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Baker's Bob (River's End Ranch #16), Page 5

Kirsten Osbourne

  Miranda nodded, walking as fast as she could. “I have ham and cheese kolaches and sausage and cheese. I guess I should have asked Kelsi what she wanted before we left the café.”

  “I know Kelsi. Make hers sausage. I want three ham and cheese. I haven’t had a good kolache in ages.”

  “What if I don’t put enough cheese in mine?” she asked, her voice full of mischief.

  “Then I’ll cry,” Bob said, winking at her. “I can’t wait to watch your show with you tonight.”

  “Because you’re curious about who Bob is going to choose to date?”

  “Because I want to sit close to you on the couch and share popcorn with you.”

  “And maybe steal a kiss or three?” Miranda asked, unlocking the bakery and hurrying behind the counter. She washed her hands and pulled out a bakery box, filling it with the kolaches.

  “Three? You underestimate me. My goal is five tonight.”

  Miranda laughed. “You’re making kiss goals? You need more entertainment in your life, Bob.”

  He shrugged, taking the box and handing her cash. “Maybe I do. You’ll provide it for me though, won’t you?”

  “If you’re happy with watching Lazy Love every Tuesday, I’ll gladly provide it.”

  He grinned, his fingers stroking her cheek across the display case. “I’ll see you tonight. Eating at five?”

  She nodded. “That sounds good. We can binge watch old episodes until the show starts.”

  “As long as there’s cheesecake and kisses involved, I’m a willing entertainee.”

  Miranda smiled as the bell over the door sounded. Life was certainly getting more interesting lately.


  Bob arrived shortly after five. He carried a crockpot in both hands and Miranda moved out of his way as he set it on the counter. She sniffed deeply. “That smells good.”

  He plugged in the crockpot, turning to her, and kissing her softly. “I was thinking the same thing about the bread you have baking.”

  “What is it?” she asked, peering through the glass cover into the crock pot.

  “Beef stew. Sounded nice and hearty and warm for a cold winter night.”

  “Works for me.”

  “Are you hungry now, or do you want to watch one of your shows first?”

  She shrugged. “I nibbled on kolaches all day. I can eat now, or I can wait.”

  “Let’s wait then, if you don’t mind?” He caught her hand and pulled her to the couch. “Are we starting at the beginning?” He reached down to pet Cinnamon who was nudging him with her nose, anxious for his attention.

  “I’d like to, if you don’t mind? You have to see how Jesse and Valerie were together from the very first show. It’s like they were created to be together. The chemistry between them is absolutely amazing.”

  He nodded. “Do you find their chemistry isn’t as good since they married?”

  She shook her head. “Not at all. I still love them together. The chemistry is just as good, but they seem to be more…well, relaxed around each other is the best way to put it, I think.”

  “That makes sense.” He handed her the remote, letting her set up the show. “Didn’t I hear recently that Bob married too?”

  “Do you remember Kaya and Liz’s friend from the summer? The three of them came to have a writing retreat.”

  “Oh yeah…what was her name?”

  “May. It’s now May Bodefeld. She married Bob. Isn’t that cool?”

  “So we kind of have a connection to Lazy Love? That’s really cool!”

  “I know!” The opening song came on the television and she sighed contentedly, snuggling close to Bob.

  They had dinner and watched two episodes of the show before the new one came on. “Wow. She’s very pregnant!” Bob said.

  “They had to write a marriage into the show or write in an unwed pregnancy. She didn’t want to have to try to hide the baby from the camera.”

  “I hate it when they do that!” Bob shook his head. “You can always tell.”

  After the show, he turned to her. “I feel like we’re little kids, both of us having to go to sleep so early, but I won’t be fit to work with tomorrow if I don’t go now.”

  She nodded. “At least you don’t have to face the guests. I have to talk to every single person who comes into the bakery.”

  “You amaze me. I can cook, but if I had to deal with guests, I’d be fired. You bake and deal with guests, and do both beautifully.”

  “Even bake chocolate chip cookies?” she asked.

