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Zealot, Page 8

Cyndi Friberg

  “Is that the Crusader?” She leaned forward again so she could see to the top of the other ship. “It’s huge.”

  “She is huge,” he corrected. “Except she’s not. There are three classes of ships larger than the Crusader. Now Garin’s ship, the Undaunted, is huge. She belongs to a class known as mobile bases.”

  He spoke with such reverence in his voice, she had to ask, “Just how important is your big brother?”

  “That’s a surprisingly complicated question. I think Garin could have as much power as he chose to accept. There are many who would love to put him on the throne, but I don’t think that’s what he wants.”

  “What does he want?”

  Zilor shrugged and deactivated the main control panel. “You’d have to ask him. I’d be speculating at best. I know he wants what’s best for all Rodytes, not just those lucky enough to be born elite. Beyond that, Garin tends to be task orientated. Ready?”

  She nodded as they moved to the middle of the ship. “What did you call this?”

  “Bio-streaming. It’s a relatively new technology, but it’s going to revolutionize the way we get around.”

  “No doubt.”

  “If the Crusader had been in orbit, I could have bio-streamed you from your house to one of the rooms inside Lunar 9.”


  “Well, maybe not me, but one of the bio-streaming engineers. They’re much better at long-range targeting than I am.”

  She shot him a suspicious look. “Should I be concerned?”

  “About this jump?” He shook his head. “Piece of cake.” He peeled open a flap in the sleeve of his uniform and triggered a control panel inside his forearm. Before she could freak out about his internal tech, he took her hand and they “streamed” from the Phantom to his quarters on board the Crusader.

  Even knowing what to expect, she was disoriented by the sensation. There was no roller coaster rush of acceleration. It felt more like she’d been dissolved in one place and reassembled somewhere else. It took a violent shudder to dispel the thought. Wasn’t that exactly what just happened?

  She refused to dwell on the disquieting realization, so she looked around the room. She hadn’t really thought about what quarters aboard a spaceship would be like, but dang was it cozy. Or maybe her companion was just so big he shrank the size of any room. Probably a combination of the two. The bed seemed longer than usual, but not as wide. Sort of like a California king. It was tucked into the corner on her right and chairs were arranged to either side of a built-in table. There were two doors. One likely led to the corridor, so she presumed the other led to a bathroom.

  “It’s just for tonight,” he reminded as her silence lengthened.

  She smiled up at him. “I was just wondering where you were going to sleep.”

  “If you’re really worried about it, I can bunk with Danvier for the night. He’s just across the hall. But I’m exhausted and I’ve had very little sleep for the past few days. You’re perfectly safe with me.”

  But was he perfectly safe with her? That was the question. She’d been every bit as sexually aggressive as he’d been during their kissathon.

  Without explanation he crossed to a device inset in the wall near one of the doors. He spoke several words in what she presumed was Rodyte and the device powered up. It sounded more or less like a microwave oven, but when he lifted the sliding door and reached inside, he drew out a shiny new toothbrush.

  “It’s recyclable, as is most everything on the ship. When you squeeze the handle it dispenses a cleansing gel. Once the gel is gone, you toss the entire thing in the recycler and make a new one.”

  She moved closer, wanting a better look. “What else can that thing make?”

  “It has a pretty impressive catalog of patterns, but it’s limited by the base materials needed for more complicated orders. This one is for miscellaneous items.” He pointed to a similar device across the room. “That one is for anything edible.”

  “It’s like instant Amazon. I could get used to this.”

  “The utilities are through there.” He motioned toward the door on her left. “Everything is pretty straightforward, but the shower is voice activated. I’ll have to turn it on for you.”

  “I usually shower in the morning. Unless that was a hint.”

  “Ah, Indigo, you smell good enough to eat.” His voice contained just enough growl to curl her toes.

  Now there was a concept she’d love to explore at great length, but not tonight. He wasn’t the only one who was exhausted. “Be right back.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  As soon as the bathroom door closed behind her, she pressed her hand over her chest and let her calm façade slip. She was on a spaceship inside the moon! She just stood there and let the reality sink in. Raina would be thrilled with her decision, as would the other battle born men. Especially the seventy-three with whom she was genetically compatible. But her mother and Vinton Tandori would be furious.

  And that was just too bad. She was doing this for Chandar and only Chandar. Well, it sounded like she might need to add Ashley to her patient list, but she was doing this for her patients. Period. She was not in the market for a mate, regardless of how sexy or charming she found her companion. With a helpless smile, she accepted that the lecture was self-directed. Her body was definitely not on the same page as her mind.

  She used the facilities then washed her face and brushed her teeth. The first test of her dedication to her new path would be making it through the night without another make-out session. She controlled her body. Her body did not control her.

  With that thought driving her steps, she left the toothbrush on the counter and returned to the outer room. “It’s all yours.”

  His gaze moved over her face with lingering interest as he walked past her and into the utility room. He didn’t say anything, but words weren’t necessary. It was all there in his silver-ringed eyes, warmth, interest, desire. She might be utterly focused on her patients, but Zilor was now focused on her.

