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Zealot, Page 6

Cyndi Friberg

  “Um-hum. Do you want to go higher? I’m entirely at your disposal.”

  She looked at him and sucked in a breath. He wasn’t wearing contacts and damn, his eyes were beautiful. They were still endlessly black, but now they shone, reflecting light and emotion. At the moment, he was amused by her obvious fascination. Distinct silver rings divided his pupils from his equally dark irises, the effect captivating and exotic. “Wow. So much better without the contacts.” One corner of his mouth quirked as some wicked thought crossed his mind. “What caused that expression?”

  “I was just wondering if my response would get me slapped.”

  “I’m pretty hard to offend. You can risk it.”

  “Wow. So much better without the bra.”

  She smiled at him, but again her cheeks were burning. “I’m glad you approve. I hate the damn things.”

  “Well, you have my permission never to wear one again.”

  “I appreciate your support.” Then she heard her own words and laughed. “Let’s change the subject.” To his credit, his gaze had remained on her face through the entire semi-obscene exchange. If he’d ogled her boobs, it must have been while she was still gobsmacked by her arrival. “How do I help Chandar without become a mail-order bride?”

  “There are two possibilities, one is infinitely easier than the other, but unfortunately it’s also unlikely.” He’d changed into a uniform much like the one Kotto had worn earlier. She liked Zilor better in jeans and a T-shirt. Especially one as tight as the one he’d had on at the shop.

  She swallowed, hoping to loosen up her throat and make her voice sound less nervous. “I’m fond of longshots. Let’s hear it.”

  “There’s a small possibility that you aren’t compatible with any of the battle born.”

  “Compatible? Are you talking personality or genetics?”

  “They’re working on a program that will prioritize the genetic matches using personality traits and personal preferences, but I was referring to genetic compatibility. If two people aren’t genetically compatible, the rest is moot.”

  She wasn’t sure she agreed. Reproduction wasn’t the only reason two people connected, but the detail wasn’t important enough to argue about while so many other things were still unclear. “What does battle born mean? You guys throw around the term like its self-evident, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m part of the battle born rebellion.” He shook his head and looked away. “It’s a long involved story. Let’s stay focused on helping Chandar.”

  “All right. If that’s really your intention, can’t you just bring Chandar to me? It might be good for her to spend some time around other women.”

  He paused but then shook his head. “She’s developed a fixation with one of the men who rescued her, won’t go anywhere without him. Unfortunately, he’s probably the busiest person in this star system. There’s no way he could bring her back and forth every day.”

  It was either the truth or he was the best damn liar she’d ever seen. She sighed. So much for her mother’s plan. “Then how do we find out whether or not I’m genetically compatible with any of the battle born?”

  “I’ll have to draw blood.”

  “Damn it.” She rolled out her bottom lip in a playful pout. “I was hoping we’d outgrown the need for needles.”

  “The extractor uses highly focused suction, but it still stings. There’s simply no way to access blood without going through skin.”

  She held out her arm. She was wearing a hot-pink tank top with fluffy white kittens on it so there were no sleeves to roll up. “Get it over with. I don’t do well with suspense.” He was only able to stand near the center of the cabin, but he reached into the compartment over her row of seats and the back of her neck prickled. “Is the equipment needed to analyze blood always on this ship?”

  He stepped back and closed the compartment before he looked at her. “We both know why I’m here. I won’t insult you by pretending otherwise. You were about to sign the contract when Vinton Tandori barged in. My mission hasn’t changed. I’m trying to recruit you for Chandar.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  He sank onto the seat next to hers a cylinder device in one hand and a zippered case in the other. “It’s the most important reason. The rest can wait.”

  It was an honest answer. At least, it sounded and felt honest to her. “What happens if I am compatible?”

  “It’s likely you are, but we can keep you isolated from your possible matches until you’re ready to explore more options.”

  She smiled at that. “I’ve seen four Rodyte males and all four of them have been gorgeous. This is seriously unfair.” Before he could comment she extended her arm and said, “Go ahead. Poke me.” His gaze flew to hers and she laughed. “My arm is all I’m offering at the moment.”

  His brow creased and he tilted his head as if he couldn’t quite decide what to make of her. “You’re going to be trouble. Aren’t you?”

  “I’m just getting started,” she warned. “Wait until I have a drink or two.”

  “I’m not sure Lunar 9 is ready for that.” He placed the case on her lap and unzipped it then took out a small square envelop and tore open the top.

  “What is that?”

  “Just a disinfectant.” He gently took her arm and positioned it so he could reach the bend of her elbow then rubbed her skin with the damp pad he’d pulled out of the envelop. The extractor looked very much like an auto-injector some diabetics used. He pressed it against her skin and she felt a minute sting then the light on the extractor turned from green to red. “All done.”

  She looked at her skin, but could hardly tell where the blood had come through. “Weird.”

  He took some sort of gizmo out of the case and attached the extractor to the side. It took all of three seconds to find what it was looking for. “Sorry, doll. You’re positive for the protein marker, which means it’s very likely you’re compatible with one or more of the battle born.” He set the device on his legs and entered a command into the touch-sensitive display. A holographic panel rose into the air.

