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The Year of Kai & Isa (Sunnyvale Series Book 4), Page 5

Jessica Sorensen

  "Be careful if you do." Jules steers into the parking lot of the laundry mat that's across the street from the coffee shop and parks. "There's a bunch of rumors about Big Doug being in some serious trouble with some dangerous people." He silences the engine then reclines back in the seat, rolling up his sleeves. "I even heard a rumor that the CIA or FBI or something like that was after him."

  My brows rise. "Really?"

  He gives a half-shrug. "Yeah, but who knows how true it is. Still … just be careful."

  I nod. "I will …" I trail off as the driver's side door to Kyler's car opens and he hops out.

  He has his workout clothes on, so I'm guessing he's eventually heading to practice. But that doesn't explain …

  "Why is he here?" I wonder, leaning forward, watching my brother glance around.

  "He looks nervous," Jules remarks.

  "He should be," I say. "But I doubt he is for the right reasons."

  Jules's lips twist into a smile. "He will be soon, though." He hitches his thumb toward the trunk. "You know, if he goes inside that coffee shop, it might be the perfect time to start step one in the plan. His car is parked out of the view of any windows and away from all the other cars … We could sneak up and plant the drugs without anyone seeing us, as long as we're careful."

  I mull over what he said. "I think you're on to something." I rest my arms on top of the dashboard. "But is he even going to go in? Because it looks like he's just standing there, waiting for something."

  "I know, but what?" Jules questions, putting on a pair of sunglasses.

  Moments later, we get our answer when Hannah's car pulls into the parking lot. She parks right beside Kyler then hops out, smoothing her hands over her blonde hair. Then she strolls up to Kyler and kisses him on the cheek.

  "You know, I really don't understand why guys like her," Jules mutters as we watch Kyler frantically peer around then grab Hannah's hand and tug her toward the entrance of the coffee shop. "She's such a bitch."

  "She definitely is," I agree. "Honestly, I'm not sure as many guys are into her as Hannah likes to believe. I'm not even sure my brother's into her." At least he doesn't look like he is now. He looks pissed off and tense as he ushers her into the coffee shop.

  Once they're out of sight, Jules and I hop out of the car.

  I put on a pair of sunglasses as I meet Jules at the trunk. He pops it open and lifts out part of the floor, revealing a secret compartment.

  "Do I even want to know why you have that in there?" I remark as he grabs a small bag out of it.

  He cracks an amused smile as he shuts the trunk. "I think you've known me long enough that you get that sometimes things are better left unsaid."

  I nod in agreement. He's right. Like Big Doug, Jules has done some sketchy stuff. Not that I know all the specifics, but I know enough, especially since he's carrying a bag with steroids in it right now. Plus, we've stolen a car together, so … yeah. And when I told him about step one in my revenge plan, he didn't even hesitate. He knew where to get what I needed, and I wasn't that surprised.

  I am a bit nervous, though, over what we're about to do.

  Like Officer Douchebag said earlier, I have a bit of a record. Nothing serious yet. But possession of steroids …? Yeah, that might be the final straw that'll get me either put on probation or maybe even jail time. And this time, my parents won't help me out. The only reason they ever did before was for appearances. But my dad made it clear when he kicked me out of the house that I was no longer part of the family, so whatever I do now is my problem. Not that my dad just bailed me out of things before without giving me consequences. No, my ass got beat whenever I screwed up.

  "So, after we put this shit in his car, how do you want to make sure he gets busted?" Jules asks as he slings the bag over his shoulder.

  "Well, I don't want to call the cops," I say. "Because, for now, I just want him kicked off the team … I want to drag this out for him and make his life fall apart bit by bit." Torment him, like he used to torment me. And like how he helped Lynn torment Isa.

  "I like your style," Jules states as we cross the street. "You know, there are a lot of things you could do with that way of thinking."

  I cast him a curious glance. "Like what?"

  He shrugs, adjusting the handle of the bag higher onto his shoulder. "Stuff like what I do."

  "Yeah, but I'm not even certain of what you do."

