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The Nature of Middle-earth, Page 5

J. R. R. Tolkien


  The second version greatly expanded upon the much-compressed first version, except where the matters of the awaking of Men and of the position and nature of Angband with respect to Utumno are concerned, and of both of these matters with respect to the time of the death of the Two Trees, of Melkor’s flight, and of the Exile of the Noldor. On these matters the first version, which shows much more of Tolkien’s deliberative process concerning them, reads:

  Men must “awake” before the Captivity of Melkor.[fn3][22] It is too late after the return to Angband; for there is not enough time: The Atani already partly civilized reach Beleriand c. 310. That is only about 310 Sun Years after Morgoth’s return![fn4][23]

  In any case Morgoth has precious little time in which to build Angband. He escapes in 1495 and only 20 [sun-]years later (TY 1497) is already assailing Beleriand.[24]

  Plainly Utumno and Angband must be in the same place and, only partially destroyed, was quickly restored.[25] Or, Angband must also have existed.[26] A fort far west would be a good device for keeping the Valar out, and ill-informed of what was going on. Thus Melkor as soon as Elves awoke must have constructed Angband in the West as a further device – and he covered all northwest shores and the hinterland with darkness, obscuring the Sun.

  But Angband was chiefly a place for making smoke and dark, and not yet very big. When all the Valar came against him, Melkor made only a feint of defending Angband, and then retreated to Utumno. This in the event was pretty well destroyed, but was inhabited by Balrogs. These were secretly (though Morgoth feigned submission) instructed to regain and extend Angband (quietly and [?within] fume) against his escape. Angband was therefore almost ready in 1495![fn5][27]

  If (as in the Tale of Years) the Valar came forth in VY 1090 and Utumno was besieged in 1092 and destroyed in 1100, then Men must awake before VY 1090.[28]

  If they awoke in VY 1050 that would give 40 VYs, or 5,760 Sun Years in which Melkor could have dealings with them and corrupt them, before his captivity. The Atani entered Beleriand in 310 Bel. That is in the 22nd Sun-year of VY 1498. Men had then existed for 448 VYs + 22 SYs: i.e., 64,534 Sun Years,[29] which, though doubtless insufficient scientifically (since that is only – we being in 1960 of the 7th Age – 16,000 years ago: total about 80,000), is adequate for purposes of the Silmarillion, etc.[30]

  But Elves when discovered in 1085 were already a people, though appear never yet to have met Men, who awoke much further east. ☞ Cuiviénen must be fairly far west (near centre of Endor?).

  We may suppose Elves awoke at least 50 VYs sooner than Men (sc. 7,200 mortal years). This is about sufficient.[31] But it would be better to reduce the time of Melkor’s dealing with Men, since the damage could be done in much less than 5,760 years of mortal life.

  Let Melkor discover Men 1,440 years (that is, 10 VYs) before the Valar open attack in VY 1090. Men will therefore “awake” – the exact process will not be disclosed or discussed in the Silmarillion – some (little) time before VY 1080; say, 1079/1075.[32]

  The Quendi should then awake at least soon enough for the first generation to be full-grown when Oromë finds them; but also long enough for Melkor to affect them seriously.[33]

  If Elves from the beginning grew at later rates: the first generation would be “maturing” between 216 and 288 years after “awakening”, but they would not have reached prime (in early days, at age 100) for another 76–82 Elven years = same number of VYs (or SYs 10,944–11,808).[34] When therefore they were found by Oromë they must have existed at least 11,000 years, or (say) 80 VYs. Oromë found them in 1085. They therefore almost certainly began to be c. VY 1000.

  Quendi awake VY 1000.

  Men awake VY 1075 (and are hidden from other contacts by Melkor)? But Eru independently of Manwë sends messages and messengers to them (and the Elves). That is about 10,800 Sun-years after Elves [awoke] and 15 VYs (or 2,160 SYs) before the attack of the Valar. The Valar do not discover Men (whose centre was far south of Utumno),[35] and think the removal of Melkor probably sufficient protection: they are not supposed to “meddle” with Men, but only guard them so that they can develop as they should. But they are anxious, especially after they discover that Melkor had already affected the Quendi; and are aware that by no means all of Melkor’s evil associates and forces had been destroyed or captured. They are therefore always sending out emissaries and explorers to Middle-earth during the Captivity of Melkor.



  The text presented here occupies twelve sides of seven sheets of unlined paper, which Tolkien lettered A–M. It is for the most part written in black nib-pen in a fairly clear hand, but was subsequently given a new title, “March”, and revised and added to in places, in red ball-point pen. It dates from c. 1959. I give the text here as emended.


