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Unite or Die

M.E. Brines

Join or Die

  By M.E. Brines


  Copyright 2013 by M.E. Brines


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  Join or Die!

  In 1754 Benjamin Franklin produced the political cartoon that decorates the cover demonstrating the various states must unite in the face of a common threat or be cut to pieces. This applies to the anti-progressive opposition in modern America. To paraphrase Franklin:

  "The confidence of the [Obama Administration] in this undertaking seems well-grounded on the present disunited state of the opposition, and the extreme difficulty of bringing so many different groups to agree in any speedy and effectual measures for our common defense and security; while our enemies have the very great advantage of being under one direction, with one council, and one purse….”

  The Progressive enemies of the constitution, the free market, individual liberty and every other thing Western Civilization stands for are few in number. The vast majority of Americans do not agree with them or their end goals. This is deliberate. The public discussion is never about what the end goal of all these ‘reforms” is, but of the perfidy and wickedness of the Republicans to oppose them. The issue is framed as “Why do the Republicans want dirty air and dirty water and for children to go hungry” not “will this new program actually make the air and water clean and feed children.”

  Gun control measures (or gun “safety” as it is now known) that will not reduce murders (and generally increase crime rates) are pushed as a “public safety” issue. Those who oppose them want more people to die. Something MUST be done! It doesn’t matter that the laws disarm the law abiding and do nothing to stop criminals that existing laws don’t do already. But that is the point: to disarm the mass of the citizenry, leaving the Progressive “ruling class” with a monopoly on weapons. But this is never openly stated.

  The problem is the Progressives are such expert liars many people don’t understand their real goals. The whole public debate doesn’t mention those at all. It’s all about the villainy of the opposition.

  Progressives employ divide and conquer as their main weapon. Instead of pitting the maybe 20% of the population who agree with them in the desirability of a Marxist state against the rest of the population – surely a losing proposition– Progressives divide the opposition into tiny slivers and set them fighting each other. Meanwhile their agenda rolls on unchecked.

  Gun owning homosexuals and women hate the Republicans for their stand on gay marriage and abortion.

  Republicans despise Libertarians for their stand on drug legalization.

  Libertarians despise Republicans because they support a massive military-industrial complex.

  Anti-war democrats hate Republicans because of the Patriot Act and its assaults on individual liberty.

  Christian Republicans don’t help Mormon Republican candidates even though they believe exactly the same except on Sunday morning.

  Liberty-loving Hispanics don’t vote for like-minded Republicans because Republicans don’t campaign on liberty, they campaign on kicking Illegals out of the country.

  And everybody dumps on the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Most of them just want freedom from the fascistic combination of and powerful government linked incestuously with big corporations through Progressive politicians in both parties. Deceived by their Democratic puppet masters, they protest Progressive Republicans but are blind to the actions of Progressives in the other party.

  If we want to stop the Progressive juggernaut, we need to lay aside our differences and cling to what unites us.

  Social Conservatives need to stop talking about abortion. If we returned to being a federal republic rather than the centralized dictatorship we are becoming, that issue would be resolved at the state level where it belongs. In the meantime, all it does is provide ammunition for our mutual Progressive enemy to get people riled up who otherwise would side with us.

  I do not mean compromise. I don’t say this in the same spirit as the RINOs in the Republican Party. (Republicans in Name Only, or as I prefer to call them, the fifth column Progressive traitors in sheep’s clothing that have lied to and betrayed the American people since 1964.) RINOs want compromise, by which they mean, surrender to the Progressive dictates. I’m not saying that.

  I’m saying we stand on principles, but on a narrow set on which everyone can agree: constitutional limited government, states rights and individual liberty. That’s it. Nothing else. Anything more just plays into Progressive hands.

  These are exactly the core issues Conservatives, Libertarians and even a lot of old-style Democrats agree. The majority of the American public supports these. It’s when you start talking the fine points that they begin to disagree. Progressives know this and milk it for all it’s worth. They want us to fight each other so they can fundamentally transform America.

