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Always Guided by Spirit, Page 2

Shirley Hessel
trust in ourselves holds us back. Fear will give us a myriad of reasons why it cannot work so we don't even try.

  Hindsight shows the validity of our guidance so one has to trust and believe. We have to know that there is an unseen force as in Star Wars. The Force is with us! To trust soul guidance is to step out in faith. It is risk taking but that's how we get from here to there. We need to believe we are guided. We need to know it. Our lighted beings are there for us but cannot help us if we refuse to trust them. It's the same as following what feels right to do or what feels happy. We are guided that way too. Only no foolishness. We must use our wisdom too. Some people feel chills up and down or get tingles when guidance is assuring them that something is right on.

  I met a lady at a church in Sedona who told me she did some sort of spiritual modality. I had never seen her before or since but I am glad I was guided to ask for an appointment with her. It was a divine encounter for sure. I didn't have a clue as to what she did but the guided meditation turned out to be wonderful. I felt bliss and union with my soul. I could hardly believe my eyes when this extremely bright light came out of my forehead and seemed to illuminate the room. It felt totally awesome and not understood but totally awesome. I was so thankful that I did not negate my guidance to see her in private. This was on my birthday in 1988 so it felt like a gift.

  Another verification that hindsight is best was when I heard about a trip to Peru. I had already been on a trip there. I felt compelled to go anyway. I could have talked myself out of it – all that money or that my ailing father would worry himself sicker. It is so easy to let money or another hold us back. As it turned out, my dad didn't even know I went. I arranged for my sister-in-law to help with that. We all find it so easy to negate our strong feelings. On that trip I had the most marvelous experience on a rock during a ceremony at Machu Picchu. It was again a soul gift I would have missed out on if I had negated my guidance.

  My many moves since my divorce took me to many states. Each one was guided but to others I looked like a nut case! I now know that when I signed up for this lifetime, I chose karmic resolution and transmutation work along with earth grid work. This was my soul work or path of soul growth and it not only aided me but earth mother and her kingdoms at the same time. I was led into spiritual healing for that reason. My many moves were for the purposes of clearing karma, of putting energy into earth and her kingdoms with love and light, and for service to others in general. This is my hindsight feeling about it as I just did and didn't know why but followed the guidance.

  My first seven years after divorcing were in Sedona, AZ, where I did my healing work and visited all the national parks and sacred sites I could get to. Each place I visited I sent energy to all kingdoms; mineral, plant, animal and human. I remember at the Alamo in San Antonio, TX, how badly my left arm hurt as I transmuted the pain lingering in one part of the place from the fighting and dying there.

  The pain left as the area was cleared. As I drove across the country many times, I would mentally send energy into the places I'd pass. We can use the mind with the heart energy to zap where we go and to pray for the highest good of all there.

  From Sedona I was guided by dreams, signs and intuition to go to New Jersey to help with my grandbabies. I never spent more than two years in one place from then on. When I knew I had to leave New Jersey after two years, it was most difficult as one gets so attached to grandchildren. Yet I realized at the same time I had to follow guidance. This commitment was a promise to myself that I either did it all the way or not at all. I had to move on. The guidance was there. It still hurt to say goodbye to family.

  I drove to Asheville, NC, to get a feel for the area before I moved there. Usually I never had that choice. I loved what I saw with those mountains so I knew that it was right for me.

  Living there brought crows into my life as they stated guiding me too. One swooped down over the trailer I was to rent as my funds were limited and care giving jobs did not pay well. I was happy to be so guided. The owner had told me to just drive out there to see it as the door was unlocked. Behind the red brick house I was to look for were three trailers so I didn't know which one. As I was ringing the doorbell on a wrong one, a crow swooped so low and then went right over to the right one and swooped over it as if it was going to hit it. Another time it was for the job I was to take. It made itself known in a way that caught my attention at the building I was to go in for an interview. Sometimes, one flew low over my head when I had made a decision as if to say it was the right one. I was fascinated at this. Even when I returned to New Jersey to spend another year with my kids after my time in North Carolina, two crows gave me a very welcome, meaningful sign. I had not even seen a crow for the first two months there. A friend had let me know how sick she was and I was so concerned for her. When two crows showed up on the garage roof that I could see from my upstairs window, I knew it was a good sign! I was so happy and my friend did get totally well.

