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Revealed: A Hype PR and Eye Candy Bookstore Anthology, Page 8

Bethany Lopez

  “Aster, baby girl, you will get through this.” Roux brought our joined hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of my knuckles. Letting his lips linger, he caught my gaze.

  My breath hitched. I couldn’t be sure what was happening but things had changed suddenly since that morning. It had still been my wedding day but after changing out of my dress, washing off the makeup, I demanded him to take me as far away from the church as possible. I was going to get drunk. And fast. But these tiny sweet moments threw me off. Maybe it was because I had been left on my wedding day that I was so desperate for some form of affection.

  “You didn’t put plus one on the RSVP,” I blurted out.

  “Why would I?” His jaw ticked. “I don’t have anyone that I would want to bring.”

  “I’m sure there’s a woman out there that would go with you.” The guy had women dropping their panties at his feet. It had been like that for years.

  “I wasn’t interested in anyone.” His cheeks reddened.

  “Why not?”

  “Aster,” he huffed. “There is only one woman that I would even consider asking but she was busy today.”

  My heart jumped, my stomach twisting. “Oh. Her loss, I guess.”

  Roux chuckled, shaking his head. “If you only knew, baby girl. If you only knew.”

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked what felt like hours later. The silence weighed on me. It was so loud, I could hear it ringing in my ears.

  “Just a bar I attend every so often.” Roux pulled the car into a parking lot filled with motorcycles five minutes later.

  “A biker bar?” I sat forward, intrigued by all of the shiny machinery.

  “Yeah,” he smiled. “Call it my home away from home.”

  “Those bikes are beautiful,” I exclaimed, jumping out of the car. “Do you miss yours?”

  “I do.”

  He came up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. “But my safety is more important than having a bike.”

  I didn’t believe him.

  Roux had rode for years. As soon as he was old enough to get his license, he got the motorcycle one first. But after having a bad accident that almost left him paralyzed from the waist down, he never got back on the bike.

  His fingers gripped my shoulders, his thumb brushing up and down the side of my neck. That small touch sent unexpected shivers racing down my back.

  This was supposed to be my wedding day and yet here I was, standing with my best friend in front of a bar.

  “Let’s go, baby girl,” he kissed the top of my head. “Before you change your mind.”

  A part of me just wanted to go home and crawl into my bed, never coming up for air again. Killian did this to me. Because of him, I lost the little strength I had left. My parents judged. My sister pitied me. What had I done to deserve this? What did I do to make him unhappy? Nothing. But my parents were old fashioned. My mother obeyed my dad and not in the sexy kinky way.

  “Alright, let’s do this.” I stepped out of Roux’s hold, making my way to the front doors of the bar. My mouth watered for a cold beer.

  Killian had always given me a hard time for my love of beer. “A lady shouldn’t drink beer. It’s a man’s drink.”

  Fucking please.

  “Stop thinking about him,” Roux scolded, coming up beside me and grabbing my hand. “Tonight, it’s just you and me.”

  “Isn’t it a little odd though?” I raised an eyebrow. “My best friend is taking me to a bar on my supposed wedding night.” I laughed, which came out more as a sob. Not this again. My chest tightened, my lungs gasping for air.

  “Aster,” Roux stepped in front of me, cupping my face. “Breathe, baby girl. Breathe.” He took deep shallow breaths, repeating for me to breathe over and over.

  I followed suit, mirroring his breathing. My heart slowed to a steady rhythm, the thump thump in my head quieting to a dull roar.

  “You’ll get through this.” His eyes shone. “I promise you.”

  Tilting my head, I licked my lips. Not exactly sure what was coming over me, I took a step closer to Roux. I had heard about his sexual exploits. Rumors floated around that he was controlling in the bedroom. Domination and submission. Women flocked to his bed, knowing they would leave fully satisfied. Or so I heard.

  The heat from his body enveloped me in a blanket of bliss. It took over my thoughts, controlled my actions and forced me to succumb to the madness of it all.

