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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 1, Page 4

Charlie Cochet

  With a sigh, he shoved his book into his backpack. At least he was done for today. His belly grumbled. Time to reward himself with a snack or seven before his dad got home from picking Cael up at school. He got downstairs and was surprised to see his dad was already home.

  “Hey, Dad. Where’s Cael?”

  “He’s with your Aunt Danelle. He’s staying for dinner. We’re ordering takeout.”

  Tony seemed preoccupied with something as he headed into the living room. Dex followed, curious as to what was going on. Why would his dad leave Cael over at Aunt Danelle’s?

  “Oh, okay.” That was weird. Uh-oh, was he in trouble? He quickly ran through anything and everything he could possibly be in trouble for. Oh my God, the list was so long! He looked around the room at the videos with blank labels stacked by the VCR, a whiteboard, markers, presentation boards, and a bag from some bookstore in the Village. “What’s all this? Are we going to watch a movie?” Maybe they were going to play Pictionary?

  “Sort of.” Tony took a seat on the couch and patted the cushion beside him. “Son, I think it’s time you and I had the talk.”

  “The talk?” Dex’s eyes went wide. “Is this about my exploding glitter bomb inside Peter Hannigan’s locker last week? I swear he totally deserved it. He spilled glitter all over one of the Therian kids in our art class on purpose. He’s a bully and—”

  “No, this isn’t about your glitter bomb—Wait, what glitter bomb?”

  Tony narrowed his eyes, and Dex shrugged.

  “What? I didn’t say anything. Did you say something?” He dropped down onto the couch beside his dad and drew his legs up. Play it cool.

  “Did Peter get hurt?” Tony asked with a deep frown.

  Dex couldn’t help his grin. “Only his pride.”

  “Good. That’s not the talk I meant.” Tony stood and walked to the VCR. He stopped and turned to Dex. “Mechanic, astronaut, cowboy, or pizza?”

  Dex had no idea what his dad was talking about, but whatever it was, his decision was an easy one. “Pizza.” He could totally go for some pizza right about now. His dad popped one of the videos in the player. Okay. “Are we going to watch a video on how to make pizza?”

  His dad’s lips pressed into a thin line. Not a good sign. “Dad, you’re kinda freaking me out a little.” He’d never seen his dad look so serious, and his dad looked serious most of the time. He also had trouble looking at Dex. The video started, and Tony resumed his seat next to Dex.

  Maybe they were having pizza after? Dex watched the video, his head cocked to one side. It was kind of shoddy. Like a home movie but not really. Dex was really good at recognizing movies by their intros, and he recognized most studio intros. He had no idea what this was.

  “Dad? What is this?”

  “Just watch the movie. I know you’ll have questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them.”

  Whatever it was, it totally sucked. “This is boring,” Dex said with a yawn. “When’s the action start?” He hoped there were at least explosions. Right now some guy had ordered pizza and the dude had just shown up. “Who wears shorts that short to deliver a pizza?” Dex shook his head. This was so weird. The pizza guy dropped the change and turned to bend down and—Dex shrieked. “Oh my God, this is porn!”

  “It’s sex ed,” Tony corrected.

  Dex stared at his dad in disbelief. He looked from Tony to the TV and back. “Unless the pizza dude stops to explain to that other dude how his peen works, this is porn.”

  Tony was very composed and serious. Could he not see what was happening on the TV in front of them? Oh crap, he was watching porn with his dad! This was beyond mortifying!

  “I just want you to understand that having sex is natural. It should be an enjoyable experience, provided you use protection. Just because you won’t be having sex with women doesn’t mean you can throw caution to the wind. Dan and Ronnie are in a relationship. I thought it would be better to use a video where the guys are a couple and care about each other. It shows in their performance.”

  Dex didn’t know which part to address first. “How do you know they’re a couple?”

  Tony cleared his throat. “I did my research.”

  “Wait, you said ‘it shows in their performance.’ You already watched it?” Dex didn’t know whether to laugh or die of embarrassment. “This is a really weird dream, isn’t it? I knocked myself out with my math book or ate the cheese at the back of the fridge that you told me to throw out three days ago.”

