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Marcus' Mortal Embrace (Book 3) (The Supernatural Desire Series), Page 3

Darlene Kuncytes

  “The eggs,” she gasped, when she saw the smoke billowing up from behind him, and he seemed to snap out of the daze–or whatever the hell he had been in.

  “Shit!” he growled, and grabbed the pan from the burner. He studied the contents with a slight scowl. “I’ll make you more,” he murmured distractedly. “These are a little overdone.”

  Liz stood, and walked over to stand behind him, gazing over his shoulder. “No, really, those are just fine,” she said with a nervous laugh. Lord knew she had eaten worse, and with the way that he had looked at her, she wanted nothing more than to retreat back to the safety of her room as quickly as possible. She suddenly felt as if she had sprouted horns and a tail or something.

  Marcus turned to look at her, and as he did, his arm brushed against her breast, causing a sudden wave of sensation to ripple through him. What the fuck?

  Their eyes locked and a flare of heat flushed her cheeks once again, her iris’s dilating enough to make her eyes appear almost black, with just a hint of that beautiful blue around the edge. She opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, but the toast popping up caused them both to jump slightly. She cleared her throat and stepped away from him and over to the toaster.

  Marcus watched as she reached up and began searching for a plate, and couldn’t help but notice her perfect behind and long shapely legs. Good God! Just what in the hell was going on here? He took a deep breath, trying to figure out if she could possibly be a supernatural, but all he could detect was human. Damn it! Why couldn’t he compel her? And…why did he feel like he was standing on a freaking live wire when she was near?

  Liz found the plates and grabbed the toast, hastily buttering it, and handing it to Marcus. She graced him with a nervous smile as he scooped the eggs onto her plate and handed it back before going over to the table. She was feeling edgy all of a sudden and wanted nothing more than to eat, thank him for his trouble, and go hide under her covers. There was something about this man that had her emotions in turmoil, and she knew that her best defense was to turn tail and run.

  He poured her a mug of coffee and set it down in front of her, still studying her intently. Satan’s shoelaces, she inwardly groaned, just what in the hell was wrong? Did she have something on her face? Eye crusties? She hastily ran the back of her hand over her cheeks as she concentrated on trying to eat the food that he had so kindly made for her, but she was suddenly feeling queasy.

  “Sugar?” he asked, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “What?” she croaked, feeling a bead of sweat break out on her brow and swiping it away. Oh God! Here it comes! She closed her eyes and willed the panic away. Please, oh please…not now.

  “Would you like sugar in your coffee?”

  Liz let out the breath that she had been holding as she let the smooth, silky tone of his voice wash over her. For some reason she couldn’t even begin to understand–his voice seemed to sooth her. She had never experienced anything like it before. It was as if his very presence was a warm, soothing balm. Oh so not what she needed!

  “Um…no, black is good.” She opened her eyes to find him sitting across from her, his perfect mouth set in a gentle smile. “Aren’t you having anything?” she asked, and he shook his head slightly.

  “I ate earlier,” he explained, his eyes skimming over her face.

  Liz forced herself to scoop up a forkful of eggs and put them in her mouth, praying that she wouldn’t choke on them or do something equally as embarrassing. Surprisingly, they went down without any trouble and her appetite came back with a vengeance. She nibbled on a piece of toast and chanced a glance at the man sitting across from her.

  He is movie star good looking she thought with a nervous smile. His strong jaw and perfect nose complimented the warm, chocolate brown of his eyes, and his hair had that tousled look that only enhanced his perfect features, and was completely natural. No, this man had that born sexiness about him. His broad chest and muscular arms strained against the t-shirt that he wore in a way that caused heat to crawl up her body, and she diverted her gaze back down to her plate, not wanting to ogle him. The man was a stranger for God’s sake–and huge!

  “So, what does relocating people entail?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over that massive chest of his.

  Liz watched him a moment, wondering how in the hell a man so large could be so damn graceful. She was a walking, talking accident waiting to happen, and this linebacker moved with the grace of a dancer. Geez! There was irony for you.

