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Her Ride, Page 4

Rachael Orman

  Once inside, I bee lined it for the bar, not caring where the men went. They’d find me if they needed me and vice versa. I only came with them since they knew a place to go and I had a guaranteed ride home. I leaned on my elbows and reached a hand out to grab the bartender’s attention. He nodded at me, signaling that he saw me while he finished serving the customer in front of him.

  “What can I get you?” he asked, making his way to me as he wiped his hands off on a towel.

  “Three shots of Tequila. I don’t care what brand.” I slapped a $50 bill on the counter. “Keep them coming till this is gone.”

  “Looking to get trashed?” He gave me a half smile that made his blue eyes sparkle as he laid out three shot glasses. Quickly filling them with the golden liquid, he grabbed the bill off the counter. “You want limes, hun?”

  “Yes, to both.” I winked and threw back the first shot as soon as he set a small plate with a couple limes on it next to the glasses. He was kind of cute once I actually took a moment to look at him, too bad he was working.

  “I’m James. Just holler if you need something.” He filled up the empty shot glass then moved to serve another customer. I tossed back another shot and sucked on the lime, turning around with the third glass in my hand. I listened to the music playing. It was decent, a mix of hip hop and rock. Gazing at the crowd on the dance floor, I caught sight of someone sliding onto the chair next to me from the corner of my eye. I turned towards the stranger to find a man in a white button up shirt, sport coat, and jeans. I let my eyes slowly take in his body as I tipped back my third shot, savoring the burn as it slid down my throat, my eyes settled on his face. I nodded at him in response to the pearly white, straight toothed smile he was flashing me.

  “How are you doing tonight, beautiful?” The suit asked me, inching closer so he could be heard over the music now thumping through the bar.

  “Not happening, buddy.” I shook my head softly. “I’m not interested."

  “Shooo. Shot down just like that?” He laughed, slapping a hand to the center of his chest like he’d never been turned down before and I’d wounded him. “You are joking, right?”

  “No, buddy; I don’t dig suits.” I scoffed, walking away since he obviously wasn’t going anywhere after a moment. ‘Get Buck in Here’ by DJ Felli Fel was just starting to come over the speakers. Perfect. Make me forget the suit and let me enjoy the slight buzz I was starting to get. As the beat started, I rotated my hips slowly. As I continued to dance to the music, I slid my hands up my body into the air. Twisting my hips around a bit, I bent, putting my hands on my knees, shaking my ass like crazy for the chorus of the song. I started dancing with a girl that was on the dance floor. Few guys were braving the floor tonight, but that didn’t matter to me. I could get down with a girl; they danced better anyway. The beautiful brunette was grinding her thigh between mine with her hands on my hips. Smiling at her, I wrapped my arms around her hips and slid my thigh tighter between hers. When she looked up into my eyes again, I lowered my face to hers and let my lips graze hers. She pulled back instantly and faded into the crowd while I laughed. Prude. I continued dancing by myself or with anyone brave enough to get close enough with me. After a few songs, I wiped the sweat from my forehead, walking back to the bar for a break.

  “Scared your little friend away.” James, the bartender, said when I sat back down at my still vacant spot. The suit was no longer in sight. I shrugged at James.

  “She just wanted men to drool over the girl on girl action. No commitment to it though.” I tossed back another shot when he slid it over for me.

  “Oh and you did? You’ve been with girls?” James rested his elbows on the bar and leaned forward, waiting for my answer.

  “Sure. Not because some man wanted me to. I did it ‘cause I wanted to. It was fun. I was just playing though, that’s not what I’m in the mood for tonight anyway.” I leaned closer to him, mimicking his posture. Leaning across the bar, I pressed my arms together, which made my breasts more pronounced.

  “And what is it you are in the mood for tonight? Besides getting drunk, that is.” James asked just as I knew he would. I tilted my head down so that I could look up at him from under my lashes.

  “A hard cock attached to someone who knows how to use it.” I leaned back a bit to look either way down the bar before meeting his eyes again. “Too bad all the men here look like pussies. Sadly, looks like I’ll be pleasing myself tonight.”