  Crap. She wiggled out of her jeans, draped them over the back of a chair so they wouldn’t be horribly wrinkled in the morning, then climbed into bed. She didn’t know how to turn off the lights, so she lay on her side with her back to him and pretended to be asleep.

  It didn’t do any good. As soon as she heard the door swish and felt the mattress dip beneath his weight, her body started simmering. Yes, he was good-looking and built like a god. That didn’t obligate her to have sex with him. No, her genetics were doing that all by themselves. He was her potential mate and nature was making sure reproducing was her top priority.

  She clenched her fists and concentrated on her breathing. In slowly. Out slowly. All that did was rub her nipples against her clingy tank top. “Don’t Rodytes ever just mess around?” Frustration pushed the question past her tense throat.

  The bed dipped again as he shifted position. Then he touched her shoulder, gently rolling her to her back. He lay on his side now, facing her and slipped one arm under her neck. His chest was bare and she could feel the warmth of his legs near hers. Was he naked? The possibility sent a thrill straight to the core of her body, igniting the fire already smoldering there.

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking.” He ran his index finger along her hairline then over the outer rim of her ear. “Do we have sex just for the pleasure, or do we touch each other in ways that are pleasurable but don’t necessarily lead to intercourse?”

  “Either. Both. Do you only have sex with your bonded mates?”

  “Of course not.” He leaned down and kissed the corners of her mouth before he went on. “Unmated Rodytes have needs like any other mammalian species. We crave affection and intimacy, passion and pleasure. But casual sex isn’t an option for you and me. Each time we touch the need to bond will increase, it will become more demanding until the connection is formed.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to let her disappointment show. “All right. I�
��ll deal with it.” His sensual chuckle drew her eyelids open and she was captured by the intensity of his stare. It was hard to doubt anything he said, or object to anything he wanted to do, while she stared into those strange yet beautiful eyes.

  “You don’t have to deal with this alone. I think you’re still wound up because we cut things short on the Phantom.”

  “What do you suggest?” At this point she was open to just about anything. Her nerves were fried, her body ached and she really needed some sleep, eventually.

  “Let me touch you. A nice hard orgasm should send you off to sleep.”

  A wicked alternative lit up her imagination. “Or we could pleasure each other. Sixty-nine has always been my favorite number.”

  His entire body tensed and a low groan escaped his throat. “You’re going to be the death of me. I’m sure of it.” His long fingers pushed into her hair and lightly fisted. “If I come inside you, anywhere inside you, I’m not sure I’ll have the strength to hold back the link. I know you don’t want a mate, so we better stick with my plan.”

  “Your plan leaves you aching while I drift off to sleep.” She shook her head, inadvertently pulling her own hair when his fingers remained firmly clenched. “I’m not that selfish.”

  “I enjoy touching you.” His words came out gruff and low.

  “And I enjoy touching you,” she stressed. “This will be an equal exchange or I’ll go in the bathroom and take care of myself.”

  “While I lie here imagining what you’re doing?” He groaned and pressed his erection against her hip. “That’s about all it would take.”

  She rolled to her side and wiggled closer, aligning her soft heat with his distinct hardness. “Then why pretend? I want to touch you and I want you to touch me.”

  “Do you always get what you want?” His words sounded edgy, almost angry, but his lips sealed over hers before she could reply. He wrapped both arms around her and rubbed against her as he contoured her body against his.

  She clutched his back and entwined their legs, her lips parting for his tongue. It was madness how quickly her need erupted whenever he touched her. They’d barely begun to kiss and already her inner muscles were starting to ripple. Maybe he was right. She was just keyed up from earlier. As soon as she came, the world would make sense again.

  With that hope in mind, she echoed the subtle rocking of his hips. But her movements made him even more aggressive. He rolled her beneath him and wedged her knees apart with his legs. Then he pulled her hands above her head and pinned her wrists to the mattress with one of his long-fingered hands. She yanked against his hold. Her nature wouldn’t allow her to surrender without a fight.

  “So stubborn.” His lips moved over hers as he whispered the taunt. “Is everything a competition with you?” His free hand stroked the side of her face, his thumb lightly grazing her lips. Again, he didn’t allow her to reply. He cut off her words with his mouth, the kiss deep yet leisurely. His lips caressed and his tongue teased, coaxing the urgency higher.

  She wiggled and arched beneath him, frustrated by the restraints he’d put on her responses. She couldn’t touch him, so she tried to wrap her legs around his hips. He growled and rocked back onto his knees, forcing her to release him.

  Fine. So he wanted to lead. No, he needed to be in control. And right now she was aching so baldy, she didn’t care. She’d assert her independence in other ways as soon as he put out the fire. Drawing her legs up against his sides, she opened herself without restricting his movements. It was maddening yet wildly exciting to surrender so completely. He gave her just enough to make her desperate for more.

  Understanding his game, she stopped struggling and concentrated on the sensual slide of his tongue and the featherlight brush of his fingers. For a long time, he just kissed her as tension coiled around them, drawing them closer, building the heat higher and higher. She flowed with him rather than struggling against him and he rewarded her with deeper kisses and more intimate touches.

