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Rabbit Season, Page 3

Megan Derr

  Unfortunately, Tina was working the window when it was finally their turn. She opened and closed her mouth several times, peering curiously between the three of them, but in the end only asked what they wanted. Chocolate for Brook, vanilla for him and Colby. Three soft serve cones had never taken so long to make, and when they finally got them, Sidney threw the money on the counter and skedaddled faster than he'd ever skedaddled in his life, dragging Colby along with him and ignoring Brook's snickering as he followed along behind.

  As they left Main Street behind, Colby took the lead, taking them to the park at the edge of town, a sprawling, half-wild stretch of green that wrapped around a small lake.

  Sidney grimaced when he saw a trio of too-familiar faces walking toward them. The goons hadn't noticed them yet, but that would change any second. "Ugh, break left, break left."

  The twins didn't reply, just obeyed, turning a sharp left down a little walking path that led to a relatively quiet part of the park because it headed away from the lake. Sidney was startled, but not exactly surprised, when Brook draped an arm across his shoulders, putting Sidney right in the middle of a twin sandwich as they kept walking and eating ice cream. There were worse places to be.

  They finally stopped beside a mossy little pond dappled with shade and sunshine, insects buzzing, the grass half-covered with little white and yellow flowers. Sidney sat down and stretched his legs out, finishing the last bit of his ice cream and crunching down the cone, licking melted ice cream from his sticky fingers.

  He swallowed when Colby turned his head but didn't even ponder resisting the mouth that fell over his, sticky-sweet and cool but warming quickly. Colby kissed like he had a job to do and was going to see it was done right, where Brook kissed like they were playing a game and nobody could lose.

  Sidney moaned as he realized he knew the differences in how they kissed. After that it seemed easy as breathing to bury his fingers in Colby's hair, other hand still splayed in the grass. He gasped, shivered, as hands that couldn't belong to Colby slipped under his t-shirt from behind, calloused fingers running teasingly over his skin. Sidney oofed when Colby shifted, pushed him back against Brook, and straddled him. Colby's fingers sank into his hair, and he drew back just enough to draw breath. Sidney got a glimpse of blown pupils and wet lips, and then he was being kissed in a way that could only be described as tongue fucking.

  It was always the quiet ones. Sidney groaned, clinging tightly to Colby's t-shirt, painfully aware of the man in his lap and the one behind him, the heavy thighs bracketing him, and the hard, obvious proof that both twins were very happy to see him. He broke the kiss, tried to remember how to breathe and how to think.

  His efforts were in vain as Colby drew back enough to strip off their t-shirts before diving right back in to being evil, putting that mouth to work on Sidney's throat and chest while Brook continued to caress and tease. Sidney damn near lost his mind when he got double action, Colby sucking and nibbling one side of his throat while Brook molested the other. Oh, god, fantasy had fuck nothing on reality. His imagination had not been anywhere near vivid enough. "Nng—you guys go from zero to sixty." He was going to crash and burn and probably wouldn't feel very sorry about it.

  They didn't bother to reply save to redouble their efforts to break his brain permanently. Brook's hand skated along his chest, fingers teasing over his nipples before they were replaced by Colby's mouth. It became some sort of evil game with them, Brook's hands followed by Colby's mouth.

  Sidney was pretty sure he stopped breathing entirely when Colby got his pants open and Brook helped himself, fisting Sidney's cock and working it with quick, firm strokes. He almost fucking died when Colby stripped him entirely and got his own hands on Sidney's balls, gently fondling them, other hand wrapped around his own cock, hastily pulled from his shorts. He leaned in and kissed Sidney, wet and filthy, and the only thing better was when he broke away and leaned past Sidney to treat Brook to the same. Sidney whined, high and thin and needy. "I want to see."

  Chuckling, the twins drew apart, then pulled away entirely, leaving Sidney to swear in protest—but he forgot to complain when they moved in front of him and finished stripping, then pressed together and gave Sidney a show that put those few stolen moments he'd witnessed to shame. As in everything else, Brook was the louder, flashier one, but Colby was the one in charge. Brook's arms looped around Colby's shoulders as Colby ate at his mouth, Colby's hands gripping Brook's ass, guiding the way they rutted against each other. The little clearing was filled with the sound of skin smacking skin, the pants and moans, the breathy way Brook said Colby's name as he came, shuddering and shaking in Colby's arms.