  “It’s too bad I have to work till closing tonight or I’d be more than happy to help you out with that.” James gave me a sultry gaze. Tilting my head, I let my eyes slowly graze over his shoulders, chest and the tight t-shirt that was showing off a very sexy body underneath it.

  “Hmmm. That is a shame. Maybe another time.” I smiled and sat back in my chair. James and I carried on a light conversation between him serving other customers. He turned out to be a pretty nice guy trying to put himself through college by bartending. After a bit, I went out to dance for a few more songs. When I finally dragged my sweaty ass back to the bar, Monk showed up next to me.

  “Are you getting into trouble?” Monk winked at me as I tossed back another shot.

  “I was trying, but no luck.” I turned around, putting my elbows on the bar and looked to see where Brew was. “What are you doing?"

  “Getting another beer for a lady who is gonna get lucky tonight.” Monk made a thrusting motion with his hips. I rolled my eyes.

  “Will you hurry it up? I’m already tired.” I felt so old suddenly seeing all the people still on the dance floor. I was maxed out. Eight shots and dancing to a dozen songs and I was ready for bed.

  “Man, you are getting old… Or just not able to handle the party like you used to.”

  “Shut it. I’m going outside to call J. Hurry up or I’m calling a cab.” I elbowed him in the stomach playfully as I moved through the tables and crowd to the door. I leaned against the bumper of the SUV as I dialed Jeremiah. It rang four times before he finally answered. It was after midnight in Arizona so it was the middle of the day where he was, but it sounded like sheets rustling as he moved around. “Hello?"

  “Hey. I didn’t expect to hear from you again today.” Jeremiah said sounding off.

  “Well, I wanted to talk to you again. What are you doing?” I asked when I heard a woman tell Jeremiah that she’d go get the shower started for them.

  “Nothing. Why?”

  “J…” I let my voice trail off. I’d been calling to placate him so I wouldn’t have to deal with him pissed off for not calling only to find he had someone there. At least I was discreet, I would’ve never answered my phone with a fuck around, and they didn’t stay around long enough for that.

  “Shannon, what did you call for?” Jeremiah asked in a terse tone. I scoffed, hanging up the phone and turning it off. I figured he’d be calling back to scream at me for hanging up on him and, you know, how dare I be upset that my boyfriend was sleeping around. I shoved the phone into my back pocket and crossed my arms over my chest to wait for the guys. A couple minutes passed as I watched the fairly full parking lot. There wasn’t much traffic coming or going since it was the time of night that either you were where you were going or you had already headed home with only an hour till last call.

  I pushed off the truck to stand on my feet when a man approached me. I hadn’t seen where he’d come from and it surprised me. I looked towards the door of the bar to see if the boys were on their way out yet. There was something about the thick chested man with tattoos along both arms and up the front of his neck that made me slightly uneasy.

  “What’s a pretty lady like you doing out here all by yourself?” The burly man asked, still moving closer to me.

  “Just waiting for my friends. They should be out here any time.” I nodded towards the door, being sure to keep my eyes on the man.

  “I bet they’re too busy with the whores on their cocks to think about you. Which is exactly what I was hoping for when I saw your tight little
ass come in tonight.” He stepped closer still. He was within arm’s length, but I refused to back away or show that he frightened me.

  “You must have me confused with someone else.”

  “No, I know exactly who you are. Wrench owes my boss and I think you’ll be the perfect payment. It’ll be much sweeter and pleasurable for me too." The man moved faster than I thought someone of his size would be able to. His hand was wrapped around my hair, snapping my head back from the force of it as his body pressed mine into the hood of the truck. “And you will give me exactly what I want.”

  “I doubt that.” I spit in his face when he used his other hand to cup my chin and make me face him. “I’ll give you nothing without a fight.”

