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Haunted General ePub, Page 5

Shirleen Davies

  Shaking his head, he reached out a hand, dropping it when she stepped away. “No. She wasn’t who I wanted. You’re who I love, Dani. I should never have let you go.”

  “Let me go? Alan, you didn’t let me go. You cheated on me.”

  His face fell, a pleading tone in his voice. “She meant nothing. Not like you, Dani.”

  Dropping her arms, she moved to step around him, stopping when he gripped her arm. “Let go of me, Alan. We’re done. There’s nothing you can say or do to entice me to ever see you again.”

  Instead of loosening his grip, he tightened it. “You have to listen to me.”

  “The lady doesn’t have to do a damn thing except what she chooses, and it seems Dani wants to leave.” Ghost took a menacing step forward, getting to within a foot of Alan. “Let her go.”

  “We aren’t done talking.” He glared down at Dani.

  “Yes, we are.” Pulling out of his grasp, she took several steps away. “Don’t try to contact me again. We were over months before you admitted to being with someone else, Alan. I’m sorry you’re alone. You’ll figure your way out of it, but it won’t be with me.” She moved past Ghost, heading toward the others.

  “I still love you, Dani,” Alan called.

  Moving in front of him, Ghost looked down at the man she once thought she loved. “If you try to contact her again, you’ll deal with me.”

  Alan shifted his gaze from Dani’s retreating back to the man in front of him. “Who the hell are you?”

  Crossing his arms, Ghost’s features hardened, his voice inflexible, without an ounce of uncertainty. “I’m the man she ran to when you let her go.”

  “So that’s Alan.” Ghost sat back in the seat of the Jeep, stretching his long legs out as far as possible in the cramped space.

  Keeping her focus on the road, Dani let out a slow breath. “Yes.”

  “Not what I expected.”

  “No? Tell me. What did you expect?” She didn’t attempt to conceal the disdain in her voice.

  Shoving fingers through his hair, Ghost studied her profile, unable to miss the hard set of her jaw. “Someone more like me.”

  Arching a brow, she glanced over at him, groaning when he flashed a grin. “You’re incorrigible.” It wasn’t said with a hint of humor.

  “Always have been, babe.” The instant the endearment was out, he knew it was a mistake.

  “I’m not your babe or anything else. Never was and never will be.”


  “Just drop it. Alan unloaded a bunch of crap on me already. I don’t need it from you, too.”

  A tense silence filled the Jeep the last few minutes to the center. Jumping out the instant she turned off the engine, Dani rushed to her cabin, unlocking the latch, ready to step inside.

  She wanted space, and lots of it, to calm the irritation and anger. Between Alan and Ghost, she felt as if her emotions had been stripped bare. Worse, it had happened in front of Ali, Kell, Rock, and Raider. None of them would blame her. Still, having to listen to her ex beg to have her back couldn’t have been good.

  Before she could disappear inside, two strong hands landed on her shoulders, turning her away from the cabin.

  “You deserve a lot better than Alan, Dani.”

  She could use her Krav Maga skills to break his hold, but this wasn’t the time to put him on the ground. Relaxing under his grip, her chin jutted out, her darkening brown eyes flashing with anger and unshielded pain.

  “I don’t know what I deserve, but it’s certainly more than what Alan, or you, offered.”

  Flinching at her barb, he loosened his grip but didn’t let go. Instead, and with little thought, Ghost lowered his head, capturing her mouth with his. He expected Dani to fight him, break his hold and rage at his actions.

  Instead, her hands rested on his arms, her fingers digging into him as the kiss deepened. Feeling her shiver, he moved one hand to the nape of her neck, holding her still as his mouth worked its magic.

  Lifting her in his arms, he kicked the door wide, stepping inside. As his tongue explored the depths of her mouth, he allowed her body to move slowly, sensuously, down his to the floor, before shoving the door closed.

