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Enticed by the Highlander: The Moriag Series, Page 3

Hildie McQueen

  She didn’t blame him, actually. Instead, she pitied him. A strong, handsome man like Carrick deserved to dream of a future with a beautiful wife who would bring honor to his position. Someone he could be proud of. Not someone like her. A widow who’d spent more time in mourning than enjoying life the last two years.

  Once they bedded and consummated the marriage, she’d give him leave to do as he pleased. He could keep her in the remote home of his and return to the Gordon Keep to await his birthright.

  If at least her new husband was happy then she’d done something right. Her life would be agreeable, of that she was sure. After all, she’d keep busy managing his home and could spend her days learning a craft, perhaps soap making…or basket weaving. The thoughts of crafting made her shiver in distaste. Sewing clothing, surely it would be acceptable for a laird’s wife to sew.

  Her eyes began to droop from exhaustion. The last two days of travel and wedding activity were now taking their toll.

  However, when Carrick guided her from the room, she was instantly awake. Would there be witnesses to their union? She was not a virgin. Surely, the clan did not expect to send onlookers into the room with them? Footsteps followed and she lifted to her toes to look past Carrick’s shoulder. “Are they coming?”

  “Aye,” he replied, his voice flat. “I am to be the next laird. Every aspect of this marriage must be fulfilled according to our laws.”

  “Oh.” She took a fortifying breath and nodded. “I didn’t expect it, but you are correct.”

  The door swung open and women waited for her inside. Whoever they were, they seemed pleasant. She didn’t try to learn their names as nerves got the best of her and, once again, she hoped not to become sick. An older woman neared with shoulders rounded and eyes downward and began to loosen Analise’s hair. “I am Gritzel, the laird’s wife.”

  It seemed like only moments later, she was undressed and hair brushed.

  Gritzel’s dull eyes met hers in the looking glass. “Carrick is a good man. He will treat you with care. The gods have been kind to you.” She moved aside when a maid brought a light chemise and pulled it over Analise’s head.

  “They come!” a different maid cried out grabbing at Analise’s arms and rushing her to the bed. “You must be prepared milady.”

  The door burst open and men rushed in, pushing Carrick in front of them. By his frown and solid footing, he’d not drank as much as the men who now crowded about, their eyes shifting between the bed and the bridegroom who kicked off his boots and pulled his tunic off over his head. Analise lay back on the bed and closed her eyes. As mortifying as this rite of passage was, it was necessary.

  The bed dipped and she bit her bottom lip, her eyes flying open. Not daring to watch the prying eyes of the people in the room, she instead focused on her husband’s face. With purpose and not wasting time preparing her for him, he pulled her to the edge of the bed on the side away from the doorway. He slid her legs apart, pushed up her nightdress and took himself in hand. Analise gasped, not sure what to do to prepare for what she was sure would be an uncomfortable encounter. She attempted to relax, but then the shuffling of feet made her tense again.

  Carrick’s eyes fell to her core, his attention making her squirm with embarrassment. “I will try not to hurt you.”

  It was then she looked down to notice the size of his shaft. He was more than well endowed. The long member jutted out from him, easily longer than his palm. From how he wrapped his fingers around it, he was also quite thick.

  Analise wanted to tell him to do something to make it easier but, at the same time, she wished for everyone to be gone from there. He nudged her entrance with the head of his thickness then grabbed her by the hips and thrust into her to the hilt.

  She let out a groan. It was uncomfortable, his thickness filling her so that she could scarcely breathe.

  Everyone in the room let out an audible breath and began to clap as Carrick slid out and back into her, his face impassive, eyes focused on her.

  He pulled out and stood straight, not at all abashed at the display of arousal. “Go on now. I wish to finish making love to my wife in private.”

  At his growl of displeasure when they did not move fast enough, the crowd dispersed, some already talking of seeking more ale.

  “You don’t have to finish if you don’t want,” Analise pushed up to lie fully on the bed. “I understand.”

  “We will finish this. I will plant my seed in you and hope for an heir.” He yanked his breeches all the way off. It was only then she noticed he’d kept them on, just lowered them enough to free himself. “Take your clothing off woman if you do not wish to have them torn from you.”

  Carrick did not want to scare his wife, but he’d not allow her to push him away either. If he was to be tied to the beauty, she’d be his wife in every sense of the word.

  He didn’t wait for her to finish pulling the nightdress over her head, but yanked it from her outstretched arms. She gasped, her eyes moving down his body to between his legs.

  “I’ll make it more comfortable for you this time.”

  Analise nodded and remained sitting on the bed. He liked that she did not pull the coverings over her nudity but, instead, sat atop in full display. She was built for lovemaking. Full, rounded breasts atop a softly curved stomach and cinched waist that flared out to rounded hips. Her legs were well shaped, her feet small. He knew his lingering gaze affected Analise by her rapid breathing.

  The lifting and falling of her chest grabbed his attention and he leaned across the bed and took a pink tip into his mouth, suckling it hard.

  Her response was a throaty moan, her fingers raking into his hair urging him to remain. Instead, he licked the morsel and trailed his tongue across her skin to the other one and repeated the actions again and again until she lay back on the bed gasping for air, her hips lifting up from the bed in an open invitation.

