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The Princess's Bride, Page 4

KT Grant

  Daisy only drank wine during the holidays and other special occasions. But being with Chelsey in this way was a special occasion indeed. She tilted up the bottle and took deep swigs.

  Because her hands were shaking, some of the wine fell down the front of her baby blue dress.

  Chelsey snickered and took the bottle back. "Daisy, you should take off your dress now that it's all stained. What if you spill more wine or drop a strawberry or two from one of these tarts we will be eating shortly?"

  Daisy bit her bottom lip in consideration. "You may have a point there. But this isn't your way of getting me naked?"

  Chelsey knelt and crossed her heart with her finger. "I promise my intentions are pure.

  How about I undress also? We can keep our chemises on." She unlaced the front of her bodice and tugged down her dress.

  Chelsey stood, and with one last tug, her dress dropped to the floor. She turned her back, peeking over her shoulder at Daisy. "Can you unlace my corset?"

  Daisy stood and untied the well-worn ribbons in the back. When it was loosened, she opened the contraption and kissed Chelsey's back, smoothing her hands up and down her arms.

  She watched as Chelsey let go of her corset before turning around to face her. It was as if Chelsey knew Daisy had to look at her, for she stood there, her arms at her sides, as Daisy simply watched. Her lover’s chemise barely covered the top of her thighs, and it allowed Daisy to see that Chelsey wasn't wearing any drawers. As she followed the silky expanse of smooth skin down, she noticed that a few of Chelsey's dark pussy curls peeked out from under the hem.

  When Daisy glanced back up, she watched, transfixed, as Chelsey's arm strap slid down, slowly uncovering her right nipple. Daisy circled the dark nub with her middle finger and watched it become hard. Chelsey remained silent as Daisy pushed down her other strap so that both her breasts were exposed.

  "Chelsey, your bosom is beautiful." She glanced up for permission, and when Chelsey nodded, she cupped her hands around Chelsey's breasts and squeezed, tugging and pulling gently. She stopped when Chelsey's hands came over hers.

  "I think we should get you out of your dress before you faint from the heat. You are very flushed."

  Daisy almost corrected her. She was flushed, not because of the heat, but because of the ardor she felt. She ached to touch and kiss Chelsey, and to have Chelsey do the same to her. But she remained silent and turned around, allowing Chelsey to undo the back of her dress. As she reached the last section, Daisy pulled her arms out, and her dress fell on the hay-covered floor.

  Chelsey placed a kiss in between Daisy's shoulders and tugged the hem of her chemise upward.

  "What are you doing?" Daisy moaned and leaned back as Chelsey untied her drawers.

  They fell in a puddle at her feet.

  "I want to make sure you aren't overheated in any other areas." Chelsey pressed her mouth against Daisy's ear and bit down on her side of the neck. She trembled as Chelsey combed through her pussy curls that now lay revealed.

  She peeked down at Chelsey's hand, sifting through her glistening hair, and moved her hand to join with hers. She stood in Chelsey's intimate embrace, allowing her to pet that very special and secret place no other person had ever touched.

  "Let's sit down on the blanket." Chelsey placed another kiss on Daisy's shoulder and sat.

  Daisy followed and pulled her legs under her, making certain her lap was covered. Chelsey didn't seem to mind, and as she rooted through the basket, she spread her legs out. Daisy could see Chelsey's enlarged nether lips. She was overcome with need to place her mouth upon them.

  "I see we have a few strawberry tarts made fresh this morning and one of those naughty little books you do love to read." Chelsey lifted out two tarts wrapped in wax paper and laid them down on the blanket. She also brought out the book, lifted an eyebrow in Daisy's direction and set it off to the side.

  Daisy grabbed one of the tarts, and as Chelsey went for hers, Daisy pulled it away.

  "I believe you should lie down and allow me to feed you." Daisy held up the tart and smiled.

  Chelsey rested on her elbows and spread her legs apart. Daisy swallowed very noticeably, and Chelsey's head fell back as she burst into laughter.


  "Fine, princess. We will do it your way. But when you are done feeding me, I will feed you."

  Daisy beamed again and tapped Chelsey's foot with her finger. "Please lay back and close your eyes."

