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Sun on the Rocks - The Emotion Scale, Page 3

Somers Isle & Loveshade

  Chapter Two

  Clarity heard the door close and turned around. A good looking woman in her thirties with blondish hair appeared in front of her, wearing a physician white robe, a skirt, and high heels. Clarity saw the label on her white robe, which said Coley Manglove, emotician.

  "What are you doing here?" said the physician.

  "Saw the sign on the door." Clarity pointed to the doorway. She didn't quite know why she said that, but she sensed that it made sense, although she had never come across the word emotician. Who exactly was Manglove and what did she do at Herbaline?

  "Are you coming for the experiment on arousal?"

  Coley spoke to her so matter-of-factly and calmly, and she looked so at ease with herself, that Clarity nodded without realizing it, the back of her mind registering that it was past normal office hours for regular employees of Herbaline.

  "Yes," she stated.

  "Good, come with me, we'll go to the lab, it's only twenty minutes from here."

  She took Clarity by her forearm, and guided her to a van with a driver.

  They drove into the afternoon traffic until they reached a shop open to the public, which said Aedes shop, beauty care esthetician for Herbaline. Coley pressed the palm of her hand on Clarity's back and led her to a room painted white, filled with a wide lounge table covered in soft cushion. A pleasant odor, almost scentless, filled the room. The emotician closed the door, leaving Clarity face to face with her. The good looking physician was in her early thirties, and that turned on Clarity immediately, she liked the idea of being around a slightly older, experienced woman.

  "How long have you felt arousal without touching yourself?"

  Clarity had not mentioned anything to Coley about her preference to feel and look at her pleasure, turning her awareness to her own body, instead of touching and masturbating. How could she possibly know that?

  The question took Clarity off guard.

  "About eighty days," said Clarity. Her own answer stirred her clitoris, which rose to attention. The emotician didn't react, and moved towards the table.

  "Please take off your clothes," said Coley.

  Clarity noticed a chart on the wall depicting a woman, and what looked like channels of energy running vertically along her body. She noticed a line pointing to the bum cheeks of the woman, and walked closer to read what it said, reading the words second flower.

  "We call the back of the bum of the woman the second flower here," said Coley. She grabbed the clothes of Clarity and placed them on a chair.

  "I'll do a general check first, then you can move to the table and lie down, the monitoring will take about three or four hours."

  Coley placed Clarity on a weight scale, noting her weight and height. She ran her hand along her chest and moved to her belly, stopping there. Then, she looked down at her pubic area, and ran her hands along her venus mound.

  "Do you like showing your naked body to me?"

  "Yes," said Clarity. A wave of a warm electrical current rushed to her head.

  Clarity began to feel aroused and relaxed at the same time. She turned on her stomach, lying face down on the ergonomic table cushion. She grabbed the edges of the table with both hands and turned her head sideways. Coley placed a warm towel over her back, and pressed her hands warmly on her. She lifted the towel towards her back, leaving her round bum in view.

  Coley walked slowly to the front of the table, and pulled back the long auburn hair of Clarity. She touched the shoulders of Clarity with her hands, shaking them slightly.

  The emotician slid her hands from Clarity's thighs to her bum, and she grabbed one of the cheeks loosely. She held the cheek and shook it several times, noticing the muscle was relaxed. She spanked the cheek a few times, and kept it loose. Clarity felt an indescribable sense of inner body awareness and arousal flow inside her.

  "I'm just placing a nice probe inside you, it'll feel very good, simply go along with your pleasure, and when the inner heat and current turn into a thin river of arousal reaching your head, think of the word bliss."

  Clarity felt the arousal reaching a peak level. Her muscles contracted and she let out a moan of pleasure.

  "Ivy told me about you, she went through this as well, don't worry baby, you're safe here."

  Coley breathed out and caressed the back muscles of Clarity. Her awareness was very present, and at the same time, her sense of bliss pervaded every single part of her body.

  "Relax dear."

  Coley placed two fingers near the eyes of Clarity, moving them gently to the nose and the mouth. The ring muscles were working in tune, balanced like a musical scale. Clarity was in good health.

  A wave of bliss entered the mind of Clarity, she was connecting with herself, the universe, nature, and her exquisite sense of arousal. She felt a deep connection of arousal with Coley, and opened her legs to show her her bum. Coley ran her fingers along her back. Her temple began pulsating in slow movements of expansion and contraction, blooming and protecting her body. She was in heat.