  Moving dreams started up again after that year and I was off to Niagara Falls because of explicit guidance. I had grown up on the Niagara River and my brother and wife were still living there. This was in 1998. I spent two years there in a job where I cared for a 92 year old woman in her home. She was wracked by Alzheimer's Disease. I lived in five days a week with two off to spend in the cottage on the river. My brother and wife lived in nearby Kenmore. All during these years I continued to attend workshops and classes to further my spiritual growth and learning. We all follow this inner impetus to go and do and may not think of it as being guided. It just seems ordinary. Who would think our high self is guiding us? Do we even think about what we do? Yet the gut feeling, the inspiration or some such is guidance and proof that we do not walk through this life alone. We are always loved and cared for by our unseen ones whether we know it or not.

  Do not misunderstand because my guidance may seem so far out there. It works for everyday things.

  Most of us have responsibilities and cannot be living like a gypsy. I was told by a Havasupai medicine man in Sedona that I am of buffalo medicine. That means buffalo graze and keep moving. I thought that was fitting for me since I was born in Buffalo, NY. Guidance can help make our day so peaceful if we just ask to be guided when we get up and then follow whatever feels right to do. Of course we make our appointments and go to work so don't go overboard on this. It does make things seem to flow and work out. Yet even on the job things can flow if we but ask to be helped and guided.

  After Niagara Falls, I was led to return to the Asheville, NC, area and what seemed like a miracle to me. Wherever I went I would need a job. I walked back into my old job there of caring for a brain injured, quadriplegic boy. Synchronicity it is called which again shows how we are guided. When I first arrived in North Carolina, before I even was looking for a job, I went to visit the little boy I had cared for in the past. His care giver had just quit the day before without notice so I was immediately hired back. I do not believe in accidents but in a divine flow. I was supposed to be with him again. When we believe there is a force greater than ourselves, we open the door to this world of wonder. Things flow and we don't have to be in control or try to control our life. We let go and let God and reap the benefits.

  My time this time in North Carolina was only for about six months or less. I was visited by White Buffalo Calf Woman when a friend and I were trading healing work. I had not known who this spirit woman was when she told me her name but Native Americans would be most familiar I'm sure. She was a shadowy figure, ghost like, in a white dress and long hair who appeared right in front of my face. I heard her say, “You are going to Utah.” In shock I said, “Utah!!!???”, since I had just moved to Asheville. Surprises seemed to be the story of my life! I was happy with my work and had no intention of moving on. It's not a practical thing as I can only take what fits in my sedan. I found it too costly to mail things. I'd give away and have to get new at each location. Little did I know that events were going to happen to make me see the idea of Utah as a valid
one. By the end of 2000, my disabled one was in the hospital getting a feeding tube and not well at all. I inwardly knew the boy may not make it.

  One is not paid when they are in the hospital and I needed my salary. I was getting the strong feeling I was to go to Utah. The gal working my off hours would be better in my place as she had had experience with feeding tubes while I had not. I loaded my car while he was still in the hospital and was on my way to Kanab, UT. I knew the boy and I had a heart connection and I would be with him all the time in spirit and for his crossing over which was a month or so later.

  In Utah, I got a job at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Even though I drove cross country in January, I was blessed with good weather. I would picture my route ahead of time and golden light it and ask the angels to keep me safe. I always was. Only once did I run into a stretch of interstate weirdness. Yet prior to it I had been shown what would happen in a dream. It was a precognitive dream. I saw snow and a wash across the interstate that had rushing water and large pot holes on the other side of the wash.

  When I was on I-25 in Colorado