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Music Notes (Heartbeat #3), Page 3

Renee Lee Fisher

  Chapter Three – First Class Front Row

  Even though Maxwell got working on our trip itinerary just after the news came to us about the twins, it was hard to get into the best resort in St. Martin with short notice. Maxwell eventually was successful in booking everything but we had to wait a month. We both knew that was not a problem as we had no issues in starting our honeymoon from our home.

  I watched as the anticipation filled her face. Like a child on a roller coaster, she glanced out the window clearly excited. We touched down in a very smooth landing, and although we had to exit on the tarmac and walk into the airport there was no way I was going to let her carry anything but a camera. She was already carrying the double load of our twins in her belly. Exiting the plane, I couldn’t help but see a few young girls smile in my direction. I kept my focus only on one girl, the one who had my heart. Madison was steps in front of me and I hear her softly say, “Thank you for the calm flight.” I could see her beaming with each step she took off the plane and it was touching to see her wave back to the pilot and crew.

  This island is considered the “friendly island”, and so we were welcomed very quickly and taken to our hotel in paradise. There was no work lined up for me, and Madison said she needed this time to allow her creative mind to take on new writing ideas. Sometimes I glance at her and wonder what goes through her pretty head. I mean her beautiful head and that wasn’t all that was beautiful…she was stunning.

  We had never been to this island before, but instantly decided this was where we wanted to visit. Madison’s mother and Jake honeymooned here, and their descriptions of the island and their experiences here were amazing. Madison’s face lit up listening to the stories, and it was obvious she was completely enthralled. It was the same look that I saw when she sat in my front row, and again when I look down at her face in our bed. A stray piece of hair blows across her face, and I tuck it back behind her ear. I can’t stop myself—I kiss the side of her neck just under her ear. I rest there a moment, totally lost in her and wondering how the hell I ever got so lucky.

  “Babe, do you want to grab something to eat or get into our room first?” Madison asked and let out a slight breath because she knew my mind was a million miles away.

  “Oh, whatever you want Love. I was just enjoying the scenery.” I gave her a playful wink, and hoped that was a good save.

  “I vote for food first,” she stated. She smiled and tugged my fingers, pulling me along with her through the open lobby toward the hotel restaurant on the beach.

  Each day seemed to sail into the next. All we really had to do each day was decide where to eat or which of the many awesome beaches to head to. My daily thoughts were consumed by Madison—how soon could I get back inside my woman. I looked at Madison just as this last thought popped in my head…I’ve got it bad, and I know it. To be totally honest, gorgeous women have passed me on these beaches the past few days topless and I do look from behind my sunglasses, they don’t do anything for me. Only Madison affects me anymore. When Madison put on her bikini and her voice sweetly asked me to adjust her straps in the back, I knew that was my green light to go forward and never adjust them. The very tiny patch of fabric held by two strings fell to the floor and her bottoms soon followed. I took our beach towel that she held in her hand and laid it under her head as I laid her across the bed. From the window I could see the expanse of the ocean, but below me was the greatest view, my wife’s naked body waiting to welcome me.

  Although our stay was mostly on the French side of the island, we did travel all over. One Friday night we found a really cool spot. It was called Karaktar and it was on the beach of the Dutch side. It was a bar that was an old school bus and they served tapas. Madison was not drinking now at all, and I certainly limited myself with alcohol around her. Hell I didn’t need any additional influence to feel better or to get me in a mood. Just being with my wife—yeah saying wife still sounds so weird—is so cool. I can write lyrics and sing songs, but there are so many moments I am tongue tied around this woman. I even get nervous from time to time and she thinks I am acting cool.

