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Kane, Page 5

Sawyer Bennett

  Fuck. What the hell does that even mean? Yeah, he’s a great guy. He’s a fantastic hockey player, a loyal teammate, and fun to go out and have beers with. But what does great mean to Mollie?

  And more importantly, what the hell? Does that mean she likes him? My curiosity is on overdrive. “So, is there another date in the works?”

  Mollie shrugs, flipping a lock of hair over her shoulder. “He said he’d call me.”

  That tells me nothing.

  And it’s at this moment I decide to be a horrible friend to Jett by protecting my own self-interest where Mollie is concerned. “You know he’s sort of a player, right?”

  Mollie cocks an eyebrow. God, she’s fucking beautiful when she looks at me like that. It tells me she thinks I said something stupid, and it usually leads to some type of heated debate. Because I’m still annoyed by the fact she was out with Jett, I kind of feel like I’m itching for a fight.

  “It’s true,” I say pointedly. “I just don’t want you to expect anything more than him wanting to get inside your pants.”

  Mollie gives me a chastising look. “You don’t think much of your friend, do you?”

  I take offense to that, even though I am throwing him under the bus. “On the contrary, I agree with you. Jett is a great guy. He’s just… well, sort of single-minded in his pursuit of women.”

  Mollie puts a hand on her hip, stare piercing. “So, you’re saying the only reason he’s taking me out is to have sex with me?”

  Now she’s getting where I’m going. I nod. “Most likely.”

  To my stunned surprise, Mollie tips her head back and laughs. She smirks as if she understands me far better than I do myself. “Kane… honestly, why would you think that would bother me? It’s not like I’m looking for a deep relationship. You also know I’m not opposed to casual sex. Maybe a fling with Jett wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

  I’m usually good about keeping my emotions in check, which also includes maintaining a bland expression no matter how riled up I feel on the inside. But I cannot stop my jaw from dropping.

  Yes, I know Mollie is not opposed to casual sex. I have never once judged her for that, either. Hell, I’m also into casual sex. I believe it applies equally to men and women to enjoy themselves without commitment if they so choose.

  But the way she just said it makes me think she’s seriously considering having a fling with Jett while she’s visiting me.

  And, deep within my gut, I know that is absolutely something I can’t ever abide.

  I’m just going to have to take another tact. “I’m going to have to forbid that.”

  Mollie laughs, thinking I’m joking. When my expression remains hardened like stone, her chuckles die down. She cocks her head. “Are you serious? You’re trying to forbid me from having a fling with Jett?”

  Standing straighter, I cross my arms over my chest. “You’re damn right I am. He’s my teammate, and you’re my best friend. I’m forbidding it.”

  Mollie gives a bark of disbelieving laughter as she sets the water bottle on the counter. Drawing up to her full height of five foot seven, she crosses her arms over her chest. “You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Kane.

  She’s right about that. I have no control over her. And later, I’m sure I’ll wonder if I have a brain tumor that’s causing me to do impulsively ridiculous things, but, for the moment, I don’t do a damn thing to prevent the next words that come out of my mouth.

  Opening my arms wide, I say, “If you need that type of itch scratched, Molls, you’ve got me right here to take advantage of.”

  Mollie’s eyes practically bug out of her head as she gapes in silent shock.

  Nodding, I take a step toward her, arms still spread wide. “That’s right… If that’s what you need, Mollie, I’m offering it right now.”

  In all the years I’ve known my best friend, I’ve never once been able to render her speechless. We have fought and argued a lot, and she’s usually the one who gets the last word. But now, I just wish she would fucking say something.

  Mainly because I can’t tell if I’ve offended or intrigued her. I can’t glean anything off her expression other than the fact she is completely and utterly stunned.

  Holding my ground, barely two feet from her, I don’t say a word.

  Contemplatively, Mollie tips her head back. “So assuming I have an itch that needs to be scratched—we’re talking about sex, just to be clear—you’re offering your body as a way for me to achieve said scratching?”

