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Behind The Mask, Page 2

Terry Towers

  His hand tightened its grip on his cock as the tension within him increased and his balls tightened as they prepared for release. He groaned again, as he envisioned himself falling to his knees before her and yanking that tiny skirt down over her hips and allowing it to drop to the floor. Her panties would come next. What would be under those? What secrets would her sweet pussy reveal? Was she the type of girl to shave her mound completely, leaving it beautifully smooth and soft to the touch? God, he loved that. Was she a tight little virgin? He suspected she was.

  A jolt of anticipation ran through him, his cock thickening to its fullest potential and the need to release becoming so intense his entire body became a coil of yearning. His mind raced back to Trina. She was a virgin, he knew it. She had to be. He hoped she’d be. And, oh God, how he longed to find out.

  All thought fled from his mind as his entire being became focused on one thing – the point of no return. When he finally hit that point, Brice groaned Trina’s name as he gave his cock one final jerk and was granted the relief of release. His cum shot out from the tip of his dick, spilling out onto the shower floor at his feet and mixing with the stream of hot water.

  With the final spurt of cum and his cock depleting in his hand, he released it, taking a moment to gather himself. As he settled into a satisfied, tranquil state, he was nudged back to reality. He’d just jacked off to thoughts of fucking his virgin sister.

  Well, maybe virgin. And not really sister, he reasoned with himself.

  Chuckling at himself he turned off the shower, grabbed a white towel from the rack, rubbed it over his hair soaking up the excess water and then secured it around his waist. Brice Gamble never let a woman get under his skin, but tonight he was a mess; it was a foreign and not so welcomed feeling.

  Exiting the bathroom he started to make his way to his room and thought twice. Their parents were away for the next week on a Caribbean cruise celebrating their two-year anniversary and Trina was gone for the evening. With a grin, he removed the towel, tossed it into the hamper and made his way naked downstairs and into the kitchen. He never got to wander around nude and dammit it felt good.

  A few more weeks and you’ll be out of here and in your own place, he reassured himself.

  The time had come to get out and earn his own keep. Not to mention it was as embarrassing as hell to tell girls he still lived with his folks, he was a college man for God’s sake, time to start living like one.

  Humming “Born Free” he opened the fridge, pulled out a bottle of water, twisted off the top and took a long drink, emptying half the contents. With his naked status slipping his mind, he didn’t flinch when the front door opened, or when the sound of footsteps made their way past the living room and toward the kitchen. Finishing up the bottle of water, he poked his head back into the fridge in search of a snack.

  The footsteps came closer and by the time he selected a block of cheddar cheese from the fridge they had entered the kitchen.

  “Br–” A soft gasp cut off her voice.

  Frowning, Brice pulled out of the fridge, closed it with his hip and spun around to face his stepsister. “What?” As soon as the question came from his lips and he discovered where her gaze was fixated – not on his face, but on his groin – he remembered an important detail; he was naked. He could feel a flush creeping up his neck and to his face, but despite his embarrassed state his cock had a mind of its own, coming alive before her wide green eyes.

  Oh, shit shit shit. He quickly moved out of her line of sight to stand behind the kitchen island, which blocked her vision of him from the waist down. It wasn’t so much being naked that he was concerned about her seeing as the erection he was now sporting from setting eyes on her in that blasted costume. “Ummm. What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.”

  He huffed. “I mean, I’m surprised to see you home already.”

  She cocked a brow at him, a smug grin forming on her lips. “It’s midnight.”

  “Exactly. It’s early.”

  “Yeah, but if you don’t recall I’m a nerd. You tend to remind me of it enough. My kind tend to get home before midnight and forgo the all-night binge drinking, vomiting and unprotected sex with gross strangers that goes with it.”

  He returned her smirk, secure in the knowledge she couldn’t see his rock hard erection.

  “And what’s so wrong with that?” He allowed his eyes the liberty of scanning her body, taking in every curve. It wasn’t a sight he’d soon forget.

  She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re disgusting, Brice. Good to know you’re not mourning your break-up.”

  He shrugged. “I’m already over it. Lots of women where that one came from.”

  “I suppose if you got a girl liquored up enough she’d be putty in your hands.” The smug look on her face intensified.

  The look of self-satisfaction and defiance in her eyes amused him. She never stood up to him. She always scurried away like a timid little mouse around him, but it seemed that costume did more for her than just make her look fucking hot, it gave her a silver tongue and a bout of confidence. It made her sexier than ever to him.

  His conscience nagged at him to dismiss her, seeing her in the light he was now was dangerous – and wrong. But he couldn’t – wouldn’t.

  “So what did you do at the nerd fest? Meet anyone interesting?”

  The smug look on her face faded and a blush coloured her cheeks. Damn sexy.


  Trina’s body came alive at the thought of the convention and in particular the mysterious Batman she’d met there. Who was he? Why had she been the focus of his attention? Would he be there the following day and would he approach her again?

  She felt her cheeks growing warm and hated that Brice was there to see her embarrassment.

