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Bad Roommate: Never Room With A Player, Page 2

Terry Towers

  Chapter 2


  One of the biggest pains in the ass of life would hands-down be moving. Damn. But at least I had a place to live now and it was a decent little apartment near the train station. What more could a guy ask for? The chick that lived there was certainly hot. If it wasn’t for the fact that I couldn’t afford to be kicked out, I would’ve taken a shot with her at the meet-and-greet. Just the thought of getting between those silky legs of hers had me instantly hard. Fucking embarrassing how much of an effect she’d had on me. I would’ve thought I’d matured past boyish hormone induced hard-ons by now.

  Evidently not.

  Shaking off the thought of her, I climbed the old, creaky wooden stairwell to the second floor of the motel in Newark, New Jersey. The doors to the rooms were all outside access and I was partially surprised the stairs and second floor walkway were still together and holding weight. This place was straight out of a movie – horror movie that was. I was sure there were by the hour rooms in the joint where hookers and addicts hung out. I’d seen quite a few shady characters lurking about, I’d just done my best to keep my head down and ignore them. Being that I was a particularly big guy, people tended to ignore me for the most part.

  I’d been living in a motel and commuting to work in Manhattan every day for the past couple of weeks. It wasn’t ideal and my meager number of belongings had taken up a good chunk of the space in the tiny room, but it was a place to lay my head. I’d convinced the owner of the motel to take a back tattoo from me in exchange for the room since I was severely short on cash. I hadn’t been joking when I’d said I was a starving artist. This wasn’t exactly the life I’d expected for myself at this age. My naive adolescence had expected I’d end up being some hotshot football player making millions.

  Inserting the key into the door lock, I twisted it and the lock disengaged, allowing me entry. The room had a faint musty smell that quickly greeted me, reminding me of the lack of upkeep the place had received as I entered, flicking the switch to the light just inside the room. The light over the bed turned on with a faint buzzing sound and the fan over the bed began to rotate, making a slightly creaking noise as it rotated.

  “One more night.” I murmured to myself. I didn’t have a bed or dresser currently. I’d have to make an IKEA stop tomorrow before moving my things. Closing the door behind me, I was impressed by the cleanliness of the room despite the age. The owner’s daughter cleaned all forty rooms in the motel and did an amazing job. She was a damned hard worker and I respected her for that.

  A small grin spread across my lips as I remembered my night with Sophia. The least I could do was show her a good time after how well she cared for my room. The motel was most definitely full-service. For a split second, I considered giving her a call and asking her to come over for one last bit of fun, but quickly dismissed the idea. I had a long day tomorrow and for some strange reason, the thought of being with Sophia didn’t excite me like it had in the past.

  Pulling my t-shirt up and over my head, I tossed it onto the cracked brown leather armchair by the door. The dirty clothing pile on the chair had become rather large at this point. The washing machine at the motel was broken and had been that way since I’d moved in. Thankfully I’d be out of here tomorrow, another couple of days and I’d have to turn my boxers inside out to wear them.

  Selecting what I’d planned on wearing tomorrow from the remaining clean laundry, I picked up the large white, net laundry bag and stuffed all my dirty laundry inside until it was nearly full.

  Grabbing the remote to the television, I flicked it on, not so much to watch what was on, but for background noise. I wasn’t one for solitude. I’d always loved having people around, but this motel room just wasn’t the place for entertaining guests and I’d couch surfed enough before moving into the motel room that I was pretty sure I’d outlived my welcome with my buddies – at least for now.

  It wouldn’t take long to get everything I owned packed up and neatly stacked, ready to go when the moving van pulled up in the morning. It worked out cheaper and easier just to hire a van with movers than it was to rent one myself and then deal with the logistics of coming back for my car.