  I take one tiny step closer, which forces her head to tip back farther to maintain eye contact. “Well, since I have effectively laid down the law that you cannot scratch that itch with my teammate, yes, consider me your scratching post.”

  Once again, she cocks an eyebrow. “I do feel the need to ask if you’re drunk right now?”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t had a drop to drink. Are you drunk?”

  She shakes her head. “One glass of wine at dinner.”

  I take a step closer until there’s barely a few inches between our bodies, then dip my head. “Did Jett kiss you tonight?”

  She shakes her head, and I’m embarrassed by the breath of relief that gushes out of me.

  “Are there going to be regrets tomorrow?” she murmurs. “Assuming we give in to the need to scratch itches, we’re not going to have alcohol to blame this on like we did in college.”

  My smile is soft, relieved she no longer thinks this is a joke. I keep my voice light and teasing. “I believe we can try to rationalize things—but tomorrow. I do like the idea of being your scratching post, though.”

  “We’re seriously going to do this?” she asks hesitantly.

  “Only if you want,” I assure her.

  After giving me no answer for a painful moment, she then leaps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and plastering her mouth to mine.



  I ignore the voice in my head that tells me I’m on the verge of ruining everything good between Kane and me.

  Instead, I choose to listen to two extremely vocal parts of my body that are clamoring for attention. That space between my legs that started throbbing the minute our mouths touched, and the cavern beneath my breastbone that holds my beating heart, which loves Kane like no other man before.

  It’s never been a romantic love, but one of trust, commitment, and loyalty. He’s been my rock, steady and without limits. For those things alone—that he’s given to me time and time again—I love him deeply.

  So it’s no wonder my heart chooses to agree with that female sex part of my body that wants something from him that he gave me only once in our friendship.

  As Kane walks us back to his bedroom, our mouths hungrily devouring each other, I admit to myself there have been many times I’ve wondered if we’d ever go down this path again. I face the truth down deep in my bones—I have fantasized about Kane in very sexual ways over the years. Now, I marvel that it hasn’t come to this long before now.

  Maybe it’s the insecurities I’ve been facing since Matthew’s attack, or perhaps it’s the fact that I’m tired of being untethered in a vast, cold world, but, at this moment, Kane feels like the most right thing I could ever hope to possess.

  Even if for only a short, beautiful time.

  In Kane’s bedroom, he lowers me to the floor and breaks our kiss only to drag my blouse over my head. My arms go up, making the task easier for him, and then he’s working at my bra. His movements are deft and sure. My brain seems like it’s filled with champagne bubbles when cool air hit my breasts as he strips me bare.

  My hands work at the bottom of his t-shirt, trying to make the same suave move so I can have access to the skin on his chest, but he’s too big. Plus, the way he’s kissing me has me fumbling around.

  “Kane,” I manage to mutter as I turn my face away from his.

  “Don’t talk, Mollie,” he growls, his hands coming to my face and his eyes boring into mine. “
You’ll talk us out of this.”

  I shake my head. “I won’t. But get your damned shirt off, okay?”

  Kane grins the most beautiful smile I think I’ve ever seen before he whips that useless piece of cotton off. Suddenly, I’m staring at true male glory before me—firm pecs, a smattering of hair in the middle, and a rock-hard abdomen complete with the happiest of happy trails leading into his shorts.

  My hands move right to the waistband of his athletic shorts, trying to push them past his hips and over the erection I already see straining there. Yet again, I fumble and can’t seem to do a damn thing right, my desire causing a disconnect in my ability.

  Kane bats my hands away, murmuring, “Slow down, Molls. I got this.”

  And he does.

  By first concentrating on getting me naked. I’m wearing a summer skirt that has an elastic band. He drops to his knees, pulling the soft material down my legs. My fingers go to his head, dipping into the soft black locks, and I’m mesmerized by his expression as he stares at the lacy panties covering my crotch. My heart nearly explodes when his hands go to my ass. He pulls me right into his face, pressing his hot mouth over my mound.

