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The Chronicles of Riddick: Ghosts of Furya

S.M. Welles


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  About the Author & Other Published Works

  Dear Readers

  The Chronicles of Riddick: Ghosts of Furya

  S.M. Welles

  Copyright 2013

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fan fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Also, the Riddick character is the sole character not created by the author. Proper credit belongs to David Twohy and all other original creators of the Riddick universe.


  Furya’s jungle acted like a moist sponge under First Sergeant Jade Waters’ combat boots as she and her squad hiked towards the nearest native community hours away. The jungle could pass for the Amazon rainforest. It flaunted massive trees, fog drifting along the chattering canopy, vibrant birdlife flashing among the vines and branches, and poisonous and sharp obstacles hindering their every step. Frogs, spiders, snakes, ants--all of that. And some plants might as well have had daggers for leaves, as her squad member Sergeant Pond found out the hard way. He now had a forearm bandaged just from brushing up against a plant that had fronds splayed like an Asian fan, pink flowers on the end, their petals also sharp. Thankfully the plant wasn’t poisonous but now Pond had the nickname “Flower Boy” slapped on him. Making fun of him for getting owned by a little pink flower would get old one year. Maybe...

  Joking aside, Waters and the four others on her team, including Pond, had their sleeves unrolled, safety glasses on, and rifles in hand. They had a more pressing issue than sharp flora, and more imminently pressing than finding out if rumors were true that something strange had occurred when the Necromongers had assaulted Furya.

  Something big was stomping towards them from behind. Something really big--bigger-than-an-elephant big. The ground rumbled with the beasts loping strides. Four feet or paws, or hooves, or whatever. Impossible to tell with the soft jungle floor. To be quite honest, she wasn’t eager to satisfy her curiosity. Sadly, the more she didn’t want to know, the closer its tromping sounded and felt.

  “Waters,” Pond, her team’s point, said, “There’s a clearing up ahead. Should we chance it?”

  She spied the extra sunlight lancing to the jungle floor. It had to be a gap sizable to a two-lane road. Maybe it was a road. Her gut didn’t like the sight of it this many miles from the nearest Furyan civilization, which they’d purposely landed far from for safety’s sake. Still, being on an alien planet, how much could she rely on gut reactions? Everything about Furya felt like a threat, especially after hearing the rumors. “Let’s see what kind of clearing it is. If it’s manmade, we take it. If not, we keep away. We still don’t know if Stompy back there is hunting us or not.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His close-cropped black hair ducked under an arch of vines and leaves. Markham, the team’s tech specialist, ducked excessively low. Spark, the squad’s sharpest shooter and shortest member, walked upright under the arch. Kenner, the tallest and bulkiest Marine Waters had ever met, ducked low and twisted so one massive shoulder led the way.

  Waters ducked her head, then checked behind her from the other side of the arch. The thundering beast was still nowhere in sight, however she could make out distant trees and branches swaying and jerking to make room for it. The clearing seemed like a great idea so they could move faster, but a horrible one in the name of too much exposure. Fire or frying pan... tough call. The squad plodded forward.

  The clearing turned out to be a wide animal path full of tracks of varying shapes and sizes. One set of four-toed tracks was big enough for three people to stand in the central imprint, and each rounded toe had a claw hole in front of it. The five Marines halted in a line parallel to the path, their rifles angled towards the ground.

  “Well damn,” Spark said unhappily.

  “At least they’re not t-rex tracks,” Markham said with a wry smile. He glanced up and down the path, then at the canopy, which was mercifully high up. The rest of the jungle felt so claustrophobic. Ample sun sparkled between the leaves a hundred feet in the air, which shone in patches on the tracks. “Feline? Canine? Something else?”

  “Something we don’t have back on Earth,” Pond said.

  “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” Markham said dryly.