  “Now that’s cool.” It wasn’t just a lab-in-a-box, it was a computer too.

  He glanced at her and smiled. “You haven’t seen anything yet. The next step is up to you. Do I have your permission to check for possible matches?”

  She hesitated. Maybe she was better off not knowing. No. It hadn’t been an exaggeration. She really didn’t like being kept in suspense. Besides, if this mating pull grew stronger, as the journal entries indicated, she’d need a lot more information. “Go on. It will probably come up empty. God knows the human dating sites did.”

  After shooting her a sidelong glance that said she was crazy, his hands flew over, no, more like through the display. Images shifted and bent, virtual screens popped up and then disappeared. It was all strange, and impressive. Everything went still for a moment and then lines of information scrolled across the middle of the display area.

  “Are those names?”

  “Yes.” He sounded every bit as shocked as she felt.

  “All of them?” She tried to count as they scrolled by, but they were moving too fast.

  He seemed to be waiting for something. Holy shit, was he looking for his name? Wishful thinking? Her inner voice mocked. He was just waiting for the list to end.

  The names finally stopped and he turned his head and looked into her eyes. “You have seventy-three possible matches.”

  She laughed. “Of course I do. Too many is just as frustrating as too few. That’s about as useful as all the other dating sites.”

  “Rodytes don’t date. Locating a mate is an instinctual and very intense experience for us.” His tone was suddenly dark and smoky and their gazes locked. He turned off the miniature lab and put it back inside its case then set the case aside. She’d lost track of the extractor. Was it still attached to the scanner? She didn’t really care, but her inner voice rambled when she was nervous.
And one possibility was making her very nervous.

  “Are you on the list?” She tried to sound casual but her heart was beating so fast she was afraid he’d hear it.

  He caught a lock of her hair, but this time he wrapped it around his finger until his hand hovered near her face. “Would that please you?”

  “I asked first.”

  “I didn’t need the test to tell me we’re compatible. Your scent told me everything I needed to know.”

  “My scent?” Before she realized what he intended, he used her hair to angle her head back and buried his face against her throat. His warm breath made her skin tingle.

  “You smell amazing, better than anything I’ve ever smelled before.”

  It was such a bizarre compliment she couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. I guess. You smell nice too.”

  He raised his head and stared into her eyes. “Females don’t use scent to recognize their mate.”

  “I see. And how do Rodyte females recognize their mate or all seventy-three of their mates in this case.” She’d hoped to annoy him enough to make him let go, but he moved even closer.

  “By touch.” He took her hand and brought it to his face then mirrored the position with his hand on her cheek.

  His skin was warm and smooth, no five o’clock shadow or razor stubble. Did Rodytes not have facial hair? She was doing it again. Rambling.

  His gaze narrowed. Apparently she wasn’t reacting the way he’d expected her to react.

  “Or taste.” The words sounded all rough and growly. And then his hand pushed into her hair and his mouth covered hers.

  His words made her brace for an aggressive kiss with lots of wet, intrusive tongue. But he caressed her lips with his, teasing and challenging her. Ah, she was the one who needed to explore. He already had his answer. But did she want to find out that she was genetically compatible with someone every woman would want? Could she live the rest of her life knowing her man was prettier than she was? No, Zilor wasn’t pretty. He was drop-dead, panty-meltingly gorgeous.

  Curiosity urged her on. Well, curiosity and the warmth of his breath and the silken glide of his lips. She edged closer, wishing two armrests weren’t keeping them apart.

  As if he’d heard her mental grumbling, he scooped her up and deposited her on his lap without even breaking their kiss. She was no stick-thin actress. She was tall and had substantial curves. This guy was ridiculously strong. She wrapped one arm around his neck and buried her other in his thick hair. Oh yeah, this was better. Her mouth opened wider and he followed her lead. She eased her tongue past his lips and his was there rubbing against hers, curling around hers, spreading his taste.

  Heat and…something she’d never experienced before flowed into her mouth and down her throat. It warmed her abdomen then burst into mist that spread throughout her body. She gasped then moaned. “What was—” She couldn’t finish the question. She no longer cared. All she wanted was more!

  A pleased chuckle rumbled through Zilor’s chest as he took control of the kiss. Play time was over and now she would learn what it was to kiss a Rodyte. He wrapped his arm around the back of her neck, cradling her head as his mouth became more aggressive. She resisted for a moment, her fingers tangling in his hair. He eased up a bit, balancing her need to explore with his need to conquer.

  She wiggled and groaned, obviously restless. Then her hands were tugging up his uniform top, obviously searching for bare skin. All he’d planned to do was kiss her, let her feel the mating pull. Well, she was feeling it all right, feeling it strongly.

  “I want to touch you.” She whispered the words against his parted lips.

  He quickly released enough of the fasteners so he could pull his shirt off over his head.