  “No, this is not a dream, and I threw out that cheese three days ago because I knew you’d forget. This is happening. I wanted to make sure the material I selected was appropriate.”

  Dex jumped to his feet and thrust a hand at the TV. “I hate to break it to you, Dad, but nothing about this feels appropriate. I can’t watch porn with you.”

  “It’s education.”

  “It’s two dudes fucking!”

  “Hey,” Tony scolded. “Language.”

  Dex’s cheeks went hot. He hadn’t meant to curse. “Sorry, sir.” He promptly sat his butt on the couch and drew his knees up. He wrapped his arms around his legs and tried to watch the video. As soon as the guys started moaning and groaning, Dex felt as though he were about to spontaneously combust. He was both turned on at what was going on in front of him and deathly mortified. Maybe if he pretended his dad wasn’t in the room…. That’s it. He’d just zone his dad out.

  “See that there, son? What Dan is doing is stimulating Ronnie’s prostate. The prostate is this little—”

  “Nope.” Dex shook his head. His dad was not about to give him a play by play of what was going on.

  “Yes. Now pay attention.” Tony got up and walked over to the whiteboard. He took one of the presentation boards, turned it over, and placed it on the whiteboard easel. It was a colored diagram of a man’s anatomical parts. Dex keeled over on his side.

  “Why is this happening to me?” Dex grabbed a throw pillow and covered his face. “What did I do?” He tried to use the pillow to block out the sounds of Dan and Ronnie going at it like bunnies. “I promise I’ll never put another glitter bomb in anyone’s locker ever again. I won’t add Mr. Bubble to the school swimming pool or sneak into Mrs. Emerson’s home ec class and tell the students I’m the cookie inspector.” He sat up, the pillow plopping down to the floor. “Better yet, I’ll bring home cookies for you. They make white chocolate macadamia nut. Those are your favorite!”

  Tony pursed his lips and pointed to the chart. “Now see, when the finger or penis is inserted through the anus….”

  Oh dear God, there was no escaping it. His dad had that look on his face. He was determined to see this through. Time to face this like a man. Dex stood, sat himself down, and paid attention. This was going to be the longest, weirdest night of his life.

  Hours later Dex sat at the kitchen table unsure how to feel. On the one hand, he’d actually learned a lot. Safe was the way to go. He’d learned about how a Therian boyfriend might be more intense than a Human one. He hadn’t really thought a whole lot about sex with a Therian before. Would it be weird? There were a lot of hot Therian actors who he’d jacked off to, but he hadn’t considered things might be different. This was way too much thinking to be doing over milk and cookies.

  One thing was for sure, he never, ever wanted to watch a porn video with his dad in the same building, much less the same room, ever again.

  “Hi, Dex!” Cael ran into the kitchen and threw his arms around Dex, giving him a big hug. “Aunt Danelle and I had so much fun! We watched movies and played video games, and look!” Cael dashed out of the room and darted back in. “I brought you back some pizza!”

  “Oh God.” Dex let his head hit the table with a thunk.

  “What’s wrong?” Cael asked worriedly. He patted Dex’s head.

  “You’ll find out in six years.” He stood and motioned upstairs. “Come on. Let’s play some Mortal Kombat.”

  “Woot!” Cael ran around the kitchen with his
arms in the air, flailing like Kermit. Uh-oh. Aunt Danelle let him drink too much fruit punch again. Dex smiled widely. Dad was going to have a great time getting Cael to go to bed tonight.

  Dex headed for the stairs before spinning on his heel and jogging into the kitchen again. He grabbed the pizza box. “Maybe just one slice.”

  Prompt #7: I love the idea of first dates.

  DEX DROPPED his messenger bag on the floor next to his sneakers before heading into his dad’s living room. His little brother was curled up on the couch engrossed in his cartoons. Rounding up a snack or several, Dex joined his brother and offered him a chocolate chip cookie as they watched TV together. His brother mumbled a “thanks” and nibbled on his cookie. Dex could have handed him a dirty sock and Cael would have nibbled on it without a second thought. He was in his own little world. When a commercial came on, Cael snapped out of his trance. He gave Dex a big grin.

