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The Di Medici Bride

Heather Graham

  Rediscover this classic tale of romance and suspense by New York Times bestselling author Heather Graham, now available for the first time in ebook!

  The ancient and seductive city of Venice hides secrets and danger for Christine Tarleton. She’s there to solve her father’s murder. Marcus di Medici, the sexy and mysterious descendant of her father’s alleged murderer, is the only man who can protect her when her life is threatened. But is she falling in love with him, or into a trap?

  Originally published in 1986





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12



  Oh, no…where the hell was she?

  The question pounded in Christina’s mind along with the throbbing pain that viciously attacked her temples.

  And it was really a ridiculous question. She knew she was at the Palazzo di Medici, in Venice. She was a guest there, of course. A guest of the old contessa…and of Marcus di Medici….


  She opened her eyes slowly, cautiously.

  The first thing she saw was her own hand, lying beside her face on the silk-covered pillow. For some reason her long fingers appeared very delicate there. Even her nails, with their polish of soft bronze, seemed vulnerable against the deep indigo of the sheets.


  Her fingers clutched convulsively against the smooth sensual material of the pillowcase. The silk in itself was not alarming. Marcus di Medici preferred the feeling of cool silk to cotton; all the beds in the palazzo were garbed in silk.

  It was the color of the silk that was so chilling.

  Christina opened her eyes wider. Without daring to twist her head, she further surveyed the room. Soft Oriental rugs lay pleasingly against a polished cream Venetian tile floor. The walls were papered in a subdued gold that lightened the effect of the deep indigo draperies and mahogany furniture. Across a breezy distance, highlighted by the morning dazzle of the sun streaming through French doors, was a large Queen Anne dresser, its only ornament a French Provincial clock.

  Chris closed her eyes and swallowed miserably. Memories of the past night returned in fragments to compound the ferocity of her headache. Marcus…exercising his considerable charm. But she should have known…. No, that wasn’t being honest with herself. She had known. She had been as suspicious as he. She had sadly overrated her own competence and confidence with the male of the species.

  Not with just any male. With Marcus di Medici.

  She had been certain she could be just as charming…and just as evasive. But she had played out her hand—and lost.

  Lost what? She didn’t want to remember, but she had to.

  Panic gripped her for a moment. She had no doubt that she was lying in his bed. But when she refocused her eyes on her hand, she felt a tingling of relief. A white lace cuff rimmed her wrist. She was dressed.

  Her relief faded. How had she come to be dressed this way? She had left the palazzo in a black cocktail gown.

  She remembered him, waiting at the foot of the stairs, elegant and overwhelmingly male in a black tux. He wore it so well. His shoulders were so broad, his waist and hips so arrestingly trim. His tanned olive complexion had looked almost copper against the crisp white of his shirt; his hair was a jet deeper than the fabric of his suit.

  And from beneath the dark arched brows, his eyes had been a startling arresting blue. A deep blue. So deep that they, too, could appear black.

  Or indigo…like the sheets.

  But last night they had been alight with charm and suave pleasure at the sight of her. Still, she hadn’t doubted for a moment the measure of cunning beneath the civil facade of the beast. She had been careful, so careful. But not careful enough.

  She clearly remembered the walk around St. Mark’s Square. She remembered laughing and cleverly avoiding his questions. She could see them now as they tossed bread crumbs to the pigeons that thronged before the ancient cathedral.

  And she could clearly see them in the gondola as they skimmed along the canals, listening to the subtle music of the gondolier.

  She remembered the restaurant, the aroma of the masterfully prepared appetizers. The mussels, the clams Casino, the scungilli, tiny squid prepared so tenderly in garlic and oil that they were the sweetest delicacy to the tongue.

  Chris closed her eyes tightly. She could recall exactly how his arm had rested leisurely on the back of the booth behind her, his hand so relaxed. Yet she had already known its strength. His palm was broad, but he had long tapering fingers that could tighten like talons or touch with tenderness. His hands were tanned to the same golden color as his sharply handsome features, and they had gleamed against the white sleeve that peeked from beneath the black jacket.

  She even remembered the look of his blunt black-banded watch against his wrist. The last time she could remember noticing had been 10:05 P.M.

  Perhaps it had been the wine. He had ordered a vintage as smooth as the silk of his sheets, and she had been nervous, yet trying not to betray her wariness. Perhaps she had imbibed too freely. She had only thought herself watchful because he had known all along that she was watching him. She had meant to charm and seduce him, but instead he had charmed and seduced her. She had been a fool, easily manipulated. Twice a fool. She had thought herself so competent, confident, bright and sophisticated, a worthy player of the game. But she had known that she was out with a well-dressed panther, one with a frightening veneer of charisma and cordiality.

  Sophisticated… Oh, what a fool she had been! He had taken her out and given her wine, and she had been as easy to handle as a girl of sixteen. She had thought herself strong and determined enough to trick a murderer, to expose the secrets of the past! She had played with Marcus di Medici….

  Her last memories were still a blur she could scarcely straighten out even now within the confused confines of her pain-racked mind.