  She took another bite of her eggs, and gave him a smile. “I help them to find housing and such,” she murmured, hating the fact that she was lying to him for some strange reason, and decided to keep her answers as simple as possible. This man was affecting her in ways that she would much rather not have to deal with at the moment.

  She shook the thought off and took a gulp of her coffee, burning her throat in the process. “Ouch!” she gasped, and in an instant, Marcus was at her side, pulling her from her chair and over to the sink. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, holding it up to her lips.

  “Here, Sweetheart, drink this.”

  Liz did as he asked and swallowed the cold water quickly, her eyes locking with his as she did. Trying hard to ignore the way the endearment had passed his lips and the way his gaze held hers. Dear God, the warmth in those chocolate brown depths was mesmerizing, and she was suddenly aware of his arm around her waist and felt that annoying little shiver run up her spine once again.

  “Better?” he asked as he returned her gaze, and Liz felt her knees beginning to shake. She cleared her throat and quickly stepped back over to the table, plopping down in the chair before she fell. She took a deep breath and picked up her fork, noticing with a healthy grimace that her hand shook.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Marcus sat back down across from her and watched this lovely creature closely–completely enthralled by this woman. He knew that it would serve him best just to make his excuses and leave, but he found that for whatever reason, he just couldn’t. This lovely mortal was a puzzle that he seemed compelled to figure out. His brows furrowed at the thought. That one nagging thought creeping back into his brain; just why in the hell couldn’t he compel her?

  “Are you sure you don’t want some?” he heard her ask, and he found his lips lifting up into a grin with a will of their own.

  “Positive,” he replied softly, his eyes locking at her mouth as she brought another forkful of eggs to her lips. She chewed quickly and took another bite, and Marcus couldn’t help but smile at her nervousness. She was absolutely adorable.

  “They’re very good,” she murmured.

  “Thank you, even though I’m not quite sure that I believe that,” he replied, loving the husky tone of her voice. It was smooth and sensual and he found himself wanting to listen to it for hours. Christ, he really needed to get laid! Just what in the hell was the matter with him?

  “So, um…do you…do you live in New Orleans?” she asked, her eyes flitting around the room a moment before landing back to his as if they had a will of their own.

  “No,” he replied, staring at the perfect bow shape of her mouth. “I’m here for business.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, not wanting to pry. Lord knew she hadn’t been completely honest with him, so why should he divulge any information to her? She shoved another mouthful of eggs past her lips and chewed quickly, deciding that it was time to call it a night–no matter how much her entire being fought against it. Liz took another sip of coffee, making sure not to gulp it again, and gave him a nervous smile. She lifted the last bit of egg to her mouth and stood, taking her plate to the sink. She turned the water on and rinsed it. When she turned to place the dish in the dishwasher, she slammed into Marcus–who had silently moved up behind her–her empty coffee mug in his hand.

  Liz felt a strange electrical current rush through her as their bodies made contact and felt her damn face heating immediately. “Oh, I
…I’m sorry,” she stammered, trying to break the contact, but Marcus didn’t budge; he only stared down at her, an odd expression on his strong, masculine face. Oh, geez, he was yummy!

  After what seemed like an eternity to Liz, he cleared his throat and took a step back, his expression troubled.

  “Thank you again for breakfast,” she finally whispered, hating the fact that her voice came out a pitiful, throaty, croak. She was stronger than this damn it! Why she was letting this man affect her the way that he was, was totally beyond her. She stiffened her spine and forced a smile to her lips, garnering what little resolve she had left. “It was very kind of you, Marcus. Good night.” With that, she turned and fled the kitchen on knees that trembled slightly, leaving a very brooding Marcus in her wake.

  Chapter Four

  Brianna silently closed the door to her room and let out a little squeal when she turned to find Marcus sitting in the chair by the fireplace, his mouth set into a tight line.

