harper!” Kat admonished, but the sounds of Luke and Desmond’s laughter erupting from them drowned her out. Kat glared at her sister, completely mortified. The girl definitely had no brain to mouth filter!

  “Do you think so?” Desmond choked out; a part of him hoping that it was true. He wanted nothing more than for his brother to find happiness, and even though he had said that it was a mortal, he couldn’t stop the small part of him that hoped that it was a possibility. Marcus deserved to let go of the past and find some joy.

  “Sure, why not? I mean, guys lose all ability to think when they’re all hot and bothered. Tripping over themselves as they try and plan how to get a girl into bed. It’s as if their brains go right down South.”

  Desmond seemed to consider this a moment. “Let’s hope that this is all that it is,” he replied with a grin. “But, I still intend to do some digging.”

  “Dig all you want,” Harper said, shooting him a knowing smile. “But, I think your brother is just horny.” With that, she turned and left the room, leaving the four of them standing there with their mouths hanging open.

  Chapter Five

  Elizabeth rolled over in bed and pulled the comforter over her head, groaning irritably. She peeked out at the bedside clock and cursed. It was after eleven. Hells bells, she never slept this late! She sighed as she admitted to herself that she really hadn’t slept at all. She had tossed and turned most of the night, her mind reeling from her meeting with the edible Mr. LaGrange. Shit! What was it about this man that had her thoughts constantly straying to him? He had invaded her thoughts the rest of the night and it was putting her in a foul mood.

  She flipped over onto her stomach and buried her face in her pillow, hating
that she let this man affect her that way that he was. She had work to do, and couldn’t be distracted. She sighed and threw the covers off, easing herself out of bed. Maybe a nice hot shower would give her the kick-start that she so desperately seemed to need. She grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom, refusing to think about the man any longer. She was meeting with her newest charge this evening, and had to have her head in the game to convince the woman to leave the sorry ass that was beating her. Her mind could not be elsewhere!

  She turned the shower on full blast, letting the water warm up before pulling off her nightclothes and stepping in. Elizabeth sighed in contentment as the hot water washed over her. Yes, she thought, this was definitely, what she needed. She took her time, just enjoying the relaxing pressure of the water, trying to get her thoughts in order. She wasn’t meeting Angie Baxter until seven that evening and wanted to make herself scarce until then. She had planned on hanging out at the bed and breakfast, but now things had changed. She didn’t want to take the chance of running into Marcus again. She felt it best that she just avoid the man at all costs.

  She shook her head in exasperation for being such a wuss. No, it was better to avoid the situation completely, she reasoned. She would get dressed and walk around the city until it was time to meet Ms. Baxter. Besides, she thought with a grin, she had never been to New Orleans before. She would enjoy taking in all that the city had to offer.

  She turned off the water and stepped from the shower, wrapping herself in one of the thick towels. She sighed at the mere feel of it. Geez, what luxury, she thought with a shake. She hastily brushed her hair, pulling it up in a ponytail on top of her head. The day was warm and muggy and she knew that if she let her tresses hang loose she would be a frizzy mess within an hour. She applied her normal minimal amount of makeup and dressed, wanting to be on her way as quickly as possible.

  When Liz reached the bottom of the stairs, she caught sight of Brianna sprawled out on the couch in the sitting room, a book in her hand. She looked up as Liz reached the landing and smiled pleasantly.

  “Well, good morning,” she called, her mouth set in a friendly smile.

  Liz cautiously glanced around, looking for Marcus, and breathed a sigh of relief when he was nowhere in sight. “More like good afternoon,” Liz corrected with a chuckle. “I never sleep this late.”

  Brianna set her book down and stood, stretching with a small groan. “Believe me, I wouldn’t be up myself if I had my way,” she laughed. “Would you like me to make you something to eat?”

  “No, I’m planning on walking around a bit this afternoon. I have a meeting at seven, so I’ll grab something to eat out.” She jumped slightly at a small thump coming from upstairs, and knew that it had to be Marcus moving about. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and tried to calm the butterflies that had taken flight in her belly. “But, thank you. I…um…I’d better get going. I’ll see you later.” With that, she turned and practically ran through the door, not seeing the huge grin that came to Brianna’s face.

  Marcus went to the mini fridge and grabbed a bag of blood, not even bothering to grab a glass. He extended his fangs and pierced the bag, drinking the contents down quickly. He had tried to rest, but after a few hours of tossing and turning, had finally given up. Thoughts of Elizabeth Chase filled his head–not to mention the nagging question as to why he couldn’t compel her.

  He paced the room but stopped when he heard her moving around her room. He listened as the shower turned on, and tried with everything that he had not to picture her standing underneath the spray of water, her amazing body slick with soap.

  “Christ,” he mumbled, forcing himself to banish the thought from his head. Just what in the hell was it about this woman that he just couldn’t get out of his mind? She was a mortal for God’s sake! And that just meant trouble in his world. He ran his hands across his eyes as he walked over to the trashcan and dumped the empty bag in. He really needed to get a grip. He had more important things to think about than the comely brunette in the next room. He waited until he heard her descend the stairs and tell Bri that she was going out to explore the city before throwing on his jeans and heading downstairs himself.