  "I know. We're probably gonna have to a have a talk about it soon since you'll be my roommate and some of the stuff I do is going to have you asking questions."

  "Well that's … creepy." I glance around, noting a few security cameras nearby and make a point of staying out of their range.

  Jules tracks my steps, not asking questions, probably because he's thinking the same thing. "It's not creepy. Just … weird."

  "Creepy. Weird. It's all the same if you ask me." I slow to a stop as we reach Kyler's car.

  My gaze sweeps the parking lot, and then I dig out my lock pick from my pocket. "After we put these in, and I'm certain Kyler's at practice, I'll call his coach and make an anonymous report that he has steroids in his trunk. More than likely, Kyler will probably try to prove to him that the call was a fake. Then he'll get an awesome surprise when he opens the trunk."

  Jules slides the handle of the bag off his shoulder. "You really think he'll be confident enough to just open the trunk in front of his coach?"

  "Yeah, I am." Because, while my brother and I may not be BFFs, there is one thing I do know about him.

  He's an arrogant mother effer.

  And that confidence is going to be his downfall.

  A couple of seconds later, I get the lock picked and Jules hurriedly tosses the bag into the trunk. Then we quickly walk away before anyone can catch us.

  "So, now what?" Jules asks after we've climbed back into his car.

  "Now we go sign those papers for our new place," I say, fastening my seatbelt. "And while we do that, I'll keep an eye on the app. Once I know he's at practice, I'll call his coach."

  "Sounds like a plan." Jules puts on his seatbelt then steers out of the parking lot. "I do wish I could find out why he's having what looks like a secret meeting with Hannah Anders on what I'm guessing they both consider the shitty side of town."

  "My bet is they chose this side of town so they wouldn't run into anyone they know." I eyeball the coffee shop as we drive by it. Through the windows, I can see Hannah and Kyler sitting at a booth, having what looks like a very heated conversation. "But yeah, I'd really like to know what they're up to, too." Because, from what Kyler told me, the last time Hannah and he were together, they buddied up to kidnap Isa. So, I can't help wondering—and worrying—about what they're up to now. I just hope that step one to my plan will stop whatever they're trying to put in motion.

  That thought haunts my mind continuously until my phone pings with an incoming message. I glance down, expecting it to be a text from Isa. Weirdly, it's an email.

  As I open it up, a bit of worry seeps through me. It's from Snowflake, aka Big Doug, and the subject of the email is time changer.

  I know what that means. Big Doug used to use the term all the time when he would randomly switch up meeting and delivery times. He would do it to throw off anyone who was keeping an eye on him, which not only means he thinks someone is keeping an eye on him; it also means that he's about to change up our meeting time, something confirmed as I read the message.

  "Shit," I mutter with a frown.

  Jules flicks a sidelong glance at me. "What's up?"

  I scratch my arm, debating what to do. I mean, I know I've already decided I was going to meet up with him, but that was when the meeting was scheduled at night. Now he wants to meet in broad daylight, which seems risky, at least to me. But Big Doug is probably one of the most careful people I know, so …

  "Can you drop me off near the bridge after we sign the lease?" I ask Jules. "There's something I need to take care of."

  I just hope I'm no
t making a big mistake.



  I wake up to an empty bed and automatically assume my grandma Stephy must've kicked Kai out of the room. But then I find a note on my pillow. As I read the P.S. part of it, a giddy, stupidly girly smile tugs at my lips. But then I frown as I wonder what errands Kai's running.

  Reaching for my phone on the nightstand, I send him a text.

  Me: Hey, just woke up and found your note. What are you doing?

  As soon as I send it, I worry that maybe I'm being too clingy, which makes me irritated with myself. I don't want to be self-conscious, but this whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing is so new to me.

  "I really need to talk to Indigo," I mumble as I climb out of bed.

  The moment I stand up, a message buzzes through.

  Kai: I'm with Jules right now, signing some papers for our new place. I have to go job hunting, too, but I'll try not to be too long, because I wanna see you so badly. And FYI, when you mumble my name in your sleep, you sound sexy as hell.