  “Holy shit, Marcus! What in the hell is wrong with you? Don’t scare me like that!” She walked over to the bed and plopped down, kicking off her boots as she studied him warily. “So, do tell. What’s got your panties in a twist?” Brianna asked finally, eyeing him up and down.

  “The human,” he replied darkly.

  “Oh, so the two of you met then?” she questioned, her mouth turning up at the corners in what could only be described as a thoroughly, smug grin. “She really is a sweetheart, isn’t she? And, really quite pretty,” Bri burst out laughing a moment later when she noticed his expression only darken into a deep, brooding scowl, his perfect brow creased in irritation. God, this was fun!

  “I can’t compel her,” he stated quietly, his eyes boring into hers. “Did you do some of your freaky hocus pocus on her?”

  Brianna snorted, flicking her hand at him as if he were insane, her eyes gleaming brightly. “What on earth would I do?” she chortled. “I mean… really, Marcus. Why would I? Geez, Bat-Boy, you really need to lighten up! Stop being so darned paranoid. Who knows why you can’t do your vampy mumbo jumbo thing on her.”

  Marcus stood and walked over to her, his scowl unwavering. “Is she paranormal?” he asked, the muscle in his jaw twitching vigorously as he gazed down at her.

  “I’d have to say…no,” she offered with a shrug. “Maybe,” she mused with a chuckle, “she just isn’t susceptible to your infamous charms.” Again, she burst out laughing and stood up. She patted his shoulder quickly before she stepped around him, heading towards her bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower and wash this grime off of me. I swear, I’m just not the woodsy kind of girl…at all,” she grumbled. “I don’t know why they insist on having these celebrations outside. They need to start booking a room at the Marriott or something. Networking totally sucks.” She suddenly stopped and turned back toward him, her eyes wide. “Oh, my God! I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell you. I found out that the vampire we’re looking for has another Vamp with him–a female.”

  Marcus walked over to her, his body tensing. “So, he is gaining followers,” he said, his hands curling into tight fists at his sides. Desmond would not be happy.

  “I’m not sure,” she replied, looking thoughtfully up into his face. “But, from what I was told, the two of them have been traveling together for quite a while.”

  “Did you find out his name?”

  Brianna shook her head. “No. From what they would tell me, he has always kept his identity on the down low. He makes sure to keep under everyone’s radar, and they never stay in one place for long. Word is they are vicious sociopaths that regard humans as nothing more than cattle.”

  Marcus nodded stiffly, his expression growing more troubled. This was just getting worse and worse. “I’d better call Des,” he finally murmured, his brows furrowing even more as he turned and headed for his room. Brianna watched him leave, a tired sigh passing her lips. Yes, she was glad that Marcus had run into Elizabeth, but the fact that they now had two nasty Vamps running around the city was just a complete buzz-kill. She shook her head and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  “Des,” Marcus breathed in relief when his brother finally picked up his cell, “We may have a problem.”

  “I’m listening,” Desmond replied quietly.

  “It seems our Bloodsucker is traveling with a companion,” he offered, his voice tight. “Another vampire …a woman.”

  There was silence on the other end of the line for a long, tense moment before Desmond finally spoke, and Marcus could hear the anger in his brother’s voice. “That is not what I wanted to hear,” he finally said, and Marcus rubbed a hand across his eyes.

  They both knew that a female vampire could be extremely dangerous. Females of their kind could easily woo Demons and Witches to do their bidding without even trying. They possessed a highly charged sexual chemistry that most Supernaturals were hard pressed to resist. No, Marcus thought with a shake of his head–this was not good news at all.

  “Do we have any idea as to who they are?” he heard Desmond ask.

  “No, not yet. But, I intend to find out.”

  “I’m sorry about this Marcus,” Desmond apologized, suddenly sounding bone weary. “Believe me, I would much rather have you here with us.”