  Stripping out of the rest of my clothing, I tossed them into the dirty laundry bag and made my way into the bathroom. The bathroom was basic and there wasn’t a bathtub, which was a bummer for me. The feminine side of me relished a good, warm, relaxing bath on occasion. I enjoyed bath salts, bombs and scented candles – the whole works and I really missed that luxury. I’d give the place credit, it had amazing water pressure and the shower had a large, square head that pelted the skin nicely almost like a massage.

  Pulling the shower curtain adorned with an anchor aside, I turned the tap on, adjusting the water temperature until it was perfect before stepping under the stream of water.

  A soft groan escaped my lips as I closed my eyes and let my head fall back savoring the feel of the water blasting me. As the water slid down my body, I went through the plans I had for the next day. Rooming with a girl would be different. I’d had roommates before, but never a chick. The idea always seemed – complicated. I loved women, and women tended to have an attraction towards me, so to keep things simple, I’d always made it a rule to steer clear of female roommates.

  But… There were times when a person had to adjust the rules and guidelines they set for themselves and take a chance. This would be one of those times.

  Squirting some body wash into my hand, I lathered my chest and abdominals, moving southward. Before I knew it, my hand was around my rapidly growing erection. I was only slightly surprised by this occurrence. Felicity had been as sexy as fuck when I’d met her, she came off as cold and in control, but I’d noticed a vulnerability in her gaze.

  What was she hiding? What secrets was she guarding and holding tight to her perky, yet ample chest? Would she ever trust me enough to let me into her world?

  I moaned as my hand’s grip on my dick tightened ever so slightly and I stroked it. Up and down, slow at first envisioning my hand belonged to the woman I’d move in with tomorrow. Damn, it felt so good. The muscles in my back and neck clenched as I stroked myself harder.

  In my mind’s eye, I envisioned her before me, on her knees in the shower at my feet with her large blue eyes staring up at me as her small, soft hand worked my dick and balls with expert ease.

  “What do you want?” she’d ask, a devilish gleam in her eyes.

  “You,” I’d groan, my jaw clenching.

  “Doing what?” she’d answer, even though she’d know very fucking well what I wanted. She wouldn’t wait for me to respond before adding to my torture. Lowering her head to the tip of my dick, her tongue would lash out, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

  Sliding my hand into her damp hair at the back of her head, I’d urge her closer longing for her mouth to engulf me fully.

  She’d resist for a moment or two wanting the tension to build until I begged her for it.

  As her free hand grasped my balls, she’d finally put me out of my misery, taking my cock fully into her mouth. She’d moan softly around my dick sending sweet vibrations up my shaft. I’d groan with her as I thrust softly into her mouth.

  My heart rate would accelerate until I practically heard the throbbing of my heart in my ears as I thrust against her, working with her hand and mouth. We’d work in harmony as the sensations flowed through me each pump, bringing me closer to that sweet release.

  Looking down at her I’d watch my dick appear and disappear from between her lush lips while the water glistened and slid down her body. “Felicity,” I’d groan as the tension within me increased to painful heights. “Slow down… Fuck, slow down.”

  But my request would be greeted with a little throaty chuckle as she doubled her efforts, her hand on my shaft working harder as her other hand started to lightly tug at my balls.

  “Oh sweet fuck!” I’d groan out loud as I’d begin to thrust harder into her mouth until s
he was no longer giving me head, but I was full out fucking her mouth. She wouldn’t mind. She’d love it, keeping up with my pace.

  “Stop or I’ll blow my wad between your lips!” I’d warn, not slowing down my hand fisting tighter into her hair.

  She’d moan a little louder this time, granting me permission.

  Images from my meeting with her today flashed into my mind; her blue eyes, her tattoos, the cleavage peeking out from under her low-cut shirt and that beautiful, soft round ass. A final image appeared of her once more, on her knees before me in the shower enjoying my dick and that became my undoing.

  My hand pumped my cock one final time and I groaned loudly, my head falling back against the cold, wet tile of the shower as a stream of my cum shot out, painting the wall of the shower before me, to be cleaned away by the water cascading down the tile.

