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School's in Session, Page 3

Various Authors

  How long had it been since she’d had good sex? Any sex at all, let alone something memorable? If you have to think about it, it’s been too long.

  It had been too damn long as far as she was concerned. Griff was younger, but he was far from an innocent and he’d been the aggressor, hard is it was for her to believe.

  She tamped down her doubts, which seemed to fade with every touch and lick from Griff, and threw caution to the wind.

  Griff knelt between her legs rubbing his thumbs up and down the insides of her thighs. Quivers racked her body and her legs bounced gently against the mattress. Unrelenting, he stroked higher and touched the edge of her panties, then moved back to her thigh. The next time he teased about an inch inside her lingerie and then back. The third time he came close she clamped her legs around his hand. “Please don’t stop,” she begged, reaching for the waistband of her panties and tugging them downward.

  “Oh no, Missy. That’s my job.” He gave a tug to her panties and they tore away easily. “I’m in charge here. Your job is to enjoy.”

  “And if I don’t?” She wiggled her hips against him and wondered at her own sauciness.

  He tweaked her clit. “I will have to find you in contempt.”

  The nerve endings in her pussy were on heightened alert, but the added pressure on her clit sent everything into sensation overdrive.

  “Oh…oh,” she said, then covered her mouth.

  Griff pulled her hand away, kissed her lips then probed her mouth with his tongue. He pulled back and looked directly into her eyes. “There will be no stifling yourself. Do I make myself clear?”

  His finger found the nub of her clit again and pinched it until she rolled her head from side to side panting, “Yes, oh god yes”.

  “That’s my girl.” His warm breath in her ear sent more shivers through her body. Was there any nerve ending left that wasn’t on the verge of combustion?

  His lips moved down the length of her body pleasuring first one taut nipple and then the other before moving slowly to lay a trail of kisses from her navel to the edge of the curls of her mound. All the while his fingers continued to explore the depths of her pussy. With an expertise born of vast experience, he slipped his hand behind her and unhooked her bra while still using the other hand to churn the juices of her sex.

  Where her bra went she neither knew nor cared. His mouth covered one aching tit and she arched her body closer to his pleasuring mouth.

  Chapter Three

  He rolled his tongue around her thick nipple, pulling and teasing until it swelled against his mouth. He pulled back slightly and used his teeth to add pressure around the sensitized bud. From the corner of his eye, he saw her grip the sheets in her fist. He nipped a bit harder. “Oh god,” she groaned. “It feels so good.” He moved to the other breast and gave it the same attention. She let go of the sheet and grasped his shoulders with both hands.

  She had an impressive grip. “You don’t need to hold on so tight, sweet Ali,” he said against the curve of her breast. “I have no intentions of leaving this room for hours and hours.”

  She dropped her hands to her sides. “Oh my god,” she said. “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  He paused in his attentions to her tits. “This is meant to be fun, Ali. If you say ‘I’m sorry’ one more time, I’m going to give you something to be sorry about.” He reached below and gave her bottom a meaningful squeeze. “That flogger is just the thing to teach you to quit doubting yourself.”

  She blushed and looked away from his gaze.

  “Look at me, Ali.” She turned her eyes back to him. “All I’m asking you to do,” he said, “is to relax and enjoy our time together. Is that so horrible?”

  “No,” she said. “It’s not horrible at all. I’m so—” she stopped herself then met his eyes. “I guess I do say that a lot.”

  “Not with me, Ali. No regrets.” He held her gaze.

  “No regrets.” With a saucy grin, she held out her hand. “Shake on it?”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her into his arms, buried one hand in the hair at the nape of her neck and growled “Oh, you’ll be shaking alright. I can promise you that,” he growled, before he ravaged her mouth to seal the deal.

  When the kiss ended, her eyes were bright and her lips swollen. “Shall we proceed, Ms. Stewart?”

  “Yes, please,” she said and to his surprise, she pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top.

  He quickly reversed their positions. “Oh no, Ali, this time is all for you.”

  He propped her against the headboard and spread her legs wide, her glistening pussy beckoning him closer.

  He’d never dreamed she’d be so responsive. Each time he touched her clit she shivered and quaked and moaned. He wanted to push her all the way to an explosive climax and then do it all over again. And again.

  Griff prided himself on being a considerate lover, but to be honest, he’d mostly done things for women just to be polite. With Ali, something completely different happened and he could only focus on her. Watch her face for her responses. Hope she enjoyed herself.

  The raging hard on threatening to burst his briefs wasn’t completely forgotten, but at the moment, he simply couldn’t get enough of her. She was so different, so womanly with her curves and laugh lines. Even the hints of long faded stretch marks feathering over her stomach turned him on.

  This was a woman who had lived a full life. Now he wanted to make sure her sex life was full as well.

  He lowered his face and kissed along her inner thigh. When his lips reached her apex and began to suckle the swollen lips of her pussy, she let loose a guttural moan, then clamped a hand over her mouth.

  Reluctantly he paused in his ministrations to her sweet pussy, reached into his nightstand for a soft scarf and tied her hands together.

  Ali’s eyes grew wide and questioning.