  "Orgasmic bliss, let go of any remaining inhibition or barrier between you and your pleasure, relax and let the bliss stay in the crown of your head."

  Clarity panted a few seconds and felt a second wave of pleasure flow inside her.

  "Good, baby, you're going to be in ecstasy for a few minutes, nothing wrong with it, simply let go and feel the heat in your body."

  Hearing those words, Clarity melted, feeling a slight sense of command in Coley's voice, at the same time matching or getting rid of internal barriers coming from her subconscious. A rush of orgasmic energy entered her mind and a flow running from head to toe, began moving within her. The rush was so deep, that all of the muscles of her face became numb, charged magnetically and sexually.

  "Good, baby, your mommy is here, taking care of you, open up to your mommy."

  Clarity felt inner streams of orgasmic and slightly vibrating energy running up her body. The voice of Coley was so soothing to her, she felt safe. Coley reached between the legs of Clarity, sliding her index and middle fingers between both cheeks.

  "Your arousal is like an antenna, it knows where good and protective things for you are. It can lead you to safety if you feel lost anywhere."

  Clarity remained in orgasmic bliss for about three hours. Eventually, Coley ran her hand across her back, reaching for her watch, letting Clarity know that the monitoring was finished. The teleoperator opened her eyes, stepping off the table slowly. Clarity was shaking slightly, feeling a buzz in her head. Coley placed her hands on hers, calming her. Clarity breathed deeply and looked into the emotician's eyes.

  "What do you do here exactly?"

  "We do orgasmic research, monitor the orgasm."

  "How did mine look?"

  "Did you cum?"

  "I'm cumming now, just looking at you, my head is so warm, tingling."

  "It'll take a while for you to calm down, a few hours, maybe, you were in bliss, that's what you're feeling."

  "Bliss is a physical state?"

  "Not many know it is, yes, it is, and you can feel like that every day."

  "What exactly is bliss?"

  "It's your pleasure reaching sort of a peak," said Coley.

  After pleasure, there was bliss, the thought intrigued Clarity, who thought that bliss was a notion, an idea, but not a physical sensation. Her own experience was beginning to show something quite different. She felt a tingling under her skin. Coley gave Clarity a pass to attend the Beverly Hills Hotel poolside the next day. She recommended spending the following morning there and resting, without doing any particular activity for a few days, until the body registered the sensations fully and returned to normal. Clarity donned her clothes, while Coley went outside to an adjacent room to talk to her boss. Intrigued, she peeked through the keyhole, looking at the results of her orgasm on a large screen monitoring hundreds of features in her body. A face emerged from the left part of the screen, a man named Mattelson Stive, in his late thirties, sitting in an office
table, explaining Herbaline course material to another man sitting in a different room, the company's motivational guru, Coleman Cartmel, that Clarity had seen earlier.

  Stive was talking from the company's official headquarters in Georgetown, in the Cayman Islands, and in front of him, was a new agreement with Cartmel which involved teaching and evaluating the employees of Herbaline in charge of carrying out sales work, the core area of Herbaline. A chart showing the results of Clarity's orgasmic monitoring showed onscreen and Coley lit up the relevant parts using a wireless wand.

  "Her body shows a good sense of health, the ring muscle spirals show seven octaves and colors, it's all singing properly, in the lower octave, reaching high pitched, acute frequency in the crown area. Vertical spiral copies the genital, she remained aroused and swollen for three hours, she shows proper attunement with the pineal gland."

  Stive took a few notes, and asked for some additional facts from Coley.

  "The mouth was nice and relaxed, she is a good candidate to work here at Herbaline, somewhat submissive, like Ivy, very sociable, she likes to please others and she has a good disposition, smiles slightly less than Ivy."

  After the conference with Stive, Coley came back and gave Clarity a pamphlet, with some recommendations about what to do after an arousal session. These included not driving a car or any vehicle, slowing down the regular pace of daily living, ensuring your memory worked all right, so that you remembered everything you'd done before the session, and also noting that the sense of arousal lowered back to normal.

  "Stay here for the night," said Coley, "we got a spare room, we'll drive you to the Beverly Hills hotel poolside tomorrow, you should rest there the rest of the day. You can get the results of the test in a few days."

  Clarity liked the idea of getting some sun in a nice pool. She nodded.

  "All right," said Clarity, intrigued by the generous offer.