  “Oh God.” She shifted on his lap, straddling his legs so they faced each other. Her hands moved boldly over his chest and down his arms. “Why do I feel so…” She was panting too hard to go on. She bent and pressed her open mouth against his shoulder, tasting his flesh with slow, thorough licks.

  He grasped the armrests until his fingers ached to keep from returning the favor and stripping her naked so he could feast on her body. He didn’t rush her, didn’t pressure her, just let her do whatever she wanted. Every time her skin rubbed against his, she picked up his scent. It would work a lot better if they were both shirtless, but he wasn’t going to—

  She peeled off her top and pressed her breasts against his chest, driving the breath from his lungs. He wrapped his arms around her, preventing her from pulling away. Heat and energy pulsed between them as desire spiraled through his body. He’d been hard since she asked if his name was on the list, but a fresh rush of blood made his cock ache so badly he shook with his need to claim her.

  Gradually, he drew air back into his burning lungs and loosened his hold enough to kiss her. Then everything became a sensual blur of sliding hands, skin rubbing against skin, and questing tongues. They pressed against each other and shared each other’s breath until he wasn’t sure if he was inhaling or exhaling.

  She suddenly broke away, panting harshly. “I have—to breathe. I’m so dizzy I’m seeing stars.”

  He nipped her bottom lip and chuckled. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Just give me a minute.”

  She didn’t pull away and her hands still moved over his bare skin with obvious hunger, so he whispered, “Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” Then he kissed his way down her neck and onto her shoulder. The hormones needed to “mark” her were in his sweat, his saliva and his semen. There was no way their first time together was going to be on the floor of a cramped spy ship. But they’d come this far already, he wanted to make sure his scent was strong enough to warn off other males.

  He caught her under the arms and gently lifted until he could bend and reach her breasts. She put her hands on his knees and arched her back, offering herself with unabashed enjoyment. Her full breasts thrust toward him and her smooth skin beckoned his touch. Colorful flowers, geometric patterns and fanciful, winged creatures decorated her arms and upper chest, but his gaze gravitated toward her lush pink nipples. Gods, she was glorious.

  His lips caught one puckered tip as he cupped her other breast in his hand. He licked and sucked on her tender flesh until she shivered and the scent of her arousal started making his head swim. But he didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, had to spread his scent over every inch of her body. Well, every inch he could access. He kissed and licked then licked some more. She gasped and quivered, lost in the pleasure.

  When he’d stroked every millimeter of her bared skin and trailed his tongue over almost as much, he collapsed back into the seat and pulled her forward. “Your turn, doll. I need to breathe.” He guided her mouth to his chest and buried both hands in her hair.

  She licked her way from one of his flat nipples to the other, pausing to tease him with her teeth. She was every bit as eager as he’d been and almost as thorough. But her breathing slowed and her touch became much more tentative as the sexual frenzy gradually subsided. Finally, she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. “You must think I’m such a floozy.” She averted her gaze. “One kiss and I’m ripping off your clothes like a dog in heat.”

  He stroked the side of her face. “Look at me.” It took her another moment, but she finally obeyed. “Your reaction is natural and there is no shame in what we’re feeling. I don’t think you’re a floozy. I think you’re a passionate woman who just encountered a possible mate. Many compatible couples spontaneously orgasm the first time they kiss.”

  “I came damn close,” she admitted with a shy smile and then crawled off his lap.

  Every molecule in his aching body objected, but he fisted his hands and let her go. He didn’t dare take this any farther or he’d lose control. Their reaction to each other was combustible.

  “Will I react like this to all those men?”

  She sounded horrified by the idea, so he didn’t take offense to the fact that she was thinking about othe
r men with his scent emanating from her like incense. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before she moved too far away. He’d thought her scent was heaven. It didn’t compare with their scent.

  He opened his eyes and found her staring at him expectantly. She’d asked a question, but all he could think about was how badly he wanted to finish what they’d begun.

  She shook her head and walked past him so she could pick up her discarded shirt. After pulling it back into place, she tried again. “Will I go all ally cat each time I encounter one of the men on that list?”

  “Not now,” he said with a secretive smile.

  “What does that mean?”

  He stood as well and picked up his uniform top, but waited to put it on. It might work to his advantage if she was still a little distracted. “This is supposed to be the part where I explain that it’s not safe for you to be on board our ship unless one of the men on that list marks you with his scent.”

  “Oh my God. That better not mean what I think it means.”

  He laughed. She was too damn adorable for her own good and much too adorable for his. “I’m not going to pee on you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Glad to hear it.” She shuddered at the thought. “What do you have to do? Obviously, I need to be on the ship if I’m going to help Chandar.”

  “It’s already done.”

  Her eyes widened as understanding spread across her features. “You marked me with your mouth?”

  Unable to ignore such an opening, he pulled her back into his arms and tugged down the front of her shirt, baring one delightfully flushed breast. Then he bent and sucked on the delicate flesh near her nipple hard enough to bruise her skin.

  She gasped then cried out. “Did you just give me a hickey?” She twisted out of his arms and turned her back. “Oh my God! It’s already there. I’m going to kill you!” After righting her shirt she turned back around and smacked him hard on the chest.