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Stalkers Secrets & Lies

Kirsty Moseley

  I sighed and slipped back inside the bar, avoiding the huge crowd that was surrounding the 'happy couple' and made my way over to Ben who was skulking in the corner shooting angry glances at Johnny and Lia.

  "Hey man" I said smiling.

  He dragged his eyes away from them to look at me, "Hey" he said sounding like he was slightly drunk already.

  "So I just saw your parents man, shit they are pissed with me" I said unsure how to really start the conversation off.

  He looked at me a little startled then nodded "Yeah, they're angry you left Ali" he said shrugging.

  I nodded "Yeah especially since I got her pregnant huh?" I said watching his face for a reaction. His eyes snapped to mine and his jaw clenched tight, he looked murderously angry and I felt my body tense ready for a fight.

  "So you did sleep with her?" Ben asked glaring at me, whoa shit, I need to be careful or he's gonna blow a gasket if I let him think I got his little sister in trouble then bailed!

  "We didn't man, she was only thirteen, she wasn't ready for that kind of relationship when I left" I said glancing over to see Lia taking to Becca, she looked uncomfortable and kept glancing at Johnny.

  "Ali told my parents it was yours" Ben said. I frowned, why the hell would he lie to me? I know that she didn't tell them that she's just had a huge row with them about it in the parking lot.

  "She did? Well who else's could it have been? Did she start going out with someone else after I left?" I asked curiously, he shifted uncomfortable from one foot to the other.

  "I don't know, she doesn't talk to me about it" he said, his eyes rested on something over my shoulder and a small smile spread across his face.

  I felt someone touch my shoulder, I turned to see Lia standing there looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. "Ethan, wanna dance?" she asked nervously.

  Ben stepped forward with an angry smile "I'll dance Ali, maybe we need to talk" he said raising his eyebrow at her. She immediately looked at the floor and gripped my hand tight, what the hell is this about? She almost looked scared of Ben.

  I put my hand up on Ben's chest, "Maybe Lia and I could talk first man" I said smiling a friendly smile, he shook his head and stepped towards her again, her hand tightened on mine. She is really scared of him.

  "I think I need to talk to my little sister" he said angrily.

  I pulled Lia behind me, "Maybe later then bud, the lady asked me to dance" I said sternly as I turned and pushed her ahead of me lightly to the dance floor. When we got to the far side of the floor she turned to me and put her arms around me as we started slow dancing.

  "Please just leave this alone, don't talk to Ben about it please" she begged.

  I rubbed my hand down her back soothingly, she was trembling from head to toe. "Tell me what the hell is going on with your family because this just all seems fucked up to me Lia" I admitted shaking my head.

  She frowned "It is fucked up, but that doesn't make it any of your business! I'm sorry you got dragged into all of this, I told them it wasn't yours but they refused to believe me, there's nothing else I can do" she said looking like she was trying hard not to cry.

  "Who's was it?" I asked needing to know who the hell stole my girl when I had only just left.

  She shook her head, "Just leave it Ethan ok, I don't want to talk about it, I'm sorry you got involved, I am, but please, I can't have Johnny find out about this, he doesn't know anything about this at all" she said almost pleadingly.

  Jeez she hasn't even told him she was pregnant before but yet she wants to marry the guy? "Why haven't you ever told him?" I asked confused, I thought if you were in a serious relationship you told each other everything.

  "Because he'd go crazy, I told Johnny I was a virgin, he thinks he was my first, I can't very well go back and tell him now could I?" she asked sarcastically.

  I frowned "Why the hell did you tell him that? I mean surely if he liked you he wouldn't care if you'd been with someone else or not" I said honestly. I know that wouldn't have bothered me.

  She looked around nervously, "Please Ethan, I can't lose him, I need him please" she said giving me the begging face that I could never resist.

  I sighed "You said outside you didn't want to tell me because I wouldn't believe you, I promise Lia I'll believe you, I promise please tell me" I begged, God I could see how much pain she was in, but I had no clue as to why.