  Turning, he pressed her against the wall, his warm lips trailing a path along her jaw, down her neck, sucking lightly at the soft hollow at the base. Continuing his assault on her silken skin, he moved up, nibbling at the corners of her mouth, his tongue tracing the sensuous curves before delving back inside, groaning at the intense pleasure of her taste.

  Gripping the edges of her shirt, he broke the contact long enough to whip the fabric over her head. Tossing it and her bra aside, he recaptured her mouth, aligning his body with hers, letting her feel his need.

  Leaning down, he caught a taut, pink nipple, biting lightly before sweeping his tongue over it to soothe the sting. He continued to lavish his attention on one before moving to the other, her soft mews of pleasure increasing the fire already burning within him.

  His hands stroked over her back, mouth loving her beautiful breasts. Her lithe form rubbed against his, asking for more without words. Bending, he lifted her into his arms, determined steps taking them to the bedroom. Setting her on the floor, he kissed each breast before his mouth moved down her stomach, his fingers making quick work of loosening her jeans, shoving them down her slim legs.

  Gripping her hips, his mouth retraced a path to her breasts, suckling each one until Dani cried out with need. Lifting her again, he placed her in the middle of the bed, staring down at her beautiful body as he made quick work of removing his clothes.

  Stretching out beside her, he levered himself up on one arm while his hand moved up and down her silken body. Fusing his mouth to hers, his hand stroked lower, cupping her mound.

  The past slipped away, and even though they hadn’t been together long, something about her time with Ghost had always felt right. Perfect, beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Even though this could never work, she allowed herself to get lost in his touch, the way his fingers delved inside her heat, causing her to arch against him.

  “Tucker.” She breathed out his name on a wave of passion.

  His fingers caressed her, circling her sensitive bud. She felt her thighs tense as an eruption of sensations shot through her. When he pushed one, then two fingers inside her damp folds, thrumming her clit with his thumb, she arched again as he pumped within her. His mouth fastened on a peaked nipple, tugging and laving until her release came in an explosive burst, calling his name over and over.

  Shifting, Ghost grabbed his jeans from the floor, retrieving a condom. Kneeling between her thighs, he sheathed himself, then lowered his body to place hot, wet kisses along her neck before his mouth settled firmly over hers.

  Raising his head, he stared into dazed eyes. Hearing her breath catch, the same as his, he continued to caress her breasts. “We’ll go slower next time.”

  She hardly registered his words before he raised up, positioned himself at her entrance, and thrust inside. Digging her fingers into his hips, she wrapped her legs around him, holding on as he moved in and out, her pleasure building a second time, sensations throbbing to an almost painful degree.

  His frantic pace continued, the sound of his uneven breathing heightening her desire. Reaching between them, his thumb found the tight bud of her clit and thrummed over it. She gasped with each movement, the heat building, until she let out a cry as white-hot pleasure wracked her lithe form. A moment later, he let out an unbridled shout as he followed her over the edge.

  Seconds later, he lifted his head, staring at her lax and sated features, barely able to draw a breath. Standing, he made quick work of tossing the condom into the trash before turning and settling back onto the bed. Shifting to his side, he closed his arms around her, holding her against his chest. Within minutes, they both drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Dani lay awake, unable to get his words out of her mind. We’ll go slower next time.

  Ghost wanted this to be more than one night, but from her experience, several nights of passion meant nothing to a man who could turn his desire on and off at will. When he’d had enough of her, he’d walk, the same as last time. But she wasn’t going to be the one shoved aside this time.

  His soft breathing told her she’d have to wait until he woke. The feel of a vise around her chest increased as she thought through what she’d say. Never had Dani teased herself into believing the time would come when she could confront Ghost.

  Cheek resting on his chest, his strong arm gripped around her, she glanced up. He looked younger in sleep. And content. The same look appeared on his face numerous nights when they were together. One day, as if he’d been knocked to his senses, the contentment twisted to anger and disgust. The target of his sudden change had been Dani. She’d always wondered the real cause, but her sudden exit from his life took away the option.

  Blinking a few times to stay awake, she tried to calm her breathing. As soon as he stirred, showed any amount of break in his sleep, she’d wake him. She just needed to stay awake a little while longer.

