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The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3), Page 7

Dana Michelle Burnett

  “No, I haven’t,” he admitted as he leaned against the open car door. “I wanted to be the hero and find a way for you to get your memory back...I wanted to be the guy to make it happen...And it isn’t working.”

  He stood, looking so defeated as he shut the door. I watched him come around and get in on the other side, hating myself for I was making him feel. I looked out the window as we drove back to the hotel, brushing away the tears on my cheeks and feeling so hopeless and lost.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Alex said when he noticed me crying.

  “It’s not you.”

  “What is it then?”

  “What if I never remember?” I asked.

  “Would that be the worst thing?” Alex asked.

  “Umm yeah,” I said with a loud sniffle. “I have nothing. My whole life is just a blank page. I mean I don’t know who I am and the only person I have in the world is you and all you’re doing is taking care of me...And sooner or later you’re going to sick of me.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Alex said with a smile.

  “It could and even if it doesn’t, I still may never remember anything about my life.”

  “Well,” Alex said as he guided us through traffic. “It’s not ideal, but now you can make your life into anything you want to be.”

  “If you could go back and change anything about your life, what would it be?”

  Alex smiled, “I don’t know, probably study harder, and well, what I want most is still impossible.”

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “I wish I could go back and know you sooner.”

  I shook my head, “You know nothing at all about me.”

  Alex smiled again, “I know as much about you as you do.”

  I sighed, “It just bothers me. There’s this whole other version of me that I can’t remember, but yet some weird half-life me seems a little too real.”

  Alex pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and found the vacant spot. He parked the car, leaned over, and kissed my neck.

  “I keep forgetting how hard this must be for you... So if you want to try hypnosis again, I’ll be right there with you. Always.”


  “Yes,” he said and then kissed me again, letting his lips linger, the tip of his tongue teasing me.

  Words left me as Alex took me up to his hotel room and eased me down onto the bed. Slowly, he eased my clothes from my body, kissing every inch of my skin as he went. He kissed along my jawline, then moved up my neck, licking my collarbone.

  He lowered his head again and his lips found my breast, I cried out as they closed around my nipple. I arched my back and twisted my fingers in his hair, pulling it free from its band as his tongue circled the taunt peak of my breast before taking it between his teeth in a gentle nibble.

  Suddenly, he was pulling me closer. I fully submitted. I was already beginning to ache with need, the overwhelming need to be filled by him.

  Alex moved on top of me then, pushing me back into the mattress. His lips traveled down my throat, between my breasts, and then back up in a delicious kiss that almost sent me over the edge.

  Yes...Oh yes...

  He slid inside of me easily even though I could feel him pushing my legs apart and stretching my opening wide. An orgasm rushed over me, making me cry out and clutch at his shoulders as he thrust himself between my legs. I mewled and squirmed under him, coming apart only to return to myself and surrender again.

  A shudder overtook his entire body; he pushed into me one last time, and climaxed. Alex rolled over onto his side and pulled me close. As he drifted off to sleep, why did I feel the need to keep my hand on his chest and count each of his breaths?

  Chapter Sixteen

  We awoke to a loud pounding at the door. I pulled the sheets and blankets up around myself as Alex struggled to get out of the bed. I felt it immediately. I had strongest sensation that something was wrong. I didn’t know why, but everything was about to change.

  “What the hell is going on?” Alex mumbled as he got up and pulled on his pants, “I’ll go see who it is.”

  I nodded, pulling the sheets up higher on my chest, “Okay.”

  Alex looked at his watch, “I’ll get rid of whoever that is and we’ll go down for breakfast, okay?”

  He closed the door behind him as he walked out into the sitting room. I was just about to get out of bed when there was a commotion from the other room.

  “Where is she?” A strange voice asked.

  “Who are you?” Alex demanded, “What do you want?”

  “I’m here for Samantha.” The strange male voice said, “I know she’s here, now where is she?”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m Jeremy Korte,” the man said. “I understand my fiancée Samantha Turner is here. I want to know where she is right this minute.”

  I pulled on one of Alex’s T-shirts and slipped into my shorts. I stepped cautiously out into the main room.

  There, standing almost toe to toe with Alex, was a strange man with dark hair and dark eyes. He was slightly taller than Alex, but fairer, almost pale in comparison. He turned and looked at me, his angular features spreading into a smile.

  “Oh thank God!” The strange man said, “You’re safe.”

  Suddenly he had me in his arms, hugging me to him. I squirmed away from him, looking up at him with no recognition. I backed away toward Alex.

  “Alex, who is this?” I asked.

  “He says he is your fiancé,” Alex said in a tight voice.

  “Fiancé...” I mumbled and looked back over to this stranger, “I can’t have a fiancé.”

  “Well,” Alex said with a sigh. “It would seem that you do.”

  I looked back over at the man, seeing him taking me in from head to toe.

  “Perhaps,” he said with an embarrassed cough, “You should get dressed and then we can talk.”