  "Thank you Ethan, but everything's fine, just please leave this alone, thank you for standing up for me to my Dad, I appreciate it" she said smiling at me gratefully, God of course I would protect her.

  "Anytime" I mumbled as she pulled out of my arms and walked quickly away to Johnny making my heart ache.

  I walked back to the bar and went and stood there watching her dance with Johnny and talk to her friends. By the end of the night I decided that I couldn't let it go, I know she asked me to but I just couldn't see her upset like that again. She obviously didn't feel close enough to Johnny to tell him the truth which made me feel ten times better. If mean she doesn't love the guy enough to tell him she got pregnant maybe I did have a shot after all, the only thing was she didn't trust me enough to tell me either which was a huge problem.

  I'd wait until we were on her own and I would talk to her about it and make it clear that I wouldn't give up until I knew the truth. Maybe I'd get some time tomorrow, if not then I'd make time.


  I kept my gaze away from Ethan all night, I knew he was watching me and so was Ben. I made sure I wasn't on my own at all and stuck myself to either Johnny or Becca all night. Ben was angry with me I think for getting engaged, he was going to be crazy mad when he found out I was moving in with Johnny. At about eleven I saw Johnny skulk off to the toilet with Tyson looking a little sheepish. Great, well that's just great, so much for staying clean like he promised.

  I stormed off to the bar and ordered two shots downing them both quickly, if he was going to be rough tonight then I was planning on being wasted so it didn't hurt. Just as I was about to knock back another two someone touched my back. I jumped a mile thinking it was Ben, it wasn't it was Ethan.

  "Hey, everything ok?" he asked leaning in close so I could hear him over the music, I could feel his breath blowing across my shoulders making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Damn it how did he still have this power over me? He broke my damn heart into a million pieces but I just can't stop loving him, what the hell is up with that?

  "Everything's fine, how's your night going?" I asked leaning away slightly, I could smell his cologne and it was driving me crazy. Oh God why the hell can't I feel like this about my fiancée?

  Wow I'm such a bitch! Why the hell would I agree to marry someone when I'm clearly still in love with my ex-boyfriend?

  "It's been interesting" he said looking at me a little sadly, I gulped, oh God please let this go, please don't ask me! I could feel my resistance fading fast, if he kept asking I would tell him I could feel it, then he woudn't believe me, and he'd get that disapproving look in his eyes every time he looked at me just like my parents, and I can't see that look in Ethan's eyes. Seeing that look in his eyes would kill me and crush me inside, I didn't ever want him to know.

  I saw Johnny stagger out of the toilets laughing with Tyson leaning against the wall a big goofy smile on his face. "Is he high again?" Ethan asked following my gaze to Johnny.

  I nodded "Looks like it, he promised me he wouldn't" I said quietly willing myself not to cry. I know it's not Johnny's fault he obviously couldn't help himself and needed help to come off of it, I knew he would find it hard to resist if his friends were doing it in front of him.

  I sighed and grabbed my other shot downing it quickly ordering two more. "Whoa there Lia, seriously are you trying to make yourself sick?" Ethan joked.

  I smiled, "I don't get sick, want one?" I offered passing him one of my glasses.

  He shook his head "I'm driving" he said pushing it back to me.

  Johnny's parents came ov
er, "Ali sweetie we're now going, make that boy of mine bring you over soon, we don't see enough of you two" Mary said as she pulled me in for a hug.

  I hugged her tightly, God I loved his parents so much, "I will, and maybe you could come over for dinner or something next weekend?" I offered, she nodded and I hugged Pete.

  "Bye hon, and congratulations" he said happily.

  "Thanks Pete" I said smiling, I watched them walk out of the door, and looked back to Johnny who was now sitting on the table across the bar looking completely stoned.