  If we take VY 1000 as the probable date of the “Awakening” and 1085 of the “Finding” (by Oromë); 1090: beginning of the Assault of the Valar; 1102: Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë brought to Valinor; 1105: beginning of the Great March; 1115: separation of the Nandor; 1125: Eldar reach Beleriand; 1130: Thingol lost; 1133: Vanyar and Ñoldor land in Aman; then we must consider the matter of the Eldar, and the ages and position of Ingwë, etc.

  In 1085 Oromë found already a considerable people (who had already had dealings with emissaries of Melkor).

  According to Eldarin tradition: The Quendi “awoke” in maturity of body, and had “slept” during the making of their hröar “in the womb or Arda”; but when they awoke they were in 12 pairs, elf-man and elf-woman lying side-by-side each with a “predestined” mate. After 1 löa they begat children; so that in “Awakening [Year] 10” the First-begotten or so-called 1st generation began to appear. The Quendi were at first eager to increase their kind; on the average they begat children, at the age of 40, and at average intervals of 24 years. In the first three generations the number of children born to each pair was 6. In the next three generations the average number was 5; in subsequent generations up to the Great March the average number was 4. (During the Great March very few children were begotten, and there were no new marriages.) The number of males and females was at first equal (for about three generations) but more variable later, when males tended to be slightly more numerous.

  Total Population

  1st gen. appears

  VY 1000/10

  AY 10 In AY 10, 12 children were born. Total population then became 36 (24 + 12). 36

  [1st gen. complete]

  VY 1000/130

  AY 130 More children followed at intervals of 24 years until each pair produced 6 children: The “First Elves” then ceased to beget. Thus in 5 × 24 + 10 = AY 130 the “First Generation” was complete: it was 72. Total population was now 24 + 72 = 96. 96

  2nd gen. appears

  VY 1018/19

  [AY 2611] The “First Generation” began to beget children when “40 years old”: that is, the first 6 pairs of the 36 pairs of the 1st gen. began in AY 10 + 288 (= 24 GY) + 2,304 (= 16 VY): sc. in 18 VY + 10 löar after the Awakening. So allowing for approximately 9 years of gestation: the first 6 of the 2nd gen. would appear in 18 VY + 19 löar after the Awakening.

  2nd gen. complete

  VY 1018/139

  [AY 2731] The last six (the last children of the youngest of the 1st gen.) would appear in 18 VY + 10 löar + (5 × 24) löar + 9 löar = 18 VY + 139 löar. The population increase would be 6 × 36 = 216. 312

  3rd gen. appears

  VY 1036/28

  [AY 5212] The 2nd gen. would begin to produce the next gen. in 40 age-years after the appearance of the 2nd gen.[1] There were 216 of the 2nd gen., or 108 pairs. The time of generation-completion from first birth to last birth would be as before 120 löar (5 × 24).

  The 3rd gen. would thus begin to appear in VY 1018/19 + 18 VY/9 löar.

  3rd gen. complete

  VY 1037/14

  [AY 5342] The last of the 3rd gen. would appear in VY 1018/19 + 18 VY/139 löar, or V
Y 1037/14. The increase was 6 × 108 = 648. 960

  The number of children per pair now drops to five, and pairing is not exact. The interval between children also increased to about 30, so total time to produce the 4th generation was the same, 120 löar.

  4th gen. appears

  VY 1054/37

  [AY 7813] The 3rd gen. begins to produce the 4th gen. in VY 1036/28 + VY 18, and the first of the 4th gen. would appear in VY 1036/28 + VY 18/9 = VY 1054/37.

  [4th gen. complete

  VY 1055/13

  AY 7933] The 4th gen. would be complete in 120 löar later = VY 1054/37 + AY 120 = VY 1054/157 = VY 1055/13. The population increase was 5 × 150 = 750. 1,710

  5th gen. appears

  VY 1072/46

  [AY 10414] In VY 1054/37 + VY 18/9 the 5th gen. began to appear: VY 1072/46. There were 750 in the 4th gen., of which about 700, or 350 pairs, mated.

  [5th gen. complete

  VY 1073/22

  AY 10534] The generation was complete in VY 1072/46 + 120 löar = VY 1073/22.[2] Increase: 5 × 350 = 1,750. 3,460

  6th [gen. appears]

  VY 1090/55

  [AY 13015] In VY 1072/46 + VY 18/9 the 6th gen. appear = VY 1090/55. There were 1,750 in the 5th gen. of which about 800 pairs mated.

  [6th gen. complete

  VY 1091/31

  AY 13135] The generation was complete in VY 1090/55 + 120 löar = VY 1091/31. Increase: 5 × 800 = 4,000. The total in 1090, or about the time of the Assault [on Melkor], about 7,000.[3] At time of the Finding by Oromë in 1085 only 3,460. 7,460

  The number of children per pair now drops to four, but the completion of a generation takes about 100 löar.

