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The Year of Kai & Isa (Sunnyvale Series Book 4), Page 4

Jessica Sorensen

  "I'll talk about it if you talk about it," I say.

  "Isa, I'm fine—"

  I place my hand over his mouth, silencing him. "Don't be a hypocrite. If you want me to talk about what happened, then I want the same thing from you." I lower my hand from his lips. "Remember? I don't like secrets."

  He swallows hard. "Yeah, I remember."

  "Good." I take a slow inhale then exhale as pressure builds in my lungs again. "So, do you want to tell me what you were doing on that computer? Because I can tell you were trying to avoid telling me."

  He stares at me with a strange look on his face. "You seriously can read me better than anyone I know."

  "Really?" I ask, and he nods. That makes me feel kind of good inside, like maybe I'm doing something right. "Well, I'm glad since you can read me better than anyone else I know."

  He smiles then sighs in defeat. "Okay, I'll tell you what I was doing, but you have to pinkie swear that you won't freak out." He lifts up his pinkie in front of him.

  I hitch mine with his. "I promise. But now you have me nervous." Because pinkie promises are a big freakin' deal, which means whatever he's about to tell me is a big freakin' deal.

  He gives my pinkie a squeeze then withdraws his hand and reaches over to the nightstand to grab his computer. He sits up then places it on his lap, tapping a few keys then glancing at me with hesitancy. "I received an email from Big Doug today," he finally says then angles the computer screen in my direction.

  "What?" Okay, that so wasn't what I was expecting.

  I sit up and start to read aloud the email that's on the screen.

  " ‘To whom it may concern'." I glance at Kai. "That's really formal."

  He shrugs. "You know how he can get. He likes things anonymous and untraceable."

  "True." My gaze returns to the screen. " ‘I need your help with something. Something I can't discuss via email. If you're down, meet me at The Railing tomorrow at the same time I used to do deliveries. Sincerely, Snowflake'." I raise my brows as I glance at Kai. "Snowflake?"

  He shrugs. "Me and some of Big Doug's other friends call him that sometimes."

  "Why? Or do I even want to know?"

  Amusement dances in his eyes. "Well, I want to say you do want to know, but just so I can see that blush flush across your cheeks again."

  "Whatever. Don't tell me then," I say, and he smiles wickedly, like he's planning on doing just the opposite. Before he can, I ask, "So, are you going to meet up with him?" I hope he says no because, hello, that is the most sketchiest email ever. And Big Doug always seems a bit sketchy.

  I mean, sure, he's a nice guy, but sketchy. And then there was that whole thing where he basically just went MIA, emptying out his house and not telling anyone where he was going.

  "I haven't decided yet," he admits as he sets the computer back onto the nightstand. "Maybe, though."

  I resist a frown. "Oh."

  He cocks a brow at me. "You don't think I should go, do you?"

  "I don't know." I shrug. "I mean, I get he's your friend, but the whole thing is kind of sketchy. And you just got out of that situation with T …"

  "I know," he says, returning his hand to my hip. "But I don't think this is the same thing as with T. I think he might just need my help with something, like maybe relocating or picking something up for him."

  "What if it's bad, though?" I chew on my thumbnail. "What if you, like, end up getting in trouble or hurt or something?"

  He searches my eyes with his brows knit. "You're worried about me?"

  I roll my eyes. "You already know I always worry about you."

  "Yeah, I guess." He considers something. "How about this? I go see what he wants, and if it sounds at all sketchy, I'll walk away. I don't just want to leave him hanging. While Big Doug has pissed me off sometimes, he's also helped me out a few times."

  I don't want him to go see Big Doug at all, yet I also sort of understand where he's coming from. If it were Indigo asking me to do her a favor, sketchy or not, I probably would do it for her.

  Still … Kai just escaped that whole thing with T. And he's already planning … well, whatever the hell he's planning on doing to Kyler and Hannah for what they did to me. Not that he's straight-up told me that he's plotting revenge, but he's thrown out subtle hints.

