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Too Complicated, Page 7

Bethany Lopez

  “I can talk to Dillon about getting a few items from the sporting goods store,” Reardon added, and I smiled at how easily we seemed to work together.

  “Yeah, maybe some football-themed stuff for the guys, since that’s a big part of Gabe’s life, and I can get some collectibles and bookish things for the women to play into Zoey’s passion.”

  “Well,” Reardon argued, “I don’t think that stuff should just be for the girls. If I win, I’d rather have collectibles than football stuff.”

  “You’re right,” I amended. “I’ll get a mixture of stuff that the bride and groom like, and the winner can pick a gift from either side.”


  “Not that you’re going to win anyway,” I taunted with a grin. “I’m pretty good at all of those games.”

  “Oh, really?” Reardon countered. “Care to make a side bet?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something. We can do a best of five bet, whichever of us wins three out of the five games will win, and can choose what they want from the loser.”

  “An open-ended bet?” I asked, wondering what he’d want from me if he won.


  With my hands on my hips and a glare in my eyes, I said, “You’re on.”

  Reardon stuck out his hand and I shook it, then I grinned and said, “I hope you like unpacking boxes.”

  Chapter Seventeen ~ Reardon

  I’d cleared my schedule and talked Dillon and Shane into doing the same. Gabe had roped Jed into helping as well, and we’d all met the moving truck bright and early to begin unloading all of the boxes and furniture that Chloe had been keeping in storage.

  Chris was in school, and Chloe was multitasking by helping out and telling everyone where to put her things.

  I was surprised when my dad pulled up, with Gabe’s father, Zeke, in the passenger seat. I gently placed the box I’d been caring on the ground and went to greet the older men.

  “Hey, Pop, I didn’t know you were coming out,” I said as they eased out of the truck.

  “That’s because you didn’t tell me Chloe was moving in today. You know family always turns out for family,” my father chided, managing to make me feel like I did something wrong, even though I hadn’t, in the way only a father can.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think…”

  “You didn’t think us old timers could lend a hand?” my uncle prompted, cutting me off mid-explanation.

  “No, of course not,” I began, then noticed they were both grinning at me and shook my head. “Come on, there’s plenty left for you to do,” I said, then added, “I’m sure we can find something light enough for you to lift.”

  My pop laughed and clapped me on the back, then I showed them to the back of the truck and picked up the box I’d left behind. I heard the men greeting my dad and Uncle Zeke as I went inside and headed toward the office.

  “Box says books; office, right?” I asked as I passed Chloe in the hall.

  “Yup,” she replied with a smile, causing me to think again how great happiness looked on her.

  “Oh, hey, my dad and Zeke just showed up to help.”

  I caught her slight stumble, but the smile remained as she replied, “Oh, that’s sweet of them. I’ll go out and say thanks.”

  I watched her walk toward the door, hoping that she accepted the olive branch the older members of the Lewis clan were offering by being here. We all knew that things had been strained in the beginning, with everyone harboring at least a little resentment at missing out on the first twelve years of Christopher’s life, but after spending time with Chloe and getting to know her, I knew they’d all grown to love her and accept her as much as they had Zoey.

  She was an honorary Lewis now, whether she realized it or not.

  After three hours of unloading and making sure everything was in the correct room, we took a break to enjoy the pizza and beer that Chloe provided as a thank you.

  “So, six o’clock on Saturday, right?” Jed asked as he picked up another slice of pizza loaded with toppings.

  “Yeah, we’ll have dinner first, buffet style, so totally casual, then we’ll begin the tournament,” Gabe replied, tipping back his beer. “Open bar all night.”

  “Nice, what kind of games?”

  I told them what Chloe and I had decided on, explained the prizes.

  “Sounds fun, prepare to have your asses kicked,” Dillon said after I’d laid it all out.

  “You wish, Carrot Top, you know you’ve never beat Rear or I at anything,” Gabe taunted.