  Waters said, “Worry about it later. We need to keep moving.” She glanced back again. The waving branches and trees veered at an angle, making it hard to tell if the beast was getting closer or skirting around them. “Hold on. Kenner.” She waved him closer. He closed the gap and towered next to her. “Scope the trees. Which way is it going now?”

  Kenner flipped an uneven pair of scopes over his safety glasses and began fiddling with buttons and dials on one side. His brows knit with concentration. “Might be trying to flank us. It’s moving in an arc to our position.” He lifted the scopes and looked at his handheld GPS. According to the device, Stompy would find the winding path if it stayed on the course it’d shifted to. “I don’t like this.”

  Waters said, “Let’s sit tight and see where it goes. It’s not like we can’t kill it if it grows hostile towards us.” She unconsciously patted her high-powered rifle.

  “Ma’am,” Markham said. He pointed to a huge tree just on the other side of the path. “It looks quite climbable.”

  The tree was a candy cane of vines wrapping around a trunk as wide as a hummer. She nodded to them. “Climbing gear out.” Ground still shaking, the squad shouldered their rifles and donned climbing spikes that latched to their boots and gloves, then they gingerly drew their weapons so they wouldn’t get snared in the spikes. “Spark, keep an eye on Stompy. Markham and Kenner, cover our flanks. Pond, get us there.”

  All four men barked compliance, then Pond looked both ways before cautiously stepping onto the path, his rifle leading the way with searching sweeps. The squad crossed in a tight diamond formation, their hasty steps light enough to change course on command.

  The openness gave Waters an adrenaline rush. As great as it was to have a break from all the claustrophobia, the openness made it feel like all eyes in the jungle had started looking their way as wildlife grew quieter. Goosebumps formed on her arms.

  They made it to the gargantuan tree with Stompy still circumventing them. For all they knew, it was a gentle giant. Still, no point in taking chances.

  Pond drew a machete and hacked away the sharp bushes skirting the tree, working with methodical urgency, but it didn’t feel fast enough. The beast’s strides were thumping as fast as Waters’ pounding heart. Once the trunk was clear and sporting a few nicks, Pond shouldered his rifle and shook out his hands.

  His bandage stood out as he reached for purchase, still tightly wrapped and free of bloodstains. The gel holding his gashes closed had done its job. But... could the smell of blood seep through all that? One drop enough to catch a predator’s attention? Then again, maybe blood didn’t matter. Waters sniffed an underarm and the smell of baby powder deodorant filled her nose. Oh, god. Had they left an alluring scent trail just by being alien to Furya? She bit back he
r desire to urge Pond to climb faster as she watched his careful movements.

  Markham ascended second with Kenner right behind him. Spark hopped onto the tree after Kenner, and kept one hand near his rifle at all times. The sight brought Waters some comfort as she followed the sharpshooter up the trunk. She gave him a little extra space in case he needed to fire over her auburn head.

  The swishing of branches fell silent but the thundering ground continued without faltering. The beast must’ve found the path. Everyone checked below, but saw nothing and continued climbing a little faster. Waters tuned out the stomping and focused on the climb so her fingers wouldn’t stiffen with fright. Stompy was definitely getting closer, and he’d picked up the pace. Just great.

  Sixty feet into the air, Pond climbed onto a branch as thick as one of Kenner’s massive legs. Markham shimmied past him, then sprawled out and aimed his rifle at the path. Kenner took the branch opposite them, Spark climbed a tier higher, and Waters stationed herself against the trunk on Kenner’s branch.

  The five of them could hear themselves gasping for breath as all wildlife fell silent.

  Spark exclaimed, “Hey, there’s a kid up here!”

  Before Waters could look up, movement below drew her attention. It was the beast. Its steps made the trees vibrate and leaves shiver. Trusting Spark, Waters shouldered her rifle and clung to the trunk. The beast looked like a giant grizzly bear, but with a long, pointed snout, along with pointed ears that drew back along a head the size of a car.

  Kenner said, “That’s one big-ass fucking bear.”