  Leaning back, I sighed, my heartrate slowly going back down to normal as my dick gave one more shot of cum before slowly depleting in my hand.

  “Dammit,” I groaned, releasing my dick.

  What in the hell had I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 3


  Why was I nervous? It was moving day and he’d given me the first and last month’s rent up front. It was a good thing, or at least that’s what I’d kept telling myself, but there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that kept nagging at me. He wasn’t an idiot, he’d see me without make-up, no colored contact lenses in and with my natural hair color eventually. What then? It had been a decade, but he’d figure it out soon enough. The extreme weight loss and years that had aged me may not keep my true identity masked.

  Even with me going by my middle name, he’d eventually see a letter that used my first name or some random photo I’d leave out by mistake and when he thought long enough about it the pieces would fall into place.

  But did it really matter? A voice in the back of my mind chimed in. We’re not in high school and we’re different people. Just let the past go, surely he has. But I knew I couldn’t. I had confidence now, as a new person. The person I used to be was long dead, but if he knew who I used to be then that chubby, nerdy girl everyone used to tease and torment would be resurrected.

  The buzzer sounded and I yelped, nearly tumbling from the sofa.

  Dammit, I was too on edge for my own good.

  Placing my phone on the coffee table, I hurried across the apartment and pressed the intercom. “Yes.”

  “Delivery for Carrington Anderson,” a voice on the other end stated.

  “Come on up.” Pressing the button, I unlocked the front door for him. Once certain the delivery people were inside the building, I opened my front door and then ushered Misty into my bedroom, closing the door behind her. Normally she was indifferent to strangers and had no desire to leave the apartment without me, but she still managed to get in the way at the most inopportune times.

  Turning at the sound at the door, two delivery men appeared with a cart piled down with boxes. “They can all go in that room.” I gave them both a smile pointing to the bedroom with the door wide open in anticipation for its new occupant.

  “Thanks,” the larger of the two said, barely looking in my direction as he and his partner proceeded into the room, piling the boxes in the center of the room and quickly leaving without another word.

  Seeing the boxes belonging to my soon-to-be roommate made it all feel extremely real. Much more real than I wanted it to be as the fear of what would happen sunk in. Was there any way I could get out of this and save face? There wasn’t, I knew that. I’d made an agreement with him and his stuff had already begun to arrive. It wouldn’t be fair to him. Good or bad, I’d made the decision and now I had to lay in the bed I’d made.

  A knock came at the door. Spinning to face it, I stared for a moment. The knock repeated followed by, “Felicity? You home?” It was Carrington.

  I gulped and nodded. “Y-yes.” Taking a deep breath in, I stepped forward, grasping the door handle, giving it a twist. Forcing myself to smile, I gave him a nod. “Good morning – roomie.” Stepping aside, I waved him in.

  Taking a step back, he grabbed the dolly he had sitting off to the side, tilted it back and then rolled it past me, into the apartment and straight into his room. “I’ve got a number of loads to bring in. If you could leave the door open, I’d really appreciate it.”

  “Yeah, of course.” I watched him as he unloaded the dolly, neatly stacking the boxes in the far corner as I chewed at my inner cheek. “Do you need a hand?”

  “No.” He turned around and wheeled the empty dolly out and into the little foyer. “I’m good. I’m better at doing this on my own. I’m very particular on how I like things, besides it’s not all that much.” Exiting the apartment, he hesitated just outside the doorway, turning back to face me. “But if you had something to drink, lemonade or something, that would be appreciated.”

  “I have apple juice.”

  He grinned. His smile was so damned sexy, it made my heart do a little flutter. I vaguely remembered how it felt to have his lips on mine. Our very first kiss was at the playground located at the halfway point between my house and his. He’d been pushing me on a swing and when the ride came to a stop, he’d helped me off the swing and kissed me. It had been sweet and tentative. It had been my first kiss and I’d been elated. Sadly, it’d also been one of the last. The relationship had gone downhill extremely quick after summer, once high school started. His popularity soared while mine went into the trash at lightning speed.

