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A Dragonlings' Haunted Halloween: Dragonlings of Valdier, Page 3

S. E. Smith

  “Dragon’s Balls! I wish your mate would stay in one place for more than a few minutes,” Kelan muttered.

  “But, we haven’t had a chance to explore,” Mandra complained, looking around as he tried to take in everything.

  “Tonight, after the women and the younglings have fallen asleep, we’ll come back and explore it more thoroughly,” Zoran said in a determined voice.

  “Let’s get out of here before she gets here,” Trelon said as he turned on his heel and quickly climbed back up the stairs. “We’ll meet back here at midnight.”

  “That will be better anyway,” Creon replied. “Ha’ven and Vox will be here by then.”

  A chuckle escaped Trelon as he briefly glanced back over his shoulder at the graveyard. His eyes flashed over the headstone closest to the river. Excitement and amusement washed through him as he read it.

  ‘Here lies Vox, who mated a fox.

  He thought he was clever

  Until she pressed the lever,

  And then he realized he’d been shot.’

  Tonight, he thought as he and his brothers jogged lightly up the stairs. They quickly returned to their hiding places just as Cara opened the door further down the corridor.

  He peeked through the narrow slit in the door of the cell as she paused once again to glance around with a frown. Her eyes focused for a moment on where he and Kelan were hiding. For a brief second, unease flashed through him that she could sense him close even as he tried to hide. A slight sigh of relief escaped him when she shrugged and continued through the opening to the lower cavern.

  “That was close,” Kelan muttered in his ear.

  “I know,” Trelon whispered back as he slowly pushed open the door. “Let’s get out of here before we get caught.”


  “Arilla,” Arosa called out as she floated back into the new cavern they were using as their home. “Arilla, sister, where are you?”

  Arosa grinned as her twin sister rose up out of the river of flowing gold. She must have been ‘comforting’ the new symbiots that were still too immature to be given a form yet. Arilla softly whispered that she would return soon as she floated up onto the bank. Others of their kind lounged around small pools, laughing and talking while they rejuvenated after their travels.

  “Where is Aikaterina?” Arosa asked as Arilla settled down beside her.

  Arilla’s shape solidified until she retained a form similar to the human females that she had taken a liking to. Her golden eyebrow rose as she saw the mischievous grin on Arosa’s face. A light chuckle escaped her.

  “What have you been up to, sister?” Arilla asked as she folded her arms over her chest.

  “Shush,” Arosa whispered as she glanced around her. She nodded to a small group of rocks over on the far side of the cavern. “I don’t want the others to hear.”

  “You mean, you don’t want Aikaterina to hear,” Arilla commented as she floated next to her sister. “She wasn’t upset when we helped the human male when he was injured,” she reminded Arosa as she settled onto a rock.

  “That is because she knew he was destined to be Morian’s mate,” Arosa retorted with a dismissive wave of her hand. “This is different.”

  “Is it naughty?” Arilla asked in excitement, leaning closer to her sister. “Like when we became the two-headed dragon and fought the brothers?”

  “Better,” Arosa whispered as she glanced around again. “Much, much better.”

  Arilla clapped her hands in excitement. “Aikaterina has gone on a journey. She will not be back for several weeks. What are we going to do?”

  “I have been watching the human women, especially the little one called Cara,” Arosa grinned. “She has talked about this wonderful thing called Halloween.”

  “What is this Halloween? I just don’t want to upset Aikaterina again,” Arilla said with a cautious glance around her. “You remember how disappointed she was with us when we went to the human’s planet in the future and helped the woman in the transport.”

  “She would have been killed when that other ship exploded. I couldn’t just leave her to die after everything she had done,” Arosa said defensively. “I still don’t understand why Aikaterina was so upset. All I did was give her ship a little push. How was I to know it would send her into the future?”

  “You know Aikaterina says we must not interfere,” Arilla replied with a sigh.