  So, now here we are seated on this beach out of sight on a beautiful evening and I am just looking at her knowing that I would lay down my life for this woman by my side. That no one will come between us. We put up with too much of that crap from her ex-husband. There doesn’t have to be any words exchanged between us at this moment, because all I can think of is that this is perfect. I rest my hand lightly on the side of her head and hold it there and then I stroke the side of her face and a smile purses her lips. She gives me that sultry look that has begun to come more frequently since she became pregnant. Her hand rests on my thigh and I lift it to my lips. I think she thought I would move it someplace else but this is one of those times when it’s not about sex. Just being with her makes my whole world complete. Madison pulls her hand away from mine, and places it lightly on my neck and tips me to her mouth. She is awaiting “just a kiss”. No kiss with her is ever “just a kiss”, they always make my stomach drop. I open my eyes for a moment to look at her face as I am kissing her in the evening light and there is a sudden break in the shine from the lit torches that casts the shadow of someone coming toward us. I don’t want to retreat from her lips, and I don’t want us interrupted as she feels so incredibly good. I want to keep kissing my wife much longer, but then I hear a person clear their throat to alert us that they are here. “Hello there,” we hear from a male voice. I look up with my face clearly displaying satisfaction from my love’s wet lips, but confused about who is interrupting our moment.

  We look up to see an island local extending his hand to us in greeting. He looks familiar. I realize that he was at the microphone performing when we entered the bar. “Well hi there,” I say to him not feeling the need to say more. Madison however perks up and joins right on in the conversation,

  “You sang well. My husband here is a singer in the States.”

  “My Name is Dex. I overheard the waitress earlier talking with your wife, and she told me that you were in a rock band.”

  “Yep, news travels fast here,” I replied still uncertain as to why he walked over in the darkness to us. I had to get a slight dig in that we may have wanted a moment alone so I continued, “Yeah, I play and sing, but now all I’m concentrating on is singing love songs to my new wife.” I smiled back to him thinking he would excuse himself now and leave, but I was wrong.

  “Well, we’d love to hear you play a song for us if you could.” He waited patiently for me to answer. I looked at Madison, and of course she smiled and nodded her head.

  I looked back to Dex and said, “Oh, what the hell. One song, but I need a guitar.” I thought they wouldn’t have one and that would get me off the hook. Dex walked away, but returned with the cutest local girl holding out a slightly beaten up guitar like it was sent from the gods to me. Oh, hell I knew now I had to play something. I looked into her hopeful eyes and didn’t want to let her down, so I thought, why not, I’ll sing something. I know someday I may have a daughter who will look at me for something and I will never disappoint her.

  Now I had to decide what to play. I considered my song selection as I was up and heading to their simple staging area. It was a clearing in the sand with a palm tree backdrop. I noticed several of the cooking staff paused in their duties and had positioned themselves by the service window to watch and listen. Dex cleared his throat and said, “Everyone, tonight we have a treat. Max Rand, a well known front man from the USA is going to play us a song. Thanks man.”

  I stood feeling like it was Karaoke night on the beach on the tiny, four foot by four foot raked sand area serving as the stage. I began to pick at a few cords on the guitar to get some sort of tune. I looked up to see the most beautiful woman appear with her sexy, newly tanned body pulling her dress around her as she sat in the front row on the sandy ground. I made a mental note to wipe every single sand granule from her body later tonight. I shook my hair back, “Good evening. I’d like
to play you all a song I just started to work on it coming here to your wonderful island. For now it’s titled, Cushion Me.” I know I had just begun to put this song together, but with Madison as my inspiration it flowed easily from me. “Cushion me in the sand, take me softly…” I looked at her face and sure enough she had tears filling her eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was because the song was that bad, or because her hormones were getting to her. I hoped they were happy tears though. Anytime a woman is teary and smiling, I learned that wasn’t normally a bad reaction.

  After I had played most of the new song, I broke into the popular Rolling Stones tune, (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction everyone in the bar joined in to sing along… “but I try and I try”. I froze at the end of the song. I had to catch my breath as I glanced at Madison leaning over and singing to her belly, our unborn twins. I jumped out of the raked sand stage area and lifted her up into my arms. I spun her around and passed the microphone to Dex. I heard the cheers and claps, but mostly I heard my wife moan softly to me, “Rand, let’s get back to our suite. We can listen to the ocean outside as we make our own noise inside on our giant bed.” For me, what rang in my ears was, “hey, hey, hey”, oh Hell Yeah that’s what I say.