  “That’s not a bear,” Pond said.

  “No shit, Sherlock, but that’s what I’m calling it.”

  “Shh!” Waters held up a fist, then whispered for them to be quiet.

  Spark hoarsely whispered, “Pond, watch out!”

  The tree vibrated with the small thud of a boy no more than fifteen landing in a crouch next to Markham. The boy had a tangled head of dark brown hair that fell past his lean shoulders, and wore patched-together animal hides protecting everything but his feet like a ragged, filthy toga with sleeves, the bottom halves of the sleeves missing. He’d used vines to tie down his getup around his forearms, waist, thighs, and underarms. The kid needed a bath real bad. Or new hides.

  Pond said, “Kid, what are you doing up here?”

  The kid leaned closer and narrowed his eyes, sniffed the air like a hound, then brought his nose closer to Pond’s bandage. He recoiled and bared his teeth, snarling.

  “What? Crap happens.” Pond looked at the boy a second time, then at his bandage, and then at the bear beast. His eyes widened. “Oh, god. Waters, do you--?”

  The kid shoved Pond, who fell headfirst off the branch.

  “Pond!” Waters screamed.

  Pond hugged the trunk with his legs and swung like a pendulum. Laying against the branch, Markham scooted closer and held out a hand. Pond clasped it as the kid pushed at his legs. Pond and Markham yelled at him to stop, and Markham leveled his rifle at him. The kid ignored the gun and continued trying to push Pond to his death.

  Pond aimed a kick and swung with a grunt. The kid dropped onto the branch, clutching his groin. Markham helped hoist Pond up and behind him, then steadied his rifle with both hands. “What the hell’s your problem, kid?”

  The tree shook violently, startling everyone. The bear beast stood on its hind legs with its front paws halfway up, and it stared at them, pointed ears pricked forward.

  “That’s one big-ass trophy,” Spark said.

  Waters said, “You’re not stinking up my ship with its head even if it could fit!”

  Kenner said, “Just take a picture and a few fangs.”

  “It’ll have to do,” Spark said solemnly.

  “Will you open fire already?” Water said. “Everyone else save your ammo just in case.”

  The bear reared back, then came down on the trunk with its multi-ton weight as Spark fired two armor-piercing shots. Everyone cried out as the tree swayed like a sapling in a hurricane. The bear turned its head and let out a deep roar that made Waters’ chest vibrate. Huge fangs filled its maw. Spark sent two more bullets down its throat, cutting the roar off. The tree swayed back but not quite upright and the bear reared and bashed the tree again. A series of wooden cracks sounding like exploding fireworks rang through the air. The tree swayed, stopped for a moment, then slowly resumed teetering as more roots cracked and snapped. The trunk rammed into another tree as its branches clawed through foliage, then twisted around its obstacle and gained momentum as it continued falling.

  Waters glanced at the kid, who was watching the ground rush up to meet them. “Kenner, secure the Furyan kid.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Kenner jumped over Waters and latched onto the trunk like a squirrel. The kid gave him a cursory glance.

  Waters jumped onto the relative safety of the trunk as well, then waved Markham and Pond over. Kenner held out a hand, but the kid only looked at it.

  Markham yelled, “Move, kid!” He grabbed the kid under the shoulders and hefted him to Kenner, who clamped him to his chest. The kid struggled to break free, but fell still when Kenner barked at him to stop so loud that Waters flinched.

  Kenner said, “God, this kid stinks.”

  The tree was feeling pretty darn horizontal by the time Markham and Pond scrambled onto the trunk. The tree hit the ground with a deep boom. The rebound slapped everyone as if they’d belly flopped onto cement, and they would’ve gone airborne if it hadn’t been for their climbing gear. They bounced with the tree a few more times, then all of them lay still, groaning and panting.