  “I know. Aikaterina was very annoyed that I had left the human on the moon, but I didn’t know what else to do with her. I couldn’t just leave her drifting in space after I saved her life,” Arosa retorted in a grumpy voice.

  “I’m just glad I was able to close the rip you created before those nasty creatures followed her. She was more upset that you had opened a portal,” Arilla replied. “I closed it before any other ships could get through. So, do you think this Halloween will upset her as much as that did?”

  A smile lit Arosa’s face. “No, I don’t think she would be upset at all. I do think it is going to be fun. Come with me and I’ll show you.”

  Arilla nodded her head and glanced around as another of their kind rose as well. The golden form floated up to the top of the steps where twin pillars stood as silent sentinels. The portal opened at the top. It created a doorway where the vast flickering lights of a million universes beckoned to be explored.

  The translucent form dissolved as it passed through it. While many of her kind only stayed long enough to rebuild their strength, she and Arosa were happy on this world. By many accounts, especially Aikaterina’s, they were still just children having lived only a few thousand years.

  Arilla turned and dissolved when she heard Arosa’s voice calling to her. Rising, she followed her sister through the maze of cracks and tunnels leading under the water. Arilla increased her speed as they neared the cavern under the Palace. She was excited to discover what this Halloween was and see what new adventures the Dragonlings were up to.

  Chapter 5

  Cara’s eyelids fluttered as Trelon came up behind her and pressed a hot, possessive kiss to her neck. A low laugh escaped her as she turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. She returned his heated kiss with one of her own.

  “Amber and Jade are finally asleep,” he murmured against her skin. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  Cara pulled back enough to look into his eyes. Her fingers played with his hair. It was starting to grow long again now that it wasn’t getting torched or chewed on as much anymore.

  “You pass out from exhaustion?” She asked in a teasing tone. “They were especially active after dinner tonight.”

  Trelon emitted a low growl and scooped Cara up against him. “I’m getting better at living with little to no sleep,” he stated proudly. “No, it is time I took my mate out for an evening flight.”

  “The girls…?” Cara asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Symba will be here. My symbiot will not allow them to get hurt or escape without it,” Trelon whispered as he pulled her away from the twin’s bedroom and down the hallway to the living room. “Don’t you want to fly?”

  “You know I do,” Cara breathed as she ran her fingers down his chest as he walked slowly backwards. “Last one to the meadow gets the bottom.”

  A low, dangerous growl escaped Trelon as Cara darted past him. He watched her shapely ass as she ran through the living room and out onto the balcony. His dragon snarled as she shifted when she reached the railing. The beautiful colors of her tiny burgundy and amethyst dragon called to him. She flashed her emerald green eyes at him in challenge and invitation before she launched herself into the air.

  “She is incredible,” Trelon murmured to his dragon as he swept through the balcony doors after his mate.

  My mate, his dragon roared as he took control.

  Within a fraction of a second, the body of the large male dragon pushed off the stone railing after Cara. His black scales shimmered in the brightness of the full twin moons. Dark, bluish tinted scales
with traces of gold mixed through them caught and held the glow of the moon for just a moment. His large wings swept up and down in powerful strokes as he raced to catch up with the small dragon.

  She no want the damp grass, his dragon informed him.

  I always did like being on the bottom, Trelon replied with a grin. It makes it easier to see her face as she comes.

  And go deep, his dragon added as he glided under the branch of a thick tree as they neared the long meadow not far from the palace.

  Trelon did a second sweep around the meadow to make sure it was safe before he landed a few feet away from where Cara stood. Both he and his dragon were held mesmerized by the beauty of her as she stood frozen in the center of the long grassy area. A light breeze blew the tall, purple grass, making it appear as if it was dancing around a statue.

  He studied her for a moment just appreciating how beautiful she was in her dragon form as well as her two-legged figure. Her delicate head was turned toward the moons. Her long, slender neck was exposed and her wings were raised outward as if she wanted to feel the cool, evening air brush across them. Her tail was wound protectively near her left back leg. Her right forearm was raised as if she tried to reach out and touch the dancing waves of light flickering on the blades of the tall grass.

