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Greyson_A Hell's Harlem Novel, Page 7

J. M. Walker

  “My problem.” I spun on him. “You kiss me and then stop.”

  “Yeah, because I have shit to do.” His eyes narrowed. “What’s the issue?”

  “Whatever.” I stomped back to my room. The kiss wasn’t that good anyway.

  “Wasn’t that good?” he snarled in my ear.

  I let out a squeak, not realizing I had spoken out loud.

  “Wasn’t that good,” he repeated, his voice dripping with venom.

  Before I could process what was happening, Greyson threw me over his shoulder.

  “GREYSON,” I CRIED. “Put me down.”

  “No.” He slapped my ass, the sound reverberating right into my soul.

  Just when I thought he was going to take me to my room, he turned around, headed down a hall, and up a set of stairs I had never been before.

  “Grey, where are you taking me?” I grabbed onto the waistband of his jeans, trying to lift myself enough that I could see where the hell we were going.

  “Shut up.” He slapped my ass again, rubbing the spot soon after.

  I bit back a moan, the sting from his palm sending a wave of heat rushing through me.

  “Grey.” I lifted my head, my eyes widening as we entered a large room. Suddenly, I was thrown onto a bed. I looked around me, not expecting to see what I saw. Bookshelves lined the far wall. A little reading nook sat in the corner. I found myself wanting to know what kind of books he read. What captured his attention? Or maybe he didn’t have time to read. A hint of sadness squeezed my heart.

  A black cat was curled up on the chair, its small body rising and falling with each breath it took.

  Grey’s room was homey. It felt warm and inviting. Nothing like the man currently staring me down.

  “Greyson.” I swallowed hard.

  He locked the door to the room and pulled off his leather jacket, leaving him in light-blue jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged his torso. Black ink covered his forearms, and I found myself wondering if he was tattooed everywhere.

  I licked my lips, my mouth watering at the images my brain was conjuring up.

  He raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Pulling the belt free from its loops, he folded it in half with a snap.

  A shiver raced down my spine.

  “Turn over,” Greyson demanded.

  “Listen, I was kidding about the kiss not being good.” I sat up on my elbows. “I was—”

  “I don’t give a shit.” He took a step toward me. “Turn. Over. Now.”

  I did as I was told. I didn’t know what he was going to do. A part of me should be scared. Maybe it was. But the bigger part of me was excited and turned on.

  Gripping the blankets tightly in my hands, I waited. It was all I could do for fear that I would lose him. I squeezed my eyes shut, not liking these thoughts racing through me. I shouldn’t want him, but I did. God, did I ever.

  The bed dipped, a warm body towering over me. “Don’t fear me,” Greyson whispered in my ear. “I would never hurt you.” His hand brushed down the side of my body before hooking into the waistband of my leggings.

  “But you want to control me,” I said, opening my eyes that time. “That’s why you had Trixie put me on birth control last week.”

  He hesitated. “Yes, I want to control you.” He pulled the leggings down to just below my ass. “But I had her put you on birth control because I don’t think either of us are ready for kids, Eve.”

  He had a point. “You could have just asked me—”

  “Shut up.” He slapped my ass. “Stop fucking talking.”

  I arched my hips before I even realized what I had done, earning me another slap. A moan escaped me.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn responsive,” Greyson growled, brushing his thumb between the cheeks of my ass.

  I whimpered, trying to spread my legs even though he was straddling them. I wasn’t pissed that he had me put on birth control. In fact, it was kind of hot that he took initiative. “Did you have her put me on birth control so you could fuck me again? Or were you worried someone else would knock me up before you?”

  In a quick move, Greyson fisted my hair and ripped my head back. “I’m going to tell you this only once, little girl.”

  I swallowed hard, my heart hammering against my rib cage.

  “I will have you any way I want you. In my bed. At my feet. I don’t give a fuck. I promise you this, Eve, the next time I see you flirting with one of my men, even if it’s just a joke, I’ll show you just how good I am with a knife.” He leaned over me, brushing his thumb lower. “You’re mine.”