  Waters wanted to get up. The bear was still around. However, the wind had been knocked out of her and she’d clocked her head the first time the trunk hit the ground. She lay there and let the waves of pain pass, hoping the bear would give them at least a one-minute reprieve.

  No dice.

  The ground vibrating with loping thunder, the bear beast bore down on them with a deadly glare, blood dribbling from one beady eye.

  Spark lurched to his feet and winced as he took aim from atop the trunk. He gritted his teeth, sucked in a deep breath, and his weapon stilled. Waters rolled onto her back and took aim as well. Together they let fly several rounds into the bear’s face.

  The bear veered away and ground to a halt. It shook its massive head and pawed at its face.

  The rest of the squad pushed to their feet, wincing as they clutched their chests or faces. Kenner held the Furyan kid in a headlock, who watched the bear with... interest. No fear; just interest. How many of these beasts had he come across in his lifetime?

  Waters said, “Defensive formation around Kenner and the kid.”

  Markham said, “If it’s smart, it’ll think we’re too much work to make a meal of us.”

  “We’ve shot it a dozen times and it hasn’t run off yet,” Spark said. “How smart do you think it is?”


  The bear perked its ears towards their voices. It turned on them and let out an angry roar that hurt their ears, then barreled forward.

  Four of them fired round after round but it felt like they were shooting at a tank. All of them scattered right before the bear plowed through. It snapped at where they’d been standing and swiped with paws big enough to send a tank rolling, clipping Kenner and the kid. They went flying and disappeared into the brush.

  “Kenner!” Waters yelled. She gave them three seconds to pop into view. “Pond, find and cover them!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “The bear turned on Waters and came at her teeth first. She dived forward, somersaulted to her feet, and fired at the underside of its jaw. The bear backed up, stumbled over the fallen tree, and shook its head. Blood sprinkled everywhere. Spark fired more rounds and the bear continued to back off.

  Pond said, “Waters, I found them!”

  “Hold your fire!” The bear paused and Spark stopped firing. They needed something more effective to attack with. Waters p
ulled out a sticky frag from a belt pouch and held it up. “Boom time.”

  Spark grinned at her as he shouldered his rifle.

  “Markham, boom time. Get its right. I got its left. Spark, go for the throat.” It was a risky maneuver; however, the bear was bleeding pretty bad and clumsy in its movements. Spark radiated excitement as he stood between Waters and Markham, two frags in hand. “Fire in the hole!”

  The bear turned on Waters and charged, jaws wide. Blood stained its fangs and red-tinted spittle hung from them like broken spider webs.

  “Markham, now!” Waters said. They flanked the bear as it headed straight for Spark. One massive leg stomped within reach. Her arm sunk up to her elbow in rough fur before her frag glued itself to the bear. She ran off, bounding over branches, and took cover near the fallen tree.

  Spark jumped and threw one frag like a sidearm pitcher, then spun midair and threw the other like a tennis player executing an underhand swing. He fell as his frags disappeared into the bear’s mouth, and then he disappeared under tromping paws. Waters’ stomach lurched.

  Explosions erupted from the bear’s forelegs and inside its head. The bear flinched and its head jerked back. Fur, blood, guts, and bone fragments filled the air like an exploded piñata. Hopefully this carnage would divert future predators to this location, instead everywhere the squad went once they moved off. The bear lay still.

  Chest tight, Waters ran to where she’d last seen Spark. Markham met her there, swiftly followed by Pond, Kenner, and the Furyan kid who was secured in a double arm lock. He was eyeing everyone’s rifles with a mix of awe and trepidation. Both he and Kenner looked blood-splattered but unharmed.

  The ground was widely stamped flat and splattered with gore. They called out to Spark.

  A groan came from near the fallen tree and a hand pushed through the flattened brush, no blood on the hand. Waters rushed over and pulled away vines and branches until he was able to sit up. Spark gasped for breath, yet assured everyone he was alright. He looked whole. Disheveled but whole. He just needed a moment to catch his breath and regain his bearings. Pond and Markham gave him slaps of approval on his back. Waters said, “Thank you, sir. That was an amazing act of bravery. You earned your trophy.”