  “Have it your way.” He roughly grabbed my arm and forced me to the passenger side of the truck so that we were no longer visible from the door of the bar. I dug one hand into the wrist of his hand that was pulling on my hair, trying to loosen his grip. My other hand whacked at the hand that was intent on unbuttoning my jeans. His big meaty hand came up to slap the side of my face as he growled in a low menacing voice, “Stop fighting me.”

  “Never.” I stomped on his foot with the spike of my heel, which earned me a small wince from the big man. He tugged back even more roughly on my hair.

  “Bitch, the more you fight, the harder I’m going to make this on you.” A fist rammed into my cheek and eye to emphasize his point. My vision faded momentarily, he used that time to swiftly unbutton and unzip my pants. When I got my bearings back, his nasty hand was sliding into my panties. I reared back and let my fist meet his face. He paused, surprised, which allowed me to get in a couple good hits to his face before he hit me in the stomach. The assault on my abdomen made me want to lean forward in order to protect my sensitive midsection, but the tight hold in my hair kept me upright. His fist repeatedly bashed into my face, splitting my lip and leaving behind a gash or two on my face. Dazed, my mouth filling with blood as I heard the sound of another zipper. He was unzipping his pants. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw.

  Fighting memories of the past, I opened my eyes to look into his angry face. I spit a mouthful of blood at him, aiming for his eyes. He used his free hand to wipe at his face, cussing at me. Bringing my knee up into his balls, my hair finally slipped from his grasp as he bent at the waist, gripping his bare cock in pain. I twisted at the waist, sending my elbow into his face with as much force as I could. As his body lurched to the side, I fisted my fingers in his greasy hair, bringing his face towards my knee as I lifted it as fast and hard as I could. I kneed his face twice more before throwing him towards the ground, turning to run from him. He managed to grab a hold of my heel. I fell face first to the ground, but kicked off my shoes, scurrying around the front of the truck just in time to see Monk and Brew walking out of the bar. Seeing me on my hands and knees with blood rushing from my mouth, they bolted to my side.

  “What the fuck?” Monk was looking around the parking lot. I spit out a mouthful of blood, leaning back on my knees. The adrenaline was surging through me faster than I was able to breathe and get out words. I lifted a shaking hand towards the side of the truck. Monk disappeared from my view.

  “Come on.” Brew murmured as he carefully helped me to my feet.

  “Fucker thought he could rape me. Think again.” I was finally able to breathe well enough to speak. I spit more blood on the ground, hearing movement. I turned to see Monk dragging the man deeper into the parking lot where there was even less light. The man didn’t appear to be conscious any longer, but I didn’t give a fuck.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Brew opened the passenger door of the driver side of the truck for me to climb in. I nodded and fell back against the seat. I watched as he pressed his phone to his ear. After only a moment, he was putting it back in his pocket, opening the driver door. I stopped him before he sat down.

  “Wait. I want my shoes. That fucker took my shoes.” Shaking his head, Brew closed the door to go in search of my heels. What? They were my favorite. When he returned to the truck, he set my shoes on the floor board and started the truck. The last thing I remember was hearing the roar of bikes entering the parking lot before I blacked out.

  I cracked my eyes open slowly to find that I was in my bed at Patrick’s house. My head was killing me, my face and knuckles were throbbing, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I rolled onto my side from my stomach and came face to face with Patrick. He was sleeping in a chair next to my bed. Softly smiling, I quietly climbed from the bed. Once my bare feet hit the ground, I realized that I was no longer in my jeans and bustier but a soft pair of cotton shorts and a tank top. Someone must’ve changed me when we got back. Whatever, not like they hadn’t all seen a naked woman before.

  Once I locked myself in the bathroom, I let the shower heat up and slowly stripped out of my clothes. The steam was billowing out of the shower stall and steaming up the mirror as I took in the various shades of purples, blues and reds that covered the entire left half of my face. At least nothing was broken, didn’t feel like it anyway. Stepping into the hot water, my head dropped back as the water beat against my shoulders, releasing the tension. A moan slipped from my lips as I rolled my head from one side to the other. Once my back was feeling more relaxed, I turned and let the water rush over the front of my body. I took the shampoo that was on the little shelf; it wasn’t mine, but it would do. Filling my palm, I started to carefully wash my tender scalp and tried to get some of the knots out of my hair. I was sure there was dried blood in it too.

