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Her Lawman, Page 3

Hildie McQueen

  Thankfully, she lived close enough that dashing across the street and up to the safety of her apartment was quick and no one stopped her.

  A few minutes later, she stepped out of the shower and padded barefoot into her tiny kitchen. Her apartment was only eight hundred square feet, small, cozy and a haven. She'd decorated with yard sale finds she refurbished herself, most of the furnishings painted in pale colors.

  The vintage Formica topped metal kitchen table in her small eat-in area was surrounded with mismatched chairs found in different flea markets. Each was spray painted in a different color to match the soft yellow and blue colors on the tabletop.

  Glass of Moscato in hand, she sunk into her couch. The sofa had been Mrs. Miller's. Both she and the older lady learned how to re-upholster by practicing on the piece. It was now covered in sturdy soft beige canvas fabric and she was rather proud of the finished product. With soft yellow and blue pillows tossed on it and her overstuffed chair, the room matched her kitchen colors. She tucked her feet up and clicked on her television.

  Unlike her other belongings, she’d bought the TV new, that and her mattresses were the only pieces she could boast as being the first owner of.

  The first sip of the sweet wine helped to calm her nerves. The vision of Eddie's lifeless face was hard to dislodge from the forefront and she forced herself to focus on the sitcom on the screen. Thankfully the bruised side of her face no longer throbbed, at least that was one positive.

  How long was it going to take to get rid of Jay Garrett? They'd dated only a couple of months and she thought they'd both move on after she told him it wasn't working. What a mistake dating him had been. Each time he drank or got a wild hair up his butt, he was pounding on her door. Always the same thing. Asking her to take him back.

  Deep down she didn't believe he was a bad guy. Just not the man for her. Jay was impulsive, loud, and drank too much.

  Admittedly, he'd not struck her. He tried to kiss her and she jerked sideways to avoid it. When she looked back to cuss him out, she’d banged the side of her face against his chin. The impact had been so hard, she'd seen stars.

  She wasn't sure who was more shocked by it, him or her. Jay had immediately apologized and swore he'd not meant to hurt her. He had meant to kiss her by force, which was almost as bad in her book.

  Once the whole murder issue was resolved, she would talk to Sheriff Clark and ask him to speak to Jay. Maybe the sheriff could convince him to stop coming by.

  Right now her choice of who to speak to were Mark Hunter or the younger deputy, Scott. She'd rather wait and speak to the older sheriff.

  The thought of talking about her mess of a relationship with Jay to Deputy Hunter was not appealing. She was attracted to him and embarrassed to admit what had transpired between her and Jay.

  The sound of the doorbell made her jump. She glanced at the clock. It was only eight-thirty, she supposed not too late for someone to stop by. Still on the couch with her feet up, she took in her outfit. She wore green polka dot pajama shorts and a loose t-shirt. Not bad since it was probably Mrs. Miller anyway.

  Her stomach sunk when she peered through the peephole and caught a glimpse of Mark Hunter's face. He stood away from the door staring straight forward.

  "Shit." Eliza mumbled and dashed to put the glass on her kitchen table. She yanked the towel from her wet hair and shook it out. Raking her fingers through her shoulder length locks, rushed back to the door.

  His eyes met hers when she opened her front door and immediately her stomach filled with butterflies. How she wanted to roll her eyes at her body's reaction to the flat but beautiful hazel eyes.

  "Deputy Hunter. Is something wrong?" She took a step back. "I didn't expect you to stop by. Would you like to come in? I just got home not too long ago from the diner." Okay this was the time to shut up and allow the man to talk.

  To her surprise he walked in and stood just inside the door. Once again he accessed her face. "I need to ask you a couple more questions."

  He wasn't wearing his uniform. Instead wore a white t-shirt and jeans. Although he looked handsome in his police clothing, the casually dressed Mark Hunter was a totally hottie.

  "Would you like some coffee? Tea? I have wine." She hustled to the kitchen and stood behind the counter like a fast food worker, waiting to take an order.

  He moved closer and frowned. "I'll take some coffee, please. If it's not too much trouble."

