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Flash Point: Holding Out for a Hero, Book 3, Page 5

Shelli Stevens

  “Red,” he said thickly. “You have been a naughty girl tonight, haven’t you?”

  It didn’t really bother her that he kept up the fantasy she’d created. Maybe he needed it to not be reminded of the fact of the huge step they were taking and how it hopefully wouldn’t screw up their friendship. It was just one night, she reminded herself.

  But staying in character put her a little more at ease too, made her almost convince herself that she was experienced at this sex thing.

  She smiled, her dimples popping out, as she fingered the neckline of her blouse. “I guess I have. And what are you going to do about it?”

  The smile that she loved slid over Todd’s face. Sexy. Suggestive. All kinds of wicked.

  “I’m going to make you come until you can’t tell from up and down.”

  “Funny,” she whispered. “But I think I’m already getting there.”

  His smile remained, even as the glint in his gaze brightened with desire. Slowly, he reached out and unlaced the white string of the black corset that wrapped around her waist. Once it was undone, he put it aside, and then methodically stripped her out of the rest of her costume.

  Soon she stood in front of him in nothing but white lace panties and red stilettos. Her nipples tightened in the chilly air and she tried desperately not to feel so exposed. So vulnerable. No man had seen her like this. Ever.

  Her heart thumped so hard in her chest, she thought Todd might even be able to hear it.

  “Look at you,” he muttered, his expression a combination of amazement and lust. “Jesus, how come it took me so long to see just what a little sex pot you are, doll?”

  Kate swallowed hard, his words sending a thrill through her. She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck, then pressed her mouth against his. Just as she had that night at the bar. Only this time he didn’t shove her away. His arms slid around her waist, jerking her flush against him while his tongue swept deep into her mouth.

  Her head spun and she was vaguely aware of him walking her backward. And then the cool wall of the door hit her back. Todd’s hands were everywhere on her. Cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples.

  He tore his mouth from hers and groaned, staring down at her.

  “You’ve got the most amazing breasts,” he muttered, lifting one his palm. It didn’t quite fit, spilled over his hands, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  Her cheeks flushed with awareness and her lips parted in a soft gasp as his head dipped. Then his mouth closed around one aching nipple and she whimpered.

  She delved her fingers into his hair, clutching the soft strands and arching into his mouth. Oh God. Pleasure rocketed through her as he suckled her with varying levels of intensity. Soft, then hard.

  He slid a large, calloused hand down her hip and maneuvered it beneath her panties. When his fingers grazed her cleft, her knees threatened to give out.

  “Easy, Kate,” he murmured against her breast, while sinking a finger inside her. “Just enjoy and let me take care of you.”

  Her body clenched around him and she drew in a sharp breath, holding it. Unable to breathe at the exquisiteness of what he was doing. So intense and lots of pressure.

  Todd gently bit her nipple and pushed his finger deeper. “Fuck, you are so tight here. You’re going to feel real nice around my cock, doll.”

  The image his words created had a soft moan spilling from her lips.

  “But before I fuck you, I want to make sure you’re nice and ready.” Todd tugged on her nipple with his teeth, before releasing her.

  He fell to his knees and she blinked in dismay, her cheeks going red with what he was about to do. Even still, when he tugged her panties over her hips her face burned with awareness and anticipation.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered softly, pushing her ankles apart.

  She obeyed, then felt the air caress her exposed folds. Or maybe that was due to him parting her with his fingers. She glanced down at him just as his head lowered and the first wet lick of his tongue slid into her.

  Her hips jerked and she cried out, reaching down, almost to push him away. But he had none of it, holding her still as he laughed softly and licked her again, murmuring soft, sexy words.

  Oh god, it was almost too much. She couldn’t handle it. She’d be a sobbing mess in minutes.

  But Todd didn’t give her any room to protest. He moved his thumb up inside her, found her clit a moment later and begun to rub slowly.

  The room around her seemed to spin as pleasure built inside her. It was so foreign, so exquisite to be reaching a peak by a man’s touch and not her own hand.

  “Todd,” she whispered, digging her nails into his shoulders. Holding him now instead of trying to push him away. “Oh please.”

  He replaced his thumb with his tongue, and flicked against her sensitive bud of flesh.

  Kate’s breasts rose and fell with each ragged breath she drew in. With her eyes closed she could only focus on his mouth on her, the wickedly wonderful things his tongue was doing between her legs, and the steady intensity of pleasure that continued to climb.

  Her nipples tightened and she could feel the slick juices of her arousal sliding down her thighs.

  Todd lifted his mouth from her long enough to croon, “Just let yourself go, Kate. I want you to come in my mouth. I want to taste you.”

  His words combined with the way he immediately started to suck her clit, pushed her up and over that peak. Kate couldn’t stop the scream that ripped from her throat as her body quaked through the orgasm.

  Tears burned the back of her eyes and the intensity of the moment took away any ability to speak. When she finally lifted her lids and glanced down, Todd was still nuzzling her pussy, licking her thighs.

  He glanced up and the heat in his eyes sent a tremble rocking through her again.

