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Traverse Wars

Nolan Lafayette


  The Traverse or Verse for short is a region of space between two sister galaxies Solus and Signus, it also sits between the two ruling stellar empires those to epmires being the Democracys and Republics of the Federation of Independent Planets, and the monarchy of the Imperial Union. The two empires are thousands of lightyears apart but each side has ther own hyper gates they utilize for trade and travel between galaxies. There are four in total two for each faction one inner and outer areas of their respected territories. and inbetween those four sit The Verse an oddball of a solarsystem that sits horizontally due to its rough history of its creation, its star is known as white fox orbiting this star are the twin planets of Ithicus and Ethicus the seats of power for the Oligarchs and Magistrates. Other than these two systems mostly debris and remnants of space battles, and asteroids inhabit this space. Between two Empires and placed in a unlawful area of space is where our story begins!

  »Ch. 1: Fly by«

  Location: Outer Northern HyperGate

  Defensive post: Northern Fleet

  ships: Trinidad, Sovo, Feraday, and Vulcan

  formation: Diamond

  Admiral Anitolie and his fleet were to rendezvous with a single ship from The Verse, The Constantine. The Federation of Independent Planets and Verse had a shaky truce in the past firefights and melee’s broke out between the two factions, and to ease tensions both sides agreed on a cease fire and reporting system so such events didn't happen. This also allowed added security for both nations shipping and their actions against piracy which was prevalent. The Verse and F.I.P’s also collaborated on pirate hunts just in case one side needed assistance or rescue. That was Anatolie’s mission to sit tight and wait, his hands were sweatier than useuall and his coller was tighter than h’e remembered he stood 6ft one of the taller Admirals in his fleet but for “Travy” standards he was short, Citizens of the traverse were 12ft tall as a result of there star White Fox having a smaller gravitational pull than most solar systems. Anitolie was always fascinated by uncommon things even the cultures of Ithicus and Ethicus. He often thought thats why high command chose him to be the go to Admiral for the Verse he didn't have his head too deep in nationalism, and yet wasn't naive enough to not fire back at an aggressor. Anitolies thought was shattered by the onscreen communications monitor on the bridge beeped loudly reading incoming communication...”Every one quiet on the bridge !” Anitolie barked as he accepted the request. He about jumped out of his skin when he saw the mountain of a Admiral before him it was Brracus Admiral of The Constantine “Console Brracus of The Constantine here, just passing through on a pirate hunt, no need to blast each other to icicles” his voice seemed to boom through out the bridge, he appeared to be very Anitolie replied sensing the mood “ I like being warm and i like breathing warm air no permission needed here big man you are always welcome/unwelcom here depending on who has the pants on in our senate, happy hunting and enjoy your stay in F.I,P’s Space”

  Admiral Brracus promptly replied “Speaking of pants its a good thing im so tall other wise you’d see i wasn't wearing any pants...The mountain of a man laughed, “Thanks for the kind word, and happy hunting to you as well Anitolie of Tinidad” The communication was terminated shortly after. The Northern fleets diamond formation split into a two by two pattern facing inward to let the massive Constantine pass by. The Constantine was a massive two tier Battleship the Tavers fleet believed in power by size and not by numbers, Anitolie remembered from the briefing he was in earlier. The Constantine flashed its navigation strobes as it flew by the bridge of The Trinidad. The four ships of Northern fleet followed suit it was a long tradition among the two faction that kinda signified a way of waving goodbye. Both Admirals and Brracus had respect for each other, and in doing so had ensued a long era of nonaggression in this region of space. They had even been at the Truce signing a week ago. As The Constantine vanished into the black beyond Anitolie thought “He is not like most Admirals, he keeps it short to the point with no bullshit”.

  »Ch. 2: The Hunt«

  Location: Deep space Northern sector

  ships: Constantine and unknown force of 7 frigates.