  Looking entirely too pleased with himself, Colby pushed Brook down on the grass, then crooked a finger at Sidney. Happy to obey, Sidney went, trembling with a need to come already when Colby grabbed him and turned him so he knelt between Brook's spread thighs.

  Rubbing up against him, cock hot and leaving sticky trails along Sidney's ass and lower back, Colby reached around and stroked Sidney off fast, teeth nipping lightly at the underside of his jaw. He held Sidney tight as his climax took him, murmuring soft words that Sidney didn't quite catch, though the approving tone was clear enough.

  Sidney was just starting to calm when he felt Colby come, making a total mess of Sidney's back. He probably should care about that because they still had to walk back to the car and then drive home, but right then he was all about avoiding his problems.

  Brook and Colby tugged and shifted him until he lay sprawled on the grass with a twin on either side of him, their heads on his shoulders, legs splayed over his. They were heavy and hot, and his back was itchy as hell, but he had no desire to move. "Zero to sixty," he repeated around a yawn.

  "We're not used to having to wait years," Brook said.

  "Spoiled brats."

  Colby snorted. "Says Little Lord Duckling."

  "Shut up."

  They snickered and fell silent, settling more heavily against him as they fell into a light doze that Sidney was happy to join them in. He probably should be concerned that they were lying naked in the park and it was really obvious what they'd been doing, but it was sunny and warm, and he'd just had sex with the two men he'd always wanted but had thought were totally unattainable. He was gonna die when he got home, but it was so very worth it.

  A cool breeze drew him back to the waking world some time later. Sidney whined, sore and stiff and starting to reach unbearable levels of itchy. He whined again and tried to squirm free, but the useless lumps on either side of him wouldn't budge. "Move, jerks."

  Soft laughter brushed warmly over his skin, followed by lips and tongue that already felt bone-deep familiar. Then Sidney was turned, pushed on his side, and pressed up against Brook, who kissed like it was his birthday and Sidney was the cake and ice cream. Colby pressed in close behind, and holy god it was good to be the filling in the sandwich, feeling Colby's dick rutting in the crack of his ass while his cock rubbed against Brook's, and they were going to be so ridiculously messy by the time they were done, and he still didn't care. He clung tightly to Brook, lost in his kisses, whimpering and possibly begging as they moved together, sweaty and overheated, too eager for grace or coordination but somehow managing anyway.

  Colby came first that time, biting Sidney's shoulder, spilling all over him again and god, Sidney wanted to know how it felt to be fucked by them, wondered if he could last through both. He could picture it, spread out on his bed, Brook fucking him with abandon, grinning and provoking as he drove into Sidney again and again, bruising his lips with a kiss as he came, making Sidney whimper when he pulled out, leaving him trembling but aching for more. Colby would immediately replace him, fuck him slower, strokes steady and deep, refuse to come until tears of frustration pricked at Sidney's eyes and he had no choice but to come himself, and only then would Colby finally let go, teeth leaving marks on Sidney's shoulders as he sank in deep one last time and came.

  Sidney let out a ragged cr
y as he came, adding to the mess already on him and Brook—and it just worsened when Brook kissed him again and came.

  When they finally calmed down and pulled apart, Sidney examined the messes they'd made of each other, reached out to pick a leaf out of Brook's hair. Colby fetched the napkins he'd grabbed at the ice cream stand and really, Sidney should have noticed he'd grabbed a suspicious number of them. He dipped a few in the pond and cleaned Sidney up, handing a few more to Brook.

  They still looked like they'd been fucking after they were sort-of clean and dressed again, but Sidney supposed it could be worse. Maybe he was just paranoid and they would only look like they'd been horsing around or something. Doubtful when his face still felt hot and wasn't likely to stop because he could still feel them everywhere, wanted to strip and go again even though he was pretty sure his cock was done for a bit. "I am never going to be able to brain again."