  It had been one of the happiest, yet most devastating summers of my life.

  “You okay?” He asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

  Focusing back onto him, his smile had died off and a look of concern etched itself onto his face. Giving a little laugh, I waved a dismissive hand at him. “Of course. I spaced off there for a moment. Sorry.”

  “Yeah.” Giving me an odd look, he disappeared down the hallway.

  What the fuck was that? Maybe it’d be better if I just told him who I was. Entering the kitchen, I opened the fridge, located the carton of apple juice and poured him a glass. Really, I should tune him in, but I didn’t want to. There was a large part of me that didn’t want him to remember because then he’d know what kind of loser I was. I’d worked hard to turn myself into someone others would find desirable – too much time really.

  So, I couldn’t. Not if I wanted to keep the girl of the past dead and buried.

  Was I obsessive over this too much? Yes.

  Could I stop myself from obsessing? Not a chance.

  Hearing him coming down the hallway, I positioned myself at the entrance of the kitchen and watched as he appeared in the doorway. “Your apple juice is on the kitchen counter.”

  “Good, thank you. The heat is insane today.” Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, he pulled it up, wiping his brow with it. My gaze followed down his body and paused at his abs. Damn, he was ripped. I didn’t remember him being that ripped before. He was always an athletic guy, captain of the football team, typical golden boy, but nothing like this.

  I nodded. “I can only imagine. Another perk of the apartment is we have air conditioning.”

  Laughing, he dropped the shirt covering his stomach. “Then I’m already a leg up on my old place. Place was like a sauna at times. I swear, I lost five pounds a day living there.”

  After he unloaded his dolly, he entered the kitchen and drank down the glass of apple juice in one go. “Once I’m done, we’ll have to sit down and discuss how we want to deal with the grocery issue. I’d better warn you now, I eat an insane amount of food. We can work out the food issues later. I promise I won’t leech though.”

  My mind flashed back to when we went to McDonald’s together. He’d eaten two Big Macs, a chicken sandwich, large fries and a large Coke. Downed it all and went back for an apple pie. Never gained a pound of fat it seemed, while I gained and gained eating only a fraction of that. But he was heavily into sports – always going – whereas I’d
spent my time in my room reading everything and anything I could get my hands on – reading was my passion. Always had been and always would be.

  I was able to pull myself from my walk down memory lane before he noticed he’d lost me. “Yeah, not a big deal. We can go shopping whenever. Either split the bill or each have a shelf in the fridge – it really doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Good then.” Rinsing his glass out, he placed it on the counter next to the sink. “I’m starving, how about when I’m done with loading up, we order a pizza – on me of course.”

  I nodded. “Can’t wait.”

  “Hope you like lots of meat.” With a wink, he grabbed the dolly and left the apartment.

  ~*~ TT ~*~


  There was something very off about Felicity. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Not off in a bad way. Nothing like that, but more in the way of being peculiar. I hadn’t been in her room, but after giving the place a good look over, I couldn’t find a single picture of her or her family when she was younger. No child photos, no teen photos, not even a graduation photo. Didn’t everyone have that? Especially chicks.

  I couldn’t completely write her off for that though, there might be a hundred explanations for it. But I’d noticed there were numerous boxes of blond hair dye and bleach in the bathroom when I was putting some of my toiletries away, and an array of colored contact lenses. Sure, lots of girls changed their hair color and liked the colored lenses. It just seemed a little off. She also wore a fair amount of make-up. It looked pleasant to the eye, but made me wonder what was under the layer of colors. I swear the woman had more make-up than a professional make-up artist.

  Maybe I was just thinking too much into something that didn’t mean a damned thing. Lots of women were obsessed with make-up and changing their looks so often, it made you wonder if they were human or a chameleon. I was just trying to get a read for her. Without trying to appear conceited or anything of the sort, normally women gravitate to me, but Felicity on the other hand, didn’t seem interested at all. She was pleasant, but very curt.