  I wanted him.

  It was horrible of me to admit it. Especially at this time. But the way my body burned just from the mere closeness of Roux, I knew. I craved him.

  A hard lump formed in my chest, my stomach somersaulting at my silent confession. God, this wasn’t right. Not at all.

  “Aster,” Roux said, his voice rough. Every so often he would glance down at my lips. He wanted to kiss me. I knew it. I could feel it.

  “I want you to kiss me,” I admitted, not sure where this sense of bravery had come from. With Killian, I had been shy. Even after we had sex for the first time.

  Roux’s eyes darkened. “I want to kiss you.” His hands moved from my cheeks to my throat, holding me in a possessive way that sent heat between my legs.

  My brain screamed for me to stop, to put an end to this but I couldn’t. After the morning I had, I needed to feel something other than sorrow and pain. “Please.”



  She begged. She actually fucking begged.

  My whole entire life, I had waited for this moment. To have Aster in my arms, begging for me to kiss her. Pleading for me to give her the greatest pleasure I knew she deserved.

  Brushing my thumb over her full bottom lip, I inched my mouth closer but I still didn’t kiss her. I wanted to. Fuck did I ever. But it wasn’t right. Even though Killian had left her and she was now single, she was hurting. I refused to take advantage of her.

  As much as it would kill me and cause me to have the biggest fucking blue balls of my life, I stepped away. Rubbing the back of my neck, I let out an aggravated puff of air.

  “Roux.” Aster closed the distance between us, placing her hand on my arm.

  That tiny touch sent shivers straight to my dick.

  I jumped out of her reach. “I can’t. I can be an asshole but I refuse to take advantage of you, Aster.”

  “But I want you to kiss me,” she pleaded, chewing her bottom lip.

  “You say that now,” I shook my head. “It’s too soon. Your wounds are too fresh.”

  “Roux, I’m telling you that I want you to kiss me,” she repeated, her voice firm. “I know you’re not the type of man to turn down an offer.”

  Fuck. “Thanks for that not so gentle reminder of how much of a dick I can be,” I grumbled.

  “That’s not…” she huffed. “You know that’s not what I meant. I just…I want to feel something. Killian hurt me. He destroyed that part of myself that thought I could have it all. I need something. I need to feel a warm body against mine. He left me feeling cold, Roux. Please.” She came up behind me, leaning her head against my back and cupped my arms.

  I couldn’t do this. Everything in me pleaded that I throw her in my car and fuck her senseless but I couldn’t. Not yet. If ever at all. She would regret it. She may not think it now but Aster was a good girl. She deserved to be loved and savored. Not fucked like an animal.

  “Let’s go inside and have a drink,” I looked down at her over my shoulder. “Please.”

  She met my stare. Knowing I wouldn’t budge, she grumbled to herself but released me from her tender hold.

  Aster trudged past me, crossing her arms under her ample chest. The small movement pushed up her tits, making my mouth water.

  Fuck my life. I should not be having these thoughts about my best friend. And definitely not on the day she should be getting married. But she wasn’t married. Killian made sure of that.

  “Are you coming?” Aster asked, her voice husky. There was an extra sway in her hips with each step sh
e took.

  Shit. She was teasing me. And God, did she ever do a good job.

  I wasn’t coming. Not yet at least.

  At that moment, something came over me. Before Aster could walk away, I closed in on her and wrapped my hand in her hair. Pulling her head back, I stared intently into her beautiful eyes. “Are you teasing me, little girl?” I growled.

  She swallowed hard. “N-no.”

  “And now you’re lying to me. Tsk tsk.” Circling my fingers around her throat, I pressed my thumb into her pulse point.

  Her heart quickened.

  “Do you know what I do to little girls who lie to me?” My fingers inched from her throat to her collarbone, igniting a path of goose bumps. When she didn’t answer and only stared up at me with wide eyes, I continued. “I destroy them.”

  Chapter 3


  Oh dear God. This…this was a side of Roux I had never seen before. He had always been private with his encounters with women, even though the rumors spread. I never expected them to be true.

