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Underground Murmurs (Akira and Deane Thriller Series Book 2), Page 3

Tim Jopling

  Burton rubbed his bloodshot eyes and looked at the screen one more time as he sat back in his office at MI6. It seemed impossible to take in. Not because of his aching head but because it was the first link to the location of all that he wanted. Kate and Oscar, the family he had lost and was determined to recover. He looked around his office and made sure there weren’t any unwelcome visitors, then checked the screen again. His heart skipped a beat at the statement on the screen and a rush of adrenaline flowed through. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of searching, he had found Kate and Oscar and would soon join them, to be a family once again.

  Burton’s hand moved the mouse at lightning speed and found the address of the Villa in La Manga, Spain. The registered owner appeared in the appropriate box and Burton didn’t recognise the name straight away. Memories came and went in his mind, until finally he remembered a holiday in Italy a few years before. They had accompanied Kate’s sister and her husband and met another couple that had been so friendly. Not that Burton had enjoyed himself, endless evening’s talking about nothing were the dominant memory and he had found himself longing to be at the bar. Focussing back on the screen, the names displayed matched the faces he remembered and put the two together. It was only a payment on an old credit card of his wife’s that had caught Burton’s attention. Initially he was wary as the card had been dormant for months but there could be no mistake now.

  Burton put a hand to his face and rubbed the sweat from his forehead. The thought of seeing his wife and son again made him quiver. In his mind and his heart, he was hell bent on the reunion being the fairytale he knew it would be. At the same time, he hoped it would be the ticket to a new life in the sun, away from satellite reports, agent’s recommendations and taking orders from others.

  For a moment, another voice could be heard in his mind, one that was far from happy or comforting. It was raising doubts about whether Kate would indeed be happy to see him, let alone welcome him back into her life. Why wouldn’t she? Burton denied it at first, preferring to visualise the happy reunion but after a while it dawned on him that it could be a possibility. The last few months had been impossibly tough and the strain of losing his family so unexpectedly had almost broken him.

  As he sat at his desk, Burton couldn’t remember some of the reasons why Kate had left but was adamant there were faults on both sides. The one memory that never went away was the day he had come home and found his wife’s wedding ring on the kitchen table. The frequent nightmares were a permanent reminder and seemed to grow in pain and intensity each time they came. He closed his eyes at the hurt of losing them once and felt his chest heave under the pressure, as if a huge vice locked around him.

  The computer screen changed to a black screensaver and for the first time in almost a year, the fog lifted and he saw his reflection show what he had become. Burton narrowed his eyes in disbelief and noticed the crow’s feet around them. He fumbled in the bottom drawer of his desk for a photo and found it buried in a file. Looking at the glossy image and then back to the reflection, he struggled to recognise himself. In the photo he looked energised, keen and youthful as he accepted his award for excellence. What saddened Burton even more was that he couldn’t even remember why he was being honoured. Staring back at him on the computer screen was a haggard and tired looking man, beaten by life and completely devoid of imagination and passion for even the simplest of things. But not for Kate, she’s all that matters. I’ve been finished at MI6 for a long time now.

  Burton squared his shoulders toward the image ahead of him and found some determination from deep within him. It would not happen again. He made his decision and started to look for flights on the Internet. I won’t lose them again. Kate will have been lost without me. I’ll make her see it this time, I won’t budge and I won’t let them go again. Noises outside his office made him curse to himself and eventually he got to his feet and dragged his heavy frame to the door. ‘What’s all the noise, Dawn? I’m right in the middle of something!’

  Hal Burton’s long-suffering personal assistant looked around in amazement. ‘Haven’t you heard? Drake and all his team have been murdered!’

  Burton saw the shock on her face and for the first time he noticed the same look on all the other members of staff who were crowding around several monitors. Burton quickly did a mental check and was satisfied the information he had given earlier had nothing to do with what had happened. Not once did he wonder about Drake or his team and whether he could help at all. All Burton was focussed on was his escape from MI6; time was running out.