  Libertarians should have learned in the last 40 years that once they switch from talking about individual liberty to talking drug legalization and privatizing the local police department, other people start treating them like lunatics.

  I’m not telling Libertarians not to believe in liberty. I’m saying talk about what unites us. Don’t start to ramble about things most other people do not want. Progressives will turn the conversation from individual liberty to paint Libertarians as dangerous dope-smoking anarchists. You will never accomplish any of your goals if the Progressives win. It’s absurd to talk about a non-interventionist foreign policy or drug legalization while Progressives transform the country into a socialist dictatorship.

  The same goes for social conservatives and abortion. Just drop the issue. When the media tries to bait you about whether you believe in a woman’s right to choose, twist the question (like Progressives used to when faced by one of the few non-Progressive reporters.)

  “Yes, I believe in a woman’s right to choose whether she wants to buy health insurance or not. Yes, I believe in a woman’s right to choose to defend herself with a gun. Yes, I believe in a woman’s right to choose for herself whether or not she wants to have a 32-ounce soda or eat trans-fats.”

  The Progressive leadership doesn’t really care about minorities. (If you doubt this read some of the founder of Planned Parenthoods remarks about Blacks.) They just want to keep them dependant and on the dole, ensuring they vote for the hand that feeds them. Their goal isn’t their empowerment it’s enslavement. We need to change “entitlement reform” to “tough love.” By calling it “entitlement” we lose the debate before it even starts. If they’re “entitled” to these payments, what gives us the right to reduce or eliminate them? They’re not entitlements. Call it what it is: government slavery.

  You agree not to work and we’ll pay you unemployment.

  You agree to have babies out of wedlock and we’ll pay you welfare.

  You agree not to pay your own medical bills and we’ll give you Medicare.

  You agree not to contribute to society and we’ll make sure you have food stamps.

  Social Security is structured so that the more you make in retirement the less they pay you. So don’t work.

  You agree to do what we tell you and we’ll take care of you. Just keep voting for Big Brother and he’ll keep paying your bills.

  How is this any different than being a slave on an antebellum plantation? (Except for the part where they don’t even have to work except on Election Day.)

  Be an adult. Stand on your own two feet. Stop being a parasite. Contribute to society. Stop letting the Progressives treat you like a slave, their slave.

  This, of course, will never convince the people who’ve sold out to change their ways. But it changes the debate from being about hard-hearted conservatives who want to see women abused and children to go hungry to the issue of being a respon
sible adult that contributes to society.

  And the Progressive leadership doesn’t care about homosexuals either. They never cared about marriage. They’re the ones who made no-fault divorce legal, causing the rate of divorce to soar. They’re the ones who do everything they can to destroy the family. They only push the gay marriage issue because they know it’ll divide the opposition. Any homosexual who might be inclined to oppose them on issues of individual liberty, or gun control or economics or taxes, are repulsed by conservatives ranting about gay marriage.

  If you truly believe in states rights, since when is marriage a federal issue? Shouldn’t that be left to the states? And furthermore, what business does any level of government have in marriage anyhow? It’s between you, your partner and your god, if any. The whole issue is tailor-made to fragment the anti-Progressives. Don’t let it.

  Just drop the whole issue. Because if you don’t, if you let them divide and conquer, you won’t just have to put up with legal abortion and gay marriage. You’ll lose everything else, too. Do you want to trade that for the bowl of pottage that’s making a stand against gay marriage? And it’ll be an empty bowl, because you won’t stop that either if you lose the constitution.

  All you anti-war Democrats who condemned Bush for invading Iraq and hate the Neo-cons like they’re the second coming of Hitler: has Obama pulled out of the Middle East? He talks a good talk but there’s more killing going on now than under Bush. You hated the Patriot Act for what it did to civil liberty. What about Obama’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that legalizes the imprisonment of Americans without charges or trial indefinitely. You can go ahead and keep hating Conservatives, but it won’t stop the Progressives. Those Neo-cons you hate are merely the Progressives in the Republican Party. Join with us and fight the enemy of the American People in BOTH parties. Join together or die.

  For as Ben Franklin said after the Declaration of Independence, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”


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