  Surely he’d crack a joke – like he always did. He seemed to relish making fun of her. It wasn’t bad enough her mind was filled with feelings over a stranger, but then there was Brice. Who in the hell did he think he was anyhow, standing across the room from her naked, full of arrogance, as if he didn’t care if she saw every exposed inch of him? She could have sworn he liked her looking at him, and took his time eyeing her, but that was insane. He’d never displayed interest before – quite the opposite, in fact. Besides, it’s not like they could get together anyhow.

  “So. Meet anyone?” He reached around the counter, opened the drawer and grabbed a knife from it and then cut a piece of cheese from the block, popped it into his mouth and waited.

  She shrugged, attempting to appear nonchalant. “Not really.”

  He cut off another piece of cheese and offered it to her. “Want some? Just gotta come over here and get it.”

  Her eyes narrowed at him. Why was he taunting her like this?

  “What is your deal tonight? Earlier you were calling me a whore and now you want to feed me cheese while you’re standing across the room from me naked.”

  He wagged the knife at her. “Whoa, whoa, wait right there, little lady. I did not call you a whore. I asked if you and your dorky friends were entering a biggest slut contest. The word whore was never used.”

  “You’re going to argue semantics with me?”

  He winked and cut off another slice of cheese from the block. Figuring he was done talking to her and suddenly losing her appetite she spun on her heel to leave, only to be stopped by his voice calling out to her.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  She sighed. “Can’t you put some clothes on?”

  “I could. But I won’t. This is my week to be free, baby!”

  With a loud huff, she turned to face him again. She crossed her arms over her chest, attempting to look anywhere but at him. “Fine. What?”

  “What’s with all the shitty baggy clothes you always wear? Don’t you ever want to get laid?”

  Anger began to boil within her. How could she ever have entertained the idea of having a conversation with him! “Ohmygod, you’re su
ch an asshole!”

  He put his hands up in front of him in mock surrender. “No, no. I mean, what you wear…

  why? I had no idea you had such a good figure until now.”

  She pressed her lips into a tight line as she considered how to respond to that. “Is that some weird way of you paying me a compliment?”

  “It’s just a suggestion, that’s all. You look hot right now, but just not appropriate for going out in public.”

  “So as long as I dress like this for you while you lounge around the house naked, it’s cool?”

  A grin attempted to emerge on her lips, but she forced it back, not wanting to encourage him, but a part of her was kind of enjoying the banter.

  “Pretty much. Yeah.” He left his position hiding behind the counter to stroll over to the fridge. Her attempt to keep her gaze averted failed; she couldn’t keep from watching him. His body was incredible, 6 feet of muscle and power. She could see why he was such a good football player and why he was offered a full scholarship, he was made for intense physical activity.

  Her stare dipped lower to his tight ass as he reached into the fridge, placed the block of cheese back in and grabbed a bottle of water. Her plan was to divert her gaze when he turned, but he was too quick and spun around kicking the door closed with his heel, giving her a full view of his shaft, partially erect.

  “Can I walk back to my place behind the counter now, or would you like more time to stare, Sis?” The teasing tone in his voice didn’t do anything to ease her embarrassment. While his use of the term “Sis” was meant to tease, it reminded her of one important factor; he was her stepbrother and this was highly inappropriate.

  Her face felt like it was on fire as she glanced away, turning her back to him. “I gotta go get changed,” she murmured, racing from the kitchen as quickly as her heels would allow her. She needed to get away from him and this situation. Maybe he was rebounding from Claire and hoping to get a quick taboo lay from his stepsister. She didn’t know. She didn’t know what kind of game he was playing, but what she did know was that she wanted none of it.

  Chapter 3

  “Trina. Hey, Earth to Trina.” Trina pulled her eyes from her untouched slice of pizza to meet Beth’s stare. “Have you heard a single word I’ve said?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry, guys.” She looked from Beth’s concerned face to Gwen’s and then back again. “Just have stuff on my mind, that’s all.”

  She’d avoided Brice like the plague after her little incident with him in the kitchen the previous evening. And succeeded, locking herself into her bedroom until it was time to meet Gwen and Beth at the Comic-Con. With any luck she’d be able to sneak in after the con without him noticing her. And if she was really lucky he’d be out for the night touring for a new chick to add to the notches on his bedpost.

  So why did she feel a surge of jealousy at the thought of Brice with someone else? I’ve got a little crush. I saw him naked, loved what I saw, he was actually – sort of – nice to me and a crush developed. No big deal and nothing I can’t ignore, she coached herself.

  “It’s Batman, isn’t it?” Beth grinned.

  Gwen grimaced. “Oh no. Seriously?”

  “No. Yea. Sort of.” She was about to thrust her hand in her hair in frustration when she remembered she was wearing the jester headpiece of her vinyl Harley Quinn form-fitting jester’s costume. The material clung to every inch of her body like a second skin.

  Her thoughts seemed to have two points of focus today – Brice and Batman. One she was avoiding and the other she doubted she’d ever see again, although each time she saw a Batman walk by her breath caught in her throat, hoping it was him.

  “Oh don’t. It’s creepy. Him following you to a deserted hall. Heaven only knows what could have happened if Beth hadn’t shown up!” Trina looked across the table at Gwen, dressed as a sexy blue-haired anime character.