  Another ride along the canals. A hushed stop at the dock of a crumbling old cathedral. Strange, but she could vividly remember the frescoes on the high, gracefully arched ceilings….

  He had whispered to her. Murmured gently and tenderly. He had clutched her fingers firmly but without painful pressure as he had led her along. Her hand had appeared so starkly pale and fragile against his strong dark ones.

  Snatches of Italian and some other language—perhaps Latin?—haunted her memory, but they had been spoken so rapidly that she couldn’t recall a word.

  And then, try as she might, she could remember nothing more. Nothing more…

  Nothing! Except the sound of her own laughter, a mocking echo in her ears.

  Chills suddenly raked through her, sending ice and fire hurtling with erratic speed and fever along the length of her spine. He was in the room. She knew it. When she opened her eyes once more and turned, she would find him leisurely leaning against the frame of the French doors. But there would be nothing truly leisurely about him. Even in moments of repose, he was still full of leashed tension. Always he was the panther, stalking, ready to strike. He had been playing with her, toying with her from the very beginning. But now it was time for the kill, time for the sophisticated beast to show his face.

  Chris tightened her eyes in a moment’s frenzy of fear, anger and reproach.

  The man might very well be a murderer, but she had been so sure of herself! She’d thought herself a Mata Hari, and now she wa
s paying the price, lying in a murderer’s bed.

  No! an inner voice shrieked. Not Marcus!

  What a fool she was. Even now, when she couldn’t believe the price she had paid, she wanted to defend him. She wanted to believe in him.

  There was a slight movement in the room. A whisper of sound in the air. He was watching her, Christina knew. Watching her, and waiting. He could afford to wait with amused and taunting patience. She had nowhere to run, nowhere to go.

  She didn’t want to open her eyes; she didn’t want to turn to him. She didn’t want to face the consequences of what had passed between them in the misty oblivion of last night.

  She heard the quiet ticking of the clock on the dresser. It was persistent. Monotonous. And yet it seemed to grow in volume, mocking her, and suddenly she could bear it no longer. He was there, and the force of his presence caused her to open her eyes and turn…and meet his smoldering indigo stare.

  He was leaning against the doors, as she had suspected, dressed in a caramel velour robe. The V neck of the haphazardly belted garment bared the breadth of his chest with its profusion of crisp dark hair. A gold St. Christopher’s medallion seemed to emphasize the masculinity of copper flesh and muscle.

  His legs, too, were bare beneath the knee-length hem of the robe. Long sinewy calves, covered seductively with short black hair, gave way to bare feet. Chris even noted the particulars about his feet. They were long no-nonsense feet, planted squarely on the floor.

  “Buongiorno. Buongiorno, amore mio.”

  The soft taunt of the words brought her eyes back to his. There was no pretense of charm within those dark-blue depths in the demanding light of day, only smoldering fire. Something that warned that the harnessed tension and electricity that seemed to vitalize the air about him could explode too easily.

  He began to stalk slowly toward the bed. His full sensual lips were curled into a slight mocking grin of cold amusement. Chris curled her fingers tightly around the bunched-up sheets, her eyes on him with mounting wariness and a fear she couldn’t subdue despite her staunchest efforts. She waited to fling harsh questions at him. No, not questions. Demands. But she couldn’t seem to form the words she wanted to say.

  Because, despite everything, despite the horrible web of deception that had brought her here, she was fatally attracted to him. Like a moth to flame. There was a strength about him that could not be resisted. He mesmerized; he seduced; he wielded an indomitable power with the flick of an eye, a wave of the hand.

  He had her cornered. She had to fight, had to resist.

  He stood still before her, then calmly sat beside her on the edge of the bed. The faint scent of his after-shave assaulted her senses and warned her afresh of the raw masculine strength that was inherently a part of him. She narrowed her eyes and stiffened, preparing to do battle.

  But before she could lash into him, he chuckled, the sound dry and biting. One dark brow rose with cool mockery and cutting amusement.

  “What? Can she be angry? Dismayed? How so, my love? You wanted a di Medici man. You said so often enough. Well, you’ve gotten one. I could resist the temptation no longer. But perhaps you feel that you brought the wrong di Medici to the altar?”

  Fury stabbed through her. She raised a hand swiftly toward his ruggedly hewn features, but he moved more swiftly, catching her wrists with a cold gleam of triumph in his eyes.

  She felt him as she might a fire. His touch seared her, warmed her, frightened her as she had never known fear before. He was so close, so intimate, so demanding….

  She cried out inwardly again. No! Marcus could not be guilty of blackmail—or murder. Not Marcus. For all that she sometimes hated and feared in him, she could not accept that Marcus could be evil, or that he could harm her. She just couldn’t believe it. Not in her heart nor her soul. Not when, beneath everything, she was falling in love, and that love just wouldn’t allow her to see evil….

  Because it wasn’t there. Not in Marcus. No matter how dangerous he could appear, no matter what the evidence led her to see, she knew inside that it couldn’t be Marcus.

  But…she had married him. The fragments of the dream that she didn’t want to accept were true. She had been conned.

  “Why?” she breathed, incredulous and furious and achingly aware of him against her. And as his handsome features came nearer, she hollowly echoed the question within her own heart.

