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Sorcery in Shad

Brian Lumley


  Brian Lumley

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  In the last years of the twentieth century (as Wells might have put it), Gollancz, Britain’s oldest and most distinguished science fiction imprint, created the SF and Fantasy Masterworks series. Dedicated to re-publishing the English language’s finest works of SF and Fantasy, most of which were languishing out of print at the time, they were – and remain – landmark lists, consummately fulfilling the original mission statement:

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  Title Page

  Gateway Introduction



  I. Chance Encounter

  II. Black Caravan, White Gold!

  III. A Mage Immortal?

  IV. Orbiquita – Cush Gemal – Weird Magick!

  V. A Wizard’s Quest – In Gemal’s Camp

  VI. Amyr and Ulli

  VII. Teh Atht’s … Treachery? – Orbiquita’s Defiance

  VIII. Ships of Sorcery

  IX. Powers of Light, Powers of Darkness!

  X. Cush Gemal’s Story

  XI. Various Magicks!

  XII. To Win is to Lose!



  Also by Brian Lumley


  About the Author



  Absent from his place in Klühn for five long years, at last Teh Atht had come home. But he’d returned empty-handed, his quest cut short by word of a strange curse befallen his beloved sophisticate city on Theem’hdra’s eastern strand. And he’d returned angry in the knowledge of five years utterly wasted, which had been better spent in more pleasurable or at least profitable pursuits.

  In many guises and by mazy, tortuous route, Teh Atht had crossed and recrossed Theem’hdra from the Paps of Mam to Tharamoon, from the Teeth of Yibb to Grypha on its swampy promontory overlooking the Bay of Monsters. He had wandered in the Nameless Desert, abided awhile upon a jewelled isle in the mighty Crater Sea, sojourned and studied with sorcerous colleagues throughout all the length and breadth of the Primal Land, but to no avail. That which he sought ever eluded his grasp, which for all his magicks large and small came no closer to solution.

  In cold and lonely Tharamoon, bleak in the Chill Sea ’twixt Frostlands and the nameless Northern Peaks, he’d dwelled a year in the crumbling manse of that once mightiest of mages Mylakhrion, searching in the rubble and ruin of centuries for a clue and discovering naught; and in the Desert of Sheb he’d likewise lingered in lamia’s castle, hoping to discover in Orbiquita’s absence some small pointer to that which he pursued – in vain.

  The demons and djinn of the deserts could not or would not assist; dryads and naiads alike deemed it unwise to dabble; even the weed-crowned Krakens called up from deeps of ocean turned away and submerged themselves when confronted with Teh Atht’s quest and query. They said they did not know, and perhaps they spoke the truth, and anyway the wizard was loath to use threats and thaumaturgies upon them. For Teh Atht deemed himself a white as opposed to black magician, and his reputation was a kindly one.

  Then, in the tropical forests of the coast east of Thinhla – beneath the vine-entwined ruins of some city unremembered of man, where Ahorra Izz the scarlet scorpion-god guarded his toppled temple, in conversation with that most ireful arachnid – there Teh Atht first heard of the encroaching DOOM which even now threatened Klühn and its people, and the home he had builded there on a bluff above the bay. And this information was delivered, in doleful clacking voice, by none other than Ahorra Izz himself; who said:

  ‘Have you done with picking my brains, wizard? For if so there’s that which you should know, concerning that hive of prideful men which is your home, that city on Theem’hdra’s eastern strand called Klühn.’

  ‘Klühn?’ Teh Atht at once looked up from where he sat, trickling a world’s ransom in rubies (all worthless to him) through his fingers upon a roseate floor. He frowned. ‘And what of Klühn, pray? And if indeed there’s aught of which I should be appraised, tell me also how come you’re so far-sighted, and all shut in down here beneath the sunless jungle floor?’