  He sighed. “I’ve never eaten a better chocolate chip cookie. There. Are you satisfied?”

  “Not until you convince me that you mean it!” She stood up and walked into the kitchen, unplugging his crockpot. There was still some stew left, and she was sure he’d take it home.

  He followed her into the kitchen and turned her to him, kissing her softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She nodded, smiling up at him. Dating a Bob was a new experience, but it was one she liked.


  There was another small wrapped gift on the ground in front of the door of the bakery the next morning. When she opened it, she found a small rolling pin charm for the bracelet, and she sighed happily. Maybe they weren’t from the man she was falling for, but they were nice, sweet gifts that she was happy to receive. She’d wear the bracelet with pride.


  Every morning all week there was another gift. Each of them charms for the bracelet. She looked around every day, wondering who they were from. Her first thought was Bob, but they just didn’t seem like something he would do. It had to be that guest, Matt, who came into the bakery for a treat every morning.

  On Friday morning, she made kolaches again, thinking to take some to Jaclyn after work. Maybe that would get her a foot in the door. Jaclyn knew something about what was going on, and Miranda wanted to know what that something was. Instead of taking the cookies of the day to the café, she called.

  “Kelsey’s Kafé, this is Kelsi. How may I help you?”

  “Kelsi, this is Miranda. I made kolaches. Do you want me to bring some over with the cookies this morning?”

  “I’m sending Bob. You wait right there!”

  The phone went dead in her hand, and Miranda had to laugh. Kelsi sure did have a lot of pregnancy cravings, and she had no problem letting them rule what she ate.

  While she waited, Miranda worked on decorating the cake for a wedding the next morning. The parents of the Westons who ran the ranch were traveling around the country in an RV, but they were making odd demands. One of the demands was that a barn be built that would be used exclusively for large events. Pastor Kevin would perform a wedding in the morning, and the reception would be in the barn all afternoon and evening. The entire bridal party had been staying at the ranch all week, and Miranda had been asked to do the cake. She wasn’t an expert on wedding cakes by any means, but it was fun to do something different on occasion.

  She had just finished icing the bottom layer when the bell over the door tinkled and Bob came into the bakery. “Kolaches,” he said by way of greeting. “Duchess Hiccups needs both sausage and ham this morning.”

  Miranda wiped the frosting off her hands on her apron, and walked to the display case, getting out a bakery box. “She’s still Duchess Hiccups? Has she ever had the same name for this long?”

  “She was Herberta for a really long time.” He grinned, telling her how many of each kind of kolache they needed. “ I hope this name doesn’t stick around. I can just see Kelsi really naming her kid Duchess Hiccups.”

  She laughed, filling the box. “I know. She’s nutty. I think my favorite name so far has been the one Shane suggested. Tori, short for Victoria. Isn’t that sweet?”

  “There’s no way on earth Kelsi will agree to something that even resembles normal. I just hope she doesn’t name her the ‘at’ sign or something equally atrocious.”

  “I don’t think she will.” She frowned at him
. “She knows better, doesn’t she?”

  “I think if she tries, Shane will stop her. He gives in on almost everything, but he won’t give in when it comes to his daughter’s name. At least I hope not!”

  She gave him the box full of kolaches, and took his cash. “Thanks for your business.” She pointed to the box of cookies she’d baked. “Those are for you guys as well.”

  He put the kolache box down and walked around the counter to her, grabbing her shoulders and kissing her. “That’s how I should start every morning. A kiss from my very own cookie lady.”

  “Cookie lady? I guess that’s better than Duchess Dough or something…”

  He laughed. “I won’t tell Kelsi you suggested that name, or poor Zsa Zsa will have a new name again.”

  “I’m going to think of her as Tori. I refuse to change names for that baby as often as Kelsi does.”

  “You are a wise woman.” With a wink, Bob picked up both boxes and headed out the door. “I’ll see you Sunday!”

  “You will?”

  “Sure. I’ll pick you up for church and we’ll do something. Even if we just spend the day snowshoeing.”