  The heated moisture of her center greeted his fingers as he slid them between the folds. “I want more,” Analise urged him, her arms wrapping around his waist.

  He hovered over her and when she opened her mouth to speak, he covered it with his. Shivers crawled over him when she kept her lips parted waiting for the invasion of his tongue and once he pushed in, she sucked at it with greed, until she cried out from his ministrations between her legs.

  “Now I will take you properly.” Carrick rolled on top of her and guided himself into her now pliant body. She moaned when he nudged at her entrance and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He pushed into her, almost coming instantly when she constricted around him. Each movement out and back in was drawn out by the fear of finishing too fast. Yes, it had been long since he’d bedded a wench, but this woman brought his body to full alert.

  She acted as if she wanted him, as if she found him desirable.

  His movements turned frantic now, as he could no longer control what his body did. Basic nature took complete control ensuring the completion of what was started.

  Straining his body begged for release, but he refused until she was fully sated. Her short nails dug into his shoulders as she lost her own battle and shuddered.

  It was then he finally let go.

  Chapter Six

  Birds chirping woke Analise and she stretched, enjoying the tenderness of her body. It turned out that her husband enjoyed lovemaking and had more than opened up to her once they were alone.

  With his body that was. He’d not spoken a word to her other than incoherent mumblings during their mating. They’d made love twice after the people were gone, neither seeming to get enough of the other.

  Greedy for him, she’d teased him into another round of lovemaking just as the sun surfaced.

  Analise wasn’t sure how to proceed after finding herself alone in the bedchamber. She noticed her clothing had already been brought to the room, a fresh dress laid out for her use. On the top of the dresser, more of her personal effects were displayed.

  There was nothing any
where that belonged to Carrick. Obviously, this was not his room. Would he not be sharing the bed with her nightly? Obviously he’d liked bedsport with her.

  She shook her head. No use in becoming romantic about what happened between them. All men enjoyed the act, rarely cared who the partner was as long as she allowed it.

  Just because she’d thoroughly enjoyed what transpired with her new husband did not mean it was reason enough for her to change her plans. She’d speak to Carrick about sending her to his other home alone. Free him to enjoy his time until he became laird.

  However, now she didn’t want to leave without him.

  Troubled at the turn of events, she rose and proceeded to go through the morning ablutions and got dressed.

  The hallway was quiet and she made her way with quick steps to the great room. Her stomach grumbled, as she’d not eaten much the night before. Perhaps she’d find Carrick and ask him about their living arrangements. She’d present him with the idea of her living at his country home and Carrick remaining at the Gordon Keep. This was not a love match and it was more than obvious he preferred not to be married. Analise was sure he’d be relieved once she presented her plan to him.

  Silence greeted her upon entering the space. Seated upon the high board were the laird and the meek woman she now recognized as his wife. Beside the Laird sat Declan, Carrick’s brother. Carrick was nowhere in the room and Analise hesitated, not sure where to sit.

  Gritzel lifted her hand, her eyes sliding to the laird. “Come sit with me.”

  Analise released a breath and lifted the hem of her skirt so she could walk with ease to the high board. She sat next to the woman who motioned for maids to serve Analise.

  The laird narrowed his eyes. “Carrick has not been here, probably broke his fast in the kitchens. Doesn’t want to remain in the great room and ruin our appetites, I suppose.”

  Not understanding his meaning, Analise nodded and looked to Gritzel. The woman did not comment, instead continued eating, head down.

  The clanspeople watched Analise with ill-concealed interest, their curiosity making her nervous. Thankfully, she was too hungry to allow the awkwardness of the moment to stop her from eating.

  “Where can I find my husband?” she asked Gritzel between bites. “Do you know where he went?”

  “No, I do not.” The woman’s quick reply came across abrupt. “You should not concern yourself with the goings on of men.”

  “It is important I speak to him,” Analise insisted, not liking the way the laird leaned over his wife to scowl at her.

  “Carrick will return and when he does, you can speak to him. Until then, remain in your place.” Spittle and bits of food flew from his mouth and she couldn’t help but lean away.

  “As you wish, Laird,” she replied in a forced, low voice.

  Declan remained silent, ignoring them. He seemed ill, holding his head while shoveling food into his mouth. Too much ale, she presumed.

  Once the meal ended, Analise left the room. At a loss of what to do, she went through a side door to a small garden. The day was warm already, it would be a beautiful day. Over a short wall, there was a field. Lush grass with flowers sprinkled here and there invited for picnics and such.

  Groups of men trained and others meandered about doing whatever daily chores they had to do. The air was fresh and she held her face up to the sun.

  “What are you doing out here?” A clansman she didn’t recognize stormed toward her, a maid shuffling behind him. “You are not allowed outside unaccompanied. Do you wish to be harmed and start a clan war?” The man reached out for her, his fingers wrapped around her upper arm like a vise. Analise cried out and tried to tug her arm out of his grasp.

  “Release me. You are hurting me.”