  Waking with a start, Dani stretched before her eyes popped wide. “Ghost,” she whispered, sitting up to look around. Jumping out of bed, she grabbed her top from last night, slipping it on before checking the rest of the cabin. Empty.

  “Damn,” she muttered, stalking to the kitchen, chuckling. “And he didn’t even wake me for a goodbye kiss.” Not that she ever expected him to. Romance hadn’t been his style, at least not toward her.

  Pouring a cup of coffee, she mentally kicked herself. She’d missed her chance to kick Ghost out of bed and into the chilly, dark night to skulk back to his own cabin. A smile curved her lips, picturing the tall, broad-shouldered man skulking about anything.

  Staring out the front window, she took a sip of coffee, wondering if she would’ve had the courage to ask him to leave. Dani hoped she would have, wanting to inflict at least a small measure of retribution on a man who had no problem dishing it out to others. Whether physical or emotional, the man was a pro.

  Walking to the bedroom, she grabbed clean clothes before taking a shower. Stepping inside the tiled stall, she let out a sigh, loving how the hot water sluiced over her head and down her back.

  Closing her eyes, she could almost feel Ghost’s large, calloused hands moving over her body after a marathon session of sex. Not making love, she reminded herself, adding coconut oil body wash to the loofa.

  Running the sponge over her arms and legs, she quickened the pace, remembering the stack of files on her desk. Today, she’d lead abbreviated Krav Maga training before scheduled physical therapy sessions. Ghost and one of the Delta Force members required more work to regain full use of muscles injured during recent missions. Today would be the first session for each.

  Drying off, she dressed, slipping her 9mm SIG into its belt holster. Grabbing a lightweight jacket, she headed out, locking the door behind her.

  “Hey, Dani.”

  Recognizing the voice, she turned, a grin splitting her face. “Morning, Kell. Are you ready for another great day?”

  She mimicked the greeting he often used, trusting her voice didn’t betray the nervous tension in her gut, or the hope her friend didn’t know who’d shared her cabin last night.

  He ignored her question, asking one of his own. “Did you and Ali go out after dinner?”

  Dani knew Kell had a major crush on her friend, but doubted he’d ever acknowledge it. Not as long as Ali stayed connected to Tommy Beach.

  When he didn’t answer, Dani glanced over at him as they made their way along the walkway to the offices. An odd flush of color stained his face, something she’d never seen on the hardened ex-SEAL.

  “Uh, no. I met Chrissy.”

  Coming to a halt, she stared at him, mouth agape. “Chrissy Porter? The new trainer?”

  “The same. Hey, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Sully’s not going to like it.” Dani continued toward the offices.

  “You and I go out for dinner and drinks all the time and it’s never bothered your father. He’s not going to waste a minute getting in my face about Chrissy. You and one of the students is another matter.”

  Sucking in an audible breath, she stopped again. “What do you mean?”

  Kell’s features softened, his voice low and tight. “Tucker Robertson was the man you were with in Liberty Lake, the one who hurt you, wasn’t he?”

  Letting out a slow breath, body relaxing, she nodded. “Yes. That doesn’t mean I’m stupid enough to get involved with him again.”

  “I’ve never thought of you as stupid, Dani. That has nothing to do with caring about someone. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The way you look at him. I figure it’s just a matter of time…” Shrugging, Kell placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s your business what you do about Robertson after he leaves the center.” Glancing away, his gaze landed on Ghost, Rock, and Raider leaving their cabin. “Just don’t do anything to inhibit his progress. There’s a lot you don’t know about him.”

  She shook off his hand, lifting a brow. “And you do?”

  A pained expression crossed his face. “Yeah, I do.”

  Placing a hand on the small of her back, he propelled her toward the office, uncaring if Ghost watched them. Opening the office entry, they stepped over the threshold before she whirled on him.

  “What do you know about him, Kell?”

  “It’s not my story, Dani. I will tell you his past isn’t pretty.”