  Opening my eyes wide as the sun filled the room, I could see Madison already up and pulling her hair back into a clip. It looked like one that I would use on the chip bag. They might even be some of hers I have used. I laugh to my self and sit up taking in the awesome view of the beach through the sliding doors. I hear my phone, and glance at the screen to see that it is Maxwell. I wonder why he would be trying to contact us, so I go ahead and answer.

  “Hey Maxwell, what has you calling us on our honeymoon and so early? You know I love my sleep.”

  “Rand, actually I didn’t want to bother you while you were away, but this cannot wait. A record label has signed your solo album and they want you to begin touring with it in a few weeks. This is everything you wanted and worked for! I am so damn proud of you, boy.”

  Madison has come over and is sitting down next to me. She is smiling contently this morning after our rather fun evening last night of a romantic beachside dinner and very impromptu singing. She always enjoys any show I put on for her, even a simple serenade in the shower. I love to see this woman so happy it makes me melt, but her smile turns to her biting her lower lip and then she asks, “What’s going on?” I play it off and give her the shake of my head that everything is just fine. I take her hand in mine and capture all her fingers tightly. We’re going to be fine runs through my head. Everything I have ever dreamed of in the world of music is coming my way, and I don’t want to leave this moment I have right here. I’m with my lovely wife, enjoying the sight of her in a tank top and her very skimpy undies.

  “Rand are you still there?” Maxwell questions.

  “Yeah I’m here with the best thing in this entire world.” I am caressing her hand and looking at her with my puppy dog eyes. I think I almost have her hooked—oh yeah she’s coming in to kiss my neck. “Maxwell, I have to go. We will pick this up when I get home. Right now, I have something else I need to tend to.” I dropped the phone as Madison slid over top of me and I fell back to the bed. I wasn’t certain if I hit the hang up button on my phone. If I didn’t then Maxwell was going to get an ear full.

  In life you always wish for the good things, and sometimes they come and sometimes all at once. This time in my life, all the good is chasing me down and tackling me to the ground. Earth never felt so great. I have the news of our twins coming. The thought of children was still freaking me out though. Maxwell’s news just added to all of that. After having another round of morning sex with my wife, I settled in the chair having some coffee on the balcony and began to read the long message that Maxwell sent. First he began with –

  Reminder to you Rand, make certain you shut your phone completely off I need not hear what you do with your lovely bride. By the way, you will be heading on tour for about three months after you return from your honeymoon, to several cities and they have brought in an opening act for you. They think that this act will complement your style of music. The band is called Meila and The Erratics. It was them or the Seven Sins, but the Seven Sins they believe will be too wild of a start for you.

  The buzz on Meila and The Erratics is she is a true crowd pleaser and she delivers great music. The story behind her latest CD titled, “Stolen from Me,” is the real life story of some other girl stealing Meila’s fiancé just days before the wedding. It appears she put all that hurt and anger into her music. I have listened to it, and it is really good, but let me warn you she appears to carry a large chip on her shoulder. I have been told that she is out to rip apart any other person’s happiness at any costs. Rand you are a big boy and I know you can handle yourself. I think she will be so glad that her and her band will open for your shows that she will calm her destructive ways, that is if the rumors are even true. You know sometimes that kind of thing is just made up to generate attention.