  The twins laughed, and Brook threw an arm across his shoulders as they headed back out of the park. "So what are we doing now?" Sidney asked. "Heading home?"

  "Yeah," Brook said, his good mood fading a bit. "Mom should be out of the first round of preliminary meetings by now. Need to call and make sure she's okay."

  "I'm sorry about all that's happened," Sidney said. "I wish you'd come to visit for happy reasons, not because you're in danger."

  Colby shrugged. "We knew what we were in for when we decided to help pick this fight. We won't let the assholes beat us, even if they do burn our house down."

  "Anyway, there's perks," Brook said. "Come on."

  They'd just left the park when Sidney's pocket buzzed. Groaning, he pulled his phone out—and promptly wanted to die when he read the text from his dad.

  Tell those idiots that we're going to have a long talk about the words 'discreet' and 'slow'. You are going to pay severely for the trauma induced by the calls and emails I've been getting. Does anybody in this town actually work?

  "Somebody kill me," Sidney said with another groan. "I'm going to throw myself into traffic. It's the only solution."

  Brook took his phone and read the text, snickering as he handed it off to Colby, who only sighed. "We did promise to be discreet and keep this on the down low."

  "It was never going to stay that way," Brook replied. "You can't involve the Robinson heir in an incesty threesome and not expect fireworks." He made a face. "Might be easier in the long run if you tell us to fuck off, Sid."

  Sidney scowled and shook his head vehemently. "No. People will have to deal. We aren't breaking a law, even with—with the incest. Shifter laws are different. You're not the only type that does stuff like that. Rabbit shifters would suffer if they had to give up some of their behaviors, that's been proven." After approximately two hundred rabbits died or suffered severe trauma after being torn apart and subjected to the same sort of 'treatment' inflicted on humans who didn't fall in line. "I don't care anyway. It's our business. People should mind their own."

  "Spoken like a true Little Lord Duckling," Colby said and briefly squeezed his hand. "Only ones I'm scared of are your dads. Uncle Jamie will murder us slowly, and Uncle Troy will give us disappointed looks until we ask Uncle Jamie to kill us."

  Laughing because it was so true it hurt, Sidney said, "I'm not opposed to heading to Canada right now. We'll worry about the details on the road."

  "Tempting. We'll pack some bags and hide them, so we have an emergency plan."

  The drive home was unbearable, Sidney strung taut between anticipating the dreaded talk he was going to be forced to endure from his dads and daydreaming about what would happen the next time he, Brook, and Colby managed to get some alone time.

  He expected his dads to be waiting in the kitchen. That was how it always went when there was something serious to discuss, be it a flock thing, a family thing, or a he was grounded for life thing. They waited for him in the kitchen and everybody sat down and talked at the breakfast nook.

  Troy was waiting when they entered through the kitchen door, but he was sitting at the island with a glass of lemonade. By the look on his face, he wished it was a beer. "What's wrong, Pop?" Sidney asked, immediately crossing the kitchen.

  "Nothing terrible, just irritating," Troy replied and hugged him briefly before getting up to fetch glasses and the pitcher of lemonade, pouring drinks all around as he gestured for them to sit around the island with him. "They parked on the flattop out back, so you probably didn't notice their cars, but like a third of the council is here screaming and shouting about the spectacle you made and what's that boy of yours doing with those damned rabbits of that woman blah blah blah." He stared at his glass, rubbing his thumb through the condensation. "Nevermind that in the same breath they once again threw me out because some discussions just shouldn't involve a human, even if—" Troy broke off with a sigh. "But we all know that tirade." His smile was sour. "So tell me what really happened, kiddo."

  Ugh. Twenty. Not a kiddo. Sidney let it slide. "I would literally rather die."

  "Well, I guess that explains everything, probably more clearly than you actually meant," Troy replied.

  "I'm going to go drown myself in the toilet." Sidney fled to the bathroom before anyone could grab him. He pissed, washed his hands, then splashed cold water on his heated face.