  A wicked smirk spread on his handsome face. “Your heart jumped.” He leaned down, brushing his mouth along the shell of my ear. “Do you want me to destroy you? Do you want my fat cock inside your sweet cunt? Did you think of me when you fucked him?”

  Heat spread throughout my body. I had always been attracted to Roux but nothing ever came out of it. Nothing happened. And he never hinted. But now…with his rough voice and dark eyes, I knew he wanted me. Even though he denied me the kiss I craved, I could feel the heat coming from his body. With his hands wrapped around my neck and fisted in my hair, I felt owned. Dominated. But truly and utterly safe. It was home. It was where I wanted to be. No…needed to be.

  “Answer my question, Aster,” Roux demanded, tightening his hold on my throat.

  Suddenly, the playful mood became dark and dangerous. Did I think of Roux when Killian fucked me? Yes. All of the damn time. Killian was selfish, only pleasing me if he got something in return. Why I never realized that it shouldn’t have been like that in the first place was beyond me.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Roux’s eyes darkened even more. Releasing me, he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back until I reached his car. Shoving my arms above my head, he paused. “Fuck it,” he snarled and crashed his mouth to mine.

  I gasped, arching against him. All of this time and he was finally kissing me.

  His tongue forced its way between my lips, dancing and caressing with mine. It owned, possessed, slithered its way to my soul. Holding my head in his hands, he took control, leading me through the deepest kiss I had ever felt.

  When our hips connected, I let out a soft moan. My hands moved of their own accord, inching under the hem of his shirt. His hard abs twitched beneath my touch, causing my mouth to water even more.

  Roux groaned, circling his pelvis against mine. Releasing me with a wet smack, he licked his lips. “I bet you’re nice and wet. Aren’t you?”

  I swallowed hard, nodding slowly.

  “Just wait until I fuck you. I’ll be so deep inside you, you’ll feel me fucking your soul.”

  Holy mother of balls. I coughed.

  Roux chuckled, placing a soft peck on my lips and grabbed my hand. “I need a drink.”

  And I needed him.

  I bit back a huff and followed alongside him.

  When we stepped into the bar, all I could think about was that kiss.

  When we sat down at the nearest booth, I thought of the kiss.

  When he looked at me, I thought of it.

  Roux’s words mixed with his tongue inside my mouth, stirred something dark inside of me. The need to feel owned. The desire to be ravaged and used for someone else’s pleasure. The lack of control I would give up just to spend one night with Roux. But I had a feeling it wouldn’t be just one night. It would be more. So much. It would be everything I expected from my dark and brooding best friend. The man I trusted with all of me.

  When I sat in the booth, Roux headed to the bar to grab two beers. As he came back towards me, his smile set my blood on fire. The smile was meant for me. Only me. There were women in the bar glancing his way, their eyes roaming up and down the length of his body. But he didn’t notice. If he did, he didn’t care.

  Roux stopped in front of me and placed the beer on the table. Cupping my jaw, his thumb brushed over my bottom lip. “This mouth now belongs to me.”

  I shivered, completely and utterly in agreement. “Yes.”

  His smile widened. “Smart girl.” Sitting beside me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  I let out a shaky breath, picking up my beer and take a long swig. The cold carbonated beverage slid down my throat. God, it tasted good.

  “How are you feeling?” Roux asked, taking a swig of his own beer.

  “Fine,” I shrugged. “I guess.” Although his kiss and words were now all I could think about. He made me question everything I believed happened between a man and a woman. The naivety was showing but I kept asking myself, Killian who?

  “It’ll take time, baby girl,” Roux squeezed me against him. “But you’re strong. You will get through this.”

  “With your help?” I asked, leaning into him.

  He looked down at me. “Do you want my help?”

  I scoffed. “You’ve made it very clear that you’ll do anything to get my mind off of Killian and everything that has happened. But I need to know, what’s in this for you?”