  “Eagle Scout,” he said, and held her gaze with his. “I realize I don’t know you that well, or as well as I plan to, but you are clearly someone who has put her own needs on the back burner for many years. When you’re with me, your needs, in bed and out, come first. I want to discover the woman who has been buried behind duty and obligation.”

  “I don’t know how to do that,” she whispered. The dejected look in her eyes panged his heart.

  “Well,” he leaned forward and kissed her, “it looks like there might be a few things I can teach you, like how to accept pleasure as your due.” He retrieved a bottle of warming massage oil from his nightstand. “Yes, I believe we need to start all over with you only being able to receive. What do you think of that?”

  “But what about your, um” her eyes slanted to his groin and she blushed, “you know, your needs?”

  He rubbed a goodly amount of oil between his palms. “Trust me, we will both have our needs met. But you have to trust me. Do you trust me, Ali?”

  The long pause that followed his question sent his heart to his toes. What if she said no? Obviously, if she didn’t trust him, they needed to end this right now, but the idea of stopping now, or frankly any time in the foreseeable future, was unthinkable.

  It wasn’t just the sex. He could get all that he wanted. Not to be arrogant about it, there were plenty of women ready, willing and able to satisfy his needs without any commitment. He was a card carrying member of the hook up generation.

  But Ali wasn’t. And he didn’t want to be any more either.

  For a flickering instant Griff’s natural confidence faded, to be replaced by what could only be nervousness. He actually cared about whether she trusted him. It clearly meant a great deal to him. A flip answer popped into her head, but his serious look kept her from being irreverent.

  Did she trust him?

  She barely knew him, yet her gut told her he was trustworthy.

  The brightly colored scarf around her wrists caught her attention. Maybe the real question was whether or not she trusted herself. Her sexuality had never been a priority, how could it have been whe
n there were two children and a husband’s legal career to foster and support? Not to mention the big house, the country club membership, soccer practice.

  No, there had been no time for her in any regard and she had not been a priority to anyone else either.

  Until now.

  She glanced down at her naked body, her bound hands and then up at the handsome, incredibly sexy man who wanted nothing more than to teach her about pleasure.

  “Yes,” she said, surprised at the forcefulness behind her voice. “I do trust you.”

  A delighted grin spread over his face and she smiled in return.

  “Good girl.” His praise warmed her heart. “Now lay back and relax.”

  Starting with her ankles, he applied the warming oil to her body, working in slow circles all the way up her calves and then her thighs. She studied his face, the square jaw, full lips and piercing eyes, and marveled that a man who could have his pick of so many women wanted to be with her.

  She leaned back and reveled in his touch.

  He tugged at the scarf binding her wrists and the knot opened easily. Once her hands were free she buried them in the thick curls of his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. He straddled her hips with his knees and kissed her deeply all the while massaging her breasts with the warming oil. She could not distinguish whether the heat coursing through her body was the result of his kisses and hands or the warming oil. Regardless of the source, passion and longing burned within her and she arched her pelvis toward him.

  She slid her hands down the hard muscles of his back and slipped her fingers into the waistband of his briefs, then slid them down, her hands skimming across the smooth curve of his ass. Griff maneuvered and soon he was naked. Her hands found his cock.

  She sighed deeply at the feel of his thick rod in her palms. “Oh, Ali,” Griff moaned against her lips before kissing her.

  Griff’s hands found her mound and stroked her curls, then moved lower to once again probe her sex.

  “Are you ready for me, Ali?” Griff’s eyes were dark with passion and his voice husked with emotion.

  “Yes.” She clasped his buttocks and squeezed. “Oh yes.”

  Griff raised himself above her then slid the full length of his cock into her. She moaned with pleasure and wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him as close as possible.

  The two of them moved together with Griff pumping into her harder and harder until they both came in a burst.

  Several hours later Ali woke with a start. Where was she? Her eyes adjusted to the dim light and perused the room for some clue. Was that her bra flung into the corner?

  A strong arm around her waist pulled her against a muscled body.


  Memories, sensations and flashes of sheer eroticism flashed through her mind.

  What had she done? What had he done?

  What had he done to her? She knew the answer to that one and it made her blush.

  She glanced beneath the covers. Naked. Both of them. God he was gorgeous. Usually his sharp eyes and keen sense of humor were at the forefront, but in sleep she studied his relaxed face. Stubble dotted his jaw. She marveled at the muscles of his torso. If he wasn’t destined for a brilliant legal career, he could easily be a model.

  She peeked a bit further south at his cock. Even in sleep it was impressive and she squirmed remembering the way it had filled her. Pounded into her. Made her scream out.

  It had been spectacular. The sort of thing she’d only read about and never believed actually happened in real life, and if it did, not to women like her.

  This was insanity.

  She carefully lifted Griff’s arm from around her waist and slid out of the large bed. Padding around the room, she gathered up her clothes, including the bra in the corner. The search for her panties halted when she recalled Griff tearing them from her.

  The doorknob was cold against her palm and she gave it a slow turn, hoping to exit silently.

  No such luck.

  The light flicked on. “Are you going somewhere, Ali?”

