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A Space Merchant's Tale & A Shotgun Wedding - Two Tales from The Keeper's Universe, Page 4

Matthew Mangum


  Thomas was very grateful for a well-stocked shipyard. He had spent the last two weeks working with several excellent technicians and his cat Peaches on repairing his large bulk freighter. The hyperdrive had been well repaired as well as several systems in the main engines and navigational computer that would have failed soon if they hadn’t caught them. Over all the ship was back in great working order and Thomas knew he would have to head out soon. Only a couple things were stopping him, he had no cargo and he had fallen in love.

  Cargo would not be too big of an issue, he was sure he could find some sort of shipment, once he started looking for it. It was the being in love part that had him scared. He had spent two full weeks locked in his ship with a beautiful woman, he had gotten to know her well and they had become close. During the last two weeks Thomas had seen Kirstin often. She was staying with her aunt Erma, a delightful older woman with thin curly gray hair and an ever present smile. Thomas was especially fond of her cookies. Peaches preferred her chicken.

  The head mechanic at the spaceport approached Thomas. He was a middle aged man and wore a grease stained jumpsuit. He smiled at Thomas as he slipped a wrench back into his tool belt. “Just put the last access plate on myself. She’s shipshape and ready to go.”

  “Thanks for all of your help.”

  “No problem. We’ll send you the bill for the parts,” the mechanic said as he walked away.

  Peaches strolled down the gangplank. “Computer reports everything is good to go. Let’s get some cargo and head to a more profitable port.”

  “I know we need to but I don’t want to leave Kirstin.”

  Peaches scowled as best as a cat can scowl. “I told you not to fall in love with her. There is no place for a family in the life of a space merchant.”

  Thomas nodded his head in agreement and went off to visit Kirstin and Aunt Irma.

  A few days later Thomas’s ship was still sitting on the ground at the spaceport. They were beginning to run low on cash after the repairs and docking fees which were starting to pile up, so Peaches had taken it upon himself to line them up some cargo. Most businessmen were hesitant about dealing with a talking cat but Peaches had managed to come up with a shipment of munitions that needed to be delivered to Sidom. The dealers were getting a little anxious for the merchants to deliver their goods. The army headquarters on Sidom always paid well for weapons and there would be a good deal of profit involved for everyone. But Thomas was dragging his feet.

  Thomas was once again visiting Kirstin at her aunt’s house. The house was small but well lit and immaculately clean. Thomas sat with Kirstin in the front room. They had been in deep conversation, but the talk had fallen into an easy silence. Kirstin was the first to break it. “So where are you going next?”

  “Peaches lined up a contract to deliver weapons to the military bases on Sidom.”

  “Oh,” Kirstin said with almost a sad tone that Thomas failed to catch. “When will you be leaving?”

  “I’m not sure. We need to leave soon. The contract has already been signed.”

  Silence reigned again, both deep in thought; Thomas trying to decide whether to leave her behind and forget all about his feelings, or just tell her how he felt and invite her to go with him. And since no man can fathom the thoughts of a woman in these situations we’ll just have to let Kirstin keep her thoughts secret.

  Kirstin and Thomas both turned to each other at the same time and both were about to speak. As they realized what was happening the both fell silent again smiling. Kirstin spoke first. “You go.”

  Thomas smiled sadly and turned his head away. “Kirstin,” he paused and then the words rushed out. “I love you, and I don’t ever want to leave you. Will you come with me?”

  Kirstin looked at him playfully. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  Thomas looked back up at her and their eyes met. He looked a little puzzled but then smiled. “I guess I am. Kirstin, will you marry me?”

  “Kirstin Angharad, it sounds lovely. Yes Thomas, I’ll marry you. I don’t know how we’ll make this work with your business but we’ll manage somehow.”

  “I don’t know how Peaches is going to react to the news but he’ll have to deal with it.”

  Kirstin laughed, “Yes, and I was going to ask you if I could keep Mede, but I guess I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  To make a long story short Peaches learned to deal with situation, but always made fun of Thomas and Kirstin for installing a double wide bunk in the sleeping quarters of the ship, And Thomas learned a valuable lesson that day. Things that seem hard, scary, or impossible can be done just by doing them.