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Lady and the Scot, Moriag Series, Book 3, Page 3

Hildie McQueen

  Of course, he had very little land of his own, although wealthy, perhaps he wanted a larger region to rule over and being that Moriag was a peaceful region, he expected it an easy place to overtake.

  Breena considered returning and warning the other lairds, but it was too risky now. She'd be caught by the men who went towards Moriag.

  For now she'd find shelter and do her best to find a way to warn them in the morning.

  A small cottage came into view. With trepidation she went to the front door and pushed it open. It was empty. No one seemed to live there, the few things kept there seemed to not have been used recently. Closing the door swiftly behind her, she went to the fireplace and began to pile wood for warmth. With a flint and kindling, the fire came to life, at once warming the cottage. Exhausted from the trek and the emotions she'd managed to keep controlled, Breena collapsed onto the floor.

  Tears flowed and she allowed sadness at what her life had become free rein.

  Chapter Four

  Now that it was no longer necessary to maintain a brave front, Elsbeth McNeil leaned against a wall and let out a breath. Her entire body continued to shake after seeing so many injuries and blood.

  Men stood around a large fire in the center of the courtyard, some keeping guard and others resting.

  At a loud moan from a wounded man, several of her household staff made their way over to him with water, cloths, and no doubt, whiskey. Her father had availed all his whiskey to be used to dull their aches.

  Never again would she take the tranquility of Moriag for granted. It would be a long time until she dared ride out alone even for a short time.

  "Do you need to sit? You look about to faint." Ian McRainey studied her. He'd walked up without her notice. The man moved like a cat. On silent feet.

  "Nay. I am worried about our people. Our town," she confessed. Although at first meeting him she'd been taken aback at the man's handsome face. Elsbeth now considered him a friend. Comfortable around him, she felt at ease to speak freely. He never chastised her lack of decorum, not did he judge her for not acting like a lady at all times.

  "I am too." He leaned on the wall next to her. "Although I am not surprised that someone would considered this region to be an easy target."

  She let out a long breath. "We have the Campbells, and Aiden Stuart has always been a type of sentry who oversaw the security of our lands. I suppose it wasn't enough."

  "No. The lands are vast and men who wish to have more power would consider it perfect to settle here and move either north or south to fight." Ian yawned. "I need to sleep. At dawn, I go to Moriag."

  With the grace of a seasoned warrior, he sauntered across the courtyard. Ian was tall, incredibly handsome, and his body was built for war. With a broad back that tapered to a slim waist. Well-defined muscular legs from years of riding, he stood out amongst most men. His dark golden hair was an unruly mess after the day of fighting and distress. Absently she wondered who his woman was. Elsbeth had never asked him about his private life. Although friends, they didn't share more than necessary about their life outside the superficial things. How did he look unclothed?

  At the picture in her mind of him undressing, her hand went to her chest and she gasped. Where had those thoughts come from? She ran her other hand across her brow. It was the excitement of the day. She was overly tasked and addled by it.

  Her mother neared. "Ah, there you are. You've done enough, Elsbeth, come inside and let us rest."

  "I agree." She followed her mother. Just as she was about to enter the keep, she looked to the large tent Ian had headed to. They were only friends, as a laird's daughter; her husband would be someone of higher stature than Ian McRainey.

  They'd patrolled all night. It was almost dawn before the men disbanded and set up camp near the loch on Declan Gordon's lands. Restless at not finding the attackers, Aiden went to his guardsmen. "I am going to circle the area once more on foot. Take care to leave one man on duty at all times."

  The men agreed, knowing how good of a tracker he was and would not come to harm. Once he ensured his horse was settled, Aiden made his way into the forest.

  The smell of smoke got his attention first and he turned toward Ian's cottage. They'd been there several times in the past year while hunting. Could it be possible the men were using it to hide? At once a stupid mistake and a wise choice being no one would expect them to be so close.