  "Okay, you can go." As it dawns on me how bossy I sound, I mentally roll my eyes at myself. "Not that you need my permission. I'm just letting you know that I'm okay with you going. But it's not like you need me to be okay. You can do whatever you feel is the right thing to do. I just …" Good hell on a chocolate chip cookie, why the heck am I rambling so much?

  Apparently, Kai finds it amusing, because a smile plays on his lips as he reaches out and strokes my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. "You're really adorable when you ramble."

  I roll my eyes. "I am not."

  "Yeah, you are." He brushes his lips against mine and grins. But then he frowns when I yawn. "We should get some rest."

  "I feel like that's all I've been doing for days," I say as I yawn again.

  "I know, but you've also been through a lot over the last few days."

  "I know, but still … All I'm doing is sleeping all the time. I know the doctors said that's normal, but I really just want things to get back to the old normal. You know, before … the fire." Saying the words aloud make me feel like I can't breathe.

  "Here. Lie down with me for a bit," he says softly.

  He doesn't wait for me to respond, lying down and bringing me with him, tucking my head under his chin so my cheek rests against his chest.

  I can hear his heart beating, the pace quick and unsteady, as if he's nervous.

  "Your heart's beating really fast," I whisper, resting my hand on his stomach. Weirdly, his heart rate speeds up even more.

  "Weird," he mutters, moving his hand to the back of my neck.

  "Why is it?" I ask worriedly. "Are you feeling okay?"

  "I'm actually feeling great right now." He kisses the top of my head, and I nuzzle closer to him. His heartbeat accelerates even more.

  So weird. I wonder why.

  I soon become distracted as he starts to lightly massage my neck. My eyelids grow heavy as any tension vacates my muscles.

  "That feels good," I murmur.

  "Good," he says. "I want you to feel good."

  "Well, I do." And it's the truth. Right now, in this moment, everything feels okay.

  I wish it could last forever, but that hope dissolves like melting taffy as I drift off into nightmares of darkness, flames and, ultimately, death.



  She's worried about my heart beating quickly; I can tell. But she doesn't need to worry about that. The increase in my pulse mostly has to do with being near her and breathing in her sugary scent. It makes my body hum with adrenaline. It's a strange as hell feeling.

  I've never actually felt this way toward anyone. I've never been in love. And that's part of the driving force behind the plan I'm plotting with Jules. But a tiny part of me is also doing this for myself, to pay Kyler back for all those years he messed with my mind. The things him and his friends made me do … I may have told Isa a little bit about it, but there are way more, way worse things than just getting stuffed into lockers.

  Mostly, why I'm exacting revenge has to do with what Kyler and Hannah did to Isa. And I can tell Isa wants to know what I have planned, but I'm not going to bring her into this. So, before the sun even rises, I climb out of bed and go into the bathroom to get dressed. Then I sneak back into her room and write her a note so she won't worry when she wakes up and I'm not there.

  Hey gorgeous,

  Just wanted to let you know that I have some errands to run this morning. I won't be gone for that long, but if you need anything at all, just call me.

  -- Kai

  P.S. You always smell like sugar, and I love it. Just wanted to let you know that.

  I leave the note on her pillow then graze my lips across her c

  She murmurs my name but doesn't wake up. My heart speeds up at the sound, and a smile touches my lips as I turn to leave her room.

  The smile fades the moment I leave the apartment and step outside. The sun is barely rising above the hills, the sky grey and dusted with darkness, but it's light enough to see the patrol cars in the parking lot where the officers are keeping an eye on Isa. It reminds me of all the shit going on right now and how vulnerable Isa is. It makes me want to turn around, go back into her room, and watch her sleep just so I know she's okay and breathing.

  Seeing her that day when I carried her out of the burning house … it messed with my head.

  I thought I'd lost her.

  I can't ever lose her.

  But I also can't rest until I know she's safe, until she knows she's safe. And that means I need to take care of a few people who caused her harm and will continue to do so. Not that I'm going to go all mobster and "take care of them." No, my plan is a bit more subtle, since I don't want to end up in jail.

