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Handfasted (To Love a Governess Novella), Page 6

Jane Charles

  He hoped it didn’t come to that, but how do you ask a lady to use her hands? She may not have the title of lady, but that is how he thought of her. She was well-bred with connections and innocent.

  Timothy put the concern away. This moment was about Katrina, regardless of how much it pained him. He pulled the towel from her to reveal the naked glory of her body, rosy from the hot bath. It was killing him not to touch her womanhood, but not nearly as much as it was killing her. She practically squirmed and her breath increased when he even came close to her nubbin. She would probably shatter within moments after he did. Would Katrina cry out or remain silent.

  He joined her on the bed and she rolled into him. Timothy gently pushed her onto her back, his lips taking hers and his hand moved to one of her full, firm breasts. He could spend hours touching and kissing her breasts. They were prefect, just overflowing his hand. He moved to take one nipple between his lips. Katrina moaned and arched. She was the most responsive woman he had ever met. It was a shame they had so few days together.

  His hand skimmed down her stomach until he reached her curls. Katrina tilted her hips. He delved further until he came to her folds, which he parted and moved to her opening. She was so wet and ready for him that Timothy was afraid he would explode on the spot. Perhaps it would be best that he did, thus relieving the painful pressure that had built in his cock.

  With one finger he entered her tight wet channel. Katrina opened her thighs further for him. He added a second finger and stretched her further. He couldn’t risk more than that. Katrina moaned and her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. Slowly he began to pump in and out, all the while suckling at her breast.

  Her hips tilted as if she were straining for something. He knew exactly what it was and pulled the moisture from her opening to her nubbin and circled it a few times. Her moans became louder and more frequent and Timothy had to bite back a grin.

  He entered her again and with the age old rhythm of making love to her with his fingers while his thumb circled and rubbed her nubbin. Her thighs tightened. Her buttocks came off the bed. Her neck arched and Katrina cried out, her body stiffening while her channel tightened and squeezed his fingers. He milked her orgasm until her body relaxed and rested against the bed.

  Timothy rose up on his elbow and looked down at her. Katrina’s face was flushed and relaxed. “Oh my,” she muttered after a few moments. “The books certainly explained this experience inadequately.”

  He chuckled and pulled her into his arms, pleased that she had found such pleasure with him. He would give anything to plunder where his fingers had just been, but would not ruin her future. Instead, he would be content with holding her and when she slept, relieve himself elsewhere because his cock was not going to relax.

  Katrina rolled over and brought her palm to his cheek. “Thank you.” She kissed his lips gently, softly as a lover’s kiss. He returned it, gently, enjoying her sated and languid state.

  Her hand moved to his chest and she rubbed her fingers across his nipple. He should stop her, but he didn’t want to deny himself the pleasure. She skimmed down and Timothy grabbed her wrist. Katrina may have read all of the books but if she was surprised at what she had just experienced he could imagine her shock at what would happen to him.

  He placed his hand on hers and she looked up at him. Her eyes searching. Timothy simply shook his head, unable to find the words to stop her. In truth, he didn’t want to stop Katrina and wanted to allow her to explore all she wanted, but it didn’t feel right. She should learn how to pleasure a man when she married, not now. What would her husband think if she came to bed with so much knowledge? Despite remaining a virgin, she would know far too much to be an innocent bride.


  “It isn’t fair to you.” He didn’t know how to explain further.

  “Me? I think it is more unfair to you.”

  He bit back a grin. Perhaps she was right, but that was beside the point. “I can’t let you. You don’t know what . . .”

  “What I am doing?”

  “That isn’t what I was going to say.”

  “Then what?” She rose over him. Some of her hair had come loose and fell over her shoulders, caressing his chest.

  “You don’t know what to expect and I shouldn’t allow it, this, with you being an innocent.”

  Katrina snorted. “I’ve read enough that I think I know what to expect.”

  “Katrina, I don’t feel it is right.”

  She jerked her hand from beneath his and before he could object, she was gently grasping him through his pants. His battle was over. He could not go back now. He needed her touch, craved it at the moment

  She moved her hand up and down the length. Timothy groaned and let his head fall back.

  She must have realized he surrendered and sat up quickly. Efficiently she unded the placket at the front of his pants reached in and pulled his shaft free. Timothy groaned again when she stroked the top of his cock with her fingers, smoothing the wetness around.

  He was going to come in her hand immediately if he didn’t gain some control. This may be his only chance to be loved by Katrina and he wanted to prolong it as long as possible.


  She stopped moving her hand but did not let go and looked up at him.

  “May I?” He sat up and moved to the side of the bed where he divested himself of his boots then stood and turned to face her. With his eyes locked on Katrina he slid his pants down his legs and tossed them to the side.

  Katrina broke contact and her eyes skimmed over this chest, stomach and to his groin. She smiled and bit her bottom lip before she reached forward and clasped his sack in her hand, rolling in around her fingers. His knees nearly buckled. He didn’t think it was possible but his cock grew harder. At this angle Katrina would not appreciate the results of her talented hand. He pulled her from the bed and walked her to the tub. This time he was the one to settle into the water. It had cooled some, but not enough to affect his current aroused state.