  He drew his sword and went toward it. No horses were nearby, which didn't make sense. Careful to not make noise, he peered through the narrow window. Unable to make anything out, other than a fire in the hearth, Aiden decided whoever was hiding could not be a warrior. One would never start a fire.

  Although a small table blocked the door, he easily shoved it out of the way. Sword held high, he burst into the room.

  "No!" In the cot along the wall, Breena sat up, her hair streaming past her shoulders and rounded eyes searching his face. "Don't kill me."

  Aiden lowered his sword and neared the bed. "What are you doing here?"

  She looked past him to the doorway. "Did Robertson send you to fetch me?"

  "Nay. The village was attacked again, we are searching for the men responsible."

  Her shoulders lowered and she pushed her tresses back, the motion jutting her breasts out. Through the sheer fabric of her shift, he couldn't help but notice tantalizing nipples. "So you escaped? Why are you so intent on leaving? It is too dangerous right now for you to be alone."

  "I won't go back. I'll kill myself first." She stood and rushed to him, her hands clenching the front of his tunic with both hands. "Help me, please."

  As if by instinct, he wrapped his arms around her and held her. It surprised him when she relaxed into his chest and laid her head upon it.

  Her voice shook. "I do not understand why, but I feel you will protect me. I feel safe with you. Please, stay with me."

  Not exactly sure why, but it was true, he wanted nothing more than to ensure she was never harmed. "Come, let’s get some rest. In the morning I'll take you to my keep. I will protect you, but we need to talk. I need to understand the circumstances."

  It would stretch his willpower to keep from making love to the beauty. Lying with her was a mistake he soon realized when she continued to cling to him once they settle into the narrow cot.

  Aiden gritted his teeth when her full soft breasts flattened against his side. "I can't sleep." He made to get out of the cot when her hand reached for his face.

  "Make love to me. I want to feel alive again."

  His body screamed for release at her words and Aiden tried to fight the urge to climb over her and take what he needed from her body, but he hesitated. "You are frightened and don't know what you say."

  "I know what I need." Her lips pressed against the bottom of his jawline while her hand slid down from his chest past his stomach. He stopped her hand with his before she felt how hard he was for her. "You."

  "Are you sure of what you speak?"

  "Aye. More than sure. I admired you at the inn, wondered what it would be like...with you."

  He didn't need more encouragement and took her mouth with a hunger he wasn't aware he possessed. She'd called to him from the instant he'd seen her. Like her, upon first catching a glimpse, he'd immediately imagined her unclothed, her body on full display for him to feast upon.

  Circumstances were not as accommodating as he wished. He wanted this woman in his chamber, in his bed, in his arms.

  She let out a soft moan and raked her fingers through his hair, pulling him to plunder her mouth.

  The plush curves were heavenly as he slid his hands down her back over the swell of her bottom to cup her with his palms and pull her against his hardness. She let out a sigh and lifted her right leg and slid it down the side of his.

  He'd never felt so hard, so hot for a woman and Aiden wondered if it had to do with who she was. A woman so gentile, and yet demanding his body. That had to be it.

  Not able to stand not touching her ba
re skin, he slid a hand under her shift. Breena's skin was soft and supple. He took great care to caress each inch that his fingers brushed over.

  Finally a plump breast overfilled his hand and he slid his thumb over the tip, urged on by her soft moans of enjoyment. He pushed the prize out from the confines of the shift and took the tip into his mouth suckling while he ground between her legs.

  Breena grabbed at his britches, pulling at them. "I need you, Aiden."

  "Not yet, beauty. I will ensure you come undone with my mouth first."

  She pushed up into his mouth and he took her breast again, while sliding his hand between her legs. His finger parted her folds until reaching his goal. With the pad of his finger, he flicked it over the small bud until she began to shudder. He pulled away and she groaned. "No. Don't stop, not now."

  He stood and removed his clothing. Once nude, he added another log to the fire and returned to the small bed. "Remove your clothing, Breena. I want to see all of you."