  Watching the pink suds rush down my body towards the drain, I realized that they were accompanied by tears. The events from last night came rushing back to the forefront of my mind. I shivered as I thought of what would’ve happened if I hadn’t been so well trained to protect myself. I was angry at myself for going outside by myself at a bar, angry at my brother for having some deal with nasty people like that, angry with Monk and Brew for not showing up earlier or not leaving when I was ready. It didn’t matter in the end though, did it? There was no point in being angry at things that I couldn’t control or change.

  I let myself cry for a few minutes before telling myself it was time to suck it up and carry on. I had won the fight, this time, and it would only help me be prepared for the next time some man thought he could over power me. I’d just file it away to use for motivation to push harder while at the gym; more ammo for my mind to push my body that much harder and farther.

  Turning off the water, I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body under my arms. I was carefully running a brush through my hair when there was a soft knock on the door. I opened it a crack to see Patrick with a small smile on his face.

  “Hey. How are you doing?” He asked softly. I opened the door farther, resuming brushing out the tangles from my hair.

  “I’ve been better. All in all, pretty good though.” I stopped and looked at him when he put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Can I help?” I lifted an eyebrow in question, but he gestured for my brush so I handed it to him. “Come, sit in a chair."

  I followed him into the bedroom, sitting at the small vanity chair. He was quiet as he tenderly started brushing my hair like he used to when we were kids. After a few minutes of silence, he broke the silence.

  “I’m real sorry, you know. You should never have been in that situation. I didn’t think they would come after you. I thought they'd come after me, if they were going to go after someone. An over sight on my part that you paid for.” His voice was quieter than I had heard it in a long time. The big bad boy exterior melted away to show the upset older brother. It hurt him that I’d been hurt, he might not say it like that, but I knew it.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay. Really. Give me a week or two and you won’t even be able to tell.” I smiled softly up at him, careful not to pull on the two cuts on my bottom lip. “At least now I finally get a chance to talk to you.”

  “What’s going on with you?” Patrick set the bru
sh down and leaned back against the vanity so he could face me.

  “I haven’t said anything to anyone else yet, but in three months, when I have to head up to DC to sign my release papers for the military. I’m not coming back, not for a while anyway. I want to take a few months to figure out some things. I don’t want you telling anyone. There will be no changing my mind so don’t bother trying. After a couple months, I might come back; maybe it’ll be a year. I’m not sure.” I looked down at my hands that were folded in my lap when I said the words that had been burning in my gut since I got back.

  “Why? Why can’t you do your soul searching or whatever it is here? You’ve been gone for so long and now you are just going to leave again?" Patrick stood from the vanity and walked a few steps away only to walk back. “You don’t have to move all the way across the country. You can just get your own place here. I'll buy you a house out in town to give you your own space. Whatever you need.”

  “Patrick. I made my mind up before I even came home. I thought taking three months for us to spend together before I head off to live my own life again. I mean really though, we are both adults now; you didn’t expect your baby sister to stick around forever, right?" I looked at him and could clearly see from the look in his eyes that that was exactly what he had thought.

  “I guess I knew you would move out, but I always figured you’d end up with one of the guys and stay in the area. Getting married, popping little brats out every few years to drive me nuts, you know all that fun adult stuff. I thought when you went in the military, that was your soul searching time. Then you’d be staying here once you got out.” Patrick frowned.

  “Yeah, um, no.” I scoffed. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I didn’t want to fight over it either. “Anyway, please don’t say anything to anyone. I don’t want to talk about it. I plan on taking my bike and riding out to DC taking only what I can carry. I’ll have you ship up the rest of my stuff later. I’ll say bye to everyone like I plan to be back, because I do. One day. I don’t want a going away party or people making me feel bad. Okay? I’m only telling you because you’re my brother.”