  He jumped when someone knocked on the door. "If you are actually trying to drown yourself, I will take pictures and post them everywhere before I call 911."

  "Hahaha, my fathers continue to be hilarious," Sidney replied as he yanked the door open. "Go away."

  Troy grabbed the front of his shirt and dragged him out of the bathroom, then upstairs to the smaller office where he worked when the big one was overtaken by the flock. He pushed Sidney into the chair in the corner, then closed the door. "Your boyfriends spilled the details."

  "They better not have spilled all the details," Sidney muttered and flipped Troy off when he grinned. "You're my father, stop being a perverted jerk."

  Snorting, sliding into his desk chair, Troy stretched his long legs out and crossed them at the ankle, folding his arms across his chest. "Your dad didn't marry me for my clean mind and good behavior. Now stop trying to wander away from the point, which is this: we aren't blind. We've seen this coming for a long time. We were hoping it might take a few more years, but it's not our business anymore. The problem is that the flock as per usual does not agree and is treating it like community business." He sighed, lifted his eyes to the ceiling. "This is our relationship all over again, except you've upped the ante." He looked at Sidney. "The first thing they're going to jump all over is whether or not you're fit to lead the flock, what with your deviant behavior and all. That's why we were hoping this relationship wouldn't happen quite yet—buy more time to give you stable footing. But concerned parents are only allowed to butt in so far. Your dad is fighting with them now, but I don't need to tell you it's only the first of approximately five thousand."

  "I know. I'm sorry."

  Troy shook his head. "You don't have any reason to be sorry. Only thing you'll need to be sure about someday is whether this is worth the fight. Be prepared for how ugly it's going to get—with the flock and with the three of you. And know that it will probably never really stop. I don't need to reiterate to you all the times your dad and I nearly called it quits because shit got so ridiculous. You don't need to say anything right now. Just think. I know we've taught you how to do that. Think about whether this is going to be worth a lifelong fight, that's all I'm asking. Now, onto the second matter…"

  "Aunt Nancy."

  "Yes," Troy said, one hand dropping to the armrest, the other coming up to rest against his mouth for a moment. "The Shifter Protection Alliance is going to be thrilled to have this kind of ammo to use against her and all the others in favor of coming out. The 'anti-secrecy' crowd as they're starting to be called, unfortunately." He sat up, drew his legs in, tangled his hands together and rested his elbows on his knees. "I'm thinking the three of you need to lay low here for a couple of weeks. At t
he very least until Nancy's conference is over and the threats against her and her sons dies down."

  "Ugh, I hate house arrest," Sidney said. "Even if it means I don't have to deal with Ms. Keller's stupid garden."

  Troy made a face. "Yeah, if I get dragged out of my office to help with that I will have my revenge. Come on, let's get you out of sight and mind before the shouting match ends."

  Sidney flinched. His dad hated getting mad at the flock, for any reason. And Troy was right—he didn't need to reiterate the stories. Sidney remembered every single one, from the nasty things some of the kids used to tell him at school, to the true versions his dad later told him when he came home crying. All because so much of the flock was a bunch of old school jerkoffs who insisted that traditions shouldn't change except in ways convenient to them.

  He followed Troy out of the office and broke into a shy smile when he saw Brook and Colby waiting for him. It was so weird seeing them look uncertain when they always seemed so sure about everything. "Next time we tell you discreet, rabbits, you had better listen or rabbit season will be on. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, Uncle Troy," they chorused as though they were still twelve and not twenty-six.

  "Upstairs, troublemakers."

  Sidney fled, racing down the hall and up the stairs to his bedroom—and squawked when he was grabbed and dragged away, further down the hall to the bedroom the twins always used. "Dude, I want to get a frigging shower. I smell like I've been messing around in a park."

  "You were messing around in the park," Brook said with grin.

  "Shut—" the rest of his words were lost as the twins got handsy and removed his clothes. "Oh, my god, I can remove my own clothes. No, you stay out here and suffer and get me clean clothes. That shower is too small for shenanigans." He fled to the bathroom before their woeful eyes could work on him, closing the door firmly behind him.