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Edna Petunia, Page 3

Kirsten Osbourne

  "What children?" he asked, confused.

  "The ones who come into the doctor's office. Or the ones I see on the street. Whatever children I see. They all get peppermint sticks."

  "I sure am fond of peppermint sticks, Edna Petunia. You mind if I have a lick?"

  Edna shook her head. "Course not." She reached up to get one for him, but he caught her hands, instead leaning down to grab one of her peppermint sticks with his mouth, his tongue reaching out to lick her breast just a bit in the process. "You stop that 'til after the wedding, you crazy old codger!"

  "Aw, but Edna Petunia, I like peppermint sticks. Just one little lick?"

  "You've got one in your mouth. Eat it." She turned away so he wouldn't see her blush. The man didn't know how to take 'no' for an answer, and it was the only answer she could give until they were married.

  He put his hand on her shoulder, even as he sucked on the peppermint stick. "I'm sorry, snickerdoodle. I'll do my best to behave 'til after the wedding."

  She turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "How soon do you want to marry?"

  "I can have the house ready by next Monday. That work for you?"

  Edna slowly nodded. "It depends how soon Iris can replace me as well. I came here to be her companion and nurse. Not to marry a randy old goat like you." She patted his shoulder as she said the words. She knew it wasn't exactly polite to keep calling him names, but he didn't seem offended by her.

  "Can you let me know tomorrow when a good day would be? If I have to wait 'til after the wedding to have my flower, then I want the wedding to hurry up and get here."

  "I'm not exactly dragging my feet here, Cletus. I promised Iris's mother I'd stay with her, keep her safe. I don't know what Mrs. Sullivan thinks an old woman like me can do to protect her girl, but I'll stay with her as long as she needs me to."

  Cletus finished chomping on his peppermint stick and pulled Edna Petunia into his arms, his lips going to her neck. "As long as we're married soon. I'm startin' to feel like the randy old goat you keep callin' me."

  "You just work on behaving, and I'll work on Iris. I'm sure we can get everything settled fast. There's got to be someone in town who can take my job as her companion, and I can nurse for her if she can't find anyone else fast."

  Cletus squeezed Edna's bottom through her dress. "That works for me, snickerdoodle. I do want you all to myself soon though."

  Chapter Four

  It was late when Iris finally got home that night. Edna Petunia felt like she wasn't doing her job right, because she should have been with her. When Iris did come in, her face was flushed, and Edna could tell she'd been doing some kissing and maybe even some heavy petting. She wanted to scold the girl, but she reminded herself that it was her fault for not going with her. She'd been invited after all.

  She was still feeling shell-shocked. She'd agreed to marry some old coot she'd only known a week. Why, it was something one of the young, flighty Sullivan girls would do. Edna was too mature for that kind of behavior.

  Iris looked at Edna with concern. "Edna Petunia? Are you all right?"

  Edna nodded slowly. "I...I think I am." She brushed aside the tear trickling down her face as she looked at Iris. Why was she crying now when everything was settled? "How soon do you think you can replace me?" She saw no need to beat around the bush when she could ask the question straight out. Why prolong it? It was hard to ask and easier if she did it fast like taking medicine. Well, medicine other than her cough tonic anyway. Her cough tonic kept her happy.

  Iris was obviously taken aback by the question. "Are you unhappy with me? I thought this was working out well for both of us."

  "Oh, it is. I just...well, I've had a better offer. One I just can't refuse." That was the truth as far as it went. She still didn't feel like she could speak of what she was doing though. She knew in her head she was being silly, but her heart told her something awful would happen to Cletus if she said something.

  "A better offer? What do you mean a better offer?" Iris's brows knit together in confusion. Edna wanted to tell her to stop that, or she'd get wrinkles, but she had enough of her own she didn't think anyone would take wrinkle advice from her.

  Edna straightened up. "I mean a better offer."

  "Are you happy?" Iris asked finally.

  "Oh, Iris, I never dreamed I could be this happy again!"