  “The whole head?” he said with a wry smile.

  “Not a chance. Someone go get him his fang.” With exception of the kid, they all laughed that tension-releasing laugh that follows a moment of high stress. Pond ran off to the carcass.

  Kenner stopped laughing. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop struggling, kid?” The Furyan tried to pull his arms free, but Kenner just bore pressure on his elbows, pushing them in the direction they weren’t supposed to bend. The kid stopped but kept his wary gaze on all of them. There was intelligence in those dark eyes, like he was gauging all of them for their strengths and weaknesses as he calculated how he was going to escape.

  Waters experimentally aimed her rifle at the kid, who stiffened yet wore a glare. She lowered her weapon.

  Markham said, “I don’t think he knows what to make of laughter. He probably doesn’t like the sight of so many teeth while being held captive.”

  “So we’ve got ourselves a feral Furyan,” Kenner said unhappily. “Just great.”

  “Maybe they’re all like this,” Pond yelled to them while pulling at a fang the size of his arm. “We just don’t know.”

  “A bunch of barbarians survived a Necromonger invasion?” Spark said. “I don’t buy that. We skirted one of their beat-up civilizations. They have technology.”

  “Maybe he’s just an outcast or an orphan,” Markham said. “What’s your name, kid?”

  “I think we’ve already established that he doesn’t speak English,” Pond said. “Or any language for that matter.”

  Waters said, “Kenner release him.”

  “No disrespect, ma’am, but are you sure?”

  She nodded. “He’s already figured out what our guns do. Just look at his eyes. They’ve got an intelligent look to them.”

  Kenner let go of the kid’s arms and backed up a step. The kid stood in the middle of the squad and took in each of them. He studied the gaps between them as well. Spark got to his feet. Waters hefted her rifle but didn’t aim. The kid studied her again, making her feel like she was the first female he’d ever seen. She mentally winced. “Okay, we need to get back to the ship before we get surrounded by more bears and such. After that, we’re gonna chance flying right up to their civilization. This jungle’s just too damn dangerous. Pond, get back on point. I’ll carry the fang. Kenner, you’re in back with me. Everyone form up!” Waters marched up to the kid. “You’re coming with us whether you like it or not.” She pointed towards the animal path. “Start walking.” She was almost positive the kid didn’t understand a word any of them said, but there was an intelligence about him that gave her the feeling he’d catch on quick. On top of that, she felt better when barking out orders.


  The squad marched back with the Furyan kid guarded on all sides. He moved warily but at least he behaved--well, for the most part. He was constantly taking in his surroundings. Still planning his escape? Probably. Waters wasn’t surprised. If she were in his position with his culture and language barriers, how safe and trusting would she feel? There had to be a way to put him at ease.

  Waters ordered Pond to switch places with her and told Spark to keep his stun gun at the ready. Both men complied. She walked beside the kid and made furtive eye contact. He broke away from his escape plot--or whatever was going on inside his head--and studied her with interest. Waters began to wonder if her being female would give her some leverage. She didn’t like it but executing a successful mission outranked keeping a cold distance between her and their only link to the rest of the Furyans.

  She had a sudden vision of her subordinates teasing her if this played out like a Tarzan and Jane scenario, but an unwilling Jane with an underage Tarzan. Heck, she already had an oversized fang tied to her pack. She sighed.

  The kid sighed back.

  Waters looked at him again. Did he think that was her way of saying hello or something? “What’s your name, kid?”

  “Whasser-eh, kid?” the Furyan said.

  Waters halted. So did the rest of the squad. She probably should’ve expected the response but... “We can’t stop here. Keep moving.” She and her Marines fell back in-step, forcing the kid to continue with them.

  “Keep moving,” he said in the same authoritative tone. The rest of her squad laughed.