  “Isn’t it supposed to warm up again this weekend?”

  He shrugged. “I sure hope not! I want to explore outside with my ladybug.”


  “Duchess Dough?”

  “Go away, Bob.”

  He blew her a kiss as he left the building, a grin on his face the whole while.

  Chapter Five

  Before locking up that afternoon, Miranda put several kolaches in a bakery box, and even made up a mixed box of cookies. She hoped Jaclyn would see the baked goods as the peace offering they were and have that talk with her. Whatever talk she was thinking of.

  She was a little creeped out that Matt’s name really was Matt. He’d only just given her his name the day before. She had to know what the other woman knew.

  Miranda walked across the ranch toward the RV park, where Jaclyn’s house sat. Jaclyn had worked as the keeper of the RV park since before the Weston children were born, having moved there when her best friend had married into the family. She was a fixture on the ranch, and much loved by everyone there.

  When Miranda reached her yard, she was standing there with her arms crossed, obviously waiting. “It’s about time. The tea’s waiting.”

  Miranda asked no questions as she walked to the front door and went inside. This time the be-diapered bunny was gray. She started to ask how many of the bunnies had diapers, but she was afraid to offend Jaclyn. “I brought you some kolaches and other random baked goods.”

  Jaclyn smiled. “The fairies said you were bringing me a treat, so I didn’t bother making snickerdoodles.” She opened the top box and reached in, pulling out a cupcake and sinking her teeth into it. “Did you get the cake done for the wedding tomorrow?”

  “I did. The bride came by and saw it this afternoon and told me it was perfect.”

  “Oh, good. I’m sure it’s beautiful.” Jaclyn took a sip of her tea. “Now, tell me what’s going on with Matt and Bob.”

  Miranda wasn’t sure how to respond, but she spoke quickly for fear she’d offend the older woman. “Bob and I are seeing each other. We fought for months and months, and now he’s kissing me. It’s so strange. Are you sure it’s not albino brain chiggers?”

  Jaclyn rolled her eyes. “There’s no such thing, child. It’s attraction, pure and simple. Bob has liked you from the moment he first saw you.”

  “But he always picks fights with me about my cookies. He doesn’t think I use enough chocolate chips. Well, now he says they’re perfect, but for the longest time he said I didn’t use enough chips.” Miranda sighed. “I’m babbling. I’m nervous talking to you.”

  Jaclyn tilted her head to one side, studying Miranda. “Why on earth would you be nervous around me?”

  Miranda shrugged. “The last time I was here you kicked me out. I wasn’t sure if you’d let me come back.”

  Jaclyn laughed. “You weren’t ready then. You are now. How do you feel about Bob?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I like kissing him. He’s fun to be around now that he’s not complaining about my cookies all the time. I just feel like everything is changing so quickly it’s making my head spin. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say or do around him anymore.”

  “You’re supposed to just be yourself around him, of course. What about Matt?”

  “Matt? Well, he comes to the bakery every morning for a treat, and he keeps asking me out, but I don’t think I want to go out with him. I think he’s leaving me Secret Santa presents every morning, though.”

  “Do you like the presents?” Jaclyn asked, sipping her tea and choosing another sweet from the box.

  Miranda nodded. “I like them very much. I thought for a moment that maybe they could be from Bob, but Bob wouldn’t be able to wrap them so beautifully. And he doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would think of buying a charm bracelet and charms for a woman.”

  “I think there’s a lot to Bob that you’re not seeing.”

  “Are the gifts from him?” Miranda asked, her eyes wide.

  “You know in your heart who the gifts are from. You have to make sure you listen to it.” Jaclyn put her tea cup down. “All right. Thank you for the sweets. Have a good day.”

  Miranda realized she’d been dismissed again. And as abruptly as the last time. “Thank you for the tea and the conversation.”

  “And thank you for the baked goods. My sweet tooth will love you forever.” She opened the door, taking her bunny from Miranda. “You can’t keep Mr. Flopsy. The other bunnies would be sad, and your dog would chase him everywhere.”