  “Hey, Dex.”

  “Hey, Chirpy.” Dex ruffled his brother’s hair, chuckling when Cael let out a huff and shoved him away. “Don’t forget I’m picking you up from school on Friday. We’re going to have to get to the movies early if we want to nab tickets for X-Men.”

  Cael worried his bottom lips with his teeth before he spoke up. “Actually, I, um, I already have a ticket.”

  Dex blinked at him. “Did you best the devil at dueling banjos for this ticket?”

  “No.” Cael batted at one of the tassels hanging from the throw pillow in his arms. “I got it from Allen. My date.”

  “Date. As in date, date? Like, going out on a date?”

  Cael’s deadpan expression said it all.

  “Right. Does Dad know?”

  “Dex, I’m fourteen. I’m not a little kid anymore.”

  Dex arched an eyebrow at his brother, who rolled his eyes. He knew Dex wasn’t about to back down.

  “Yes. Dad knows.”

  “And…?” Dex looked around the room. Everything seemed in place. His dad wasn’t sitting on the couch shining his shotgun or loading his Glock. Interesting.

  “And, he thinks I’m old enough to go on a date. He knows I’m responsible. It’s not like I’m going to mark Allen or anything.”

  Dex did his best to hold back a smile. His little brother hadn’t been spared the Anthony Maddock Sex Ed Class. The horror was still too fresh in his little brother’s mind. Dex would wait awhile before teasing Cael.

  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to decide what to wear.”

  Dex nodded. It was better if he didn’t say anything. If he fussed Cael would just get annoyed. As soon as his brother was upstairs, Dex went in search of their dad. He found Tony downstairs in his office on his computer. His dad was totally absorbed in whatever he was reading. So much so that he didn’t hear Dex approaching. Dex leaned over Tony’s shoulder to see what could possibly have captured his dad’s attention so intensely.

  Please don’t let it be porn.

  Wait a second…. “Is that the layout of the movie theater?”

  Tony gave a start and swiveled in his chair, grabbed Dex by the waist and dropped him onto the carpet.


  “Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, boy! You know better than to sneak up on a THIRDS officer like that.” Tony took hold of Dex’s hand and helped him up. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” Dex rubbed his back. “Damn, Dad. What the hell? You preparing for war or something?”

  “Sorry, working a bitch of a case at the moment, and then your brother’s going on his first date….”

  Tony let out a heavy sigh, and that’s when Dex noticed all the equipment on the table next to his dad’s desk. There was a black tactical vest, zip ties, smoke bombs, handcuffs, and several magazines for his Glock.

  “You know, Cael’s date is fourteen. If you want to scare the shit out of him, all you have to do is show up at his school dressed in your old MC Hammer pants. Hell, I’m twenty and they still scare me. Seriously, Dad.” Dex shuddered at the thought of the horrific shiny purple pants. “I don’t know what I find harder to believe, that you bought them in the first place or that you kept them.”

  “Fashion trends have a way of returning. Those things were expensive.” Tony went back to his floor plans of the theater.

  Dex pulled up a chair next to his dad. “I hate to break it to you, Dad, but there’s no way those are coming back in style.”

  “What about your basement of toys?” Tony asked, not moving his attention away from the computer.

  “First of all, they’re not toys. They’re collectables. And they’re known as retro. Your pants are the reason people have their high school pictures burned.”

  Tony grunted and pointed at the theater plans. “I’m concerned about the lighting versus square footage in the screen where Cael’s going to be watching his movie with his friend.”

  “Date,” Dex corrected.

  “You’re not helping.” Tony cast a glance in Dex’s direction. “Which makes me wonder why you’re taking this so well.”

  Dex shrugged. “Cael’s a teenager now. Soon he’ll be graduating high school and—”

  “You’re going to be spying on them.”

  “I’m going to be spying on them,” Dex admitted. They both sat back in unison, their arms folded over their chests.

  “I thought so.”

  Dex motioned over to the arsenal on the table. “It’s a better idea than whatever siege you have planned.”

  Tony nodded his agreement. “Make me proud.”