  Suddenly I felt as though I was standing there naked. I looked at Alex, but he had his arms crossed and his head down so that I couldn’t see his eyes. Why wouldn’t he look at me?

  I went back into the bedroom, and put on the clothes that I was found in that first day. I looked in the mirror.

  Samantha... I don’t feel like a Samantha...

  It had to be some mistake. I couldn’t be engaged. I just couldn’t be.

  I went back out to where Alex and this Jeremy Korte were waiting for me. I tried to meet Alex’s eyes, but he still he wouldn’t look at me, so I turned to Jeremy.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you.” I said, “I’ve never seen you before in my life. I don’t see how we can be engaged or anything.”

  “We are,” he said with a smile.

  “Would I feel something if that was true?”

  “I would hope so,” he said with that same smile.

  I looked at Alex, but he turned away.

  “So what happened?” I demanded as I turned back to Jeremy Korte. “How did I get lost?”

  Jeremy shrugged, “I don’t know. I went out to get us some lunch and when I came back you were gone.”

  “Why did it take you so long to find me?” I demanded.

  I went to the police the next day,” Jeremy said. “And I searched the streets all night. I thought I lost you forever until I saw you getting on the elevator that day at the hospital.”

  You were the man that looked at me so strange that day...This can’t be true...It just can’t be...

  I turned back to Alex, “Alex, would you please look at me?”

  Alex turned, looked at me for the briefest of moments, and then dropped his eyes back down to the floor, “He has your wallet and some photos of the two of you on his phone. So I have to believe he is telling the truth.”

  I twisted my hands together and looked around the room, feeling sick to my stomach. What was I supposed to do now?

  “Samantha,” Jeremy said as he stepped toward me. He reached out as if he were going to touch my arm, but the
n seemed to think better of it and let it drop back to his side. “Are you alright?”

  “I don’t remember you,” I said simply. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t.”

  Jeremy nodded, “Mr. Patel here was just explaining your condition to me. I promise I’ll get you the very best help, doctors, psychiatrists –”

  I shook my head and held up my hands, “Can you give me just a moment?”

  Jeremy looked from me to Alex and then back to me again. He cleared his throat and nodded, “Of course. I’ll wait outside.”

  He went to the door and glanced back at me, “I’m so relieved that you’re safe. You can’t imagine how worried I’ve been.”

  As soon as the door closed, I went to Alex and grabbed his hand.

  “Alex,” I pleaded. “Please look at me... Talk to me.”

  “What do you want me to say?” He choked out as he looked up at me with chestnut eyes full of pain, “What can I say?”

  “Alex please...”

  “Are you going to go with him?” Alex asked, squeezing my hand so tightly it hurt.

  “I don’t want to, but I sort of feel like I have to,” I admitted reluctantly. “I mean apparently I was going to marry this man... I think I owe it to him to go back and try to explain what happened. Don’t you think I at least owe him that?”

  “Well that’s that then,” Alex said in a tight voice. He moved as if he was about to walk away as I reached out and grabbed his arm.

  “Alex,” I begged, feeling the cold chill of panic sweep over me. “This doesn’t change anything between us.”

  At last, he looked up and met my eyes, his were filled with unshed tears, but I could watch them growing colder. “Senna, it changes everything.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jeremy had a car waiting to take us to another hotel in the city. I sat against the door, as far away from him as possible, looking out the window and wishing I’d see Alex running out to stop me.

  Do I really have to go? I don’t know this man...I really don’t owe him anything...

  I glanced over at Jeremy to see him watching my every move. He smiled at me warmly.

  “You have no idea how worried I’ve been,” he said with a relieved sigh. “I kept imagining the most horrible things.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said automatically.

  He nodded, “I’m just glad that you’re safe and sound.”

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, not sure what else to say.

  Well this is awkward...

  We fell into silence for the remainder of the ride. I didn’t know what to say to this stranger beside me and he seemed to be at a loss how to carry on a conversation with someone that didn’t remember anything about the relationship we supposedly had.

  When we reached the hotel, I shied away from the hand he offered as I got out of the car. I looked up at his modern, luxurious accommodations, but still felt nothing.

  I stayed here? With this man?

  I looked back over at Jeremy as he held the door open for me. I felt awkward walking through the lobby with him, as if people were turning and staring at me. He guided me toward the elevator, keeping his hand on the small of my back.

  “You must have several questions for me,” he said as we stepped into the elevator.

  “I do,” I whispered nervously.

  “Ask me anything you want.”

  “Where are we from? What do I do? What do you do? Why are we in Egypt? How did we meet? How long we’ve been engaged?”

  He laughed as the elevator doors open. He stepped out, motioning for me to follow.

  “Why don’t you change?” He said as he stopped at one of the doors and used his card key to open it, “We’ll go down for brunch, have a nice relaxing meal, and I’ll answer all of your questions.”

  I stepped inside the room and looked around. It could have been a hotel room anywhere in the world with its patterned carpet, white drapes, and white bedding. I saw the Queen size bed and blushed. I looked nervously at him and then went to the closet.