  “There’s a first time for everything, Jockstrap, so don’t let your guard down,” Dillon replied with a smirk. “Besides, since it’s your party, should you really be in the running to win?”

  “Of course,” Gabe said, then looked to me and Chloe for confirmation. “I get to win, right?”

  Chloe laughed and said, “Of course, everyone playing has a chance to win.”

  I smiled at the easy way she was with him now, thinking how far we’d all come since that horrible first moment at camp. It warmed my heart to know that they were able to see past all of that and recognize what great people they both were, and what great parents they were for Chris.

  “So what are the prizes?” Zeke asked, even though he and the rest of mine and my cousins’ parents had decided not to partake in the bachelor/bachelorette party activities. They’d said they’d leave it to the “young’uns”, but be out in full force for the wedding and reception. They’d also volunteered to be on call for anyone who needed a designated driver after.

  Have I mentioned how much I love my family?

  “I’m still working on them, but they’ll be great, I promise,” Chloe replied.

  “Can a date with you be one of them?” Shane asked with a wink, and I felt the sudden urge to punch him in the throat.

  Chloe just laughed and replied, “No, sorry, you have to do more than win a game to get that honor.”

  Her cocky response set the men off and the room erupted with a series of shouts.




  “She told you, Outback!”

  Chloe doubled over, she was laughing so hard.

  “That’s right, Chloe dear, know your worth,” my pop said.

  “None of these rascals are good enough for you,” Uncle Zeke added, then turned to scowl at the still-chuckling men. “Keep your eyes and paws to yourself where this one’s concerned, or you’ll be answering to me.”

  “Yes, sir,” Dillon, Jed, and Shane answered in unison, causing everyone to laugh once more.

  “Reardon?” my Uncle Zeke prodded, catching on right away that I hadn’t agreed to leave Chloe alone like the rest of them had.

  “I’m not a rascal, Uncle Zeke,” I replied earnestly. “And I know Chloe’s not a prize to be won, but a woman to be cherished.”

  Chapter Eightteen ~ Chloe

  Reardon’s words had been playing over and over in my head all week. I couldn’t stop thinking about them, and what they could mean.

  Had Zoey been right all those months ago when she thought Reardon might be interested in me?

  How do I feel about it?

  Well, I knew how I felt, because I’d been thinking about him as more than a friend lately too…

  But, is that wise?

  Is there even a possibility for it to go anywhere, or will the two of us starting something make our already odd family situation even odder?

  I was starting to drive myself crazy thinking about it, and having him walking around the bar in his jeans and his silly I’m the Best Man T-shirt wasn’t making it any easier for me to stop wondering.

  I was watching him with Gabe, both of them standing by the dart boards, waiting their turn while Dillon took his shots. Reardon was leaning casually against the wall, a perma-grin on his lips and a cold glass of draft beer in his hands. The party had been in full swing for an hour and a half,
with all of the food having been devoured about an hour ago.

  Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and since the tournament had started, and everything was handled, I was currently enjoying my first Lemontini of the night.

  “Call me crazy, but I swear you haven’t been able to take your eyes off Rear’s rear all night,” Zoey said from behind me, causing me to whirl guiltily.

  “What? No, that’s not…” I stuttered, not convincing either of us of my innocence.

  “Sure,” Zoey said with a shake of her head. “I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn about this. He likes you, you like him … Just go for it.”

  “But what if I do and it doesn’t work out?” I ask, voicing the fear that had been plaguing me since the sight of Reardon had begun to make my skin tingle. “It’s not like we could break up and never see each other again. We’re tied together too tightly; we’d be in each other’s faces all the time. Plus, we have a really good friendship growing, and I’d hate to lose that. I like him.”

  “I get what you’re saying,” my little sister said, then her face turned contemplative, and I knew she was cooking something up in that brain of hers.

  “You look super cute by the way,” I said, realizing I hadn’t really had the time to talk to her until now.