  She sat up and pulled the shift over her head allowing him to take in all of her. Her breasts fell heavy on her chest. Her stomach was softly rounded and her legs were long and shapely. "Lay back and spread your legs."

  For a moment he thought she wouldn't do it, but after hesitating she did so. Her chest lifted and fell in rapid succession. She remained aroused. "You're beautiful like that. On display only for me."

  He kneeled between her legs and pushed them farther apart. She placed a hand on her thigh and he pushed it away. "No, allow me to love you this way. Relax."

  "How can I? I am not sure what you're about to do."

  He chuckled and leaned forward. With the tip of his tongue he flicked at her nub.

  "Oh!" Breena's legs trembled.

  He laved at her sex a couple more times and then sucked the tiny rosebud into his mouth while Breena mewled and grasped at the bedding and his hair, her legs shaking. Finally she came with force, the taste of her overwhelming him. She was delicious.

  He climbed over her while she still shook and took his cock in hand. Nudging at her entrance just enough, he released it and drove into her moist heat. She was tight, hot, and very wet. Aiden almost came then and there.

  With both hands, he lifted her hips and pulled out just enough before thrusting back into her. Once again he did so, his breathing already more in gasps.

  "You are a perfect fit for me." He pushed in again and again, not getting enough, while at the same time overcome with the need to continue and never stop. He feared his hard lovemaking would hurt her and he wanted to be gentle, but it was impossible. He couldn't stop plundering her body, taking all he could. She cried out in release again but he could not finish, not yet.

  Breena clutched his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she urged him to his finish. She bit at his chest, lost in the oblivion of lovemaking and he could not picture a more beautiful moment.

  His balls tightened and he lost his rhythm. He dove into her and fell into darkness as he lost all control, sending all his release into her, his hips continuing to piston while at the same time he felt as if he floated above the bed.

  Finally he fell over her, completely spent. It was hard to catch his breath and manage enough strength to roll away, but somehow he managed to lie on his side and pull her against him. "Are you well? Did I hurt you?" He brush kisses along her temple.

  She snuggled into his chest. "No. I have never felt anything like this. What you did. It was...wonderful."

  Aiden relaxed and closed his eyes. To spend every night like this would be heaven. He'd not allowed himself to think of a permanent relationship. His past attempt at marriage had not gone well. But with this woman, he could not stand the idea of her being with any other man.

  She was handfasted to Robertson. She was tied to another.

  "What are you thinking?" She looked up at him.

  "That I will do my best to protect you always."

  He pushed to sit. "Go to sleep. Use the coverings and wait for me. Do not light another fire. Someone may come to investigate."

  She made a beautiful sight, the coverings held against her chest, kiss swollen lips and long tangled hair down her shoulders as she watched him dress. "Must you go?"

  " I have to return or my men will come looking for me." Aiden stood over the cot and cupped her face. "Breena, promise me. You will wait for my return."

  She studied him for a long moment, her brows lowered. This was not a woman who trusted men. "Aye, very well."

  The entire way back to the camp, he wondered if he should have remained with her. If anyone found Breena, he shuddered to think what they'd do to her. If it happened to be Robertson's men, he had no doubt the man would punish her severely.

  He made a bird call to let his men know he neared and they'd not pierce him with an arrow. Once the call was returned, he joined them.

  His first guardsman Calum neared and looked him over. "You were gone a long time."

  "Aye. I found a wench at Ian's cottage."

  "Is that so?" The man's lips curved. "Comely?"

  "Very much so."

  "Can I go see her?"

  "Nay. She is one of Ian's, but she allowed me in her bed with a warning to not tell anyone," Aiden lied.

  Calum frowned. "It’s best we don't say anything. The archer is not one I wish to cross."

  "Smart man." Aiden chuckled. "But I did promise to ensure she was safe in case the attackers come this way. I warned her not to use the hearth until I return." Calum was a good warrior. If anything happened, he could trust the man to go see about Breena. But for now he would not tell him who she really was.