  Why? She had always believed that he wanted her. She had also believed that he despised her. So why did he have such a seductive power over her?

  Like now. When the triumph faded from his eyes, she caught a glint of sorrow, of tenderness. Like fencers, they had often circled around one another. Like the moth and flame, they had too often come dangerously close together.

  What exactly had he done? What had she done? Last night… could it have been real?

  “Cara…” he murmured, and the tenderness remained, an apology he would not put into words. He meant to play his hand to the end. “Why? Because it was your wish, of course.”

  He had duped her. Cunningly. With carefully planned intent. Why? Had it been love, he would never have had the need. The money?

  “Cara…” he repeated, touching her cheek tenderly with his knuckles. Chris jerked from his touch, lowering her head as tears stung her eyes. He stood up impatiently. “We have both known that something had to happen between us. Did you take me for a saint? I have only given you what you wished. Or perhaps,” he said mockingly, “it was truly Tony whom you wished to captivate. He is the more malleable, is he not? But, alas! As you Americans are so fond of saying, you have made your own bed. Now you shall lie in it.”

  He had added insult to injury. Anger washed through her like a raging tide, and she hurled her silk-covered pillow in his direction.

  He started to laugh. “Another cliché, but you’re truly beautiful when you’re angry.”

  “Why?” Chris raged.

  An elite brow rose. “Why? You were there, too, my love. Oh, I admit, we were neither of us completely lucid, but…that is the course of love, my sweet.”

  It was a lie. He had planned the entire thing. The dinner, the wine, the gondola…the wedding.

  But why?

  He started to open the door. Chris leaped from the bed, racing toward him. “Wait! What are you doing? We have to do something about this. Surely we can arrange an annulment—”

  “An annulment?” He kept smiling, but she sensed his anger, his controlled tension. He caught her shoulders, his grip a shade too tight.

  “Cara, I am on my way downstairs to make the announcement to the family.” His eyes narrowed. Warningly. “If you have any sense, Christina, you will keep your mouth shut. You will give the appearance of a sheepish—embarrassed, perhaps—but very happy bride. For God’s sake! Haven’t you the sense to stay alive!”

  His grip tensed as their eyes clashed in anger. She was certain that he wanted to shake her. He released her instead with a little shove. He opened the door and exited, closing it sharply behind him.

  Christina swore vehemently.

  The door opened again. He was smiling. “Don’t fret, mia moglie. I’ll come back to you…quickly.” His voice was husky, tinged with laughter. She would gladly have struck him.

  Mia moglie. My wife.

  Christina started to shake.

  Why? she screamed to herself in a raging silence. She closed her eyes. Again, despite her anger and confusion, she couldn’t bear to condemn him. Perhaps…perhaps he had married her to protect her. It wasn’t love, but perhaps it was, at least, protection. Caring. Perhaps he knew just as she did that things were very, very wrong, that someone near them was guilty of holding deadly secrets. Someone was guilty of blackmail.

  And someone was guilty of murder.

  Chris bit down on a knuckle, trying hard not to become hysterical. She sank in confusion back onto the bed.

  How had she come to this? Trapped in a web that was not of her own weaving, cast into this game where she didn’t be
gin to know the rules.

  Falling in love with a man she often thought she hated at the same time.

  Hated…and feared.

  She should have stayed away from Venice. From Contini and the di Medicis. She’d intended to do just that. Chris had never thought she harbored a determination to flush out the roots of her past….

  Until the mime troupe had come to Venice. Until Alfred Contini had sought her out, and brought her to the palazzo.

  And begged her to help him, right before dying in her arms.


  Twilight was coming, and with it a sudden breeze swept through St. Mark’s Square. Chris Tarleton looked around, and smiled slowly.

  The lights had come on. The last vestiges of a red-and-gold dusk were combining with the soft artificial light to create a shimmering splendor all around the ancient Basilica, the bridges, the Venetian-Gothic elegance of the Doge’s Palace and, of course, the water. The Grand Canal rippled and sparkled behind her with the brilliance of a thousand gems. It was a spellbinding moment for her; this was Venice, in all its artistic glory, in all its magical mythical beauty.

  Then she shivered, touched by a strange feeling of déjà vu. She had loved the place before she had come here. Before she had seen the multitude of pigeons that flocked to the Square, and the toddlers who screamed with delight and laughter as they chased the birds. Before she had ever raised her head to see the two great granite columns at the water’s edge with their respective figures of St. Theodore and the winged lion of St. Mark. Before she had felt the magic that was Venice by night…the laughter and the excitement. This was not just Italy, it was Venice. It was the Renaissance, the Far Eastern influence that had come here in the days of Marco Polo. It was beautiful and totally unique—and by nightfall, absolute magic.

  But it was not strange—Chris knew that it shouldn’t have been. She had been born here, but until yesterday, when her mime troupe had arrived to prepare for this evening’s performance in the Square, she would have said with all honesty that she had absolutely no memory of the place. But then, she thought wryly, she had left when she was four and grown up in Detroit, Michigan—far, far from this world of gondolas and canals and ancient architecture that spanned the centuries and led back to a distant different time.