  “I knew you’d taste this good,” he muttered thickly and came to his feet. His lips crashed down on hers, teeth and lips bumping, before his tongue slid against hers and she tasted herself in the fierce kiss.

  When he lifted his head a minute later, she was wet again, her body aching for more. For him. All of him.

  “You’re amazing.” He kissed her brow. “Go meet me in my room. Lie down on the bed and I’ll join you in a moment.”

  Kate nodded, her head bouncing around almost bobblehead-like. She must look like an idiot, but it wasn’t enough to take her out of her passion—out of this moment.

  She stepped away from the doorway and made her way to his room. She’d been to his place often enough to know where it was, but never had she ever deluded herself into thinking she’d end up in Todd’s bed.

  When she entered the room, she stared at the large bed covered in a black comforter. The whole room was so potently male. She ran a hand through her tussled hair, before taking the final few steps to the mattress.

  She lay down, closed her eyes and waited, knowing everything was going to change.

  Chapter Eight

  When the hell had he ever wanted a woman so badly? Todd gripped the foil packet in his hand and entered his bedroom.

  His gaze immediately sought out Kate, lying supine on his bed. Her lush curves were pale against the black comforter. Large breasts, crowned by the palest pink nipples, fell slightly to her sides. Her stomach wasn’t flat, but instead gently rounded like the rest of her. With her knees bent into the air and her red heels digging into the mattress, she looked like sin come to life.

  And fucking Kate tonight would be worth purgatory. He climbed onto the bed and stroked a possessive hand down her body, loving the way her thick lashes fluttered down over her heated gaze. The way she drew her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled.

  “You have got to be the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, surprised at his own words. Even more so that he meant them.

  He knew it probably sounded like a line, especially when her lips curled up almost with derisiveness. She didn’t believe him. Well, he’d just have t
o show her.

  Drawing in a slow breath, he tugged off his costume and then the briefs underneath. Her eyes opened again and she took him in, lingering on his cock. For a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of fear in her gaze, but then it was gone and the heat returned. It wasn’t an altogether strange reaction, since he fell on the larger, thicker side in the package department.

  Todd smiled slightly and drew his hand down her body, from neck to feet, teasing and kneading the curves and hollows in between. By the time he ripped open the foil packet and put on the condom, she was trembling and her pussy shimmered slick with her arousal.

  Just looking at her made him remember how she’d tasted. The soft, sensual sounds she’d made when he’d been licking her clit.

  He moved over her, covering Kate’s body with his own and settled between her splayed thighs. Lowering his mouth to hers, he initiated a slow, deep kiss, while using one hand to guide his cock to her entrance.

  She was slick and soaked, and he slid easily past her folds and just inside her channel. But then, damn, was she tight. He reached up to rub her clit to help her relax, to take him.

  He caught her low moan with his mouth, as she rotated against his hand and arching off the bed. The tension in her muscles eased, allowing him to slide slowly into her. He groaned as her hot pussy gripped him, seemed to suck him deeper.

  And yet, she was so damn tight. Almost too tight. The thought flickered through his head but was gone a moment later as she undulated beneath him, rubbing her tongue against his.

  He needed to be buried in her now. Now. Todd gripped her hips and with a low groan, thrust deep.

  Kate gasped sharply and he lifted his mouth from hers with surprise, staring down at her. Jesus, had he hurt her?

  He stilled, hating himself for going too fast. What if she hadn’t done this in awhile? With the size he was, he should’ve slowed the hell down.

  She stared up at him, some of the passion gone from her face and a hint of discomfort glinted in her eyes.

  “Kate?” he prodded, her name almost a rasp on his lips.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, stroking her hands over his shoulders and kissing his neck. “Please, don’t stop, Todd.”

  He hesitated, knowing he should try and help her adjust, maybe stop completely, but the feel of her slick flesh gripping him nearly robbed him of all ability to think.

  “Please.” She lifted her hips, forcing him deeper and drawing in a shuddering breath, even as pleasure flickered on her face now. “I want you, Todd. Please.”

  “Jesus, Kate,” he whispered, not even trying to call her Red anymore. This was Kate beneath him, and at this moment it seemed nothing but right that she was in his bed. “You feel amazing, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” she promised and gave him a slow smile, the sultriness returning.

  Need rushed through him, making his blood pound with the need to claim her completely. He rubbed her clit again, slowly and deliberately, until the walls of her pussy softened and accommodated him.

  He waited until her lashes fluttered shut and she moaned. Waited for the telltale sign of her creaming around his dick again. With her channel slicker now, he started to move in a slow rhythm in and out of her.

  Fuck, she felt so damn good.

  And then instinct took over as her hot, tight sheath gripped him like a fist. He moved faster inside her and she struggled to keep up with his pace, making soft moans of pleasure as her nails dug crescents into his back.

  He stared down at her, watched her bite her lip and the ecstasy on her face. Watched the way her breasts bounced with each thrust into her.

  The way she moved and the wondrous expression on her face had a certain innocence that made the hairs on the back of his neck lift. A moment’s unease hit him, but then was gone when she grabbed the back of his head and jerked his mouth down to hers again.

  Their lips brushed together, parted, and hot breaths mingled. She tasted of passion and sex, her tongue curling around his and sucking fervently as her hips moved against him.