  “May I come back?”

  “When you’re ready, you’re welcome back. Be ready to really talk.”

  Miranda nodded, leaving the house. She saw Matt walking toward her, and she raised a hand in greeting even as she hurried to her car. She didn’t want to tell him no again. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but the truth was, she had eyes only for Bob.


  Bob stepped out of Jaclyn’s kitchen. “Thank you for wrapping all the gifts, Jaclyn. I hate that she thinks the gifts are from Matt, but I’m glad she likes them.”

  Jaclyn smiled, picking up the gift she’d been wrapping before she went outside to meet Miranda. “This is the last one. Then you’ll have all of them for next week. She knows in her heart they’re from you. Don’t you worry about that.”

  “Tonight’s open mic night at the restaurant. Maybe I should take her in and sing to her.”

  “I’ve heard you sing, Bob. I beg of you, don’t do that to her or anyone else on the ranch. We want the guests to return to us, not run screaming for their lives.”

  Bob frowned. “That’s mean, Jaclyn.”

  “You know as well as I do that I tell the truth and nothing but the truth.” She carefully tied a ribbon on the last gift. “There. All ready for you to take with you.”

  Bob leaned down over the chair where Jaclyn sat and kissed her wrinkled cheek. “If I wasn’t madly in love with Miranda, I’d be begging you to marry me.”

  Jaclyn laughed, swatting his arm. “Get out of here!”

  “Thank you!”

  As he walked toward his Jeep with the bag of gifts in his hand, he saw Matt lurking near the bakery. The man either had a serious sweet tooth, or he really was interested in Miranda. It had better be the former, because Miranda was his. Whether she knew it or not.


  The charm on Saturday morning was different. Every single charm Miranda had received until that moment was related to baking. This one…it was a heart with an M in the middle. She traced it with her finger, smiling happily. She loved these gifts, and she badly wanted them to be from Bob. But what if they weren’t? Was she doing the wrong thing by accepting them?

  She slipped the charm in her purse and started baking. Men in her life or no, she still had to do her job. Today, she could do it wit
h a smile.


  After work on Saturday, Miranda headed into town to talk to the only jeweler in Riston. She needed the charms put on the bracelet.

  When she got to the shop, she handed the jeweler the bracelet and dumped all the charms onto the counter. The man smiled. “I wondered when these would come back to me to be put on. He made good choices, didn’t he?”

  “He? Do you know who’s leaving these gifts for me?” Miranda knew it wasn’t fair to ask the poor jeweler, but she didn’t know anyone else who would know, and she was suspecting more and more that it couldn’t be Matt.

  “I do, but that’s not something I can tell you. I’m sorry.” He scooped up all the charms and hurried to the back of the store.

  Miranda looked around while she waited. There was a beautiful heart shaped diamond ring under the counter, and she loved it. When the jeweler came back, he asked what she would like to see.

  She jumped, blushing. “Oh, I’m just being silly.”

  “I’d love to have you try one on. Which one catches your eye?”

  She paused only for a moment before pointing to the heart shaped diamond. “That one. It’s beautiful.”

  He pulled it out, sliding it onto her finger. “Do you know what size ring you wear?”

  The ring was a little loose. “I think I’m a six.”

  He pulled out a set of plastic ring sizers. “Let’s just be certain.” He slid the six onto her finger and wiggled it a little. “Yes, I’d say you’re a six.”

  She pushed the ring back at him. “Too extravagant for me, but it’s beautiful.”

  He smiled and set the ring next to his cash register. “Here you are. I hope you enjoy it.”

  Miranda smiled down at the bracelet. She was going to wear it on Sunday. Surely if Bob had given it to her, he’d claim it then. Either way, she loved it, and she wasn’t going to keep hiding it away.


  When Bob picked Miranda up on Sunday morning for church, he immediately noticed she was wearing the bracelet. He didn’t comment on it, because he didn’t want to give his secret away. He was slowly working up to something special with the bracelet, and he didn’t want to spoil his own surprise.