  Chelsey lifted an eyebrow, but she did what Daisy had requested. She folded her hands on her stomach, crossed her ankles and waited.

  When the flaky crust touched her lips, she opened her mouth and Daisy slid in the juicy, dripping dessert.

  Chelsey chewed slowly and licked her lips. "So tasty."

  Daisy watched her lover’s lips move, but as she bent to give Chelsey another piece, she placed her own lips there instead. Daisy licked Chelsey's lips and moaned at the pungent smell of strawberries.

  Chelsey opened her eyes and held Daisy by her chin. She nibbled over her lips and moved her hand down until she reached Daisy's ass and squeezed. Daisy gasped and released Chelsey's mouth. She watched Chelsey's face and moaned as her ass cheeks were fondled. When Chelsey laid her palm against her cheek, Daisy fed her another piece of the tart and kissed her.

  Daisy continued to feed Chelsey the tart while Chelsey flicked her fingers around Daisy's dripping clit.

  "That feels so good." Daisy moaned loudly and accidentally crumbled the half eaten tart in her hand.

  "Daisy, you—"

  Daisy pulled down the front of Chelsey's chemise and suckled on a nipple, pulling it taunt with her teeth. Chelsey exhaled and hid her face in the strands of Daisy's hair that had fallen out of the pins.

  "Daisy, suck harder," Chelsey ordered and gave Daisy a light slap on her ass.

  Daisy released Chelsey's nipple and licked one breast, then the other. She wiped her tart-covered hand over Chelsey's breasts and ate off the crumbled sweet.

  "Do you like this?" Daisy asked, lifting her head. She reached under Chelsey's chemise and dug her thumbs into the outer edge of Chelsey's cunt lips.

  "You know I do." Chelsey panted and looked at her in lust. "But I want to pleasure you."

  "Oh no, Chelsey. This is my turn to show you how much you mean to me." Daisy lifted Chelsey's chemise up until it covered her face. Chelsey panted against the fabric.

  "Kiss my cunt, Daisy, like you did with my breasts."

  Daisy rested her hand on Chelsey's stomach. Chelsey opened her legs as wide as they could go until she felt Daisy's hot breath fanning over her nether lips.

  "Yes, dearest Chelsey, I would love nothing more. I want to drink the strawberries covered in your cream."

  Chelsey yelped when she felt the warm, crumbling tart on top of her mound. She peered over her chemise and looked on in disbelief as Daisy slowly nudged the dessert into her entrance.

  "Daisy, I lo—"


  Daisy sat up and covered her mouth in shock. Her father stood in the front of the stall tapping a riding crop against his leg. His face was beet red and his mouth was gaping wide at the sight of them.

  "Papa!" Daisy stood on trembling legs and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Conrad stomped into the stall. His whole body shook and Daisy took a step back in fear.


  "You slut!" He shouted, and the back of his hand slapped her across her cheek. Daisy cried out and stumbled to the floor. She laid her palm over her stinging cheek, staring up at her father in shock. Her lips trembled, and tears filled her eyes.

  "Get dressed now!" Spittle covered his mouth and dripped down his chin as he pointed at her.

  He turned to Chelsey, who took her time dressing. She stood and pulled on her dress, moving to comfort Daisy, but he blocked her.

  "I knew something unhealthy was going on between you and my daughter. And then I found this disgusting note." Con
rad pulled out the wrinkled paper from his jacket and threw it on the floor. "Don't think I haven't noticed the lustful looks you have been giving her!" He jabbed her in the chest with his riding crop.

  Daisy covered her mouth and grabbed her dress, searching for the note she thought she had hidden well in her pocket.

  Chelsey gave Daisy a frightened glance and slowly backed way. "You don’t understand, my lord—"

  "Silence, you temptress! How dare you stand here before me, making excuses. Have you no shame, you jezebel? What type of person are you that you would corrupt my innocent daughter with your unnatural urges?"

  "Papa no! Please, I can explain." Daisy strode over to her father and grabbed him by his arm. Conrad lifted his hand to hit her again when Chelsey pushed him hard in the chest.

  "Stop it!" Chelsey shouted.

  Conrad pushed Daisy back with his elbow and slapped Chelsey across the face. She stumbled to her knees, and Daisy cried out as Conrad hit Chelsey across the face with his crop.