  People were starting to leave, I said bye to them all and made my way over to Johnny. He smiled a lopsided smile at me, yep definitely high. "There she is, the love of my life, how about we hit a club?" he asked gripping my waist and pulling me tight against him.

  I shook my head, "I don't have any shoes baby, I was actually wanting to go home, you ready to go?" I asked hopefully.

  He frowned, "Come on Ali, let's make the most of it, I want to go to a club" he said annoyed.

  I shook my head "You go with your boys then baby, I'm gonna get a cab to yours and wait for you there then ok" I said kissing him lightly.

  "Ours" he corrected crashing his lips to mine again hard, when he let go I stepped back.

  "Ok ours, you go out if you want to though baby, I'll see you at home, love you" I said hoping he would just come home with me, I needed him to hold me tonight. I couldn't stop thinking about my parents and didn't want to be on my own right now.

  "Well I love you more, and I'll see you in a few hours" he said pulling out his wallet and handing me a handful of bills.

  "What's this for?" I asked trying to pass it back to him.

  "Cab" he said kissing me again, he gripped my ass tight.

  "Ready then Johnny?" Chris asked, he nodded and stood up leaning on me heavily.

  "I've got my phone if you need me, I won't be out really late, love you" he said kissing my cheek and turned to follow his boys out of the bar laughing. Ok thanks for making sure your fiancée got home ok Johnny, I appreciate the thought. I sighed and watched Max the night guard follow Johnny out of the door watching him discretely.

  I made my way over to Becca who was actually standing there having a normal friendly conversation with Ethan for a change which was strange as she still wanted to rip his balls off. "Hey guys, I'm now leaving" I said hugging Becca.

  "Ok hon, I'll speak to you tomorrow" she said hugging me back.

  "See you tomorrow Ethan" I said smiling and trying to avoid looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

  I turned to walk off, "Where's Johnny?" Ethan asked grabbing my hand stopping me from leaving.

  "He's gone to a club" I said shrugging trying not to show him it upset me that my fiancée would rather go out with his boys than come home with me on the night of our engagement.

  "How are you getting home?" he asked frowning angrily.

  "Cab" I said turning my nose up.

  "I'll drive you" he said casually.

  "Yeah? I'd like that, thanks" I said honestly, I really didn't want to be getting a cab on my own. He smiled and stepped to my side, grabbing his jacket from the bar stool wrapping it around my shoulders as he led me to the door.

  Chapter 11

  As we got to the door of the bar he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop, I looked at him curiously, what the hell are we stopping here for? He just smiled as he grabbed me lifting me off of my feet. I squealed a little shocked.

  "Ethan what are you doing?" I asked giggling breathlessly as he started carrying me bridal style across the car park.

  "You don't have any shoes, I figured you'd rather me carry you like this than me throw you over my shoulder again, besides I don't want you to throw up down my back" he said grinning at me.

  I laughed and shook my head as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He always was sweet. He carried me over and sat me on the hood of a red car while he dug in his pockets for his keys. I glanced down at what I was sitting on and gasped. It was a Ford Gran Torino. Ethan's dream car. I burst out laughing and jumped down from the hood as just as he finally fished his keys out. I snatched them out of his hand.

  "I'm driving" I announced excitedly. Ethan had promised me I could drive this if he ever got one.

  He didn't look like he was going for it, he actually looked at me like I was a little crazy. "No backing out Ethan, a promise is a promise" I said laughing excitedly. Oh Crap, maybe he didn't remember telling me that when we were younger and I've just made myself look like an idiot.

  He shook his head he was smiling now, "No way Lia, you've been drinking, I'm not letting you anywhere near my baby, actually I'm a little scared to even let you even ride in it in case you throw up" he teased. I didn't let go of the keys as he tried to take them from my hand, which made him laugh. "You're not driving tonight, another time" he said shaking his head looking really happy. I sighed and let go of the keys, fine I guess he was right, I was pretty wasted.

  "Fine, another time then. Hey you gonna drive me somewhere private so we can make out in the back seat of your dream car?" I joked waggling my eyebrows as he opened the passenger door for me.

