The Rain Dragon Rescue
Ginger Breadhouse and the Candy Fish Wish
Ever After High: Lizzie Hearts and the Hedgehog’s Hexcellent Adventure: A Little Shuffle Story
The Griffin's Riddle
Smells Like Pirates
Duchess Swan and the Next Top Bird
The Sasquatch Escape
Hopper Croakington II and the Princely Present
The Order of the Unicorn
A Semi-Charming Kind of Life
Kiss and Spell
Wedgie & Gizmo
To Catch a Mermaid
Dexter Charming and the Trouble with Jackalopes
The Sweetest Spell
CoffeeHouse Angel
Wish Upon a Sleepover
Smells Like Dog
Ever After High
Ever After High: A Semi-Charming Kind of Life
Saving Juliet
Darling Charming and the Horse of a Different Color
Wedgie & Gizmo vs. the Toof
Spirit Riding Free--The Adventure Begins
The Fairy Swarm
Ever After High: Next Top Villain: A School Story
Fortune's Magic Farm
The Lonely Lake Monster
Spirit Riding Free--Lucky and the Mustangs of Miradero
Smells Like Treasure
Mad Love