  “Jesus,” I gasp as he blows warm breath through the lace. I swear I almost come right there.

  “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed about this,” he murmurs with his mouth against me.

  I blush, not from his words, but from the knowledge I’ve also thought of him doing this to me. When we’d had sex before, it was rough and tumble, a fun spin in the sack that was urgent and needy.

  But Kane’s gaze and touch speak to a desire for intimacy we just didn’t share that one night long ago.

  Once again, he works his magic, and his hands have my panties down my legs. I step out, at the same time kicking off my sandals as I brace my hands on his shoulders for leverage.

  And the moment I’m completely naked, I’m hoisted into his arms, his fingers digging into my ass cheeks, and he’s falling backward onto the bed with me coming to a spread-eagled landing on his lower stomach.

  Kane gazes up at my face a moment, hands at my hips, and we just hold each other’s eyes. I don’t know what he’s feeling in his heart, but there’s nothing but the absolute rightness of this moment in mine.

  The power in his arms is put to good use as he manages to sort of lift and drag me up to his chest, his eyes now dropping to my pussy, which is throbbing and spread wide.

  For some reason, my knees dig into his shoulders, not understanding what he wants. When he gives a rough jerk, I’m straddling his face before I know what’s happening.

  One hand flies out, grabs onto the headboard just as his head lifts so he can cover me with his mouth. He brings a large hand to my ass to hold me in place.

  “Fuck,” I cry out, my head falling backward. My hips jerk and grind as Kane’s tongue presses upward into me, and I feel an immediate orgasm starting to brew.

  I’ve had my fair share of no-limits sex acts before, but never once have I been manhandled like a rag doll, insistent on getting me to sit right on his face.

  Kane’s hand digs hard into my hips, and he starts to feast on my pussy. He fucks me with his tongue, laves at my clit, and growls against the sensitive folds. It causes my legs to start shaking.

  “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God,” I start chanting. My heart feels like it’s going to explode out of my chest, and I can honestly say I’ve never felt anything this good in my entire life.

  I take a moment to blink the daze out of my eyes, then dip my head to see Kane working his mouth between my legs. His eyes are half-closed, a dreamy look on his face, and it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  Closing my eyes, I get lost in the sensation, focusing on every single touch he’s giving me. The hand on my ass moves, then my eyes fly open as he plunges a finger into my core from behind.

  “Yes,” I scream, and he chuckles against me.

  The man is pure magic, lips now pursed and tongue gently fluttering my clit. He adds a second finger to my pussy, fucking me slowly from behind. I can’t stop my body from reacting, my hips starting to rock, demanding more from his mouth. He makes no move to stop me, quickly moving his fingers in and out of me.

  My orgasm wants to break free, but I try to will it to hold out, because I want this to go on forever and ever.

  And then, Kane does something I immediately know I want him to do to me again and again. His lips close over my clit and he sucks hard. At the same time, he pulls his fingers free of my pussy. He drags the tip of his index finger backward through the wet, running a trail up through my ass cheeks, and before I even understand what he’s going to do, he presses a long finger right into my ass.

  The sensation is so alarming, feels so fucking good in a way I never knew a woman could feel back there, that I explode in an orgasm so powerful I swear I start to blackout. I can feel myself begin to collapse onto him, but he braces an arm around my lower back. Keeps his finger deep in my ass and licks hard at me as powerful, quaking tremors tear me apart from the inside out.

  I’m woozy, barely conscious, as I feel Kane’s finger slip out of me, and I want to yell for him to put it back. How bizarre is that?

  Then I’m being rolled, flopped onto my back, and Kane is covering my body with his.

  My head clears. I feel re-energized, knowing more good stuff is to come. My legs spread, and I raise them slightly. Kane does nothing more than shove down the front of his shorts, freeing what I remember to be a beautiful cock that’s thick and veined. I need it inside me more than I need air at this moment.