  He squeezed tighter and yanked her forward. “Be quiet and don’t call attention. Women are not to raise their voice.” His lips curved into a cruel, mocking grin. “Tell me, did your husband take you well last night, lass?”

  “Please…” Analise gasped at the pain. “I will return inside.”

  The man let her go. She swayed from the sudden release. He moved away, his eyes no longer on her, but past her. Analise took a step toward the entrance only to stop upon hearing Carrick’s voice. “Stay where you are, wife.”

  His dark eyes latched to where she rubbed her arm for only a split second before he attacked the man. Analise screamed at the crunching sound of her husband’s fist against the man’s jaw. The men grappled, falling to the ground exchanging blows.

  Carrick yanked his opponent to his feet first and shoved him back.

  The man glared at him. “You need to keep a better watch on your woman. At least explain the clan rules.” He then slid a scowl at Analise and spit blood on the ground before storming away hands clenched at his sides.

  Carrick stood, his breathing hard, but didn’t touch her. “You are to remain inside when we stay at Gordon Keep. It is not safe for you to wander about alone.”

  A quick scan assured the high, thick walls remained. “I don’t understand, this keep seems impenetrable. How could you expect me to believe there is danger within?”

  “The drawbridge remains down most days.” He looked in the direction the man had gone. “Danger is not always from outside the clan. I am to be the next laird. As my wife, you can be used as a tool to hold power over me.”

  Analise opened her mouth, but decided it was best to not point out that, in all probability, he would not come after her if she were taken. Just a fact, after all, they did not know each other or have any type of bond. She cleared her throat. “I apologize for troubling you with my actions. I wasn’t aware.”

  He moved closer. Analise kept her gaze at the opening of his tunic, the tan skin reminding her of having pressed her lips to that specific spot the night before. “It is not your fault, but mine for not having warned you. In three days, we leave for my home. It is called Moriag. There, you are free to roam the gardens without restraint.”

  “About that. I was searching you out in hopes of speaking about our plans.”

  His eyes were light in the early afternoon sun, almost matching the amber in the sky at sunset. “What do you wish to speak of?”

  Once again, she focused on his chest, not daring to look him straight in the eye in case he became angry and was as temperamental as his father.

  “I—I propose you send me forth with an escort. To your other house. You do not have to remain by my side. You could remain here and do as you wish.”

  At the silence that stretched for several minutes, she was forced to look up. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flared. Flat eyes finally met hers. “If you wish to remain apart from me, I will allow it.”

  Her relief was short-lived when he spoke again. “You may remain here. I, however, plan to return to Moriag.”

  “No.” Analise reached forward and clutched his tensed forearm. “I do not wish to remain here without you.”

  “Your choice.” He shrugged and turned toward the door. Her hand fell from his arm.

  “Come, I will find you a personal maid to help you find something to do while you await our departure. She will also move with us to Moriag.”

  Carrick gaze met hers for a moment. The distant look in his eyes confirming he cared not at all what her decision was. “If you change your mind and decide to remain here, then she will remain with you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Carrick had wanted nothing more than to leave for Moriag immediately. However, they’d remained several days giving his men time to train with the clansmen and begin to form a bond for when he came back to take over as laird.

  It would not do for the men to be total strangers when they’d be forced to fight side-by-side.

  He shifted to a more comfortable position in his bed. Heaviness like that of a boulder crushed his chest. It angered him to have allowed Analise’s request to affect him. How foolish to have hoped that after her responses to his lovemaking, after calling out his name, she would want
to be beside him as his wife.

  How absolutely stupid he was.

  Thankfully the day of departure finally arrived. They’d leave the next morning as soon as the sun rose. He needed to sleep, to rest in preparation for the two-day ride to Moriag but his mind refused to settle.

  He rolled to his side and closed his eyes only for a picture of Analise to appear.

  However, no matter how much he tossed and attempted to find a comfortable position, slumber was elusive. The entire time his thoughts were on the woman in the adjoining room.

  He’d not shared the bed with her again in the last three days, not physically. Mentally, he’d visited many times.

  Her skin was the softest he’d ever run his palms over, her breasts full and supple. The way her small waist flared out to rounded hips and plump buttocks made him harden just remembering.

  How he wished he could trace them once again. Run his tongue between the creamy thighs of hers.

  Carrick groaned at his arousal, his shaft throbbed in a silent but resilient request for release.

  A soft sound got his attention. The adjoining door cracked open and he bit back a curse. What did she want now?

  This was the most inconvenient time. Analise’s eyes peered from the side of the door. “Are you awake?”

  Carrick pushed to sit up, pulling furs across his hips to cover his aroused state. “Aye.”

  She hesitated. “May I enter?”

  “Aye. I would rise, but I am without clothing.”

  Her eyes skimmed over the expanse of his chest causing him concentrate on a tapestry on the wall past her to keep from jutting his hips upward.

  His wife moved closer, standing beside the bed, her hands clasped together. “I wondered if I could share your bed. I find I am nervous tonight and cannot sleep.”

  Her request surprised Carrick and left him momentarily without words. This was not the time to allow her any power over him. “You may lie in my bed, but I may not be able to keep from taking you.”