  “I gotta go to the bathroom,” Trina announced, pushing back her chair from the table.

  “I’ll go with you,” Beth offered, starting to get up as well, only to be motioned back down by Trina.

  “I’m fine. I’ll be right back. Finish eating.”

  “But –” Beth started to get up again.

  “You know I hate going to the bathroom with friends,” Trina said as she crinkled up her nose. “It’s weird.”

  Beth relented and she left her two friends behind. She looked at the escalator and made the decision to go back to the main floor, to the hallway where she’d had the encounter with Batman the day before. It was silly, she knew that, but a part of her hoped he’d been watching her in the shadows waiting for a minute to get her alone again.

  And then do what, rape you? Finish what he started before he was interrupted yesterday? a voice in the back of her mind nagged. She dismissed the nagging voice.

  At the main floor, she quickly made her way to the far end of the convention center and then down the hallway. She slowed her pace as she approached the bathroom door, disappointment weighing heavily on her heart.

  Stupid. You’re acting like a stupid teenager. She chuckled at herself and her unrealistic expectations. I’ve been reading too many romance novels.

  “You really shouldn’t be going off on your own,” a deep voice said from behind her.

  “There’s dangerous people around, even here.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as she turned to face him. Sure enough, it was Batman from the previous day.

  She looked up and down the hallway to find both directions vacant; she couldn’t even hear the murmur of the thousands of guests of the convention. They were completely alone. Going off on her own and hoping to run into him again suddenly seemed like a foolish idea.

  “Have you been following me?” A nervous laugh escaped her lips.


  Her laughter stopped immediately as he stalked toward her, intensity flaring in his eyes. A part of her wanted to scream and run, but a more powerful part, the part that longed for his touch, forced her to remain where she was, allowing him to close the distance.


  He stopped a few feet from her, crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side, eyeing her. A fleeting look of sadness crossed his eyes, to be replaced with determination.

  “After seeing you as Poison Ivy, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. And now Harley Quinn? I think you were meant for me.”

  The tension within her relaxed and she laughed again, a smile brightening her face. “Yeah.

  Well, there’s a dozen Batmen out there, maybe I was meant for one of them.”

  He closed the distance remaining between them with lightning speed. She took a couple of steps back and found her back flush against a pillar as he came to stand before her, bracing a hand on either side of her head, his dark stare capturing hers.

  She could have easily slipped under his arm and made a run for the main area, but couldn’t seem to make herself move, as the desire within her flared up. She’d been thinking about his lips most of the day, when she wasn’t thinking about Brice’s naked body – the crass bastard. But thoughts of Brice were locked away as the feel of his body pressed against hers reminded her that the man who wanted and desired her was standing right there.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I want everything, Trina. Everything.” The last word came out as a whisper as his lips ghosted across hers.

  She closed her eyes and a shiver of anticipation rushed through her, followed by fear. Not of the man whose lips were teasing hers, coaxing her lips apart with his teeth and tongue, but of her inexperience. She knew virtually nothing about sex and being with a man, aside from what she’d read and seen in movies. Would he be able to tell? Would it matter? Would she even let it get to that?

  “Stop… thinking.” The strain from his desire was evident in his voice, making her tremble against him.

  Opening her eyes, Trina inhaled sharply as their gazes connected and
the intensity of his stare rushed through her, igniting the ache between her legs for him. She timidly lifted her hands and placed them on the breastplate of his costume. Despite the thick plastic costume she could still feel his solid chest underneath.

  “Stop. Thinking.” It wasn’t a request by him, but a demand.

  She found herself helpless to deny him as his lips came crashing down on hers. The tenderness was gone as he claimed her, his tongue demanding entrance past her lips. She moaned softly, allowing him in, and moaned a second time as his tongue caressed hers.

  All thought left her as her focus became the sensations rushing through her and the need between her legs. In the matter of seconds all her doubts and concerns faded away. He pressed her tight to the pillar, his hands lowering to her ass cheeks, cupping them.

  The heat from his hands seeped through the vinyl and fuelled the fire raging within. A dampness began to form between her legs and she began gyrating against him, her pussy desperately needing relief from the sensations he was provoking. She didn’t give a damn who he was, or why he wanted her, because he was making her feel desire more intense than she’d ever felt before and it felt good – freeing.

  When he pulled his lips from hers she was left panting, her vision blurred as her head swam with emotion. She blinked, then looked up and yet another shiver rushed down her spine seeing the feral need in his eyes.

  “Who are you?” She didn’t realize she’d even said the words until a smile began to lift the corners of his lips.

  “Now where would be the fun if I told you that?” Not waiting for her response, he grabbed her gloved hand in his and pulled her forward and with a quick look to the left and right of them, opened the women’s room door and ushered her inside.

  “What if someone comes?”

  “They won’t.”

  She wasn’t so sure.

  Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her up and onto the bathroom sink. Before she had a chance to protest, he was unzipping her tight top and releasing her naked breasts. She made an attempt to cover her chest from his eyes but he grabbed her wrists and forced her hands away.