  “Greyson,” I whispered, my body aching, demanding to be filled by him. “Tell me how good you are.”

  “Oh, I’m going to show you, baby,” he purred. “As much as I’m a sadistic fuck, the knife isn’t meant for you. But I would cut any bastard who even breathed the same air as you.”

  “Interesting.” I arched beneath him.

  “I’ll give you everything you could ever want, Eve. Everything you could ever desire.”

  Turning my head, I saw the belt in his hand as he rested his weight on the bed. I didn’t know what he would use it for but that dark part of me, that part that wanted to experience everything, came alive.

  “Do you like my belt, Eve?” Greyson kissed the back of my neck at the same time he brushed his thumb over my pussy.

  “I don’t know.” I panted.

  “Are you wanting to know what I’m going to use it for?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “I’ll tell you, but first.” His teeth sunk into my shoulder. “You’re going to come.”

  I opened my mouth to ask what he meant by that when he thrust his thumb deep inside me. A shuddered breath escaped me.

  “So, fucking wet.” Greyson removed his hand from my body and shoved my pants down my legs before ripping them off my feet. “Beautiful.”

  I shivered.

  Greyson knelt between my legs, shoving them apart, and towered over me once again. “You’ve been accusing me of shit.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I ground out.

  “No?” He laughed. “How about I remind you?” He shoved two fingers inside of me, forcing a cry from my lips. “You’ve called me an asshole on multiple occasions.”

  “That’s nothing new.” I lifted my hips in tune with his hand.

  “You’ve said I don’t care about you and only want you for sex,” he told me, ignoring my comment. “I can’t get you out of my fucking head, Eve. You think someone who wanted you only for sex would feel that way?”

  “Well, our last time together was …”

  “What?” He leaned over me, brushing the scruff of his cheek against mine. “Tell me.”


  “Yeah. It was.” He spread my legs further apart and wrapped his free hand around my throat. “I want you to come for me. Scream my name, Eve. Let me hear it. Let me hear what you sound like when you’re alone. When you’re playing with this little kitty all by yourself.”

  I gripped his hand wrapped around my neck, lifting my hips up and down in tune with the deep thrusts of his fingers.

  “That’s it, beautiful girl. Come hard.”

  My body trembled, my skin tingled, and my heart raced. An electric current rushed through me, exploding into a blinding light before my very eyes. His name left my mouth on a shattered scream.

  Greyson grunted his approval, removing his fingers from my body. “Open your mouth.”

  I did as he said when he slid the juices from my body onto my tongue. I moaned, lapping up my pleasure, and swallowed.


  I writhed under him, needing him in ways I never thought I could need another person. It wasn’t natural, this feeling of want. Desire. Passion. Ecstasy. Greyson was everything that I wasn’t. He was hard where I was soft. Rough and determined, he was sharp and jagged around the edges, but he looked at me like I was the only person who existed in his world. It didn’t make sense wh
en we hadn’t known each other for long and I didn’t even know myself. But I found that I needed to strip each layer of him and find out what made him the way he was.

  “Stop thinking,” he whispered, flipping me over onto my back. He grabbed my hands, holding them above my head, and wrapped a rope around my wrists.

  My eyes widened, my breath catching in my throat. I hadn’t even noticed the rope tied around the bedposts.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked, tugging on the soft strands.

  I pulled my arms but couldn’t break free. “No.” Instead, it sent a rush of heat through me.

  “Good.” He kissed my forehead, then my mouth. He knelt between my legs, bent my knees, and kissed my lower belly. “I’ve been wanting to do this since the moment you showed up here.”

  “Yeah?” I breathed. “What’s that?”

  He only grinned before covering my pussy with his mouth.


  She tasted like sin.

  Pure fucking delicious sin.

  I lapped at her cunt, shoved my tongue deep inside her, and licked at the walls of her pussy. Her sweetness coated my tongue, forcing drops of pre-cum to leak from my cock. She tasted so damn good.