  By the time Edna floated off to her room a few minutes later, Iris had revealed that she was getting married as well. The wedding would be the following Monday, so they decided that would be Edna Petunia's last day working for Iris.

  After she'd closed the door and laid down, Edna decided she'd make Iris a special hat for her wedding. It would be nothing like the hat she was making for her own, but it would be special and it would suit Iris. Yes, that would be just the right gift for her.


  Every minute Edna wasn't with Cletus for the next few days, she was working hard on the hats for the two weddings. She wasn't certain why she felt the need to have a special hat for her wedding that no one would attend but her, but she did. She also helped Iris make a nightgown for her wedding night, and on the sly she made one for her own wedding night.

  On Tuesday evening, Edna Petunia told Cletus the wedding would be Monday. He had shouted with joy and picked her up, spinning her in a circle. She'd swatted him on the shoulder. "Put me down you crazy old man! You're either going to drop me or break your back."

  Cletus shook his head. "I will not. I'm stronger than you think I am."

  She laughed as he set her on her feet. "Cletus, are you ever going to do what I expect of you?"

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Now why would I wanna do that? I may be old, but I'm not about to start being predictable."

  He took her to his special place in the woods, and they sat on the quilt he'd put out. She'd already had supper, so she pulled her flask from her pocket and took a sip. When she offered it to him, he took a swig. "I do have my own supply, you know."

  Edna raised an eyebrow. "Then why do you keep drinking mine? I know when we're married we'll share everything, but for right now, drink your own." She took the flask from him and took another sip. "If fact, you owe me a sip now."

  She watched as he pulled the flask from his back pocket. He took a big gulp of it and offered her the bottle. "I'll share anything with you, Edna Petunia."

  Edna took a drink of Cletus's whiskey before handing him her flask. "Yours is better than mine. You keep mine."

  Cletus shrugged and took the offered bottle. "Whatever you say, Edna Petunia."

  They spent a bit just watching the fire and sipping their whiskey, talking about their lives. Edna had a feeling Cletus was hiding something from her, but she couldn't imagine what. "You ever kill anybody?"

  Cletus's eyes widened. "Not outside of war. Why would you ask me that? You worried I'll murder you in your sleep?"

  Edna Petunia shrugged. "No, I don't think you'd ever hurt me." She struggled to put her thoughts into words. "I just—I feel like you're hiding something from me, Cletus."

  He frowned. "I would never hide something from you that really mattered. Give me a little while, and I'll tell you everything. I promise."

  Edna nodded. She did trust him, even though she'd only known him a short time. She felt as if they were soul mates, destined to be together. She thought about saying that, but it was too corny even for her. "I'll trust you then." For some reason she trusted him more because he admitted he was hiding something.

  She rested her head against his shoulder, thrilled to be with him. She'd had the Sullivan family in her life, and they'd been wonderful for the past few years, but being the eccentric woman she was, she hadn't had a lot of friends over the years. She felt as if she was starved for human contact.

  Cletus slipped his arm around her, kissing the top of her head. She took her teeth out and offered him her lips. His tasted of whiskey, one of her favorite tastes in the whole world.

  He turned to her fully, wrapping both
his arms around her and pulling her onto his lap. His hand strayed to her breast and for once she didn't stop him. "I love you, Edna Petunia. I've never met a woman in my whole life who could hold a candle to you."

  She pulled back, looking into his eyes, and she realized she loved him too. She put her hand to his cheek and smiled. "I love you too, Cletus. Can't think of another reason I'd marry a randy old goat who lives in the woods. Can you?"

  Cletus's blue eyes darkened as he lowered his head again, kissing her more passionately. His hand stroked her breast while the other crept around to cup her bottom. "Oh, darlin'. You have no idea what you do to me."

  Edna didn't stop him, too carried away by the feelings he was stirring within her. She put both her arms around him, kissing him back with all the passion she'd kept bottled up for almost forty years.

  Cletus let out a low groan and pushed Edna down onto her back on the quilt, moving atop her.

  As soon as Edna Petunia felt the length of Cletus's body along hers, she panicked. "No! Stop!" She heaved him off her and looked at him, her eyes wild with panic. "I can't. Not yet!"