  Hugging her possessions to her stomach and trying to use them to cover her nudity, she slowly turned toward Griff’s voice.

  “I..uh…thought I …um, ought to, you know, leave.”

  Griff propped himself against the headboard, the sheet barely covering his lower half. The sight of his perfectly formed pecs and six pack along with knowing what lie beneath the sheet quickened her pulse.

  He folded his arms across his chest, tilted his head to the right, and said, “But we aren’t finished.”

  Finished? Oh, what had she gotten herself into?

  “I’m sorry, G-griff. But, I, uh, need to go.”

  “What did I tell you about saying you’re sorry?”

  “Oh, I’m so—” She clamped both hands over her mouth before she finished the sentence, but they both knew what she was about to say.

  Griff shook his head from side to side and tsked. “Time to get the flogger.”

  “Wha—?” she said against the palms of her hands.

  Griff continued to shake his head in mock dismay. “And covering your mouth to stifle your words. My my, you are in a heap of trouble, Ms. Stewart.”

  His tone was playful but also sexily serious. She should put on her clothes, what remained of them, and head home where everything was safe and predictable.

  But when he held his hand out to her, instead of exiting, she moved away from the door and toward the bed, placing her shaking fingers in his warm ones. Griff dispatched the bundle of clothes she held in her other hand then gave her a tug. Rather than being pulled to him for a kiss, Ali found herself upended over his lap.

  Naked. Across his lap. With her butt in the air. His hand glided across the quivering flesh of her thighs and the cheeks of her ass. “Oh, Ali, you have been a naughty girl. Do you know what happens to naughty girls?”

  She shook her head from side to side.


  His hand landed with a resounding sting in the center of her butt. “You need to answer out loud, Ms. Stewart.”

  “I don’t know what happens to naughty girls,” she said, her face buried in the covers.

  “Naughty girls get spanked.” He demonstrated by landing a flurry of swats across both cheeks in alternating spanks that left her wiggling and certain her skin was red and chafed.

  She kicked her feet and tried to get away, but the same strong arm which had pulled her to him in sleep did the same again but in a slightly different position and for punishment rather than spooning. His cock, barely covered by the thin sheet, pressed against her belly. “Have you ever been spanked before, Ali?”

  “Of course not!”

  He tsked. “Hasn’t anyone cared enough to correct your naughty behavior?”

  “No,” she said, confused. Should she want someone to correct her naughty behavior? When had she ever been naughty? Really naughty? No, Ali Stewart never misbehaved.

  Based on the tingle spreading from her heated cheeks to her pussy, she wondered if maybe she’d made a mistake by not being more naughty before now. She tested the waters.

  “My behavior doesn’t need to be corrected,” she said, with a defiant wiggle of her bottom.

  Griff landed a swat at the juncture of her buttocks and thighs that sent her forward across his lap a few inches. With each impact, she could feel his cock getting harder which fired her own libido as well. “I believe I am the one who will determine whether or not you need to be corrected. Aren’t I, Ali?”

  Instinctively, she consented. “Yes.” Then she reared back in surprise at what she’d just said. Is that what she meant? Did she really want to give him that authority?

  His fingers danced along the heated orbs of her fanny. “That’s my good girl,” he said and with his words and touch, Ali knew she would follow him wherever he led. He leaned down and kissed the back of her neck while he ran his finger down the crevice of her ass and into her pussy. With a wiggle, she spread her legs to accommodate his probin

  “Oh no, you don’t.” His pleasuring hand moved from her pussy and slapped her ass with a tingly whap on top of her heated skin. “You sure have a hard time remembering that I’m in charge here.”

  “I’m sorry.” The words left her mouth and she froze in place. She’d done it again.

  Three swats in rapid succession had her bouncing over Griff’s knees. Now she really was sorry she’d said she was sorry.

  “Looks like you need a little corner time to think about why you are always saying you’re sorry. A strong confident woman apologizes when necessary, but not all the time.” Griff gave her backside a swat then helped her to stand up.

  Her movements over his lap displaced the sheet. As she stood next to the bed, her eyes were focused on his hard cock. Her lips dried and she ran her tongue over them.

  “We’ll get to the cock sucking later, little Ali. For now, you need to do some thinking.” He turned her away from him and directed her to the corner by the door.

  She obeyed.

  “Nose to the wall, Ms. Stewart. Hands behind your back.”

  It was like being in the army. She complied like an eager private.

  Eyes closed, she focused on calming her breathing. Why did she always apologize, even if she had nothing to do with whatever it was that someone complained about? Someone groused about the rain. Her reply ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ Did she honestly think she controlled the weather?

  She could not tell how much time had passed, but her nose stayed stuck to the wall. Movements behind her piqued her curiosity but she did not turn and look.

  “Do you know why you are being punished, Ms. Allison Stewart?”

  His tone, the use of her full name, standing naked in the corner with her backside on display. Her heart thudded a cadence in her chest.

  She had no idea what to expect and even less idea of how to explain why she was even at his apartment in the first place. But damn it, she was a woman in her prime, at least that’s what all the magazines told her, and she was tired of sitting on the sidelines.