  Dex stood and saluted. “Yes, sir!”

  FRIDAY CAME, and Dex readied himself. He dropped by his dad’s house and helped Cael pick out his outfit for his date. His brother asked him for a few pointers, and Dex obliged. As much as he wasn’t thrilled about his little brother dating, he wanted Cael to be as informed and equipped as possible. Allen’s big sister, who worked at the movie theater, was picking Cael up and driving him and Allen. Dex figured he’d wait half an hour before leaving.

  He walked Cael to the door and smiled proudly. “You look great.”

  Cael beamed at him. “Thanks, Dex.” He gave Dex a hug, and when he pulled back, he scowled at him and jutted a finger in his face. “So help me, if you follow me, my retaliation will be merciless.”

  “What? Who said I was—”

  Cael poked him in the shoulder. “Don’t even try it, mister. I know you. I know Dad. You are both to stay put. Promise me.”

  Damn it. “Cael, I really—”

  “Promise me,” Cael demanded, his bottom lip wobbling a bit and his big eyes getting watery. “I really like Allen. He’s super nice and fun. We like a lot of the same things, and he makes me laugh.”

  “Oh, come on. Don’t do that.”

  Cael pouted.

  Damn it all. “Fine. Okay. I’ll stay here. Just be careful, okay? And call me if you need anything? Just say the word and I will strike with fierce vengeance!” Dex waved his fist at the imaginary threat. “Vengeance, I say!”

  A car horn honked out front.

  “Thanks, Dex.” Cael smiled sweetly and cheerfully bounded out of the house.

  “Sneaky little turd.” With a sigh, Dex headed back inside, thinking of how he might convince his dad not to send in a tactical extraction team. Sometime during the evening, Tony had gotten so fidgety, Dex ordered him upstairs to soak in a warm bubble bath for a while. Cael had called to say he was fine and that they were going to have ice cream after the movie. Guess all Dex could do now was wait. He was watching some TV when his phone rang. He picked it up and just heard a sniffle.

  “Cael?” He jumped to his feet and took off for the door, grabbing his jacket before throwing the door open. He almost tripped over Cael, who sat on the top step.

  “Cael?” Dex drew his brother into his arms. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He checked him over for cuts and bruises, but he didn’t see any signs of injury. At least not any external injury. His cheeks were pink, and there were tears streaming down his face. Dex sat down with him, holding him c
lose. “Talk to me, Chirpy.”

  “It was… all… going… so… well,” Cael managed between sobs. “Allen really… likes… me.” Cael clung on to Dex, his face buried against Dex’s T-shirt, making his words almost inaudible.

  “So what happened?” If that little bastard did something to Cael, he was in for a world of pain. Maybe Dex couldn’t go beat up a fourteen-year-old, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something.

  “His dad… showed up at the ice cream shop.” Cael pulled back, his head lowered as he wiped at his eyes and gave a sniff. “He yelled at Allen. Told him he was grounded. That he was ashamed of him and never wanted to see him hanging around ‘one of those Therian animals.’” Cael lowered his head in shame. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you or Dad to pick me up. I was embarrassed. I took the bus.”

  Dex was so pissed off that he couldn’t even worry about Cael not calling him to pick him up. “He called you an animal?” Dex ground out through his teeth. “That son of a bitch. I’ll kick his ass!” Maybe he couldn’t deliver a beat down on a fourteen-year-old, but he sure as hell could on an adult. Dex made to get up when Cael dragged him back down.

  “No,” Cael pleaded. “I don’t want you to get in trouble. I just want to forget the whole thing ever happened.” Cael’s big gray eyes pleaded with him, and no matter how livid Dex was, he couldn’t deny his little brother.

  “Okay.” Dex hugged Cael close and kissed the top of his head. He had no intention of forgetting this. He never forgot and very rarely forgave. Not unless the person made an effort to make things right. He doubted Allen’s dad would make things right. For now he comforted his little brother, promising to get him upstairs to his room and run interference with their dad. Once Cael was flopped down on his bed after telling Dex for the hundredth time that he just wanted to be left alone, Dex headed downstairs. His dad promised to give Cael his space for now.