  She struggled to her feet as quickly as her old body would allow, not saying another word as she ran off toward town.

  Cletus sat up and shook his head, but she was already gone. What had happened to his sweet Edna Petunia?

  Chapter Five

  Edna Petunia tossed and turned all night, worried that she'd offended Cletus. Could she admit to him that she'd caused Harry's heart attack by agreeing to have relations with him before marriage? How could she not? Cletus made her happier than she'd been in almost forty years. She had to tell him. But how?

  Early Wednesday morning, Edna Petunia fixed breakfast for herself and Iris, but she could barely eat. How could she be expected to eat anything when she wasn't sure if Cletus would forgive her for her behavior the previous night? Would he still marry her? Or would she have to beg Iris to let her keep her job? And where would she live if Iris was getting married?

  More than anything, though, she needed to make amends with Cletus. She'd acted poorly, and she needed his forgiveness.

  She told Iris that she wouldn't be able to work that afternoon. "I'm sorry, but I have something to do."

  Iris frowned. "We've actually had patients. I'm sure I can handle it, but it would be easier if you were there."

  Edna looked down at her plate. She hated letting Iris down. "I'm really sorry, but I need to apologize to someone for my bad behavior."

  "I understand." Iris ate a bite of her pancake. "Breakfast is delicious. Thank you for cooking again. I'm really going to miss you when we go our separate ways next week."

  Edna reached across the table and squeezed Iris's hand. "You won't have to miss me. I'll still be around."

  "I'm glad." Iris carried her plate to the sink and rinsed it off. "Do you mind doing the dishes? I want to get to the clinic early this morning."

  Edna shook her head. "You know what? I'll handle the dishes and my apology this morning, and I'll be in as soon as I can. Will that work better for you?"

  "I think it will. Thank you." Iris grabbed her medical bag and hurried out the door, obviously upset that Edna was going to miss part of the day of work. Edna hated that, but Cletus needed to come first this time.

  Edna hurried to do the dishes, knowing that Iris needed her. When she was finished, she removed her apron and smoothed her hair, looking in the mirror to make certain it looked good. Well as good as thinning gray hair could look, of course.

  She took a deep breath. "You can do it, old woman. You can do anything you put your mind to." She tucked four fresh peppermint sticks into her cleavage and hurried out the door.

  She walked toward the woods and found Cletus in his clearing. He was already up and dressed, looking forlorn. When he didn't spot her immediately, she called to him. "Cletus?"

  He looked up, his face changing to a look of utter delight. "I wasn't sure you'd ever want to talk to me again. I'm so sorry, Edna Petunia! You told me you didn't want to do anything but kiss, and I pushed things. Can you forgive me, darlin'?"

  Edna stared at him, tears springing to her eyes. He was apologizing to her? "Oh, Cletus. You didn't do anything wrong. I justwell, Harry died while we were about to anticipate our vows. Oh, we never did, but I've always felt if I'd told him 'no' that day, and hadn't encouraged him, he'd still be alive today."

  Cletus walked through the clearing and pulled her against him. "You didn't cause it. He had a bad heart. He'd have died anytime. Isn't that what the doc told you?"

  "Well, yes, but the doctor didn't know he was on top of me in the woods when it happened! How could I not blame myself?"

  "We'll wait. I won't do anything but kiss your sweet cheek until after the weddin'. But, snickerdoodle? You'd better be ready for me on our weddin' night. I'm going to be on you a stripe on a polecat!"

  "Monday afternoon?"

  He nodded. "Monday afternoon. Around four. I'll meet you at the church. I'm going to be busy 'til then, settlin' our house and all. Maybe we can spend a bit of time together on Saturday and Sunday?"

  "I wouldn't mind helping with the house, Cletus. What needs to be done still?"

  He shrugged. "I'll handle it. I want to surprise you with it."

  Edna eyed him skeptically. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life sleeping under a tarp, right?" She sighed. "I can do anything for love."

  "I told you I'd provide a house for you. Don't you trust me?"