  She was wearing a floor-length maternity dress, with soft material that seemed to float around her as she moved. The rich burgundy color looked gorgeous on her.

  “Thanks,” Zoey replied absently with a wave of her hand, then her eyes focused and she narrowed her gaze on me. “I just had a great idea.”

  I braced myself and said, “Okay, what’s that?”

  “You, Chris, and Rear should come with us on our honeymoon.”

  “What? That’s a terrible idea.”

  “No, it’s perfect,” Zoey argued, her face getting that stubborn look that I knew so well. “It’s not a real honeymoon anyway, you know that. It’s work. The real honeymoon will come later, once the baby is old enough to be left with you or Gabe’s parents, and we can plan a quick getaway.”

  “Still,” I protested, “it’s your honeymoon. The trip you and Gabe are going on the week after you get married. You don’t invite people along…”

  “It’s Comic Con, Chlo, not Jamaica; it’s a totally different vibe.”

  Zoey’s last business engagement before having the baby was Comic Con, where she’d be on a panel speaking about Zombie Girl, as well as signing her other books. Gabe had encouraged her to do it, even though it was taking the place of their honeymoon, but only after she promised to let him plan a real honeymoon after the baby was born. Knowing she needed to garner hype for her upcoming book, and she’d be out of commission for a while, Zoey had agreed.

  “I still don’t think…”

  “C’mon,” Zoey said, widening her eyes and pouting those lips at me. “Chris and Reardon would have the time of their lives, and you guys could keep Gabe company while I’m working.” She put her hands on my arms and squeezed as she used the big guns, “Plus, I’ll let you dress me the entire trip, and let you tell Reardon that he gets to go to Comic Con.”

  I bit my lip.

  Damn, she knows just how to get to me. Zoey was a beautiful woman who couldn’t care less about her appearance, and she knew how important I thought it was that she looked professional when she did these work events. And, it would be awesome to see the look on Reardon’s face when he heard we were going to Comic Con.

  He’d totally geek out.

  “You sure do play dirty,” I said, trying to glare at her, but unable to pull it off.

  “I know,” she admitted with a smile. “Say you’ll do it.”

  “Don’t you need to talk to Gabe or something? It’s his honeymoon too, you know.”

  Zoey waved her hand and answered, “Oh, he won’t care.”

  “I won’t say yes unless he’s on board,” I said, needing to put my foot down about something, so I didn’t feel totally railroaded.

  “Fine, I’ll ask him, but I’m holding you to it if he says yes.”

  I stuck my tongue out at her in response, but she just laughed and skipped away, happy she’d gotten her way.

  “Chloe, you’re up for Jenga,” Jasmine called as she stood up from her spot at the table.

  “Who won?” I asked.

  She tilted her head toward the board, where Serena was writing her name on the board as the winner of their matchup.

  “That’s okay, I won my heat in darts and I’m up against Jed in pool. I’m pretty sure I can distract him enough to take the win. He won’t even know what hit him,” Jazzy said with a wicked smile, causing me to laugh.

  “Good luck,” I said.

  “You too,” she replied before sauntering off.

  “You ready?” Shane asked as he set up the Jenga tower.

  “Prepare to lose, my friend,” I said as I took my seat.

  “Side bet?” Shane asked.

  “What are the stakes?”

  “If I win, we get that coffee we talked about.”

  Figuring it was a simple enough request, and never being one to back down from a bet, I replied, “You’re on. And, if I win, you’ll come over and mount all of my TVs.”

  I smirked, thinking I was smart in taking all of these bets that would result in manual labor, but I quickly realized my mistake.

  Shane’s smile widened as he replied, “Baby, win or lose, I’ll mount anything you’d like.”

  Oh, boy.

  Chapter Nineteen ~ Reardon

  Nothing better than a night of games, drinks, and great conversation with family and friends. Most of the guests had left for the night, some walking, some stumbling, but all with safe rides home.