  Finally his hips rolled, creating a circular motion that sent sensation zinging through her abdomen. She closed her fingers around his hands, holding him as firmly as he was holding her. He rocked against her, sliding his shaft across her clit with just enough pressure to make her tremble and moan. She remained still and surrendered, accepting what he gave without complaint or objection.

  The rhythm of his hips gradually sped, his mouth never leaving hers. It was much too easy to imagine what it would feel like if he pushed inside her, filling her completely with each long stroke. The repeated impact of their pelvises forced the pleasure high, closer to release.

  Suddenly, he let go of her hands and grasped her hips. Then he ground against her, rubbing back and forth until she cried out, helpless to resist his body’s command. She came in shuddering spasms, her eyes tightly shut, fists clenching above her head.

  He kissed her one last time then rolled away and headed for the bathroom. She lay sprawled on his bed, dazed and tingling. What in the world just happened? She’d never allowed a lover to control her like that. But then she’d never had a lover who commanded her body so effortlessly. She’d been so attuned to him—no, they’d been so attuned to each other that the rest seemed to flow naturally.

  Recovering enough to realize the danger in what she’d just allowed, she arranged her body more modestly and drew the sheet up to her shoulders. She couldn’t let him realize how staggering she’d found this experience. There was no way she’d hand him such a powerful weapon.

  The bathroom door slid open and he crawled back into bed.

  “Feel better?” She forced playfulness into her tone as she rolled onto her side, facing away from him.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into the heat of his big body. “Much. Will you be able to sleep now?”

  “I think so. I’m about to find out.” She snuggled against him and covered his arm with hers, but she stared into the darkness, her mind reeling. She did not want a mate, not even one as attractive as Zilor. She’d come here to help Chandar and that was all she intended to do. He’d promised that sharing his bed was only for one night. She had to hold him to that promise, then avoid him like the plague. If they were never alone together, maybe there was still some hope that she could escape this adventure with her independence intact.

  * * * * *

  Indigo’s scent drew Zilor from sleep the following morning. He inhaled deeply and spread the aroma through his system like a healing balm. She pressed against his side, her arm resting on his chest. One of her legs draped over his and the heat of her sex seared his thigh. The need to claim her had nearly overwhelmed him last night. If she hadn’t surrendered so sweetly, he might not have been able to pull away. He’d given them both the release they needed, but his pleasure had been sharp and shallow, far from satisfying. Already his body stirred, hardening, encouraging him to pick up where they’d left off the night before.

  He carefully eased her arm off his chest and disentangled their legs. She murmured something in her sleep and pulled his pillow to her chest. Propping himself up with one arm, he paused to look at her. With her colorful hair in wild disarray, her features appeared sweet and innocent. She was sassy, even brash at times, but he sensed vulnerability beneath her carefree façade. She used boldness to push people away. It was a strategy, a defense mechanism. He just wasn’t sure why she felt the need to protect herself. But he intended to find out.

  Careful not to disturb her, he crawled off the side of the bed and went into the utility room. Bandar had warned him that the mating pull was ruthless. Once engaged, the instinct wouldn’t let go until he’d claimed his mate or she’d bonded with someone else. His hands clenched. Just the thought of anyone else touching her was intolerable. She might be genetically compatible with seventy-three males, but Zilor was going to do everything in his power to make sure he was the one she selected.

  With that goal squarely in mind, he showered, shaved, and dressed in a fresh uniform. She was still
sound asleep when he stepped into the main room, so he slipped from the cabin before asking, “Computer, what’s the current location of Commander Tarr?”

  “Commander Tarr is in his office. Shall I schedule a meeting for you?”

  “Ask him if he has time right now for a quick update.”

  “Stand by.”

  Relatively certain of his reception, Zilor ignored the computer’s command and headed for the nearest utility ladder. The command deck was one level up, so it was faster to climb the ladder than backtrack to the elevators.

  “Commander Tarr has approved the visit and is expecting you.”


  “You’re welcome, Zilor.”

  The ship’s operational computer wasn’t technically sentient, but it was hard to be rude when the exchanges were always so polite. Kotto’s office was across the hall from the conference room and could be accessed from either the hallway or directly from the command center. Zilor approached from the hallway and the door slid open as he arrived.

  Kotto looked up from his holodisplay and motioned Zilor toward the chairs in front of his desk. “Did you have any better luck the second time around?”

  Rather than sit, Zilor stood behind one of the chairs and rested his hands on top of the back. “You have a new employee currently asleep in my cabin. Indigo signed the contract and has been marked by a potential mate. All she needs now is a cabin assignment.”

  Kotto pressed back into his chair and folded his hands against his flat belly. “Judging from the smug satisfaction on your face, I don’t need to ask who marked her. Did she have other matches, and if so, have they been notified?”

  Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Zilor tried not to reveal how uncomfortable he found the topic. He was Indigo’s mate. That was all that mattered. “I’m not sure that would be wise.”

  “I thought we agreed that notifications would be issued routinely from now on. Marking her quickly was unavoidable, but that doesn’t negate the new procedures. We went through this with Raina. Every female must be allowed as many options as possible.”