  She considered that for a moment. Did she trust him? She'd known him such a short time, but he'd become so much a part of her life. Yes, she trusted him. "I suppose I do."

  "Then trust me to provide you with a house." He kissed the top of her head. "Aren't you supposed to be at work this morning?"

  She nodded. "I'm on my way. I just needed to apologize to you first. I felt like I might have ruined everything between us yesterday."

  "How could you ruin everything between us?" he asked, shocked she'd even think so. "I'll walk you to the office."

  Edna shook her head. "No, you work on the house. I can make my way to the clinic on my own. If anyone bothers me, I'll stick a peppermint stick up their nose. That'll teach 'em how to treat an old woman!"

  Cletus patted her head. "I'll see you on Saturday morning. We'll go for a walk, and I'll show you my favorite places around Nowhere. You want to have a picnic by the river?"

  Edna smiled. "That sounds lovely. I miss living so close to the ocean."

  Cletus shrugged. "Well, a river is nothing compared to the ocean, but we can certainly enjoy ourselves."

  She stood on tiptoe to kiss his whiskered cheek. "I'll see you Saturday morning then." She hurried off to work, happy again. Cletus still loved her. What else mattered?

  Chapter Six

  Edna Petunia's weekend was lovely and filled with Cletus. True to his word, he didn't try to kiss her again, keeping his distance. The last thing he said to her on Sunday night was, "Rest up tonight, snickerdoodle. You won't sleep much tomorrow."

  Edna blushed as she hurried home, finding Iris sitting at the table with a piece of paper in front of her. "What are you doing, Iris?"

  Iris looked up from the paper in front of her and sighed. "Sending another letter to Mama. I'm not going to wait for her, but she's going to be so angry. I just have to apologize."

  Edna laughed. "There's no need to apologize on paper. She's going to get that first letter, and she's going to be on the first train to Texas."

  Iris opened her eyes wide. "Do you really think so? I hope not! I really don't want to have to deal with that right now."

  Edna shook her head. "Of course I think so. Your mama is not going to let this slide. She's going to want to make sure he's good enough for you."

  Iris folded her arms across her chest. "So there's really no point in writing this letter."

  "Probably not. Unless you just want to hand it to her when she gets here."

  Iris sighed. "Of course not. When she gets here I
'll just tell her." She ripped up the letter.

  "Now that's settled, I have something for you. You wait here." Edna hurried into her room and came back with a hatbox. "I made you something for your wedding."

  Iris eyed it skeptically. "You made me a hat?"

  "Don't worry. It's not the ugly one I was making for myself."

  Iris grinned. "I didn't say yours was ugly."

  Edna Petunia laughed. "You didn't have to say. It was written all over your face." The look on Iris's face when she'd seen Edna making a hat a few days prior had been priceless. It had been clear that she wouldn't wear the hat if it meant her life.

  Iris opened the box. She pulled out the pretty hat Edna Petunia had made her. "Oh it's beautiful!"

  Edna smiled. "Glad you like it."

  "Oh, I'll wear it for the wedding!"

  "And I'll wear my new hat for your wedding." She'd also wear it to her own, but she didn't tell Iris that. "I'm off to bed. Someone told me I need to get a good night's sleep."

  Edna went to her room and got undressed, stopping for a moment to look at her beautiful new hat. She'd made a tribute to the only people who had made her feel as if she was a part of a family since her father had died in the 80s with the hat. Around the base of the white hat were flowers for each of the Sullivan girls. There was a rose, a lily, an amaryllis, a daisy, a jasmine, a hyacinth, and a violet. Displayed prominently on the front, because it was her wedding day, was an iris. On top of the hat was a petunia. She'd handcrafted each flower painstakingly to create a one of a kind hat she couldn't help but be proud of.

  . She put on her chaste white nightgown, knowing it was the last time she'd probably wear it. She'd made something a little more risqué to sleep in after the wedding. When she climbed between the sheets, she realized she was truly happy. No matter where she and Cletus ended up living, she'd be content. Even if it was under a piece of oilcloth in the woods.