  The F.I.P Ships disappeared into the expanse of space as The Constantine surged to its location via its jump drive, as the massive war ship continued Brracus couldn't help but think that Anatolie was the first of the Admirals he met from the Federation that he had actually liked, It was his and Anatolies idea to form the Cooperation Agreement between the two empires. “From enemies to benefactors with one friendship” He thought as he watched the navigation display flash “destination reached”. The Whole ship learched to a stop, with the sound of debris echoing of the hull. “Shield up!, Spears at the ready! Alert battlestations!?” he yelled as he launched out of his captains chair. The ship hummed to life as the weapon systems and power kicked in to the shields and the lights switched to an dark purple battle lighting. “Ahhh my favorite color!” Brracus thought, as Adrenalin flooded his body. Brracus was an old fashioned Admiral that felt more comfortable in battle as he did in bed. “Sir!? This ship debris appears to be Union! And the casualties floating in the darkness are sporting Union colors...” Helmsman Ergo stated. “This close to Federation Space!? Notify anatolie! Some one has pants'd a recon fleet close to they're gate we could have a Interstellar shit storm on our hands!” Helmsman began punching a message at his console...”My exact words Ergo!” no diplomatic circle Jerking. Ergo nodded and continued typing away. Minutes later The Constantine's Jump detection alarm blared in its deep voice. “Allright! Now the great mystery!” Brracus stated as he clapped and rubbed his hands together. Ergo looked back as if Brracus was mad...”We have incoming...weapons fire before they have jumped here! How is that possible! And we are also reading 7 frigates with no identifiers!”. Brracus took this news as a inconvenience “Fascinating! But sadly for these slobs they have only angered a very very large bear”. Laser bolts began striking the shields of the Constantine which could be audible to the crew with the sound of “whump whump whump” next followed the thuds of Kinetic rails against her hull as Loud bangs. Ergo and the rest of the bridge staff winced at every sound of the assault. “Sir we have there predicted jump positions on screen!” Ergo smashed a button on his computer and showed the predicted positioning of the ships on the bridge window. “Spin up all we have Ergo these poor bastards are walking right into a head shot...” Braccus stated as he typed in the code that unlocked the weapons platforms on The Constantine “Have a ball!” he stated. The Ship roared to life as 20mm gausse rotary guns lit up the darkness, with the oddly comforting “WhhhhrrrrRrrrrr” noise they made, followed by the hum and blast of Constantine's rail gun turrets. The 7 enemy ships dropped out into utter slaughter the first three that arrived took critical hits to their bridges and fronts the volley of fire power tore through there hulls igniting what ever munitions and engine fuel they had. Braccus braced for the shock and squinted his eyes in the resulting chaos. The Remaining 4 ships arrived in the realization that they were not raiding a harmless merchant convoy or diplomatic fleet one of them even turned about in a hopeless attempt to escape as the Kenetic rods impacted through its engines and warp drive causing a rupture mid ship and jumping its whole midsection to a part of unknown space. The remaining three broke off individually to engage the massive Constantine in the hopes that her fire power would have to take them on one on one. Brracus smiled as he stated “Well I give them an A for effort, lock on and target with our cruise missiles..” Ergo interrupted the Admiral “no need to launch fighters sir?” Brracus replied

  “This is child's play, but this prefire jump technology is a concern in the right hands it could be deadly and could turn the balance of power in the whole hourglass galaxy”. The Hull of the Co
nstantine took additional hits on the shield and hull, as the deep roar of missile fire dissipated in the distance with the sound of each of the remaining missiles impacting and destroying the three remaining ships. Ergo flinched as he saw the chaos of the resulting missile hits “Sir shall we return to Ithicus for debriefing and leave this debris field for anitolies fleet?” Brracus cracked his back “Might as well our fleet doesnt have the man power or ship numbers to process this mess, however im sure FIPS N CHIPPS will eat this all up... and lets hope they can identify that we didnt jump and ghost the Union boy's..” Ergo plotted course as the massive war ship turned about and started its long jump home.