  “I want to fuck you, Aster. Why does it have to be something more?”

  My cheeks heated at his honesty. “That’s all you want? Nothing else?”

  “I don’t know what I want. I’ve never been good at having relationships, baby girl.” He paused. “But I love sex and I’ll do anything to get a warm pussy wrapped around my dick.”

  “Oh…” Clearly the kiss we shared was only because he wanted sex from me. God, I was so stupid. How could I think he wanted more? At least with Killian, I now knew where he stood. But with Roux…I sighed.

  “What was that for?” Roux asked, brushing his thumb up and down the length of my neck.

  “I don’t know,” I snapped. “I just found out my best friend wants to fuck me and that’s it. My best friend also gave me the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

  “Really?” Roux sat up straighter. “Best kiss huh?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. The heaviness that had settled on my heart since Killian left me, lifted some. I had to get over the fact that Roux just wanted sex. It shouldn’t have shocked me. It wasn’t like I was ready to settle down. Killian and I had been together for five years. I shouldn’t even be thinking about jumping into a relationship. But with Roux, I trusted him completely. I knew he could make me happy. We could make each other happy.

  “What are you thinking about?” Roux brushed his nose over the soft spot below my ear.

  A flutter of desire heated my lower belly. “You.”

  “Hmmm…” he purred, the soft sound rumbling from his chest.

  “I’m not ready to jump into a relationship,” I told him, trying to be as serious as I could while he caressed his mouth over my skin. “But I want you. One night. I just…”


  “Don’t hurt me,” I whispered.

  “What I do to you will be because you beg for it,” he kissed my cheek. “But it won’t be tonight.”



  When Aster pouted, I wanted to bite her bottom lip and suck it into my mouth until she melted against me. As much as I wanted to take her home and fuck her within an inch of her life, it wouldn’t be tonight. My balls tightened in protest. Fuck.

  Instead I distracted her by having beer after beer on a rolling tab. An hour later and Aster was giggling over nothing.

  “You want me,” she hiccupped, her eyes glassing over.

  I chuckled. “You, beautiful girl, are drunk.”

  “Nah,” she waved her hand in front of her face, almost smacking herself. S
he laughed harder.

  “Yes, you are,” I pinched her chin, smacking a hard kiss on her lips. “I will fuck this pretty mouth of yours.”

  “Holy gosh,” she swayed towards me. “Your kisses make me weak.”

  “Just wait until I’m inside you.”

  “Be inside me now,” she slurred, her pupils dilating. Reaching out for me, she placed her small hand on my crotch.

  The unexpected movement made me jump. I grabbed her hand, stopping her before I lost control. “No,” I said, my voice firm. “I don’t fuck drunk women.”

  Aster huffed. “Fine. Be a pussy.”

  “Pussy?” I laughed. “Oh, little girl, you have no idea who you’re messing with.”

  “Words words words. All words. When you speak, I hear blah blah blah.”

  In a quick move, I wrapped a hand around her throat, forcing her to look at me.

  She gasped.

  “I will fuck that sass out of you. Even if it’s just for one night, I will fuck you so damn hard, you will never forget me. All you will think about is my cock. You will crave it. You will dream about it. You will remember the taste on your tongue. My dick will be the only thing that can curb that dark desire inside of you.” I crushed my mouth to hers, swallowing her cry. “And don’t you fucking forget it.”

  Chapter 4


  What did he want with me? Why did he feel the need to dominate and control me? And why did I want to succumb to his dark demands?

  Roux was everything Killian was not. Although Killian had a rough side to him, he was more selfish. Taking only from me what he wanted and never giving anything in return.

  With Roux, my best friend for as long as I could remember, I knew it would be a night filled with pleasure and memories that I would never forget. No matter how hard I would try, he would always be at the back of my mind. If we had sex and went our separate ways or even just remained friends, I would treasure the moments forever.

  It had been a week since Killian left me on our wedding day. Seven days since Roux kissed the hell out of me. Twice. And so many hours since he took me out and got me drunk.