  "The man should care for his woman," Calum grumbled.

  "Aye. I will ensure he knows she needs his protection," Aiden replied. "I will escort her back in the morning."

  "’Tis a good idea. It's not safe for her to be alone out here."

  Chapter Five

  Breena woke to the sounds of horses. She'd slept better than in many nights, trusting that Aiden would return for her, take her to his home where she could keep from marrying Robertson.

  Although she'd expected him to come alone, she hurried to dress just as two men burst into the cottage.

  Robertson's men.

  "We've been looking for ye." A gruff man stepped forward, his narrowed gaze sliding over her body. "Laird Robertson is not pleased with ye."

  The understatement almost made her burst into hysterical laughter. Instead she finished pulling on her dress. "I do not wish to return."

  "That is not a choice for you to make, Lady McGalen." Another man entered the room and gave it a once-over. "Has anyone else been here? Who helped you escape?"

  She considered if Aiden had gone to Robertson. It would not surprise her. "Nay. If you are not going to allow me to remain, then let us be on our way."

  When she went toward the door. One of the men grabbed her upper arm. "Or we could wait a bit." He looked to the other man. "Whose to say we didn't find her after being ravished by the attackers?"

  A cruel lift of the other man's lips twisted her stomach. "Aye, ‘tis true."

  "If you dare touch me, I will tell him what you did," Breena told them, her body stiff in a desperate show of bravado. "You would not get away with it."

  "Why would he believe you? After all, you ran away right after the attack." His grubby hand covered her breast; at the same time the other man came behind her and took her by the shoulders. "Have ye ever had two men at once?"

  Bile rose in her throat and Breena screamed. The man in front of her covered her mouth with his, not a kiss but a punishment.

  The sounds of horse hooves hitting the ground sent the two men to action. Swords drawn, one grabbed her arm and held her back while the other rushed to the door. Upon stepping through the threshold, they came face to face with a very menacing Aiden.

  The man pulled her back to the doorway while the other went to speak to Aiden. Words were exchanged and Aiden finally nodded and seemed to accept whatever was said. He look
ed to her, his face devoid of expression. "If you are going directly to the McNeil's keep then I will follow."

  "There is no need, Laird," one of her captures said. "We can be trusted to deliver the lady without harm."

  "I am heading that way." He turned his horse away, not waiting for a response.

  Had he turned her in? He didn't seem at all surprised to find the men there. Breena's stomach sunk. She didn't fear whatever punishment awaited her. What struck terror in her being was the thought of being kept captive for a lifetime. No doubt part of the consequence of her escape would be to marry Robertson immediately. This time there was no way to get out of it. He'd not give her any opportunity to refuse or time to find another way to leave.

  No matter, she would never give up. As of this time she would also not trust a living soul. What a fool she'd been to trust Aiden Stuart.

  She'd not told him about Robertson being behind the attacks. Perhaps if she'd disclosed what she suspected, he'd not have turned her in. But then she would have never known his true nature. A man who made empty promises.

  The fact she'd offered her body to him barely bothered her at this point. What was the difference? Lying with one man or another, for a few hours she'd forgotten her dire situation, the harshness of reality. In Aiden's arms she remembered how beautiful things between a man and a woman could be.

  They arrived at the McNeil's keep too soon. She was escorted to a chamber below the main house and locked in. The room was sparse with only a small bed and a side table with a lantern. Would anyone come to see her beside Robertson? She peered through the tiny window out to the courtyard. Aiden arrived and dismounted. His gaze traveled across the courtyard. One of the McNeil's guardsmen came to him and together they walked inside.

  Two hours passed and finally Ita came for her. The maid was sullen as she was allowed inside her small chamber and the door slammed behind her. "Ye shouldna have run, milady. The laird is quite furious. I donna know what he will do to ye."