  He burst out laughing, "Oh God Lia, I was so smooth then huh? What the hell did you see in me?" he asked laughing as he shut the door after I was in. I watched as he walked round to the drivers side. What did I see in him? I saw the same damn thing I saw in him now. I saw everything.

  He climbed in and grinned making my heart race a little. How the hell can he still have this power over me? Why can't I stop loving him? After walking away and leaving me like that, I still can't even make myself hate him. Believe me I'd tried to hate him, but I just couldn't do it.

  "You going to Johnny's?" he asked his smile fading slightly, his eyes tight for some reason, I don't think he liked Johnny much.

  "Yeah, I guess it's my home now too, can't very well go back to my parents now, that one's not gonna blow over" I said grimacing slightly. Damn it why the hell did I say that? Now that's just left another opportunity for him to ask me about it again, God I'm so stupid sometimes.

  "Yeah that was pretty bad" Ethan said sadly as he started the car and pulled out.

  I breathed a sigh of relief that he seemed to have let it go and watched the streets whiz past until we pulled into Johnny's drive. I looked up at his big house and felt like I wanted to cry. I didn't want to live here. I thought Johnny would at least stay clean for a couple of weeks but he barely lasted a day. Things weren't going to change, and now I was living here twenty four seven I didn't even get any time off from it.

  "I'll walk you in" he said as he climbed out of the car. I stepped out quickly before he could insist on carrying me to the house to save my feet. He walked silently by my side and waited while I unlocked the front door.

  "Well I'll see you tomorrow" he said smiling a little sadly. I hated to see him sad, I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hold him, tell him I still loved him and beg him to take me away from here. But he blew his chance, he didn't want me, and now I was stuck here with my life a pile of shit. I always hoped he had a good reason for doing that to me. I never thought Ethan would hurt me, ever, but he ripped my heart out and I'd never be able to fix it. I just hope it was worth it for him, I hope breaking my heart made him happy in some way.

  He turned to walk off and I felt a sob fighting to break free, I didn't want to be on my own, I needed him, I couldn't let him walk away. All I could think about was my Mom's face as she told me how disappointed she was in me, I wanted a distraction. I felt lonely and needy.

  "Ethan, want to come in for a coffee or something?" I asked hopefully as I chewed on my lip. He stopped walking and looked back at me for a couple of seconds before nodding and walking back to my side. I felt my heart skip a beat as I turned and walked into the house letting him shut the door behind him.

  I went straight to the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. "I'm just gonna go change ok?" I asked looking down at the short black dress I was wearing. He nodded, so I hea
ded upstairs to what I guess was my bedroom now. I threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and let my hair down running my fingers through it. I headed back downstairs to see Ethan had already made the coffee's, I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. Johnny would have probably just sat there and waited for me to come back and make it.

  "Hey thanks" I said as I picked it up and headed to the lounge plopping down on the sofa smiling at him as he sat down next to me.

  "So what time do you think Johnny will be back?" Ethan asked looking at his watch. I shrugged, knowing Johnny it would be early morning before he rolled home drunk as a skunk.

  "Few hours" I said casually.

  "It doesn't bother you that on the night of your engagement he didn't even see you home before he went off drinking with the guys?" Ethan asked angrily. I couldn't help but laugh, that was exactly what I was thinking earlier, well at least I'm not the only one.

  "I guess it does" I said honestly.

  "Then why the hell do you put up with that Lia? You could do so much better than him, he doesn't deserve you" he said looking at me intently.

  "We've been together a long time, he wasn't always like this, Johnny can be awesome when he sets his mind to it" I said shrugging and sipping my coffee.

  "He shouldn't have to set his mind to it, he should treat you like that all the time, I know I would" he said looking away from me. He's judging Johnny for that after what he put me through?

  "Yeah but he didn't leave me on my own and break my heart though did he?" I said sarcastically.