  Pond said, “Looks like Sarge has her own mimic bird.”

  “Very funny,” she said dryly. The Furyan echoed her and the Marines laughed again.

  “Ha ha ha,” the kid said, sounding unsure. He awkwardly imitated laughter again, which generated more laughter from the squad.

  Pond said, “I think this is the first time he’s experienced laughter.”

  “Probably,” Markham said.

  “Poor kid.”

  The Furyan imitated laughter a third time, which made even Waters laugh. Everyone fell silent and the kid slipped into contemplation mode. He perked at every sound the forest made but would turn back to his thoughts right after, as if disappointed with what he heard. Maybe a minute into this repeated behavior, he perked up and stopped contemplating. “Ha ha ha.”

  Waters smiled, and so did the rest of her squad.

  The kid laughed again, which got a few laughs. He looked at all of them and kept imitating laughter every time they stopped. It was amusing at first, but soon something felt off about the situation. It was like he didn’t want there to be silence. He imitated laughter without any humor in his voice and looked at them expectantly. Waters had feeling he wasn’t doing this for his own amusement.

  And then she realized what was off. “Everyone quiet!”

  The kid considered her a moment. “Ha ha ha.”

  The men snickered.


  “Something wrong, ma’am?” Pond sa

  “Listen.” They marched on, hearing only the swishing of their boots through the brush.

  “I don’t hear anything,” Markham said.

  “Exactly,” Waters said unhappily.

  “Ha ha ha.”

  Waters leveled her rifle at the kid. “Be. Quiet.” Respectful fear played across his dark eyes. He lowered his gaze and she slowly lowered her weapon.

  “The forest fell silent when the bear got near,” Pond said.


  “At least the ground isn’t shaking this time.”

  “We just got outwitted by a kid,” Spark said, his voice dripping with humiliation.

  “Yep,” Kenner said, sounding equally humiliated.

  They continued in silence for a mile. Forest ruckus rose and fell, but overall stayed subdued. The kid sniffed the air and his demeanor suddenly changed from calm to energetic. “Rrr-d’ck!”

  “What he say?” Kenner asked.

  “Riddick?” Markham offered.

  “More like arr-dick,” Pond said.

  “Rrr-d’ck!” the kid said again.

  “Animal call?” Markham said.

  “Maybe he’s finally telling us his name,” Pond said. “Riddick.”

  “Beats calling him ‘kid,’” Kenner said.

  “Sounds fitting.”

  Waters found herself agreeing. “Hey, Riddick. Be quiet.” She raised her rifle slightly for emphasis.

  Riddick eyed the rifle, then sniffed the air and fell silent.

  The hairs on the back of Waters’ neck stood on end. All her survival and combat training screamed that they were being watched. Hunted. “Everyone on high alert.” She aimed her rifle at the jungle and strained to catch a glimpse of movement independent of the flora. Spying nothing didn’t alleviate her fear. There was something out there nearby, something the kid had been trying attract. And he hadn’t been afraid of the bear... “Spark, keep an eye on Riddick.”

  Riddick’s head turned ever so slightly. Spark spun around, rifle leading the way. A black beast the size of a tiger bowled him over before he could get a shot off, then it proceeded to knock the rest of the squad down. No one fired any shots; they were all in each other’s line of fire.

  Waters fell under a blow from one of the creature’s forepaws and got the wind knocked out of her. She sat up as she watched Riddick ride off astride the creature, which looked like a wolf that moved with feline grace. She pulled out her stun gun and fired several rounds, which looked like blue smoke rings that sparked. One shot hit Riddick square in the back. He stiffened and fell into the brush. “I got him!” she said in disbelief.

  Spark stood beside her, his own stun gun in one hand. “No you didn’t.”

  Waters brushed off the blow to her pride. The wolf thing doubled back and sniffed at its rider, then looked at the squad. It snarled.