  “Greyson.” She moaned, arching under me. Her hips moved with the thrusts of my tongue. “Please.”

  That one word set me off. I growled, shoving my face harder against her.

  Eve cried out, bucking beneath me.

  “Come for me,” I demanded, sucking her clit into my mouth. Wrapping my arms around her hips, I held her still while I tongue-fucked her cunt.

  “Oh, God,” she cried out.

  “No.” I slapped her hip. “Say my name only,” I snarled against her mound.

  Her dark eyes met mine, wide and unsure.

  “Let yourself go for me, Eve.” I paused, waiting. “My name only. Say it.”

  “Greyson,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.

  “Let yourself go,” I told her, spreading the lips of her pussy.

  She nodded, throwing her head back.

  “That’s my girl.” Sliding two fingers into her core, I pushed and pulled, forcing that orgasm from her body.

  Eve screamed, shaking against me, my name leaving her lips over and over again.

  “That’s it, baby.” I shoved my fingers in and out of her. “Harder. Scream harder. Let everyone in this damn building know who you belong to.”

  “Holy shit, Greyson,” she panted, tugging on the ropes wrapped around her wrists.

  “Say it,” I demanded, sinking my teeth into her thigh. “Say that you belong to me.”

  Her gaze snapped to mine. “If I don’t?”

  I chuckled, rose to all fours and shoved my waist between her spread legs. Staring down at her, I stroked a hand over her head. “Are you sure you want to ask me that?”

  “Tell me what you’ll do, Greyson.”

  My dick lengthened. Leaning down to her neck, I brushed my lips over her skin, coating her with her own desire. “Can you smell that?”

  Her chest rose and fell.

  “Can you smell how much you want me?” I nipped her skin. “Fucking delicious, Eve. Best pussy I’ve ever eaten. So sweet.” I inched a hand between us, running my finger over her swollen clit.

  She jumped, chewing her bottom lip.

  “Are you trying to fight it?” I asked her, licking along the shell of her ear. “I don’t mind if you do. I’m always up for a challenge.”

  “Greyson,” she whispered.

  I chuckled. “Not so sassy now, are we, Eve?”

  She glared at me, clenching her jaw.

  Ah, sweet girl was trying to fight the orgasm. “You’re going to come again for me, Eve. You’re going to come until I decide to let you rest.”

  Strumming her clit, I pushed and pulled, tugged and twisted, until she was writhing beneath me. Her cheeks were flushed. Sweat coated her brow. Soft moans and mewls left the back of her throat, but she still didn’t beg.

  That was fine. I could go all night. As much as my dick throbbed for her pussy, I wanted her to know what it was like to truly be with me. A slow grin spread onto my face. I would make her crave the darkness inside of me.

  GREYSON WENT FROM not wanting me a month ago to fucking me on the floor in my room and getting pissed off over it. Now, he was in complete control of my body. His finger moved over my clit, forcing the orgasm to shatter through me, but I refused to cry out. I refused to show him how much I enjoyed his control, or my submission.

  I also enjoyed this little game we were playing. I didn’t mind so much that he needed to control me but I refused to be a pushover.

  “I didn’t hear my name leave your lips, Eve.” His hot breath scorched the side of my head, his lips brushing over my ear. “I told you to scream my name.” His hand wrapped around my throat, forcing my head back. “You trying to piss me off?”

  I swallowed hard, my pussy clenching at the underlining threat in his deep voice. “I would never do such a thing.”

  “No?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Before I could comprehend what he was doing, he flipped me onto my stomach and forced me to my knees.

  A hard swat landed on my ass. I yelped but still pushed into the swing of his palm. What was wrong with me that this turned me on? My pussy dripped. It was aching, swelling, needing to be filled by him.

  “Say it,” Greyson demanded, shoving my head into the pillow. “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “Greyson.” I tugged on the rope wrapped around my wrists. As much as I wanted to touch him, being bound for him was exhilarating. I was helpless to his wrath and needed him just the same. “Please.”