  He takes it in hand, and I cover it with my own. His head raises, his eyes locking on mine, and we guide him to my entrance together. The first press of him into my slit causes another tremor to race up my spine, and I focus on his beautiful face. It blisses out as he pushes into me, one long slide until he bottoms out.

  “Fuck,” he moans, dipping his face until our foreheads touch. He just holds still, breathing hard, and makes an admission that bonds us more than I ever thought possible. “Nothing has ever felt this good, Molls.”

  No, nothing has ever felt this good—him deep inside me, connected at our core.

  Kane lifts his head to stare down. His eyes roam all over my face, but I’m not sure what he’s searching for. I don’t think he finds whatever it is. Instead, he makes a tentative slide out of my body.

  Just to the tip, before thrusting back in.

  “Oh shit,” I mutter, my eyes practically rolling into the back of my head.

  Now that… that right there is what it’s all about.

  “Hang tight,” he whispers, giving me a smile filled with tenderness. But then he gives me the dirty words a girl loves to hear in times such as this. “I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  By his third thrust, I’m mindless. My fingers dig into his ass, urging him on. Kane fucks me thoroughly, rolling his hips and pressing me deep into the mattress to gain every damn inch he can find. Over and over again, until he rears up, raising my legs, and starts to hammer into me.

  I love every moment of it because, in my mind, Kane is making his mark on my body. He’s obliterating every other sexual escapade I’ve ever indulged in until all I can think about is the man possessing every bit of me.

  Another orgasm curls within me, and I can tell Kane is getting close. His teeth are gritted, and he’s grunting with the effort. Wanting to fall again with him I slip my hand between our bodies, touching my clit with the tip of my finger, my back arching from the sheer force of the pleasure exploding through me again.

  Kane feels it, too, his eyes flying open to lock with mine before he tips his head back and roars out his release. I can feel him spurting inside me, his hips still rocking against me as he chants, “Yes… fuck yes.”

  “Yes,” I whisper, agreeing that whatever just happened is just… yes.



  I’ve always been one to wake naturally with the sunrise. It’s why
I keep my blinds half-angled upward so people can’t see in at night, but the light can come in at the break of day.

  Yet, something wakes me up, and it’s not the light. As my eyes flutter open, I take in the semi-gloom and guess we’re still a good hour from full sunrise.

  And yet, my senses tell me it’s time to get up.

  I roll my head on the pillow, expecting to see Mollie beside me, but she’s not there.

  Jerking upward in the bed, my head barely angles away from her pillow before I see her sitting at the bottom of the mattress, cross-legged and staring. She’s got the top sheet pulled up over her lap and breasts, holding it up with her arms tucked into her sides and elbows resting on her knees as she watches me.

  “Are you watching me sleep?” I ask, my voice still a bit hoarse from my slumber.

  “Too creepy?” she asks drolly.

  “Depends,” I reply, laying back down and lacing my hands beneath my head to stare back at her. “Were you considering doing dirty things to me while I was sleeping?”

  It’s too gloomy to see if that causes her to blush, but she does dip her head a bit as if maybe I’d caught her having kinky thoughts.

  But she ultimately shakes her head. “I can’t sleep because I’m worrying.”

  That gets my attention. Not so much the words, but the real concern in her tone. I lift, pressing my elbows into the mattress to better see her. “About what? Matthew?”

  “No, not Matthew,” she replies with a shake of her head. Although I know he is, indeed, a worry of hers, that’s not what’s eating at her. “Us.”

  My stomach rolls a little, feeling something ominous. “Us?”

  A slight nod, another dip of her head before she lifts her gaze again. “Did we just ruin our friendship? Are things supposed to be weird now? Like the way they were… you know… the last time we…?”

  She can’t even bring herself to finish her thoughts, and I hate her distressed expression. I make a lunge toward her, nab her around the waist, and pull her to me. The sheet slips free, and I ignore her beautiful naked body for the moment, instead pulling her into my side and settling us down onto the mattress.