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Northern Exposure: Episode Six

Luken Du Pont

Northern Exposure

  The Divided

  Northern Exposure

  Luken Du Pont

  Copyright 2014 by Luken Du Pont

  ....(Continuation Episode: Five)

  “I will never forget that day, we were under constant attack from Sky as she moaned and moaned about the lack of laundry detergent in the bunker.”” Sharif and I decided it would be as good a time as any for a quick supply run, that way we could kill two birds with one stone while getting extra food for the bunker and fetching Sky the detergent she needed.”” But supplies were not the only thing we were about to find in our little grocery store.” “We were about to meet a very interesting individual.”

  ”The man we met that day was a reminder of what we had lost when the rocks fell, he reminded me of the diversity human beings once shared in our mixed society.”” He reminded me we weren’t all just hardened killers, but once we could choose the type of person we wanted to be. Be it geek or soldier, Goth or Jock.”” This is what made society as interesting as it was and with his awkward presence I was quickly taken back to a more nonchalant time, I mean talk about a character!” Smith laughed as he reminisced on his experience of bumping into that peculiar man.

  He continued “As Sharif and I had become accustomed to doing, we drew our weapons with no hesitation, thinking we were now in the presence of a Reaper.””But when the awkward man turned to face us, we realised he was the furthest thing from a Reaper.” “He was bent over, ravishing through a pile of long expired potato chips, and I still get the shivers as I remember him stuffing his mouth with the mouldy crisps.””With his thick bottom-bottle glasses, long white coat, and button up plaid shirt, the man looked like he belonged isolated in a lab somewhere, not running around top side in the new world.”

  “We expressed our intentions by holstering our weapons and explained we were not out to hurt him, waiting for a hostile reaction circumspect of his intentions, both Sharif and I held steadfast not entirely dropping our guard.”” But soon found out the man was no more of a threat than young Zara, and honestly he was more trusting than he should have been.””In no time he was interacting with us like we were long lost friends.”

  ” We spoke for hours, until we realised the sun was setting. So we did the courteous thing and invited him to stay the night, where we promised him a warm bed and hot meal.””He was so happy to be around people once again, and was quick to accept our offer.”” As we entered the bunker he was excited to see so many people, he could not stop talking and even broke through Sky’s resilient shell with his awkward charm.”

  “As time went on and the kids got sleepy, we tucked them into bed, before we could advance onto more pressing matters.” We wanted to know where he came from, if he was still alive surly there were other survivors helping him?”” The man explained that he has been all alone since the rocks fell, living in an abandoned factory about ten miles east from here, sheltered from the Reapers by the high walls and isolation of his contemptuous abode.””We were confused as to why the man was so far from home, what was he doing all the way out here then.”” He explained to us he was on his way to a refuge, to a place he believed others where grouping together in the safety of a community.””But the man said he had lost his direction and believed the whole idea to be a stupid pipe dream he was following mindlessly.””He had given up on this place and his only goal now was getting back home.”

  ” Apparently the man was a Geneticist teaching at NYU, his credentials were distinguished and he was regarded as one of the leading Geneticist in the entire state””He lived for the study of genetics and uncovering the process by which genetic traits are passed on from generation to generation”” He told us even though this was his life’s work, his secret little passion was observing the development of existing cells as they were mutated through evolution.””Quite ironic how his very passion would now affect his entire life.”

  ” Now it was only a matter of time before the story of the mysterious women came up, and the explanation we received was not what we had expected.””The professor paced back and forth unable to contain his excitement, jubilant with news of the existence of more of these spectacular creatures.”” he told us he knew all about the Reapers as they were in the hundreds roaming around top side, but he was not sure if there were more of the other creatures, of these so called New breeds.”

  “With question after question the professor wanted to know every little detail about this amazing specimen, he pulled a little note pad and pen from his coat pocket and began interrogating me, he seemed so invested in the study of these creatures, so excited to know about their existence, and I soon found out why.”

  “The professor stood up and walked to the centre of the room.” Smith pointed to the exact spot the Man he was describing, stood. As Smith kept his index finger pointed at the spot, his eyes glared over and it was as if he was taken back to that exact day. He then shook his head as he re-entered reality and continued explaining.

  “He dropped his coat and unbuttoned his shirt, I looked to Sharif mystified by his obscure behaviour, I mean the man was rather eccentric, but this was just strange.””“The professors face started sweating, he grit his teeth and braced himself, that’s when the obvious dawned upon me.”“ He was just like you and that woman we met, a New Breed.”

  “The transformation began.”

  “The professors ribcage shifted, it seemed to be splitting underneath his skin, some moving down as others rose.”” instantaneously two growth started developing underneath his arms in the gap between his shifted ribs.””The growths burgeoned rapidly until they had reached the length of his existing arms.””These newly developed obscurities then started separating at the ends and believe me if you will, small weird appendage like extremities started developing, after growing a bit longer they had developed into fully functional hands with finger nails and all, no different to yours or mine!”

  “The transparent set of arms glowed a pinkish red colour underneath the candle light, and I stared in wonderment as I watched each vein, artery and bone grow until the final layer of skin coated the limbs signalising the conclusion of the transformation.”

  ” After the professor retracted his second set of arms and clothed himself, he sat down as it if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.””He could see how enthralled we were at his abilities and took the time to explain as best he could how this all was possible.”

  “Now I can try and remember what he said but frankly we were left too dumbfound to understand the scientific jargon coming out his mouth.””After he had had his fill to eat and slept the night he decided to head off.””We begged him to stay with us, but he was adamant on leaving he told us where he lived and said he had to get back, apparently he had unfinished business and wanted to give this so called safe haven another try”

  Ecstatic with the news, I begged Smith if we could leave immediately, I wanted to get to the professor before I released the beast once again. If Smith was right, that meant the Professor knew how to control his transformation. Which in turn meant he could most probably teach me to do the same, more importantly maybe he knew how to suppress the agonising transformation all together. My number one priority just became finding the professor, damn I hoped he was still alive!