  My cheeks warm as I read the last part.

  Me: Whatever. That so did not happen.

  Kai: Oh, it totally happened. And like I said, it was hot as hell. I think I need to lie in bed by you all the time so I can hear it every night.

  I roll my tongue in my mouth, feeling way out of my element, but also stupidly giddy.

  Kai: All right, I gotta sign papers now, so we have to put this sexy talk on pause. See you soon, gorgeous.

  I shake my head, my heart acting like a lunatic inside my chest.

  So, this is how things are going to be with him now that we're dating? All flirty and fluttery? Really, I'm not that surprised. Kai has always been a bit flirty. I've just never had it directed on me full force. It makes me feel like I just stepped onto some new path, one paved with kisses and touching and exploring, excitement buzzing inside me to see where this is going.

  Of course that excitement fizzles as I walk out of my room and find Grandma Stephy and a couple of officers sitting at the kitchen table. Then reality bitch-smacks me across the face. Hard.

  I almost back out of the room, partly because I feel intimidated and partly because I'm rocking a pair of pajama bottoms, an old tank top, and my hair is a mess. But then my grandma catches sight of me and motions for me to come over.

  "I'm glad you're awake," she says as I pad over to the table and take a seat beside her. "I made breakfast for these lovely officers. And for you, too." She smiles at me. "I even put extra sugar in the waffles, just the way you like it …" She trails off as her phone rings.

  I smile then start stacking my plate with waffles while Grandma Stephy walks out of the kitchen to answer the phone call.

  "That's why it tasted so sugary," the older of the two officers remarks with a smile. He looks around his late twenties with blond hair, and his smile seems kind.

  The other officer, however, looks like he's pissed off at the world. He also looks young, maybe around Indigo's age. He's good-looking, though, with short brown hair and hazel eyes. But the scowl kind of ruins it.

  "You shouldn't eat so much," he informs the other guy, who I'm guessing is his partner.

  His partner smiles amusedly. "Why not? Afraid I'm going to have a sugar overdose."

  Mr. Grumpy Pants frowns. "No. I'm worried we're going to have to chase someone down and you'll get a stomach cramp from eating too much," he says, which seems kind of ludicrous until he adds, "Like you did last time."

  Blondie pulls a whoopsie face. "All right, I won't eat anymore." He frowns then smiles at me. "So, since no one here is making any effort to introduce us, I'll do it. Hi, I'm Liam."

  "She doesn't need to know anything about us, other than we're here to protect her," Mr. Grumpy Pants interrupts.

  Liam just ignores him. "And this Debbie Downer over here is Holden. Although most people just refer to him as the asshole who ruined their day."

  I bite back a smile as Holden scowls at Liam. "It's nice to meet you both. Well, minus the circumstances we're meeting in."

  Liam offers me a sympathetic look. "I know this has to be difficult for you, but I assure you that me and Holden and all the other officers working your case won't let anything happen to you." Holden starts to say something, but Liam talks over him. "And, if at any time you can think of anything that'll help us find Lynn and Henry Anders, please let us know. And please let us know if anything happens that you feel is a threat."

  I nod, relaxing a bit. "Okay, I can do that."

  "We also need you to be extremely careful," Holden states in a way less compassionate tone. "No sneaking out to parties or anything that will jeopardize your safety. I know you're young, but we need you to act responsibly. This isn't a joke. Lynn Anders is a dangerous woman who's made several threats to you and has tried to harm you. And we have no doubt that she'll try again if she gets a chance."

  And all my tension returns as flames flash through my mind. I can almost feel my skin melting. I'm going to die. "I understand that."

  Liam shakes his head then rolls his eyes before standing. "Come on; let's get you back to the car before you say something else that'll scare the poor girl." He offers me an apologetic look then ushers Holden toward the door.

  "Sorry about him," Liam says to me. "He has absolutely zero people skills."

  Holden throws him a dirty look as he opens the door. "I do not …" His words fade as Indigo appears in the doorway.

  She's wearing a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie, her hair pulled into a messy bun.