  Without asking or being told, Katrina picked up the soap and began to lather his body. As he had done to her, she washed everything but his private area. His cock did not relax from lack of attention but strained above the water, jerking when her hands moved up his inner thighs.

  * * *

  Katrina rubbed the soap in her hands until they were frothing and slippery and began caressing his sack. She read somewhere that men appreciated being touched here as much as their manhood. He slipped further beneath the water but his appendage did not.

  His cock strained from his body as if it had a mind of its own and Katrina was fascinated. The skin was so smooth yet beneath it was harder than any other part of the body except perhaps a bone. The head was darker and velvety and she circled her fingers across the top, wondering if he would like that.

  Timothy lifted his hips and groaned again. With one soapy hand she grasped the length of him and moved it up and down, trying to mimic what it would be like if he were inside her mving, while the other hand caressed the head.

  His hands gripped the sides of the hipbath, his knuckles growing white. Katrina didn’t understand but assumed it meant she was doing something right.

  She didn’t think it was possible but he thickened beneath her fingers and she kept her pace even. Would she know when he peaked? She read about men ejaculating and hoped it was as obvious as it sounded.

  Timothy grasped her hand and guided it up and down his shaft, quicker than the pace she was keeping. Katrina didn’t mind. He knew what he needed far more than she did. Her other hand abandoned the head of his cock and returned to caressing his sacks. His hand moved faster over hers and his stomach muscles tightened. A moment later he groaned loudly as his body jerked and everything happened as the books had described. She kept moving along the length until he slowed and stopped her hand. The books were accurate in this. She definably knew when the man peaked.

  His breath was ragged and he didn’t move for the longe
st time, his head leaning back, eyes closed. For a moment Katrina thought he may have fallen asleep.

  Timothy lifted his head and smiled. He grasped the back of her head, pulled her forward and kissed her with more emotion and passion he had as of yet.

  * * *

  Katrina woke the following morning to the sun streaming through the windows. She wore her nightshift, as Timothy insisted, so that he was not tempted in the middle of the night to do what he promised he would not. He, however, wore no clothing, preferring to sleep this way. He lay on his side, one arm over her waist, a hand cupping her breast and the solid length of him pressed against her backside. If it weren’t daylight she would roll over and explore as she had done the night before.

  Instead, she gently pulled away and got out from underneath his arm and disappeared behind the screen to relieve herself. When she reemerged, Timothy had rolled onto his back, one arm above his head and the other across his belly, still asleep. His ridged member caused a bump in the otherwise smooth sheet. She moved closer to the bed. There was blond stubble on his chin and her heart lurched. He was the most handsome man she had ever met, and the most wonderful. She should have known when she decided to seduce him her heart would become involved.

  Katrina reached out a hand to caress his cheek but stopped herself. She didn’t want to wake him just yet. Besides, she wasn’t fooling herself. She had started falling for Timothy the moment he walked in the store and fell a little more each day. By the time they were handfasted, she was already in love with him, not that she would ever let on. He didn’t hold that kind of affection for her. He may desire her and certainly seemed to enjoy their intimacy, but that didn’t mean he had any deeper feelings. Men didn’t need to be emotionally involved to enjoy a woman. It was the woman who always ran the risk.

  Still, she wouldn’t trade these past few days, and especially last night for anything in the world and knew her heart would mend one day or ache less once he was gone. Perhaps in a year or so.

  It did no good to think about when he was gone and she moved away from the bed and quietly within the room, taking a new dress from the trunk and once again disappearing behind the screen so she could dress. It would not do for him to awaken and find her unclothed in the bright morning. For some reason last night in the chair it hadn’t bothered her but today, she was suddenly bashful. Besides, they weren’t going to be intimate so there was no need for her to expose herself. Tonight, however, it would be different.

  Timothy still slept when she returned. At a loss for what to do, she settled into the chair before the fireplace and began rifling through the bag. So much of what she had read before made sense after last night, but she knew her education was far from complete. She quickly moved past the pages of pictures she already experienced and moved to the ones she had glimpsed only a few times in the past. Most she didn’t think people actually did, but now was rethinking the possibilities. Besides, she wanted their time together to be as memorable for him as it was for her so he never forgot her. Heaven knew she would never forget.

  This particular section involved mouths. She never considered kissing a man there, but last night it had crossed her mind to kiss Timothy in such a manner and wondered what he would think? Would his reaction be positive or perhaps he would not think it was natural.

  Katrina studied the drawing further and read the detail, committing them to memory. This was something she wanted to do for Timothy tonight. After all, she was limited in the various ways to pleasure a man. As far as she knew it either involved intercourse, her hands or her mouth. And since he refused to allow intercourse, that left her mouth.

  * * *

  Timothy opened his eyes when he heard the chair creak and watched Katrina pull a book from the bag. Certainly she didn’t have further questions. Then again, they hadn’t joined yet so she must be wondering about the details omitted from their time together.