  7th [gen. appears]

  VY 1108/64

  [AY 15616] The 7th gen. begins to appear in VY 1090/55 + VY 18/9 = VY 1108/64. Of the 4,000 members of the 6th gen., about 1,900 pairs beget 4 children each.

  [7th gen. complete]

  VY 1109/20

  [AY 15716] The generation is complete in VY 1108/64 + 100 löar = 1109/20. Increase: 4 × 1900 = 7,600. 15,060

  The youngest of the 7th generation would be active and able to march in some 10 growth-years = 120 löar; sc. VY 1109/140, or say VY 1110.

  The dates for the March etc. given in the Tale of Years are devised to fit scale 10 löar = 1 VY; but even so are too long? The Eldar take 20 VY = 200 [sun-]years to reach Beleriand. But we must imagine many long halts and waverings. Also the Eldar still desired children, and no doubt begot many on the March. But they would halt for this purpose. Halts would occupy at least 10 [sun-]years (gestation 9 + mother’s rest) + 10 growth-years (120 [SY]) = 130 [löar] for youngest children to grow to marching age.[4] They would then march on during an interval of about 30 [sun-]years; and halt 130 [löar] again.[5] Let us say the March began in VY 1110, when the total number of Quendi was about 15,000.

  Suppose 10,000 marched (Eldar), and 5,000 Avari remained: Ingar 1,000, Noldor 3,500, Teleri 5,500 (later Lindar – Sindar – Nandor).[6]

  Distance? Beleriand was about 550 miles broad from Eglarest to the Mountains of Lune. From the Mountains of Lune to the Sea of Rhûn is, according to the LR map over 1,250 miles: [total] 1,750 miles. How far east or southeast of the Sea of Rhûn was Cuiviénen?[7] If we say in ancient days that Cuiviénen was 2,000 miles as the crow flies from the coast of ancient Beleriand this will be approximately right.

  Let 10,000 Eldar set out at the beginning of VY 1110. The begetting of the 8th generation is due to begin in VY 1108/64 + VY 18/9 = VY 1126/73. But then 16 VY = 2,304 [sun-]years will have elapsed! (It could begin in VY 1108/64 + 2 VY = VY 1110/64 when the 7th generation would be 24 [growth-] years [= 288 löar] old.)[8]

  Clearly either no more children are begotten before reaching Valinor, or the March must have been delayed.

  8th [gen. appears] VY 1126/73 [AY 18217] The 8th gen. begins in VY 1126/73. The 7th gen. contained 7,600 persons: of these, let 3,500 pairs marry.

  [8th gen. complete] VY 1127/29 [AY 18317] The gen. will be complete in 1126/73 + 100 löar = VY 1127/29. The increase will be 3,500 × 4 = 14,000. 29,060

  Let the March begin when the youngest of the 8th gen. are at least 10 [growth-]years old (= 120 solar years), so in VY 1127/29 + 120. This is in VY 1128/5 or early in 1129. Let 20,000 march (leaving 9,060 or about 9,000 Avari). Ingar 2,000, Ñoldor 7,000, Teleri 11,000. No more begetting of the 9th gen. will occur regularly until VY 1126/73 + 18/9 = VY 1142/82. But it can begin in 1126/73 + 2 VY = 1128.[9] Of these 20,000, 14,000 × 2/3 will be above 11/10 [growth-]years old, 7,600 × 2/3 will be 81, 1750 × 2/3 will be 120 etc. So:


  over 9,000 young children [GY] 11/10

  over 5,600 young adults 40+

  over 2,700 full grown 80+

  over 1,200 prime 120+

  over 500 prime 160+

  over 400 prime 200+

  144 prime 240+

  48 prime 300+

  24 340+


  9,000 children +

  11,000 adults

  Too many children, so probably delay march until maturity (288 [sun-]years) after the birth of the youngest of the 8th gen. If 1127/29 + 2 VY (= 288 [sun-]years) = 1129/29 or early 1129. The youngest marchers will be 24 [growth-years] (288 [sun-]years) old, the oldest 168 löar or 1VY/24 older. But begetting of a 9th generation would now be possible for, say, 4,000 pairs of the 8th generation.

  [Generation, year, and progress toward Sea] [Population of Marchers]

  [8th gen.]