  Kevin Ramsey, the forgotten man of MI6, stepped out of the silver Mercedes that had whisked him away from his luxurious flat in Knightsbridge just minutes before. When the impatient knocking had started on his front door, Ramsey had been engrossed in the live news feed on the attack. It hadn’t surprised him but that hadn’t helped dislodge the guilt he felt about Drake. Maybe I could have done more months ago, somehow prevented him from this. I can’t imagine how he felt near the end.

  The past six months for Ramsey had been spent with his wife and two girls, desperately trying to find a way back into the world he loved, the world where he belonged. He had spoken to the legendary Richard Elliott, himself working on a political comeback, many times and had been reassured his destiny was at the forefront of the Security Service.

  Stepping into the hallowed halls of 10 Downing Street, Ramsey was led down the main corridor towards the Prime Minister’s private office. With each step, he tried to calm himself but couldn’t push away past feelings that boiled away inside him. All of them were targeted at the Prime Minister for giving the reigns of MI6 to a man incapable and disillusioned because of the false confidence installed in him. Drake is dead and this guy will have to live with it. Inside the office, Ramsey brushed past the aide and headed straight to the desk, where the Prime Minister was seated, signing several documents. Ramsey’s tone had just enough respect to get away with his aggressive stance. ‘What am I doing here, sir?’

  The Prime Minister continued signing, at the same time giving a clear signal that he would not be intimidated. Finally, he laid down his glasses and looked up. ‘You’ve heard the news about Drake?’

  Ramsey folded his arms. ‘I heard. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised but that doesn’t mean I’m not saddened to hear that Drake and all his staff were killed in the attack. They were all good people.’ Ramsey put both of his large hands on the desk and leaned down from his great height of 6’6” to the Prime Minister’s eye level. ‘Am I to understand that there were only two cars and one Police escort? Standard procedures dictated that all official meetings would have at least five cars and-’

  The Prime Minister raised a hand, not wanting to hear anymore. ‘We agreed to change those procedures. Neither Drake nor I could have seen this coming.’

  ‘Not with the blinkered attitude you both had!’ Ramsey ran a hand over his shaven head. ‘My god, I knew everyone in those cars. The agents, the aides; everyone. All of them dead except for Wheeler and even he’s critical. What’s his condition?’

  ‘I’ve been told they’re operating right now. His neck injury is serious. It’s touch and go.’

  Ramsey silently prayed that his friend would come through another battle and survive. His mind went back to several training operations he had endured years before, all of them under the tutelage of Agent Wheeler. If he can come through this and return to MI6, at least something can be salvaged from today.

  Jacobs focussed on the man ahead of him. ‘I freely admit both Drake and I were wrong. Clearly the threat is far stronger and more deadly than we first thought. For them to attack MI6 in this way, attack our country. I’m at a loss as to what I should say.’ Rising out of his chair, he found more determination in his voice. ‘But I’m still in power and I’m going to act. I want you in charge at MI6 with progress on this attack by the end of the day.’ He took another step closer. ‘You’re the only one who can do this for me.’

  Ramsey stood
at the window and watched the patrolling Police unit outside. Images flashed by in his mind at a lightening pace; agents and friends that were long gone, others that were on the other side of the planet on assignment, all at risk and putting their lives on the line. Ramsey knew what his wife would say, she would support him but secretly wish he would just take to the suburban lifestyle and adapt. This is who I am, though I’ve been with MI6 for so many years I don’t know what else I can be. But why should I change? I’m the best at what I do! Ramsey’s powerful shoulders turned to face his country’s leader.

  The Prime Minister continued. ‘I should have listened to you months ago. Drake was not the man for the job, you were. I’ll have to live with the consequences. MI6 is yours if you want it.’

  Ramsey appreciated the big effort that was being made and had no doubts about his response. ‘I never wanted to leave MI6 in the first place, you know. It would be an honour to return and lead us through what’s ahead.’ He saw the relief on the Prime Minister’s face and continued. ‘I do have a few conditions though.’