  Pond raised his rifle.

  “Pond, don’t!” Waters shouted.

  The wolf charged and Spark stopped it with two shots from his stun gun. Its body slid to a halt mere feet in front of Kenner, who swapped out his own rifle for a stun gun.

  “Kenner, go collect Riddick.”

  Kenner grimaced. “First dibs on the shower when we get back to the ship.” He trudged off and shouldered Riddick with a grunt.

  Leaving the wolf-thing to its nap, they fell back in formation and recommenced their trek. Waters glanced back only once. The creature lay still, its silky chest rising and falling with every breath. It’d remain out cold for a solid thirty minutes, as would the kid.

  Riddick stirred and blearily opened his eyes. Kenner paused and looked over his empty shoulder.

  Pond said, “That was an unnaturally fast recovery.”

  Spark trained his stun gun on the wolf, which was still unconscious.

  Riddick looked up and called to the wolf. When it didn’t respond, he rolled off Kenner’s shoulder and hit the ground running. He bowled Spark over before he could get a shot off and stopped at the wolf’s side, sniffed, then opened an eyelid. He eyed their stun guns and slowly stood.

  Waters said, “We’re not killing your pet or taking it with us. Now get over here.” She pointed to him, waved him over with one swift jerk, then pointed at the ground in front of her. He just stood there, trying to puzzle out her words and body language. “Spark, I don’t feel like playing cat-and-mouse.”

  Spark fired his stun gun. Riddick tried to dodge the bullet-speed ring, but it hit him in his flank and he fell. Kenner collected him once more, but this time held him in an arm lock as he waited for the kid to recover.

  Riddick stirred a minute later and tensed at the sight of the sleeping wolf.

  Waters knelt by the creature, which looked like someone had spliced a tiger and black wolf together. It had a broad head like a tiger, canine ears, long thin legs, and a tail as long as its body, but tufted like a wolf’s. “It’s still alive. We didn’t kill it because you didn’t have it try to kill us.” Riddick stared blankly at her. She waved him over, then made a big show of placing a hand on the wolf’s heaving chest. “Kenner, let him go.”

  Riddick took in everyone’s positions, then cautiously drew closer and knelt by Waters and the wolf. He placed a grubby hand next to hers.

  “See? It’s still alive.”

  Riddick tried shaking it awake.

  She flung out an arm. “No!” He stopped but eyed her suspiciously. “Look, I don’t know how to get you to understand that pets aren’t allowed on space ships. We don’t have the space or the means to keep it alive or put it in cryo--why am I trying to explain myself?” She jumped to her feet. “Let’s just get back to the ship already.”


  They made it to the ship in two hours. Riddick was hesitant at first, but he eventually gave up looking back every few seconds. He called out for the wolf now and then, and sniffed the air, but he gave up that as well long before they reached the ship.

  Kenner took first dibs on showering. The rest of them followed suit as they took turns guarding a very pungent Furyan. Waters showered last, which led up to the inevitable dilemma surrounding getting Riddick clean.

  Her squad and special guest/captive awaited her at the base of the ship’s ramp. The rest of the men watched as Pond tried to teach Riddick words but he stopped at the sight of her. He swiped at whatever he’d drawn in the dirt and all of them respectfully stood at attention. “At ease.” She came to a halt in front of the kid. “So who wants to give Stinky a shower?”

  The four of them chorused, “Not it.”

  Pond said, “You should bathe him, Waters, seeing as how you’re female. I’m not putting my hands where they don’t belong.”

  She folded her arms. “Do I really have to make this an order?”

  Kenner said, “I’ll accompany you in case he puts up a fight, but that’s it.”

  “Oh, so you all want to make me the pedophile?” It was more a statement than a question.

  Markham and Pond said, “More like cougar.” They looked at each other and grinned.

  Waters sighed. “Bunch of wimps.” She marched back up the ramp. “Lemme go put on a dive suit.”