  You are truly magnificent, Trelon whispered to her as he took slow, sure steps toward her.

  Cara’s head lowered and she gazed back at him with glowing emerald eyes. She emitted a low, soft cough in invitation. Her tail unwound and she seductively swished it back and forth.

  Oh, mi elila, I love you, Trelon murmured as he approached her.


  Cara followed him as he slowly circled her. His tail ran down along her right hip before he flicked the end against her hindquarter. She turned and snapped at him to let him know that she felt his possessive slap.

  He snapped back with a low rumble. Cara cursed her dragon for arching her neck to the male. She wanted to roll her eyes at the horny bitch. She could at least give her male a run for his money.

  A surprised giggle escaped Cara when her dragon smacked her tail against the male’s hindquarter as he came around the other side. The low hiss told her that he had felt it as well. A shiver of anticipation swept through Cara when the male dragon suddenly rounded on her.

  Sharp teeth sank into her exposed neck, pulling a loud cry from her that echoed through the meadow. His Dragon’s Fire ignited her blood as he breathed. He gripped her shoulders with his fore claws and wrapped his wings around her so he could pull her onto his chest as he rolled. The movement settled her snugly on top of him.

  Cara’s tail tangled with his as she steadied herself. A startled hiss escaped her as his cock slid from the protective slit to press against her. She didn’t think she would ever get used to that.

  Pushing her fore claws against his chest, she arched just enough so that they aligned before she sank back down onto him. The thrill of being held captive by such a powerful dragon flowed through her like lava pouring from a newly erupted volcano. Her claws kneaded his shoulders as he pressed deeper and deeper into her.

  Trelon, Cara breathed as he pulled her tighter. He increased each powerful stroke as his own need came to a crest. Yes, oh, yes…

  Her dragon moaned as the male drove into her over and over. The feel of his long shaft pushing deeper into her heightened her need for release. A sense of loss nearly overwhelmed her when he released her neck. That was… until the first wave of Dragon’s Fire rushed through her. She rotated her hips and pulled tighter on his tail in an effort to relieve the growing burning deep inside her.

  Turning her slender head, she brushed her tongue along the smooth scales of his jaw and whimpered. He still refused to go faster. Impatient, she nudged him with her snout before she nipped at his ear in frustration.

  A shudder escaped her when he drove into her as deep as he could and held still. She pulled back and gazed down into his blazing gold eyes. She blinked when he slowly pulled back and did it again.

  Trelon’s dragon was trying to tell her he was the one in control. Deep down, she knew it was the primitive need of the male to dominate. Bowing her head, she brushed her tongue down along his jaw again before she opened her mouth and bit down just under it.

  Cara, mi elila, you play a dangerous game, Trelon roared out as she released the Dragon Fire inside her.

  Haven’t you learned yet that women never fight fair when they really want something? She whispered as she poured everything in her into him.

  The loud roar of the male echoed through the meadow as he swelled and exploded deep inside her with a force that took her breath away. Her own body constricted around him, locking him to her as she responded to the cock pulsing inside her.

  Finally, for just a moment, relief, she thought as her mind grew hazy with satisfaction. Round two coming up after this commercial break.

  You’re going to kill me, aren’t you? Trelon groaned as pleasure and fire overwhelmed him… again.


  “You’re late,” Zoran growled as Trelon stumbled down the last step.

  “You would be too if you had to try to tire your mate out enough that she would pass out, not fall asleep, but pass out!” Trelon snapped back as he swayed. “Do you have any idea what it takes to wear Cara out?”

  Muffled laughter echoed through the lower dungeons. Trelon pushed his hair back out of his eyes. Even that took a monumental amount of energy. He wasn’t sure he had any left after the lovemaking marathon he had just had with his mate.

  “Do you need a gravity chair?” Ha’ven asked with a grin.