  "Whore. Devil's bride!" he spit at Chelsey as she covered her face and rolled into a ball, sobbing silently.

  "Father, you’re hurting her." Daisy ran over to Chelsey. Conrad grabbed Daisy by her hair and pulled her back.

  Chelsey lay there, crying, as Daisy fought against her father's tight grip on her hair.

  "You will never see my daughter ever again. You and your mother are finished here. She is just as responsible and should be punished for creating a spawn from hell like you." Conrad went to kick her with his boot. She moved away until she was backed into a corner. She wrapped her arms around her knees, and her hair covered her bleeding face.

  "Chelsey! Papa, let me go!" Daisy pleaded as Conrad pulled her out by her hair in only her chemise.

  "No daughter of mine will engage in such perverted fornication." Conrad dug his fingers into her arm. As she struggled, he lifted her up and slung her entire body over his shoulder.

  "Chelsey!" Daisy held out her arms as her father carried her away. Her screams echoed out of the barn as she called for her lover, who sat bleeding in the corner of the stall, where only a few moments ago both had been so happy.

  "Daisy," Chelsey moaned and wiped away the tears from her stinging face, pierced with a deep cut from the riding crop. She looked at her bloody palms and licked her split lip. Her hands trembled, and when she stood, she fell back down in a heap onto the hay.

  "Daisy… Daisy." She watched the wine slowly drip out of the overturned bottle.

  A fly buzzed over one of the ruined tarts that lay crushed on the blanket. As the scent of strawberries drifted over to Chelsey, she gagged and vomited on her hands and knees, sick over losing Daisy and afraid of her unknown future.

  Chapter Three

  Daisy's bedroom window rattled from the wind as she lay sobbing on her bed, smothering her cries with a pillow. It was after midnight, and the entire household was asleep.

  "Chelsey," she moaned and bit down on the side of her hand. Earlier in the evening, after her father had locked her in her room, he had heard her crying. He pounded on the door, threatening to give her a beating if she didn't stop.

  Now she lay in misery, suffering from a bruised cheek and arm, as well as a stinging head from where her father had pulled her hair. She had watched from her bedroom window as her father forced Wilda to leave. Chelsey had never come back to the house. A few stable hands and fieldworkers stood watch outside and had been told to use firearms if she dared to set foot on the property.

  She shook in fear. How dare they treat Chelsey as if she was a criminal! She could be shot and killed. "This is all my fault." Daisy wiped her face and rolled onto her back, watching the shadows from a nearby tree played across her ceiling. If only she had been more careful with the note Chelsey had written her. Then she would not be in this horrible situation and their relationship would still be a secret.

  But now it was all for naught. Chelsey was gone… forever.

  Daisy rolled to her side and cried in earnest again, when she heard a slight tapping on her window. She looked up and wiped her swollen eyes. Chelsey stood on the outside ledge, hitting the window with her fist.

  Daisy gasped, climbed out her bed and unlatched her window. It swung open from the force of the wind. She took hold of Chelsey's arm as she held onto the trellis leading up the side of the house.

  "How were you able to climb up here without my father's men seeing you?" Daisy enquired as she helped her climb into the room.

  "Easy. They are all sleeping," Chelsey responded and hopped inside. Daisy shut the window and grabbed Chelsey by the arms.

  Chelsey wrapped her hands in Daisy's hair and gave her a wild kiss.

  Both women kissed with tongues and teeth. They only separated when they needed air.

  "Chelsey…" Daisy lifted a trembling hand up to Chelsey's face. The side of her face had a deep gash and her bottom lip was cut.

  Chelsey wrapped her arms around Daisy and rocked her as she cried into the crook of her neck. "Shh, Daisy. It will be fine. Hush, you will make yourself sick."

  Daisy sniffed and looked back up at Chelsey. "Your poor face. Does it hurt much?"

  Chelsey smiled, but then flinched and poked her lip. "Only a little. It's much worse than it looks. I made sure it was clean. It should heal soon.

  "Where have you been? I’ve been sick with worry." Daisy reached out to touch Chelsey's sore cheek.