  "Not a problem." She measured grounds into her coffee maker and poured water into the reserve. It had to be a good sign that he was drinking coffee. Surely if he suspected her of having something to do with Eddie's death, he'd not ask for coffee. Would he? "Can I ask you a question?"

  His lips quirked at the corners. "Sure. I haven't asked mine, though."

  "Oh." Her eyes rounded. "You go first then."

  "Thank you." His eyes twinkled as she hurried to the kitchen table and sat, motioning him to do the same.

  Once he lowered to a chair opposite her and pushed the wine glass toward her, he took out his small pad again. Eliza was too nervous to pick up the glass. Instead she clenched her hands together under the table.

  "I spoke to Mr. Garrett today. He was worried you'd reported him for striking you." He watched her intently. Those penetrating gazes of his making her want to either scream. She fidgeted instead.

  " What is the question?" She bit her bottom lip and prayed the coffee maker would beep. It would give her something to do.

  "Mr. Garrett was worried you'd pressed charges against him. Do you plan to?"

  Eliza let out a breath. So this had nothing to do with the murder then. "I planned to speak to Sheriff Clark and ask him to talk to Jay." She felt heat rising to her cheeks. Great, there went her chances of ever going out with Mark Hunter.

  "Did you have any type of relationship with Eddie Mason?"

  If the previous question made her uncomfortable, this one mortified her. She knew her eyes went wide, her jaw definitely dropped open. Thankfully the coffeepot beeped and she rushed to the kitchen.

  What kind of woman did he think she was? "Creamer? Sugar?" Eliza asked pouring the coffee into a large cup.

  "Just creamer, please." He wasn't looking at her, instead taking in her small living room. "You have a nice place."

  "Thank you." Eliza remained wary. His change of topic did not fool her for an instant. "Eddie Mason and I spoke a couple of times at the most, that I can remember. I took my car to the garage and he fixed it about a year ago. Other than that, I only said hi and bye to him around town or at the diner. He was a friendly guy, but a bit too flirty."

  "Did he ever make inappropriate comments to you?"

  "No. I mean he could be an overly friendly guy, but I wouldn't say disrespectful."

  Mark took a drink from his coffee. "Was Jay a jealous boyfriend?"

  "I didn't think so. We didn't date long, just a couple months or so. So I'm sure there is a lot about him I don't know."

  “When did you break up?”

  “Six months ago.”

  "Yet he continues to pester you months later? Why do you think that is?"

  Eliza reached for her wine and brought it to her lips. The sweet liquid helped wet her parched throat. "I wish I knew. At first he kept asking for a second chance. Lately when he shows up, it's to demand I..."

  "Sleep with him?" Mark provided.

  Beyond mortified she could only nod. "This is so embarrassing. I hate this," she finished weakly.

  "It's not your fault." His words were even and strong. "Look at me."

  She looked into his eyes and saw strength and lack of judgment. His lips curved slightly. "Jay Garrett is the one with the problem."

  Yeah, well, she had major issues too. Like the fact the man across the table from her would never ask her out now. Eliza nodded. "I understand that. Tired of it though." Eliza let out a long sigh. "He didn't hit me. We bumped heads when I tried to avoid a kiss.”

  When he remained quiet, she continued. “
Just to make it clear. If he had I would have reported him. Unfortunately, it was a very hard bump. I didn't pay any attention to his face so it's hard to tell exactly where I bumped him, I think the chin."

  The hazel eyes narrowed for a bit. His serious gaze seeming to read her expression, as if to gauge if she told the truth. "I see."

  While he drank from his cup again, she took the opportunity to ask a question. "How is your investigation going? It's nerve-wracking to know there's a murderer loose in Lovely."

  "I know people are nervous, but I have the feeling this was a personal attack. Whoever killed Eddie Mason had something to gain from his death."

  "I hope you catch whomever did it soon. I know I'll sleep better." Eliza let out a breath. "Mrs. Miller closed the hardware store early today. She was jumping every time someone walked in."

  "How are you doing?" He covered her hand with his and immediately her entire body heated and her throat went dry. Her eyes met his before she had to look away.