  “More like a regen bed,” Vox laughed as he came up and slapped Trelon good-naturedly on the shoulder.

  Trelon stumbled forward and would have fallen if Mandra hadn’t caught him. A part of him wished his brother would have just let him fall. The floor was looking very inviting right now.

  “Are you going to be alright?” Mandra asked him quietly. “We can go on without you, if you want to return to your mate.”

  Trelon glared at Mandra as he straightened. He saw the deceptive twinkle in his brother’s eyes. He didn’t just about kill himself wearing Cara out to give up now!

  “Let’s go,” he growled under his breath. “I want to see what this Halloween is.”

  None of the men saw the almost two dozen shadows, some large, some small, following them as they moved through the door leading down to the cavern below.

  “Dada,” Jade giggled as she burrowed into the soft ‘saddle’ of her golden horsey.

  Chapter 6

  “What is this place?” Ha’ven asked in amazement as he gazed around the large area. “It looks… I don’t know what it looks like. Even on all the Spaceports I’ve been to, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “How did they keep this quiet from all of you?” Vox asked as he sidestepped Trelon and walked down the steps. His eyes were focused on the tombstones across the river. A low grumble escape him when he read the one with his name on it. “Damn it! Riley knew about this too, didn’t she? I know she had to be the one to write that.”

  Chuckles followed Vox’s exasperated declaration. “What is that?” Vox demanded, pointing to the carts and the tracks. “Where does it go?”

  “I don’t know,” Trelon admitted. “We didn’t have time to check it out earlier.”

  “Well, our mates were not quite as difficult to tire out,” Vox replied with an arrogant, superior grin. “Riley threatened to try to shoot me again if I didn’t let her sleep. She’ll be out for the rest of the night. I made sure of that.”

  “You have always been full of hot air, Vox. You know what they say about a male who has to brag about how much stamina he has,” Ha’ven commented as he walked by Vox and climbed into one of the carts and sat down.

  “Very funny, Ha’ven,” Vox muttered as Ha’ven held up his pinky and wiggled it. “You can only dream your cock is that big. Now, scoot over.”

  Vox squeezed in next to
Ha’ven and glanced around. He pulled on the bar in front of him, but nothing happened. The other men looked around the carts as well.

  “Trelon, I thought you were the smart one of the brothers. Can’t you figure out how to make this thing go?” Vox asked as he looked up in frustration.

  “Has anyone told you lately you’re an ass?” Trelon replied sarcastically.

  Vox grinned. “Riley says it all the time. She adores me,” he bragged.

  “Goddess, how does your species survive with you as their King?” Ha’ven asked with an exaggerated sigh. “Ouch!” He raised an eyebrow at Vox as he rubbed his arm when the big oaf punched him.

  “Because we hit hard,” Vox retorted with a grin. “And I inherited the position.”

  “Younglings, don’t make me come back there and separate you two,” Zoran snickered as he sat down in the cart ahead of Vox and Ha’ven. “Abby threatens me and Zohar with that all the time when we start wrestling. She refuses to believe me when I tell her I’m training him to be a good warrior and King.”

  “I don’t know,” Trelon said as he climbed in next to Zoran. “My brain just isn’t working.”

  “Maybe, we all have to sit down in it,” Creon suggested as he scanned it. “The bar looks like it should move. That might be what starts it.”

  “It’s worth a try,” Kelan and Mandra muttered at the same time before they climbed into the third cart and sat down. “Now, what?”

  “I’ll take the back,” Creon said. “It may need to be filled first before it activates.”

  The cart shifted as Creon climbed in the last one and sat down. All the men looked at Trelon when nothing happened. Trelon rolled his eyes and turned back around to the front. He tested the bar again. He started in surprise when the door next to him suddenly sealed the opening and the bar came down over his legs.

  “What the…,” he muttered as it locked into place.

  “What did you do? The bar has come down over my legs and I can’t move?” Ha’ven demanded. “It is stuck.”