  “Don’t sweat it, brother,” Marcus assured him with a sad chuckle. “There are worse things. Besides, Brianna is spoiling me rotten.” His brows creased slightly as the image of blue eyes popped into his head and he swallowed the slight lump that had wedged itself in his throat. “Des, I need to ask you something.”

  “Of course.”

  Marcus hesitated a moment, not wanting Desmond to think him insane, but he had to know. “Have you…have you ever been unable to compel a human?”

  “No,” Desmond replied instantly, and Marcus knew that he had piqued his brother’s interest.

  Marcus sighed, shaking his head. Shit! He was really hoping that his brother had come across this before and could possibly shed some light as to why he couldn’t compel the beautiful, fascinating, Elizabeth Chase. This just didn’t make any sense at all. Damn it to hell!

  “Why do you ask?” he heard Desmond ask, breaking into his silent musings.

  “There’s a woman staying here,” he began, suddenly feeling like a complete and total ass, “a mortal. But, I can’t seem to compel her.”

  “Are you certain that she isn’t supernatural?”

  “I don’t pick up that she is,” he replied, running his fingers through his thick hair. “And, Brianna doesn’t believe so either, but I’ve tried and tried and…nothing. Not a damn thing. She just looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind.” And maybe I have, he silently finished.

  Desmond was quiet for a long, agonizing moment; finally, he spoke, his tone low and thoughtful, “That is interesting. I will do some checking and see what I can find.”

  “I appreciate that, Des. With everything else that’s going on at the moment, this is just another speed bump that we really don’t need.”

  “Agreed,” his brother replied, suddenly sounding very distracted, and Marcus knew that the wheels were already turning. Desmond didn’t like loose ends or unanswered questions, and the news that a female vampire was now in the picture, on top of Marcus’s little problem, would put his brother’s mind into overdrive. “I’ll call you if I find anything at all.”

  “Thanks, Des,” Marcus whispered, feeling as if he was once again laying the weight of the world upon his brother’s shoulders–and he hated it. He shook off the thought. “How’s Abby?” he asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

  His brother laughed, rich and deep. “Ornery as ever,” he replied, although his tone oozed with affection. “She keeps insisting that I am coddling her, and fights me at every turn.”

  Marcus burst out laughing. He knew better than anyone how protective his brother was of his mate, and now that she was pregnant–well, that just threw his need to ensure her comfort and safety into high gear. Desmond LaGrange was a forc
e to be reckoned with, but when it came to the beautiful Fey–she had his brother wrapped around her little finger and running around in circles.

  “She and Katrina are tending the garden,” Desmond continued, chuckling softly. “Between Abby and her flowers, and Katrina with her damn witchy herbs, we have a blasted botanical utopia happening outside.They start every morning at the crack of dawn.”

  “Please, give everyone my love,” Marcus replied quietly, realizing with a start just how much he actually missed his family. They were all close, and the fact that he hadn’t seen any of them in almost four months was becoming difficult. Luke and Kat were newly mated and also expecting and he hadn’t even seen them in person to congratulate them yet. He missed his brother and their friends, but knew that there were more important things to attend to at the moment. His brother and best friend’s mates were carrying children that would change the supernatural realm forever–and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to protect them–even if it cost him his very existence. He ended the call and sighed, hoping that some rest would make him feel better.

  Desmond set his phone down and walked over to the window, looking out over the grounds. He spotted Abby and Katrina planting more flowers and shook his head. Abby looked up and met his gaze, her beautiful emerald eyes sparkling with her smile–but the smile slid from her lips a second later as she felt her mate’s worry.

  He watched as she stood and headed for the house, it was only a moment later that she glided through the door of their bedroom.

  “Has something happened?” she inquired softly, the warm, husky tone of her voice like a soothing balm to his soul–and Desmond once again thanked the powers that be for bringing her into his life. She was everything to him, and his love for her only increased with each moment that they spent together.

  He pulled her into his arms and against his chest, resting his head on tops of hers. He held her tightly a moment, breathing in the scent that was pure Abby–all honey and lavender. Christ, he loved this woman.