  VY 1129/29

  [AY 18605]

  450 miles The March begins in VY 1129/löa 29. The great host of 20,000 goes very slowly (2,000 miles to go);[10] it has to provide food, clothing, etc. en-route, though it had the help of the Valar via Oromë.[fn1] It proceeds mainly in the late spring to early autumn: April to September. The general process is to make a period of marching and then to halt for repairs, cloth-making or fur-curing, and rest. The March began about April 1 of löa 29 of VY 1129. Thus well provided to start. It goes about 200 miles by the end of April, halts, then goes on again from June 20 to July 20 with 200 more miles (total 400). It is now near the east side of the Sea of Rhûn, then a very pleasant place. After some debate, it moves to the shores of the Sea of Rhûn (total 450 miles) and there stops during the rest of löa 29 and does not move on again, because many are for the time being content, and desire to beget children. 20,000

  [9th gen. begins]

  VY 1129/39

  [AY 18615] Of the available 4,500 8th-gen. pairs, 2,000 beget children in the spring of löa 30. They (2,000) are born in the spring of löa 39 (VY 1129/39). The host therefore does not move again for 10 growth-years more = 120 löar: VY 1129/159 = VY 1130/15. It is now combined with 2,000 young children (of about GY 11/11 age). 22,000

  VY 1130/15

  [AY 18735]

  650 miles In spring and summer of VY 1130/15 it only moves 200 miles (650 total). It camps in what are the wide grasslands before Mirkwood is reached, and full of grain and food. The Elves taught by Oromë sow grain that autumn, and reap in summer of 1130/16. They do this three times till 1130/19 and do not move on till spring 1130/20.

  VY 1130/20

  [AY 18740]

  800 miles That year they reach the Great Forest, another 200 miles. This looks a lovely place, but they find it contains lurking evils. Possibly Sauron is aware of the March? Anyway many of Melkor’s evils are abroad. Some Eldar are lost; the rest are afraid. They retire back into the grasslands 50 miles (850 – 50 = 800) and await help from Oromë. Oromë comes in 1130/25 and drives off the evils and encourages the Eldar.

  VY 1130/26

  [AY 18746]

  1,050 miles The Ingar and the Ñoldor following Nahar pass through the Great Forest (rich in fruit and berries?) at its southern end (which was farther south than in the Third Age) during 1130/26. They come out into the Anduin Vale and are delighted with it. Their chieftains cannot get them to proceed further at that time. Their general thought is “why not dwell here, and let
the Valar guard us? This is where Quendi should dwell, between wood and water!” Only the Chiefs who had seen Aman are not content.

  The Lindar here begin to straggle. Not all had reached the east side of the Forest when the Ingar and Ñoldor went through. None have yet followed Oromë.

  VY 1130/36

  [AY 18756] The Ingar and Ñoldor settle on the east bank of the Anduin (the region of later Lórien). They rest till spring 1130/27. Then a new begetting of children begins. Available pairs of the Ingar and Ñoldor are about 4,000. (The total 8th gen. = 14,000 – but 1/3 are Avari, leaving about 9,000 Eldar, 9/20 of which = 450 × 9 = 4,050 available pairs. 2,000 pairs beget children (1,000 first time, 1,000 second time) who are born in spring of 1130/36. The Eldar like their life there: the presence of the Máyar drives off evil, and the place is rich in flowers and food.[11] In spite of the Chiefs they are unwilling to move. 24,000

  VY 1130/79

  [AY 18799] They linger till 1130/70 and then begin new begetting (2,000 pairs); further [?births] of the 9th generation appear in spring 1130/79. The Teleri now begin to appear: they left the grasslands and came round south of the Forest. They like the new home and are now eager for more children. 26,000

  VY 1130/89

  [AY 18809] About 2,000 pairs (of the available Telerin 8th gen. of 4,950) beget children in spring 1130/80. The Chiefs and Oromë are disturbed. No move can be made until the latest children are above 10 [GY]: sc. in 1130/89 + 120 = 1130/209 = 1131/65. 28,000

  [VY 1130/90]

  [AY 18810] Either by chance, machinations of Sauron, and/or because Oromë withdraws protection (hoping to make the Eldar less content with their new Home (Atyamar),[12] winters are hard and the weather worsens. The host is now burdened with many young born between 1129/39 and 1130/89. The oldest are those [that] (in 1131/65) [will be] VY 2/26 years old = 314 löar,[13] the youngest about 10 [GY]. The total of these is 8,000 in the total host of 28,000.

  The Chiefs order an advance across the Anduin for spring 1130/91. The Teleri already show a love of water and boats, and begin a great boat-building. They are ready with rafts and boats in the course of 1130/90. But a large part of the Teleri later fought this, in the winter of 1130/90–91. The Anduin is wild and flooded and great snowstorms fall in the Misty Mountains – then much taller – which last far into the spring. The total Telerin host is 13,000 now; more than 3,000 refuse to leave Atyamar. These are the Nandor.[fn2][14]