  Brianna was sprawled back out on the couch when he walked into the room. She set her book down and graced him with a smile. “Heading out?” she laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Freaking funny,” he grumbled, before seating himself in the chair opposite of where she lay.

  “My, my,” she cooed. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the coffin this morning.”

  Marcus shot her a scowl, his eyes narrowing slightly, which only caused her to burst out into laughter once again.

  “What’s got you so wound up?” she asked finally, eyeing him up and down a moment.

  “Nothing,” he replied darkly, and then finally, after a long silence he sighed heavily. “Everything.”

  Brianna sat up and watched him, her face growing serious. “What is it, Marcus?”

  Marcus shook his head, groaning raggedly as he did. “It’s not just one thing,” he explained quietly. “It’s…shit! It’s the fact that we are getting nowhere in finding out just who in the hell this Vamp is. It’s the fact that now we have to deal with the little tidbit that the asshole has a female with him. It’s, that I miss my family, and…” he stopped abruptly, shaking his head once again. “It’s just everything.”

  Brianna leaned forward and caught his gaze, her expression thoughtful. “And…it’s Elizabeth Chase?” she asked.

  Marcus shook his head in denial, then groaned and dropped his eyes. “Yes…and it’s Elizabeth Chase,” he admitted quietly. “I can’t seem to get her out of my head.”

  “I know you are freaking out because you can’t do your thing on her,” she sighed. “But, how about just relaxing a little bit, and let things take their own course. We will find out who Gomez and Morticia are,” she said smiling, and Marcus had to chuckle at the nicknames she had given the pair, and looked back up into her eyes, taking extreme comfort in the fact that she was his friend. “And…as for Miss Chase,” she went on with a slight lift of her brow, “Just take a chill pill, and see where things lead you.”

  “She’s a mortal.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she laughed with a flick of her wrist. “I’m not telling you to marry the woman for God’s sake! Just ease off on the ‘Marcus has to worry about everything all the damn time.’ Geez!” She huffed. “I mean, really. You need to lighten up just a little, please. You can’t worry about everything all the time. Your head will explode!”

  “I just do not have time for distractions right now,” he countered, and scowled when she burst out laughing, ending with a resounding snort that did nothing to ease his growing irritation at her blasé attitude. Christ! What a freaking roller coaster ride his life was becoming.

  Elizabeth grabbed a coffee and strolled through the French Quarter, absolutely enchanted by the city before her. She loved everything about it; the architecture, the people, it was as if she had stepped into a completely different world. A world where there was no past. She felt curiously free here.

  She grabbed her cell phone and checked to see if Angeline Baxter had sent her a message and sighed wearily when she saw there was nothing. Damn, she hoped that she hadn’t changed her mind. Women in these situations often did, and Liz hated to think of another victim staying with her abuser. Oh, please, she silently prayed, don’t let her have chickened out!

  She tossed her cell back into her purse and continued walking, hoping that the sinking feeling in her gut was wrong. Deciding that there was still plenty of time for Angie to text her with a meeting place, she found a small café and went to grab lunch.

  Elizabeth ordered and once again retrieved her cell, thinking that she had better call and check in with Catherine, her liaison. Her friend answered on the second ring, her tone light and airy and Liz couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips.

  Catherine Phelps had been t
he first person from the network that Liz had gone to when she had finally left the hospital. Paige Monroe, the nurse who had convinced Liz that she could get away and have a life, had set it all up for her, and she and Catherine had formed an instant bond. Liz adored the strong, vibrant blond. She had left a husband that had abused her to the point of almost killing her and had spent the following eight years forming the network to help others out of similar situations.

  She had convinced Liz to stay on and help, and since she hadn’t had anyone to go to, Liz had readily agreed–and had never regretted her decision.

  “Lizzy,” she answered. “I was beginning to worry.”

  “Sorry,” Liz replied on a sigh, inwardly cringing at her friend’s use of Lizzy. It was bad enough that she had had to change her name to begin with–but Catherine insisted on referring to her by a name that instantly brought thoughts of an axe murderer to mind. She shook her head with a smile, knowing that Catherine was the only person on this earth that she would allow to get away with it. “My plane was late, and by the time I got settled in, I was exhausted,” she explained hastily, nodding at the waitress in thanks when she set her shrimp and grits down in front of her. Liz’s stomach rumbled slightly as the wonderful aroma wafted up, and she tried to concentrate on the matters at hand.

  “I figured as much,” she heard Catherine say. “Have you heard from your charge?” she asked.

  “No, nothing yet,” Liz checked her watch and saw that it was just a little before three, “But, there’s still time.”

  Catherine sighed into the phone. “Yes, I suppose. I just hope that she hasn’t changed her mind…or worse.”

  Liz had been thinking the same thing. In these situations, there were just so many different scenarios. Yes, she could have changed her mind, or she could be in the hospital…or worse. Liz shivered at the thought. Abusive men were like ticking time bombs–you just never knew when that explosion was going to come.