  As I arrive at the edge of the parking lot, I glance up the street, searching for Jules's car. He's supposed to be here by now, but the road is empty, so I dig out my phone and dial his number.

  "Hey, sorry, I'm running a bit late," he answers after three rings. "I had to stop and pick up that shit we needed, and Noah was in a chatty mood."

  "It's cool," I tell him, sitting down on the curb. "But I think it's weird as hell a dealer was chatty. Or was he just on something?"

  "He could've been. Sometimes it's hard to tell with Noah …" He trails off. "Hey, can I call you back? My sister's calling."

  "Yeah, sure."

  We hang up, and I just sit there, listening to the wind blow, because that's about all that's happening right now.

  Sunnyvale is a fairly small town, and it's early enough that hardly anyone is out. Even in the late hours of night, you rarely run into anyone. It's probably why Lynn had an easy time getting that photo into the mailbox, because she probably did it at night. Although the police won't officially declare Lynn was the one who did it. And honestly, I'm not convinced either. With so many officers and people looking for her, she's more than likely lying low right now. And I don't think it was Isa's dad either, since the cops are looking for him, as well. My bet is they had someone they know and trust deliver that photo to the mailbox. That fucking photo that makes my blood boil every time I think about it.

  Isa's grandma and I sugarcoated how bad it was. How in it, there was basically an Isa look-alike who was bound by ropes, her shirt covered in blood. Or, well, red liquid that looked like blood. And while we're all still confused as hell how the girl looks so much like Isa, it was the message on the back of it that made me furious.

  Even though Isa's grandma and I immediately turned the photo over to the police, the image is branded in my mind, along with the message. It makes me want to hurt Lynn and Isa's father and whoever delivered the message, but since I don't know who that is, I'm doing what I can. And that means I'm having Jules look into the photo more, see what info he can find on it, like maybe who was in it. And maybe who delivered it.

  I have a few ideas of who already. Kyler and Hannah were Lynn's little bitches before. They should have been arrested already, but with no real evidence—at least any that's been found—they're walking around, free to do whatever they want … like deliver shit to mailboxes.

  But, as I've learned firsthand—aka, with the video that was taken of me stealing that car—you may think you're getting away with stuff, but more than likely, something, or someone, is watching. Cameras are everywhere, like the security cameras all over the apartment complex. The problem is the police looked into that already and, evidently, the security system had shorted out for several hours last night when the photo was probably delivered. That means it was either a freakish coincidence or someone with technical skills is helping Lynn. My bet is the latter.

  That doesn't mean some security camera somewhere didn't catch the perpetrator doing something that could connect them to the crime. Like I said, there are cameras everywhere, including the gas stations nearby. I just have to figure out a way to get access to them. If Big Doug was here, he'd know how to do that, which makes it a really freakish coincidence that he contacted me yesterday. Maybe when I meet up with him, I'll ask him how I can go about doing that.

  "What're you doing out here?" A guy a few years older than me approaches from the sidewalk. He's dressed in a suit and tie, and his demeanor screams undercover officer, even if he does look a bit young, probably around Indigo's age.

  I squint up at him as he stops beside me. "Waiting for my ride."

  He eyes me over with his arms folded, a move I think is meant to be intimidating but doesn't work on me. "A ride from who? And why are you even here at all?"

  I resist an eye roll. "I don't think that's any of your business."

  He narrows his eyes at me then sticks his hand into his pocket and flashes me his badge. "I hate to break it to you, young man, but I'm a cop."

  "Really?" Sarcasm oozes from my tone. "Then I'm guessing you're here to keep an eye on the Anders, and if you are, then you should already know that I walked out of her place like five minutes ago. That is, if you were doing your job." I stand up as Jules's car rounds the corner. "And FYI, you might want to rethink referring to a person who's, like, maybe three years younger than you, tops, as young man." Anger bites in my tone at the last part, because I'm right. If he was doing his job, he'd know who I am.

  His nostrils flare. "I have been doing my job, which is why I'm over here, questioning you. Because you look awfully suspicious, Kai Meyers. And yes, I know your name because I am doing my job, which is how I also know that you currently have quite the record of misdemeanors, which makes you a suspicious candidate."