  "It's been a shitty couple of days to be honest. I'm not doing that great." She tried to laugh, but instead to her utter embarrassment let out a whimper and her eyes welled up.

  Mark scooted his chair over and wrapped his arms around her letting her relax into him. "It's going to be all right." His hand rubbed her upper arm as his deep voice fell over her like a warm blanket.

  It struck her how solid his body was against hers. He smelled clean a combination of spicy cologne and soap of a recent shower. What now? Part of her wanted to cling to him. The other part wanted to move away before she did exactly that and embarrassed herself further.

  "Do you have relatives you can visit for a few days? Getting away from town could help." His voice accompanied by the steady heartbeat under her palm gave her strength.

  Eliza sat back and shook her head, refusing to meet his eyes. "My mother is not too far. She lives in Knoxville. But she and her husband are having marriage problems. The last thing they need is someone visiting right now. Besides, I can't really take time off. Phil is undermanned since Celia quit and Manny is home with his wife and newborn."

  He lifted her chin and she had no choice but to look him in the eye. "I'm sure Phil will give you a couple days. I've got a cabin at the lake. How about staying there?"

  It sounded lovely and...lonely. "I don't know." She slid her gaze to his lips. "I am not sure I want to stay there by myself. Thank you for the offer, though."

  Mark nodded and his lips curved. "Maybe you can join me up there for a weekend sometime then?"

  Her eyes widened at the implication. Was he asking her to spend a weekend with him? Alone? It would be amazing of course, but would they go out on a date prior? Did he find her attractive? Maybe he'd kiss her now?

  "Your mind is whirling. I see all kinds of thoughts passing by looking into those pretty eyes of yours." His eyes twinkled and he chuckled when she gasped.

  Before she could reply, he leaned close. "How about I answer at least one of those questions." His lips pressed against hers. Not in a demanding way, nor entirely innocent either. More of a promise of what could be. It ended much too soon and Eliza opened her eyes to find him studying her. "I would like to get to know you more Eliza. Of course, right now is probably not the best time."

  "Maybe you can check on me on occasion." She covered her mouth with a hand. "I mean... you know drive by... and such."

  "I know what you meant." He studied her face. "I'll also have Deputy Scott keep an eye out. Need to keep you safe, being you're the only witness we have."

  He stood and she followed suit. "I better go. Have a lot to do tomorrow. Will you be all right?" His hazel gaze raked over her and she felt underdressed.

  "Yes. I'll be fine."

  Following him to the door, it was hard to keep from admiring the broad back that tapered to slim hips and taut backside. Hopefully one day she'd get to see all that. When he turned to look at her, she flushed hoping these thoughts were not as visible as her prior ones.

  "Try to have a good night." He leaned forward and kissed her again. It was a sweet kiss, chaste almost, except for the fact he nipped her bottom lip before straightening.

  When he closed the door behind him, Eliza leaned against the wood, a wide grin tugging at her lips. "Wow."

  * * *

  The next morning Eliza got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen to make coffee. She didn't have to be at work until the evening shift, which left too many hours to think. She eyed the leftover coffee from the night before and her legs turned to jelly. Had it really happened? She'd kissed Mark Hunter? Or actually he kissed her. Twice.

  She grinned while she waited for the coffee to heat up in the microwave. Although she'd not splurged on herself in a long time, today she was going to ask Cassie Tucker to go shopping with her.

  Newton wasn’t too far and a much bigger town with a better selection of affordable stores. Maybe a new dress, and sandals would complete her private celebration.

  Amazing what a kiss could do.

  The bell over the door at Sweet Indulgence cupcake shop jingled when Eliza stepped through the doorway. She ventured into the place almost weekly but that never stopped her from inhaling the wonderful aromas of cakes baking. Cassie waved from behind the counter before she turned her attention back to the customer who studied the display case.

  More of a loner, Eliza couldn't really call Cassie a close friend. She'd always preferred keeping her nose in a book or venturing out on her own to do shopping and whatnot. But Cassie Tucker was as close as she got to a girlfriend.

  Having been raised as an only daughter with mostly her pets as playmates, Eliza never developed the art of making friends. Sometimes she felt lonely and wished for someone to talk to or share things with, but for the most part she didn't mind her own company.