  “I couldn’t have asked for a better party. Thanks, Rear,” Gabe said with a smile as he gathered his exhausted bride-to-be into his arms.

  “You guys did most of the planning, we just executed,” I replied, then tilted my head toward Zoey. “Looks like someone needs a bed, STAT!”

  “Yes … bed,” Zoey practically moaned.

  Gabe chuckled.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll tuck you in, rub your feet, and let you sleep in tomorrow.”

  “Have I told you how much I love you?” Zoey asked, the sweetness of her tone making my insides tighten with yearning.

  “I can never hear it enough,” my cousin replied.

  Unable to take it anymore, I said, “All right, you two, get out of here before you make me puke up all this good beer.”

  “Bye, Chloe!” Gabe shouted.

  Chloe came out from behind the bar where she’d been throwing stuff away. Even though I knew she had to be dead on her feet, she still looked amazing. In heels, skinny jeans, and a tank top, her hair up in some sort of braided ‘do, she somehow still managed to look fresh and beautiful.

  “You guys heading out?” she asked as she approached the three of us.

  “Yeah,” Gabe replied. “This one’s exhausted.” Then, he surprised the hell out of her when his free arm came out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her in for a group hug. “Thanks for everything.”

  I could see the shock, and what I swore was pleasure, on Chloe’s face when she pulled away and replied, “Anytime,” her voice rough with emotion.

  We said our goodbyes, then Chloe and I worked with the remaining staff to put the bar back to rights.

  Once everything was good to go, I let the staff go home, with the promise to lock up as we left.

  I walked around the bar, front and back of the house, making sure everything was in its place, turning off the lights as I went. After I locked the front, I headed to where Chloe was boxing up the Jenga game.

  “We’ll go out the back. Are you parked out front?”

  Chloe nodded, then sighed, a small smile on her lips as she brought her tired eyes to mine.

  “It was a great night.”

  “Yeah, doesn’t get much better.”

  “We’re a good team,” she added, and I swear to Christ,
my heart lurched at her words.

  “The best,” I agreed, trying to keep things light. “Have you checked the board?”

  I grinned as Chloe’s head swung to the left, then back to me, and stuck her tongue out. She was cute at three in the morning.

  “What do you want?” she asked warily.

  “I don’t know yet,” I replied, thinking it might be fun to keep her on her toes for a while. “I’ll let you know when I do.”

  “Hmmm,” Chloe replied, setting the game down and taking a step closer to me, her eyes on my face.

  I felt them on me, and my body reacted as if she were physically touching me. I suddenly felt too hot, and my breathing deepened.

  I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I was frozen in place, unable, and unwilling, to move.

  “I’ve never seen you anything but clean shaven,” she said, finally breaking the thick silence. She raised her hand tentatively, then, almost as if in a trance, she brought her palm to my cheek and felt the stubble that had grown there.

  I closed my eyes, needing to savor every second of this unexpected caress.

  Her fingers stayed in place, but her thumb … her thumb moved as if of its own accord, gliding softly over my cheek, then my lips. My mouth opened as a surprised breath escaped me, and I knew Chloe felt the heat there when a soft whimper emitted from her throat.

  My eyes flew open, and at the next pass of her thumb, my tongue darted out, testing the waters.

  I watched as her eyes dilated and her mouth opened in surprise. Never one to pass up a gift when one was presented, I moved.

  Hands to her hips, I gripped and pulled her close. My head lowered and I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally felt those plump, delicious lips below mine. I kept one hand on her hip to steady us both, but could no more deny the other the chance to roam than I could deny myself this kiss.

  I felt the soft silk of her skin, the gorgeous curve of her breast, and the sleek toned arm, before moving to cup the back of her neck and tilting my head to deepen the kiss even more. It was like a fire had been lit within her as Chloe met me kiss for kiss, lick for lick, bite for bite.