  ‘I never agreed with any of Drake’s decisions. Our priority must be opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Thousands of innocents will be there, not to mention yourself and members of the Royal family. The consequences are huge. I know it would normally be an MI5 matter but I want MI6 involved. We can’t take any chances. I can almost guarantee that the Olympics is their main target; they would never have a better opportunity.’

  Jacobs selfishly thought of his own safety, knowing that he would have to attend the Olympics opening ceremony. ‘What else?’

  ‘I’m going to reactivate team S.U.C.O. We’re going to need our very best to stop these attacks. They’ve never let me down before and will be the crucial difference. There’s also the situation in Russia.’ Ramsey mentioned his other condition quickly, so not to dwell on reprising S.U.C.O.

  Jacobs raised his eyebrows at the mention of Russia, knowing how uncertain things were looking for the former super power.

  ‘The Russian elections are coming up this month. The amount of political unrest there is rising and Salenko is a dangerous man. If he gets in to power, everything could change for the worse. I want to send one of our best agents there to take a closer look. I could sit here and explain everything for hours but time is not on our side. There is more, sir.’

  The PM continued to listen intently, impressed at the attitude and adaptability of the man in front of him.

  Ramsey took a step forward, not breaking eye contact for a second. ‘I also want funds made available for me to bring back as many former agents as possible. Both MI5 and MI6 are down in numbers and skilled personnel and this has to change. From our records, we can both identify agents who we need back in active service. Those are my conditions.’

  The Prime Minister took it all in. He had read numerous reports on the state of Russia and was well aware of the unrest but still felt the urge for caution. He gave a supportive look to Ramsey who had been waiting patiently. ‘You have my full support Kevin there is no doubt about that. Without wanting to sound like I’m incapable of change though, I must urge you to be cautious and, more importantly, I want the Olympics opening ceremony at the top of your list.’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ A silence lingered between them until he made his way to the door and a car to take him back to MI6 for the first time in months. The changes he was determined on implicating would turn the tide, he had no doubt about it. His mind was already mapping out his response to the attack and making sure that Salenko would never become the next President of Russia.

  Jozef and Ferec sat alone in the run down flat in Kennington. Both men couldn’t stop smiling and Jozef in particular seemed so proud of himself. It had been his plan and his recruitment that had enabled them to make the first strike. He focused his attention on his friend. ‘This is only the beginning, Zoltan. MI6 are weak at the knees now; they have no resources capable of stopping us.’

  ‘What of S.U.C.O?’ Asked Ferec, who had been analysing the files laid out on the table.

  ‘They aren’t a threat anymore so disposing of them will be just a formality. We will dispatch our teams immediately to attack them, in their homes if needs be, I want them all dead. When that is done we will expose Burton to further rock MI6 and its trust and then strike at the heart of these Olympics.’

  Ferec let out a sigh of frustration, eager to chalk up more deaths on his conscience. ‘I still don’t see why I can’t be involved with the S.U.C.O. strikes, I’m the most capable of-’

  Jozef put a hand on Ferec’s shoulder. ‘I need those I can trust implicitly by my side. I have this planned out to perfection, Zoltan. I’ve co-ordinated my teams to strike at S.U.C.O. within the next half hour. Whilst that is being carried out, both you and I will lay the foundations to blow this country to hell.’

  News travelled fast and the appointment of Kevin Ramsey hadn’t been a total surprise to Burton. The discovery of his family had awakened him somewhat, and now he was thinking clearly. Ramsey will re-activate S.U.C.O. I’ll bet, he was always so supportive of them and after the attack it would make sense. He’ll be coming to me to get the files. I’ve got to stall him, at least until I’m out of here!