  She takes one look at Holden and that flirty smile I've seen her use a ton of times tugs at her lips. "Who are you?"

  "I'm an officer of the law, ma'am," Holden replies, apparently unfazed by Indigo's smile.

  "Oh." Indigo's eyes glint with amusement. "If that's the case, then where's your uniform?"

  "I'm an undercover detective," Holden states like it should be obvious.

  "Well, that's a shame." Indigo's tone is all flirtatious amusement. "I bet you'd look hot in one."

  Instead of saying anything, Holden just walks out.

  Indigo juts out her lip. "Man, I must be losing my touch."

  "Nah, Holden just has issues," Liam explains as he steps out the door. "Don't take it personally." Then he hurries after Holden.

  "So, that cranky piece of man candy's name is Holden, huh?" Indigo muses as she closes the front door.

  I nod, relief sweeping over me. "Yeah. He seems intense."

  "For sure." She pauses, looking at me for a moment. Then she walks over to me. "I'm so glad you're out of that stupid hospital."

  I stand up, and she pulls me in for a hug.

  "Me, too," I agree.

  We hug for a moment then pull back and sit down at the table where she starts busying herself with stacking waffles on her plate.

  "Sorry I wasn't at the hospital when you were released," she apologizes as she douses her waffles in syrup. "I wanted to be, but everyone thought it'd be better if less people went so there'd be less chaos. It's part of the reason they suggested I stay at a hotel for a couple of days." She sets the bottle of syrup down. "I tried to argue that I never cause chaos, but no one seemed to believe me." Her lips quirk.

  I smile as I take a bite of my waffles. "What a bunch of crazy weirdoes."

  "For sure." She picks up a fork but doesn't dive in, pausing to look at me. "How are you doing? I mean, I'm sure everyone has asked you that, but I know you well enough to know that you probably fed them a bullshit lie that you're fine, when really, there's no way you can be."

  "I'm fine," I try to lie, and when she gives me a really look, I sigh. "Well, I'm as fine as I can be in the situation." When her lips part, probably to ask more questions, I stop her. "Honestly, I'm kind of tired of talking about how I feel."

  She nods, cutting into her waffles. "All right, I'll take the hint." She pops a bite into her mouth. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

  I shrug, reaching for the bottle of syrup. "Anything that's no
t related to Lynn, my dad, hospitals, fires, or police."

  "Okay." She wavers as she chews. Then a grin spreads across her lips. "I know what we can talk about." A mischievous sparkle twinkles in her eyes. "Let's talk about Kai and how he's now your …" She leaves the silent question hanging. And while I have a feeling she's going to try to embarrass me about something, I'll take that over talking about Lynn and fires any day.

  "He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday," I inform her as I add more syrup to my stack of waffles.

  "And what did you say?"

  "Well, yes, obviously."

  "Oh, obviously," she mocks. "How can anything be obvious with you two after I spent the last month watching you guys flirt, yet every time I asked you about it, you denied you had a thing for him?”

  "Hey, I admitted it eventually."

  She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, but it took you forever."

  I sigh. "Yeah, I know." And while I lay in that room, surrounded by flames, I thought I had missed my chance to tell Kai how I feel about him.

  Luckily, I got a second chance. I just wish I knew what I was doing.

  "It is a little weird, though," I admit as I stuff my mouth with waffles.

  She arches her brow. "What is?"

  I shrug. "This whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing. I mean … I don't really know what I'm doing."

  "That's okay," she assures me. "You'll catch on. Plus, I don't think Kai's that experienced in the whole girlfriend/boyfriend department either. At least, not from what I've picked up."

  "Yeah, I've never really seen him dating anyone either." I pause, chewing on my bottom lip. "But I'm sure he's had some experience with … stuff."

  She bites back an amused smile. "What sort of stuff?"

  I roll my eyes. "You know what I'm talking about, so don't play dumb with me."

  She chuckles. "No way. I'm totally clueless, so fill me in." She stabs her fork into her waffles and waits with an amusing smile on her face.