  “Neither is yours,” she countered. Raising her hands, she shook her head. “Never mind. I’ve heard your warning.”

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”

  Settling a hand on his arm, she nodded. “I know, Kell. And I appreciate your concern. But this is something Tucker and I have to work out on our own.”

  Ghost watched Dani and Kell disappear inside the office entrance, nostrils flaring at the sight of his hand on her lower back. A possessive gesture most men understood. Emitting a low, involuntary growl, his jaw tightened.

  “You okay, man?” Rock stood beside him, following his gaze, seeing nothing.

  “Yeah. Let’s catch up with the others.” Tapping down his irritation, Ghost stalked down the path to the building housing their classroom. One of several inside the five thousand square foot cement block structure.

  The frustration he felt at seeing Kell with Dani made no sense. He’d been the one to shut her out, opening the door for other men to make a move. A stupid decision he later regretted. He’d been working through ways to find her, try to make things right, when he’d been ordered to White Eagle and his last chance of continuing on the team.

  None of that had been on his mind a few hours ago. Ghost had been stunned Dani allowed him inside her cabin. More so when she’d welcomed him into her bed. After an amazing round of lovemaking, he’d expected her to order him out. Instead, he’d slid back into bed, tugging her close, and fell asleep, the same as they’d done every night for the two weeks she’d been at his house. Waking well before dawn, he’d brushed a soft kiss across her forehead, dressed, and left.

  What he should’ve done didn’t become clear until seeing her with Kirkland, an ex-SEAL who knew more about Ghost than anyone except Wrath and Rock.

  Taking a seat in the small classroom, he picked up today’s schedule, giving it little attention until he saw Dani’s name. She’d be instructing another tough round of Krav Maga after their morning urban anti-terrorism drills.

  Rock and Raider had been merciless in their teasing of his performance during their daily Israeli developed self-defense training. They hadn’t been given a great deal of time with the highly effective course during their regular training while in Coronado, but he’d excelled at each level.

  Ghost had always hoped to become more proficient at what he considered one of the premier physical training programs ever developed. Now that he had the chance, he couldn’t get his body to respond to the maxi
mum level he needed. He had no worry about obtaining passing scores, but he’d never been happy being average at anything.

  “Gentlemen.” Kell walked into the room, his gaze shifting over them, stalling on Ghost for an instant before moving on. “Do you have any questions about today’s schedule?” When no one responded, he walked to a wall-mounted layout of the entire complex, tapping a finger on a particular section. “We’ll be moving to our second urban training area. It has been recently completed. You’ll be only the third class to experience it. Sully and the rest of the staff will look forward to your input after the session finishes. You’re excused to change into combat gear in the locker room. We’ll congregate at the entrance at nine hundred hours.”

  When they all stood, Kell sent a penetrating gaze at Ghost. “Robertson. I’d like a word with you.”

  Ghost had been expecting it since the first day, wondering what had taken Kell so long. When it hadn’t happened early in the training, he’d decided the former SEAL had no intention of acknowledging their connection. He didn’t have to guess as to the reason for today’s summons.

  When the last man left the room, he walked up to him. “Kell.”

  “Sit down a minute, Ghost.”

  “I’d rather stand.”

  “Dammit, man. Sit down.” Kell grabbed a chair, turning it around so he could straddle it, waiting for him to follow. “It’s been a long time.”

  “I was sorry to hear you had a medical discharge.”

  Shrugging, Kell moved a hand to his chest. “Internal injuries. Lost a kidney, my spleen, and a shitload of blood. I wanted to return, but the docs didn’t waver. Sitting behind a desk never appealed, so,” he swept an arm through the air, “here I am.”

  “Do you like it?”

  Chuckling, he nodded. “Helluva lot better than shuffling papers. I’ve been following you through Grayson.”

  Ghost’s brows lifted at that.

  “It was several years ago. He contacted me back when he was vetting candidates for his new project. Sent me a list and asked my thoughts. Your name, as well as Rock’s and several others, were on it.”