  I am not looking forward to breaking this to Madison. She will say she is happy, but I can imagine her expression when she hears the news. A shadow will cover the beautiful brightness in her eyes. I decide to look up the opening band, really just to avoid breaking the news for as long as possible. My eyes are frozen on the phone screen. Meila, well she is unbelievably stunning. Way too beautiful, and far too sexy. There are a lot promotional pictures of her and her band, The Erratics. What stands out most is that she looks so much like my Madison. They could totally pass for sisters, and now I am so fucked. Boy, I really wish Killjoy was available for my shows since Madison would have no issues with her. I clicked on some random songs just to listen to her lyrics and Maxwell was right, she is one scorned chick.

  Even as the worry starts to take root in me, I remind myself that we are married. I’m about to be a dad of two little squirts and I don’t think there is anything I need to worry about in the days ahead. Madison leaves me breathless every single time she enters a room. I feel my heart sink the more I think about telling her I’m leaving. The old me would be heartless and not give this tour and a hot opening act a second thought. Looking back to those days, I am thankful of one thing. I always kept a condom in my pocket. I usually would have tapped most of the attractive girls, and felt nothing. It was not an even exchange. What I have with my Madison now is the complete world handed to me on a silver platter. I awake each day and end each night in bed with her. I am having a hard time getting ready to tell her about the tour. Maybe I can soften her up with a song before I give her the news. As she brings out her coffee through the door, I pat her ass. “Listen I want to sing you something, you good to hear it?” Her eyes light up and she rubs her lips together as she nods her head anxiously. I hit the background music I have on my computer and then tell her, “Love, this is just one of the many songs that bring you inside my head and heart.”

  Secret Music Note

  A soft sounding note heard in the air

  A silent secret location where it is bare

  I know where it hides tucked away

  I see it clearly in my eyes

  I look at you and know just below

  there dangles a shiny gem of song

  Covered by your shirt’s soft fabric

  Keeping it safely hidden away

  I play to you with vision of that note

  My heart full of words and song

  Keep veiled that secret music note

  because I don’t wish to share

  I will look away

  and still know its sound

  I will pass you by

  and know where it was found

  I will be pulled by you

  listening to the unknown

  I will remember the fear

  your hesitation and the moan

  My thumb rubs across its metal

  I feel you move under my touch

  I tug at the jewel that is pierced through you

  I create the music that touches my soul

nbsp; Music carries me to another existence

  My heart beating strong with anticipation

  I move the secret music charm side to side

  my blood pumps for you an incredible sensation

  Music carries me to another existence

  My heart beating strong with anticipation

  I move the secret music charm side to side

  my blood pumps for you an incredible sensation

  Secret music note you keep me in beat

  where my love of you and music meet.

  Where my love of you

  and my love of music

  will forever meet.

  When I am done I see she’s got tears in her eyes. This is not the reaction I was looking for. “Love I’m so sorry, what did I sing wrong?” I question.

  “Rand you did not make me cry entirely. I’m pregnant and emotional, and what you sang in the final verse of your love for music and me…it is so true. We are your life.” Madison smiles so warmly and happiness frames her face.

  “Madison I am so glad you’re thinking like this because I wanted to tell you…” I trail off as I don’t know how to get this conversation over with.

  “Oh no. What? What are you not telling me? Rand?”

  “Love, get this, a record company has just signed me. Maxwell just let me know that I go on my solo tour in a few weeks, for about twelve quick weeks. It’s really no big deal.” I figured that the weeks sounded better in delivery to her than telling her three months. I was so trying to down play the enthusiasm that stirred within me, as I’m waiting for the coffee cup to fall from her hand.

  “Babe you are an awesome musician and I want you to take this to whatever level you want. I am with you, by your side now. I don’t have those past insecurities I once had.” I look past her eyes. I can see the sincerity in her eyes, but her hand is shaking. I try not to notice as she places her coffee cup to rest on her knee holding it steady, but I still see the liquid sloshing. I hear what she says, but I know inside she is thinking a thousand thoughts and scenarios as all women do. Shit, what am I thinking? If I go on tour can I still be here for her? Can I be all of these things—a musician performing and traveling and partying with the band, and fulfill my role as a husband and father? Shit, shit, shit.