  She seemed to be studying the book rather intently, flipping pages back and forth, reading, going back to what he assumed was a picture, than turning the page and reading some more. He couldn’t stand it and had to find out what had her so engrossed.

  Silently he slipped from the bed and quietly padded his way across the floor to look over his shoulder. His cock jumped at the picture. A lady was on her knees between the thighs of a man, her mouth around his penis. That was an act no proper lady ever performed. Or at least he assumed. It was something that had never been done for him before, though he had wished it upon occasion, but his lovers told him if that was his desire he needed to find a common whore. He’d never pushed the issue, though two had been his mistresses and he should have expected it. But, where was the enjoyment if you knew they were performing the act under duress.

  Well, regardless of how much he may wish to have her beautiful and full mouth wrapped around his length, Timothy knew he could never allow it.

  “What are you reading?” He asked even though he knew.

  Katrina jumped, slammed the book closed and looked back up at him. “Nothing.” Her face turned bright red and Timothy simply smiled, shook his head and returned to the bed.

  She glanced down at his cock. “Is it always like that?”

  His was at full attention. “Not until I am around you.” Which was the truth. It seemed he was in a constant state of readiness in her presence. One would think after being sated last night he would not have such a strong reaction to her, but apparently his body hadn’t had enough.

  Since they did have today, tonight and part of tomorrow to travel, he might as well make use of his stiffness and started thinking of ways he could give pleasure to Katrina.

  “I’ll leave you to dress.”

  She moved to step out in the hall.

  “You will not leave the room without me,” he ordered and she turned around. “I don’t know what kind of n are here and I would have you protected when you are in the common areas.

  Katrina laughed. “It is the light of day.” She gestured toward the window. “You only have to worry about such things at night, as you should well know.” She exited and closed the door behind her.

  Night? Whatever gave her such an idea? Didn’t she just witness he was fully capable of tumbling her at this very moment so why did she seem to think it could only happen at night? Did she forget he practically ravished her yesterday in the coach. Timothy shook his head. Sometimes Katrina had some of the strangest ideas.

  He hurried to dress and left the room. Timothy found her seated at a small table before the fire. Few people were in the room, but the men who were, watched her with admiration and lust. He couldn’t really blame him. Lust was usually the one constant on his mind when she was around.

  They ate in silence but a few times he caught Katrina glancing over at him and a blush would spread across her cheeks before she returned her attention to her food. It was going to be a very long day in the carriage and he intended to have her blushing often, or at least flushed from being sated.

  Chapter 9

  They had barely been on the road for half an hour and Katrina was asleep. How anyone could sleep as much as she was beyond Timothy. Had he not spent the last month with her in the shop working by her side, he would have thought she was one of those ladies who slept her day away. But Katrina normally had more energy than the normal person, but something about riding in this carriage put her sound asleep. A chill hung in the air this morning and he pulled a blanket from beneath the seat to cover her.

  The more he watched her the heavier his eyes grew. A nap would not be such a bad idea. Especially since he planned on exhausting her, hopefully when she woke.

  Timothy stretched out on his bench the best he could. One arm was folded over his head and the other across his middle. One leg was bent, his foot resting on the seat and the other on the floor. The seat was much too short for him to stretch out in and he would not be comfortable laying curled on his side as Katrina was.

  Soon the gentle sway of the carriage rocked him to sleep with visions of Kat
rina naked in his bed. Yesm his bed. The one in the lodges he rented. No more lonely nights, no more boredom. Just he and she in his bed, in London.

  His eyes popped open. What was he thinking? He had no intention of returning to London any time soon and he certainly was in no position to have her in his bed there. Such a thing would see her ruined immediately and she would never get a job as a governess, nor would he insult her by making her his mistress. Katrina deserved more, but he was not in a position to give anything else. His life was too uncertain. He didn’t even know what awaited him in Middleton. If he were settled and certain of his future he would skip Willanton and take her to one of his father’s smaller estates where she would remain a year and a day and then she would be his permanent wife. But that would be unfair to her. Her life was already uncertain, as it had been since her father passed on and he was not going to add to her troubles. Perhaps when he was settled he would return to her, but not before he knew all that he could offer. For the moment he needed to just put such thoughts from his mind and simply enjoy what they had.

  Timothy let his eyes drop again and didn’t fight the image of her in his bed, her hair fanned out on his pillow, nipples taut with desire, thighs spread and welcoming. It was a lovely vision indeed.

  * * *

  This dream was becoming more real than any before. He could actually feel her hand on his bare chest, fingers pinching his nipple. Lips closed over him and she nipped then soothed with her tongue. Timothy shifted as his cock strained against the packet of his pants.

  Her lips trailed down his stomach, her hands pressed against him. The packet loosened and she freed him. Timothy groaned and stopped moving. That groan was real, and loud. He wasn’t asleep any longer and Katrina did have her hand on his cock. It was the most pleasant way to wake.