  Todd drove into her harder, feeling no resistance now, only the welcoming suck of her pussy around him. The sounds of their joining filled the air. The wetness, the slapping, and it was so damn hot he wasn’t going to last much longer. His balls tightened and he groaned.

  To slow himself down, if just for a moment, he lifted his mouth from hers and then sought her breast. Licking one pink nipple and murmuring in approval when it tightened beneath his tongue. Her cries grew urgent, higher; she was close to coming too. But she’d need that little push over the edge and so once more he sought her clit.

  He’d barely touched the swollen nub when she screamed and climaxed, her pussy squeezing his cock so hard he rolled right over the edge with her.

  Slowly his consciousness returned and as his senses grew sharper, he became aware of the lushness of her curves pinned beneath him. The softness of her thighs that cradled him between.

  He lowered his head to her breasts and nuzzled his lips against their fullness. Kate’s hands stroked through his hair, almost lovingly, as small tremors continued to rock her body. She sighed and her lips brushed his forehead.

  His brain chose that moment to switch back on, bringing reality into sharp focus. He closed his eyes and drew in a slow and unsteady breath.

  He’d just had sex with Kate. And there was no way to undo the fact. Not that he’d want to. His softening cock once again stirred inside her. Shit, that never happened. What the hell…

  No more tonight. Guilt clenched his gut as he reminded himself that he’d already probably used her a little too hard already.

  Todd eased off her and onto his side, propping his head up on his hand as he stared down at her. Her eyes were closed, but he could tell she wasn’t asleep by the stillness in her body. She was too still. Her breaths shallow.

  Reaching out, he traced a finger down her cheek and over her mouth that curled into a small smile.

  “You okay?” he asked gently.

  Her lashes fluttered open and for a moment uncertainty was in her eyes, but then her blue gaze turned intimate, retelling the story of what had just happened between them.

  “I’m wonderful.” She flicked her tongue out and licked his finger. “That was…incredible. Thank you.”

  She was thanking him? For sex? Another stab of guilt to his gut. Jesus, it wasn’t like he’d done her a favor. If anything, he was blown away by her decision to seduce him.

  “Come here,” he murmured quietly and slid his arm around her, tugging her against him.

  Surprise flickered in her eyes, before she laid her head against his shoulder and slid her arm over his waist. He smoothed a hand through her silky hair and brushed a kiss on the top of her head.

  An unexpected surge of tenderness raced through him and he closed his eyes with a frown.

  This was going to get complicated, if it already wasn’t. Sex had always been sex with him. So why did he get the feeling nothing would ever be that simple where Kate was involved?

  Kate woke the next morning still in the curve of his arms. The smattering of chest hair against her cheek was the physical reminder of what had happened between them.

  A flush stole up her body and she squeezed her thighs together, testing how sore she was. She winced slightly. Apparently a little more than she would have expected. But then, everything about last night had been unexpected. She hadn’t thought Todd would be so, well, well endowed. It hadn’t been easy trying to keep her reaction hidden when he’d entered her.

  It hadn’t been outright painful, but it had hurt a little. But he’d seemed to know exactly what to do, and each time he’d reach down and rub between her legs…oh God. She closed her eyes, feeling herself get wet again just thinking about it.

  “You wake up early, doll.”

  His sleepy drawl had her tensing in his arms. She hadn’t realized he was awake. Lifting her head, Kate glanced down at him and found him watching her.

“Is it early?” she asked huskily. “I have no idea.”

  “Mmm. Probably only seven. Good thing you don’t have to work. Happy New Year, by the way. Guess we kind of forgot about that part last night.”

  Kate gave a nervous laugh. Yes, she’d completely forgotten about ringing in the New Year. Her mind had been a little one track, though.

  “Happy New Year,” she murmured.

  Todd laughed as his arms tightened around her and then in one quick move he flipped her onto her back and hovered above her. Kate’s breath locked in her throat and her pulse quickened and the smoldering look of intent in Todd’s eyes.

  “Well, since you’re up…and I’m up. Literally…”

  She opened her mouth to protest, wasn’t sure she could go another round so soon, but then his head lowered to her breast and his wicked lips closed over one nipple. Heat slid in an arrow from her breast to down between her legs and she could feel her flesh softening, dampening again.

  A low groan gathered in her throat as he suckled one breast and massaged the other. And even though having sex one time hardly qualified her as experienced, she knew in that instinctive woman’s way, that she would be able to take him again.

  Giving up any thought of protest, she closed her eyes as he slid down her body and once again moved his face between her legs. When his tongue flicked out, thought became a novelty.

  Later, after he’d made love to her slowly and thoroughly, Kate woke up again from a light slumber. A glance at Todd’s alarm clock showed it to be after noon.

  She glanced down at him and found him still sleepy, his expression soft and almost vulnerable in sleep. Her heart did a little tug and the urge to curl up next to him hit hard.

  But with the light of day also came the harshness of reality. She’d done it. She’d gone into this seduction knowing the stakes and that Todd was not the type to do serious. She’d known this could be nothing more than a one-night stand or she’d risk falling in love and getting her heart broken.