  Opening the closet, I saw all of what I assumed were my clothes. I felt no recognition. I had no memory of buying these things, packing them, or unpacking them into this closet. I pulled out a pair of khaki colored capris and then embroidered cami similar to the one I was wearing. I paused then and looked back at Jeremy pleadingly.

  Jeremy cleared his throat, “Why don’t I step out on the balcony so you can change?”

  He walked past me and out onto the balcony. He stood out there looking out over the Nile with his back to me, but still I took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, still not recognizing who was looking back. Nothing about this remote workplace seemed familiar.

  Samantha...I didn’t know who that was, but it didn’t feel like me. I dressed quickly and stepped back out to find him waiting for me.

  I tried to smile, but it faded before it reached my lips. I didn’t belong here.

  “Let’s go eat,” Jeremy said, disappointment deepening his voice.

  I followed him down to the hotel restaurant. The waiter smiled widely at me as he held out my chair.

  “Nice to see you again Miss,” he said.

  I mumbled a quick thanks and took my seat. Jeremy took the menu, looked over it quickly, and ordered brunch for the two of us without even asking what I wanted.

  “Now ask me anything you want,” he said once the order had been placed.

  “Why are we in Egypt?” I asked as I took a sip of my juice.

  “Just a little vacation, celebrating our engagement,” he said as he reached over and touched my hand.

  I pulled my hand back.

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

  “No, I’m sorry,” I said as I dropped my hands down into my lap. “How we meet?”

  “You were working as a waitress in this little pizza parlor. You had me from the first moment I ever saw you. You had this smile that just lit up a room and I just had to talk to you.”

  I looked away gratefully as the waiter brought our food. I could feel his eyes on me as the waiter set the dishes down before us.

  “Did you hear what I said?” Jeremy said once he was gone. “I loved you from the beginning.”

  I shoved the food on my plate around, avoiding looking directly at him. He nodded as if I had confirmed something.

  “I guess everything seems different now,” he said.


  “Well,” he said. “It’s okay. We’ve got time.”

  I dared to glance up at him, this man I promised I would marry in another life. Then I felt myself softening...None of this was his fault.

  “Jeremy,” I said softly. “There is something you should know –”

  “No,” he said as he held up his hands quickly. “I don’t want to know.”

  I looked up confused, “What?”

  “Whatever happened while you were gone... Well, if you... It just makes sense I guess.”

  “Jeremy –”

  “Just give it some time.”

  I sipped my juice and tried not to cry. I didn’t want to be here. It was that simple. I wanted to be with Alex. It was where I knew in my heart I belonged.

  “What if I never get my memory back?” I asked, “And everything is changed for good?”

  “Do you think it’s changed for good?”


  His face fell and he looked back down at his plate, his hands on either side flexed wide, the veins coming near the surface.

  “I don’t mean to hurt you,” I explained. “But I don’t know you, and Alex...”

  “I see,” he said in a tight voice. “You don’t need to explain anything else.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He sighed, “Me too. We really had something... You really don’t remember anything about us?”

  I shook my head, “I’m sorry, but no.”

  He nodded, “Okay, I guess I can’t argue with that.”

  We fin
ished eating in silence. Once we were done, I got up to leave, planning to call a cab and return back to Alex.

  Jeremy reached out and touched my arm, “Would you go for a walk with me?”

  “Yes,” I said feeling guilty.

  Jeremy guided me out of the restaurant and out to the hotel courtyard and garden. The exotic landscape filled the air with heavy perfumes as we walked along the stone paths. At the very center stood a large fountain, the flowing water almost glittering in the bright sun.

  “We went for a walk in this garden our first night here,” Jeremy said as he pointed to the fountain. “We each tossed coins into the fountain and made a wish.”

  Where are you going with this? I just want to go back to Alex...

  “Sounds romantic, but—”

  “You don’t remember any of that?” He asked, “What about in the room after?”

  I blushed at what he was hinting that, “No.”

  “That’s a shame,” he said as he took my hands. “You look tired. You should get some rest.”

  “This has been a little overwhelming.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Let’s get you back up to the room.”

  I shook my head, “I just want to go back to Alex’s hotel.”

  “I’ll go down to the front desk and call you a car,” he said with a strained smile. “And I’ll make arrangements for your things if you like. You can rest and I’ll have them call up when the car gets here.”

  “I’d rather just wait for the car myself.”

  “At this time of day?” He said with a shake of his head, “It could be an hour or more. Let me do this for you.”

  It was a silent elevator ride back up to the room. Once inside the room, I kicked off my shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed. Jeremy came over and sat down beside me. He leaned over and kissed me, too intensely. I pulled away.

  “Sorry, I’ll go see to things.” he said as he got up. “I’ll be down in the lobby if you need anything.”

  I nodded. I waited until he left and I fell back onto the bed and rolled over onto my side.

  Alex... Alex...

  Chapter Eighteen