  "Hey, there. How are you doing?" Cassie looked at her with genuine concern. "I heard you were the one who found Eddie."

  With her mind foggy after the night before, Eliza had not considered the murder would still be on everyone's mind. "Yeah. It was not the best thing to see on my way to work." She shrugged. "I feel bad for Shelly. Wonder if anyone has gone to see about her."

  "We can." Cassie lifted a small box of four cupcakes. "Let’s take her these and make sure she's okay."

  Another development she'd not counted on. Cassie Tucker was always the center of most things that happened in town. Lending a helping hand, organizing a clean up after a fire, collecting donations for families in need. Eliza felt bad she'd not considered doing something for the recent widow. "Sounds like a great idea. I should take something too. Maybe we can dart into the diner and I'll box up some pot roast for her."

  "Great idea, I bet she's probably not thought to eat," Cassie said. "Come on, let’s see if old Bessie starts up today,” Cassie said referring to her old SUV. “If not then we'll have to take yours."

  "Not a problem." Seemed like Eliza's shopping was on hold.

  Cassie drove and they mostly talked about other current happenings in town on the short drive to the Mason's home.

  They pulled up and gazed at the place in silence. The dingy home looked abandoned. Not that it ever looked much better from what Eliza could remember. "I wonder if she's home?" Cassie whispered.

  "I saw the blinds move. Look there they go again." Eliza squinted toward the window. "Strange don't you think?"

  "Maybe she's had a bunch of nosy people over and is keeping an eye out in case she doesn't want to speak to someone." Cassie huffed. "If she doesn't open the door, I can't leave these on the doorstep. One of those dogs will get it."

  Two scraggly canines looked toward them with bored expressions from the house next door. There was a fence between the yards, but half of it lay on the ground. If the dogs wanted to leave, they’d walk across it. Obviously the animals were either too lazy or too hot to try.

  Shelly Mason opened the door before they could knock. Her bony arms crossed over her chest. She regarded them without expression. "Hey, Cassie, Eliza. Y'all are o
ut early today."

  It was almost noon, but to some people maybe it was early. Cassie didn't seem fazed by Shelly's standoffish stance. "Oh, honey. We just wanted to come out and drop some food by and make sure you didn't need for anything. Is there anything I can do for you?"

  The box in Cassie's hands grabbed Shelly's attention and she brightened slightly. "Well, ain't that sweet of y'all." She eyed the covered dish Eliza held. "I got all I need. Just waiting to hear when I can get Eddie's body."

  She moved back. "Come in. Excuse the mess. I haven't been of a mind to clean."

  By the look of the stacks of empty pizza boxes beside the trashcan, dishes in the sink, and disastrous living room, Shelly had not been of a mind to clean in quite a while.

  Not taking the time to ask Shelly if she was opposed, Cassie immediately got to work. She shoved Shelly into a chair, miraculously produced a clean plate and put a cupcake in front of her. Water for tea was boiling in a pot that was missing a handle. A tea bag appeared out of one of Cassie's pockets.

  While the woman gobbled up the cupcakes and began to dig into the pot roast, Eliza and Cassie washed dishes and cleaned the countertops. On her third trip to take a stuffed trash bag to the curb, Eliza felt she needed to shower before going to work.

  Finally they sat at the kitchen table on plastic chairs with Shelly who'd yet to shed a tear. Cassie smiled at the woman with what looked like genuine care. "There now, you can at least feel better that the kitchen has some sort of sense to it." Eliza looked to the adjoining living space and winced. Hopefully Cassie wouldn't get the idea of cleaning that room. The landfill was more orderly than the Mason's living room.

  "I need your help." Shelly glanced from Cassie to Eliza. "If one of you could talk to Deputy Hunter. Tell him the sooner they release Eddie's body to me, the faster I can move on. He won't listen to me."

  "I know Doctor Wilkes has the body and is probably doing some sort of autopsy or something," Cassie replied with a frown. "Besides, Shelly, you want them to take their time if it helps catch his killer."

  "Whoever done it is long gone by now. Some thug looking for crack money."