  Burton closed the blinds and continued to make a mess of his office. It now appeared the cleaners had not touched it in weeks. The double-crossing agent knew he had to buy some time, enough for him to escape and make it to Spain for the reunion he so desperately wanted. He sat down in his chair and began to think things over. A toothy grin appeared on his face. At the very least, he still had the money and it would be enough to make a clean break and persuade Kate to give him another chance. He looked up as a large shadow descended across the carpeted floor.

  Ramsey entered the office and struggled to recall when he had last seen one in such a mess. Papers were everywhere. He summed up Burton, who was seated and made an instant decision. First mistake he makes, I’ll fire him. He’s been on borrowed time for too long. ‘I’m sure you know what’s happened today. I’m in charge as of now and I’m reactivating S.U.C.O. immediately. I’m here for the member profiles. Now please.’

  Burton tried to stall for time. ‘I’m fine thanks for asking. So you’re reactivating S.U.C.O?’

  ‘All I want are the files, Burton.’ He outstretched his right hand. ‘Now.’

  ‘No problem, sir. As you can see though, I’m in the middle of a cleanup. I’ve no idea where the files are. Here somewhere. I’ll have Dawn bring them to you when I have them.’

  Not for the first time, Ramsey was not impressed. ‘This is an emergency. I want those files right now!’

  Burton smiled again and raised his hands as an apology. ‘I’d like to help sir but it’ll take me a while. Give me an hour at least.’

  Ramsey studied Burton, who looked increasingly uncomfortable. ‘You have ten minutes and not a second more.’ He turned away in disgust.

  Burton watched him leave and looked around his office. His mind began to think of what needed to be done before his impending departure. Start thinking Hal for Christ’s sake!

  Ramsey left the section and pulled out his mobile. A brief conversation with Records, two floors below, gave him the basic files but the in depth profiles and histories were indeed assigned to Burton and had been since the inquiry. Ramsey thought over his relationship with the man over the years. Never once had he been entirely trustworthy and now he was in a position to prove it. He decided to have Burton’s phone tapped as soon as possible.

  Back in his office, the early afternoon sunshine lit up every corner and the large mahogany desk seemed to stand out even more. On his desk was the printout from Records regarding S.U.C.O. He asked his assistant to join him as he placed the two sheets on the desk. ‘I want all S.U.C.O. agents from teams Alpha, Bravo and Charlie back here within the hour. Teams Delta and Echo were split up when they returned from the Middle East and were assigned to other individual departments and agencies; we’ll recall them
when we have more time. I’m not expecting any problems except for this one.’ He pointed at the name. ‘Olsen. Do whatever it takes to get him back. I’ll go out and see him myself if that’s what it takes.’

  Ramsey’s mind kicked into second gear and he called out after his assistant as he considered the problems in Russia. ‘One more thing, I want Deane back here as soon as possible. Don’t take any excuses from him, just get him here pronto!’

  The assistant went back to studying the contact details on the sheets in front of her.


  Team: S.U.C.O. (Special Undercover Covert Operations)



  Recent Operations: S.U.C.O. (DEACTIVATED)

  Operation Reprisal 03/2012

  Operation Liberation 12/2011

  Operation Scrutiny 09/2011

  Team Members: ALPHA (All members Advanced SAS trained)

  Name: Sam Olsen (Team Leader)

  Age: 29

  Status: INACTIVE

  Expertise / Strengths: Leadership skills, tactical and reconnaissance, self-belief, determination.

  Fighting Style: Taekwondo, Sambo.

  Chosen Weapon: Beretta 92G Elite II semi-automatic pistol

  Personal: Married

  Name: Dan Carter (Deputy)

  Age: 29

  Status: INACTIVE

  Expertise / Strengths: Stealth, surveillance, situation / tactical awareness, teamwork.

  Fighting Style: Hwa Rang Do

  Chosen Weapon: Heckler & Koch P7M8 semi-automatic

  Personal: Single

  Name: Mark Jarvis

  Age: 34

  Status: INACTIVE

  Expertise / Strengths: Tactical and explosive skills, specialist weapons expert.

  Fighting Style: CapoeiraGlock