  »Ch. 3: «

  Location: Traverse Northern Diplomatic station

  Ship:The Empress

  Voidra Ladamae never lost the habit of going to diplomatic functions with out her power armor on she found diplomatic functions bad for her heath considering there had been seven attempts on her life four by assassins three from Grand Verse council members. She preferred to be out eating pirates for breakfast as she stepped in and strapped on the last pieces of her power armor she glanced at her Lasnum50 unholstered it and checked its cell “Oh!? At full functionality and ready to fry” she aimed at her self in the mirror her short platinum hair caught shined in the light of her Captains quarters. “This armor makes me look a bit “Thick” she chuckled at her own thought Still lookin good sister!” she holstered the Lasnum50 powered up her armor and headed out of her quarters past the bridge to the air lock. Brracus Entered through the station air lock “Here we go....the circle jerk I fucking hate politicians and diplomats..” he let out a deep sigh. Ergo followed in after Brracus almost bumping into the admiral reading his Iwrist. “Scuse be boys... “ Brracus and Ergo turned around Brracus under his breath “I swear to White Fox if this is another politician I will murder them on the spot” Brracus eyes widened as he heard her say “That makes two of us....hey maybe we should set some thermo's on the Power cores and send em all to hell”. Brracus was stunned to see Voidra soon to be Oilgarch and notorious Admiral, “Well Miss Ladamae not after I slow roast them by turning the air composition to 90% oxygen” They both roared with laughter “Hahah well good luck on the promotion, hope they don't bench you, driving a desk is a fate far worse than death..” Brracus stated has he rubbed his eyes. “Well I see my reputation proceeds me I captain The Empress, send me a private comms later we'll blow this station into atoms, for now I have a “circle jerk” to get too..” she saluted Brracus and Brracus saluted back “make sure you use plenty lubricants!”. She continued down the opposite corridor and peeked over her shoulder to see Brracus disappear in the distance “Brracus huh!? She recalled seeing his rank and name on his uniform ill be bumping into you later I presume..”.

  »Ch. 4: «

  Location: Inner Hypergate Imperial Union Space

  Ship:The Centurion

  The Reports of The Emperor's assassination struck the hearts of the crew, with most of his loyalists were dead or in hiding. Imperitor Wallstead was third inline to the throne his ship damaged and his crew looking to escape and live he thought to him self “Bleak times for the Union indeed, Since we are dead if we fight and executed if we surrender lets jump from the in nmost gate of Imperial space to the outer F.I.P.'s Hypergate. Wreckage and debris were scattered allover the battle space and the Hypergate, the Insurrectionist fleet were playing mop up with the remaining Loyalist surviving fleet. The Centurions display showed one ship defending the Hypergate, The Ebon Justicar “Wallstead knew this ship from the news reports it was the exact one that attacked the Capital world of Brighton I Killing the Emperor and thousands of civilians attending the speech. Wallstead's blood boiled “IF WE ARE TO DIE LET IT BE IN GLORY!”. He punched in the jump sequence for the hypergate and his helms men nodded at him and set the throttle to full. Wallstead punched in a pass phrase into his ships console bright words flashed on the bridge “Hydrogen Cannon enabled”. “Helms man Grifth fire the prototype! Fuck it!” He shouted as his hands impacted his console. “Sir its still expirimen....” Wallstead gave the helmsman a look that could murder ten men...”Yes sir! Firing sequence started!”. The bridge lights flickered and the consoles did not respond for a few seconds as the power of the ship diverted to the weapon. A loud hum began to reverberate through our the ship then with out warning the Hydrogen Cannon fired the whole bridge crew winced at the massive light of the weapons beam. The beam charged forward from its barrel and collided with the Ebon Justicar midship and as The Centurion approached the beam seemed to melt through more and more of the ship. The Cannon stopped firing and the beam cut away to leave a once whole Ebon Justicar in two halves, The Centurion tore through the once whole ship and jumped through the Hypergate in a flash.

  »Ch. 5: «

  Location: Traverse Northern Diplomatic station

  Voidra was lost in thought when the Alarm for Incoming Jump blared station wide, The Announcement system kicked in and stated “Foreign jump detected Signature Imperial Union”. The Travers fleet had a action first priority which meant The Empress and The Constantine were it but since The Constantine was in for repairs and not at full capacity, she rounded the corner and slapped Brracus on the ass as she passed You are riding cow girl with me big boy and helmsman Ergo. Admiral Brracus couldn't belive how much ass she was hauling in power armor, he also couldnt believe how fine her ass was running “When in Rome!” He started booking it with Ergo in toe “Fuck we actually have to run, this is why I signed up for fleet to not run!” he kept up breathing as if he had already ran a marathon.