  “Dammit, Eve.” Greyson slapped my ass again, the crack reverberating around the room. “Say it.”

  Swat. Swat. Swat.

  “Say. It.”

  I arched my hips, needing more of his delicious pain.

  Greyson fisted my hair and tugged my head back before wrapping his belt around my throat. “I’ll give you five seconds to tell me who you belong to.”

  “Or else what? You going to choke me? Kill me before you even get your dick wet?”

  “Nah, baby.” He chuckled. “You see. I’m not into fucking the dead. But restrict the airway a little bit and I am totally game.”

  His hold on the belt tightened.

  I gasped, my eyes widening.

  “Tug the ropes twice if it gets to be too much, Eve,” he said gently, sinking his cock inside of me.

  A sigh escaped me, my body stretching to meet his glorious size.

  “Remember to tug on the ropes.” He gripped my hip, slowly sliding in and out of me.

  I nodded, spreading my legs wide for him.

  “Fucking perfect.” Greyson leaned back, pulled on the belt, and picked up speed with his hips.

  “Grey,” I moaned. A part of me thought he was actually going to choke me but his grip only tightened to the point I felt consumed by him. I could still breathe normally. The belt around my throat left me feeling possessed. Owned.

  “So damn tight.” The thrusts of his cock hardened but they didn’t have that edge like the first time with him. I found I needed it. That darkness inside of him. That part he never showed anyone. I wanted all of him.

  “Please, Greyson,” I whimpered. “Harder. Fuck me harder.”

  The belt around my throat tightened when a sudden burn spread over my ass as his palm connected with the flesh. I tried pushing back into him but the ropes and belt binding me held me place.

  “Come for me,” he demanded. “Come all over my cock.” He pulled out almost all the way before slamming back into my center.

  I cried out. The pleasure erupting through me was almost too much. Every nerve ending came alive. Every sense was attuned to him.

  A cold object slid up my spine before the fabric of my shirt fell off of me. Greyson ripped it free from my body, replacing the material with his hands. The belt loosened from around my throat. Instead, Greyson
tossed it to the side, pushed me forward onto my stomach, and wrapped his hand around my chin.

  His hot skin pressed against mine, and that was when I realized he was naked but I still couldn’t see him.

  “Let me touch you,” I whispered, needing to feel his muscles rippling beneath me.

  I was surprised when Greyson pushed off of me and undid the ropes from around my wrists. He rubbed them with his thumbs before turning me over onto my back.

  When my gaze landed on what hovered above me, a gasp escaped me.


  For whatever reason, as soon as Eve pleaded to touch me, I complied. Willingly. But I had no idea why. It wasn’t normal for me. A month ago, and I would have kept her bound and spread apart for my use only. But now I wanted to feel her hands on my body. Her nails digging in my skin as I powered into her with so much strength, she broke beneath me.

  When her eyes landed on my naked body, they widened and looked at me with … sympathy.

  My heart stuttered. Fuck, this woman gave me all sorts of feels.

  “What happened to you?” she asked, running her hands over my shoulders and across my pecs.

  I was scarred. Brutal, jagged edges marked my skin, mixing with the black ink tattooed on my body.

  Without answering, I gripped her thighs and spread her further apart and slammed my cock inside of her.

  She cried out, digging her nails into my skin.

  I didn’t want to talk about the shit I had done to earn my scars and tattoos. But if she thought the ones on my front were bad, just wait until she saw my back.

  “Greyson,” she whimpered, lifting her hips in tune with my thrusts.

  Cupping her jaw, I tilted her head back and covered her mouth with mine.

  She sighed, opening to me instantly.

  Curling my fingers between hers, I pulled her arms up and over her head. My hips picked up speed and with each thrust, I could feel the control I had come to crave, slip away.

  Eve made me lose myself but also find that light I had been searching for at the same time. Since those I loved died. Since the woman I thought I was going to marry destroyed my heart.