  "I went to stay with a friend of my mum's in town." Chelsey took hold of Daisy's hand and kissed her palm. "She cleaned me up a bit and gave me something to ease the pain. Mum and I are staying there for the night."

  "How is Wilda? I watched while she left. I wish I could have done something, b-but father locked me in my room." A tear fell from the corner of her eye.

  Chelsey gritted her teeth and wiped away the tear. "Mum cried herself to sleep."

  Daisy's mouth trembled. "You must hate me." She wrapped her arms around her waist and looked down at the floor, still reeling at the turn of events that had occurred over past few hours.

  "Not at all, princess. It is your father I despise," Chelsey spat out.

  "I hate him!" Daisy said vehemently.

  Chelsey lifted Daisy's chin. "‘Hate’ is such a strong word. He is your papa and is only doing what he thinks is best."

  "But—" Chelsey pressed her lips to Daisy's before she could finish that statement.

  Still kissing, Chelsey backed her up onto the bed. She lay upon the mattress and Chelsey joined her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and hugged her close.

  "You should know—"

  "Shh." Chelsey placed her finger over Daisy's mouth to quiet her. "I don't have much time. Mum sent my Uncle Wallace a message. We will be taking a coach an hour after sunrise to meet him. He lives a few hours west from here. Until we can decide what to do next, we will stay with him. He is a great sea captain and even owns his own shipping vessel. Everything will be grand."

  Daisy did not find anything “grand” about the entire situation, but after this emotional day, she could barely make sense of anything. "Chelsey, does this mean you are leaving me forever? Please don't tell me that is so. I want to come with you!"

  Chelsey pressed a finger across Daisy's lips. "You must be quiet, princess. We wouldn't want your father to come in here and find us together. He would surely kill me then."

  Tears fell from Daisy's eyes. "How can you act as if you don't care? Do I not mean anything to you?"

  "You know you do. How can you ask that?" Chelsey positioned her face over Daisy's chest and pushed her leg in between Daisy's own soft, supple thighs.

  "Please forgive me. My mind is fuzzy." Daisy sighed.

  "There's no reason for you to apologize for anything." Her fingers drifted across Daisy's cheek. "Does this pain you?" She propped herself up on an elbow and frowned as she lightly touched the dark purple bruise.

  "A little. But that doesn't matter. You must be in horrible pain. My father was in such a rage, and you were covered in blood and
crying…" Daisy's mouth trembled, and she covered her face as more tears fell down her cheeks.

  "Daisy, dear. Stop your tears. I can't stand to see you cry." Chelsey grabbed onto Daisy's hands and kissed the tops of each. "You must be strong. It is not as bad as it seems to be. I can promise you we will be together again. I have a plan. I will ask my Uncle Wallace for employment on one of his ships. Then I will save every penny I can and when I have enough, I will come back for you and we will be together forever."

  "Truly? B-but that could be years. How will I ever make it through the days without seeing you for so long?"

  Chelsey caressed the side of Daisy's face and neck and gave her a sweet kiss. "I will make sure to write every day to tell you where I am. You shall see. It won't feel like that long.

  Time will fly by."

  Daisy turned on her side and placed a kiss over Chelsey's ragged cheek "It's not fair. I will die without you."

  Chelsey chuckled softly. She shifted her hand under Daisy's nightgown and grabbed her by the ass. "Hmm… I love how you are not wearing any undergarments. Much easier for what I have planned."

  "P-planned? How can you think of doing that? " Daisy grumbled even as her pussy grew slick. She wrapped her leg around Chelsey's hip.

  "Miss Daisy, I do think the only reason you want me to stay around is because you like the way I fuck you."

  Daisy opened her mouth, outraged. Chelsey snickered and eased her fingers in between Daisy's legs and gave her a passionate kiss. Daisy moaned against Chelsey's mouth and returned the kiss, devouring her lips.

  Daisy's nightgown was pulled off of her and thrown onto the floor. Chelsey's dress followed it to the bottom of the bed. She only wore her chemise as she lay on top of Daisy, sucking and licking her breasts.

  Daisy brushed her fingers in between Chelsey's legs and swirled the dew that dripped down the inside of her legs. She sobbed and licked her fingers, enjoying the taste of Chelsey's tangy musk.