  I frown. "Candidate for what?"

  He shrugs, putting on a pair of sunglasses. "Now what kind of officer would I be if I just gave out that kind of information?"

  I can't tell if he's messing with me because I smarted off to him or if he's being serious. And I don't stick around to ask, hurriedly climbing into the car as Jules pulls up to the curb.

  The officer offers no ominous final words, but he does make a huge point of watching us drive away.

  "Dude, was that a cop?" Jules asks as he makes a turn down a side road, taking us out of Officer Douchebag's view.

  I nod, slumping back in the seat. "Yeah, he was there keeping an eye on Isa."

  He casts me a sidelong glance. "Then why was he harassing you?"

  I shrug. "To be a dick." I fiddle with the chain dangling from my beltloop. "Apparently, he knows I have a record."

  "Why was he looking into your background at all?"

  "Probably because the cops are looking into everyone's background who is connected to Isa in some sort of way."

  "Things are really that serious, huh?" He flips on the blinker to turn back onto the main road.

  "Yeah, Lynn's fucking insane. And so is Isa's dad." I cross my arms, mulling something over. "I honestly wonder, though, if they're looking into everyone partly because of the Bella Larose case."

  A pucker forms between his brows. "Who?"

  "Isa's mom."

  "Oh." Recognition dawns across his face. "Is she going to get exonerated then? I know a couple of days ago you briefly mentioned something like that, but you were extremely vague. Not that I don't get it, but since you brought it up again, I thought I'd ask."

  "I'm not sure yet … We haven't heard anything officially, but with that video of Lynn confessing she was behind Jamison's, her son, murder … I'm sure she will." I hope anyway. But sometimes the law can be messed up, so a small part of me is worried maybe something stupid will happen and she won't be released. That would break Isa, not that she isn't strong as hell. And she'll pretend to have it together, but I know her well enough to understand that she'd be breaking on the inside.

  "Good." Relief briefly flashes across Jules's face.

  "You goo
d?" I ask, a little confused.

  He nods then throws me a grin. "I'm always good, man."

  "Yeah," I agree.

  For the most part, Jules does seem to always be okay. But I'm not sure if that's how he really is or if it's a façade.

  I haven't known him for very long, but from what I've seen, he appears to be an easygoing guy. He hardly ever speaks about his past, though. And if anyone even tries to bring it up, he changes the subject, which leaves me wondering what his story is.

  "So, how exactly are we going to plant this on your brother?" he asks, changing the subject.

  "I'm not sure yet," I tell him, digging out my phone as it vibrates in my pocket. "Right now, I just want to scope him out and see what his routine is." I open up the tracking app. "And we timed this about perfectly, because he just left the house."

  "You put a tracking app on his phone?" Jules muses. "Nice." He sticks his hand out for a fist bump, and I tap my knuckles against his.

  "Yeah, I figure this is the best way to make sure we won't get caught." I set the phone down on the console so we can keep an eye on where Kyler is heading.

  "So, you want me to follow him then, right?"

  "Yeah. Let's see what he does and go from there."

  "Cool." He flips a bitch and drives in the opposite direction, heading in the same direction as Kyler.

  As silence settles between us, my mind drifts to all the stuff I have to deal with, and one of them I want to discuss with Jules.

  "So, Big Doug sent me a random email," I say casually, even though what I said is far from casual.

  Jules's head whips in my direction. "What?"

  "Yeah … I mean, it didn't say it was from him, but it was signed by Snowflake."

  He laughs at that, but then his lips tug downward. "What does he want?"

  I shrug. "For me to meet up with him tonight."

  "Did he say why?"

  "No. The email was really vague, but I'm not surprised."

  "Yeah, me neither." He gives a short pause. "Are you gonna meet up with him?"

  "I think so." I sit forward as we near Kyler's destination—a coffee shop on the corner of a side road, tucked in a back area of town. The place is rundown, definitely not Kyler's scene, so why is he here?