  Ahorra Izz chuckled, a hideous rasping sound in Teh Atht’s mind, but stirred not at all before his visitor. Indeed, how could he? For he was a statue of polished stone half as tall again as a man, all seemingly carved from a single block, like some great gleamy fossil! And his eyes were rubies big as fists; and his scythe-like stinger, poised on high, was sheathed in some silver metal whose fashioning was a secret lost in time and space. But by virtue of Teh Atht’s magick he spoke, albeit in the mage’s mind alone. And this is what he said:

  ‘“What” can wait, “how” comes now. Myriad minion members have I; they scurry in the forests, thrive in the deserts and on the steppes, stay moist beneath the rim of rock and hunt under the moon. Now what say you, Teh Atht? How do you answer my riddle?’

  The wizard uncrossed his legs, stood up and stretched. ‘Scorpions, of course. The green jungle scorpion, the rock scorpion of the uplands, the black desert scorpion and its grey cousin of Hrossa’s steppes – but especially the scarlet scorpion of legend. And all make report to you, eh, here in immemorial vault?’ But for all his yawn and careless shrug, still Teh Atht marvelled. With familiars far-flung and numerous as these, was any secret safe in all the Primal Land? Would that such an army worked for him! ‘And what have they told you, the scorpions of Klühn’s alleys and secret temples?’ he pressed.

  ‘They have told me how in your long absence a strange sect is come into Klühn,’ Ahorra Izz answered, ‘and whisper of yellow-robed priests in a temple of terror! Their leader is one Gorgos – perhaps a man – but the “gods” he worships are not of this world. Indeed, they are not gods! Demons of the star-spaces, the Thromb wait on Gorgos to open up the gates for them!’

  Gorgos! And now Teh Atht gasped aloud – even Teh Atht, descendant of Mylakhrion! He had heard of that most monstrous necromancer, of course, and had thought him long dead. But alive? In Klühn? Calling down the Thromb from the spaces between the stars? Life itself – all life – were forfeit, come to a terrible termination, should he succeed. Panic struck at Teh Atht’s heart, but only for a moment. Then a thought occurred. He stood stock still, stared up at scorpion statue, peered into its scintillant ruby eyes.

  ‘Could it be you’ve tired of my presence here and grown weary of my questions? This disclosure of yours could well be a clever ruse, by means of which you’re rid of me; for of course you know that I must now hie me to my manse in Klühn, and there
weave works against this Gorgos.’

  ‘Go in peace, Teh Atht, the horror clacked. ‘And by all means return one day…if any days are left! I have enjoyed your visit.’

  And then the wizard felt that indeed the cancer in Klühn was no mere figment of fancy, and he felt the bitter winds of space blowing on his soul. ‘I get me gone at once,’ he muttered, and made to climb stone stairs.

  ‘Wait!’ cried Ahorra Izz. ‘A further tidbit you should know. There are three who work against this High Priest, this Gorgos who some say is a man. And one of this brave trio is a man! What’s more, I like him!’ He chuckled in his weird way. ‘How’s that for a riddle, O wizard?’

  Teh Atht gathered up his rune-inscribed cloak, paused briefly at the foot of the stairs. ‘I’ll answer it when next I visit,’ he said.

  Ahorra Izz uttered his doleful chuckle. ‘Ah, ever the optimist!’ he said. ‘So be it.’ But Teh Atht was no longer there to hear him …

  In his one hundredth and forty-third year, but sprightly for all that, Teh Atht climbed the subterranean temple’s stairs of stone toward jungle’s floor. Weighed down by dreads half-formed and preoccupied with hasty planning, he forged willy-nilly through curtains and ropes of smoking cobwebs and stirred up dust of centuries unnumbered in his hurried ascent. Across great landings where stood lesser likenesses of Ahorra Izz, under vaulted ceilings all palpitant with myriad massed forms of the green-eyed pyramid bat, ever toward the tumbled ruins above he strove, and one thought uppermost in his mind: that even now in Klühn a foulness named Gorgos sought to rain Madness and Death upon an unsuspecting Primal Land.

  Finally he reached the surface, came out from the arched entrance of a slumped ziggurat into bowels of foliage rampant. And dizzy from his climb and fetor of the vaults both, he paused awhile to breathe deep and blink in the emerald light, what little of it filtered down through the high canopy of vine and creeper and leprous orchid cluster. And he gazed all about upon the jungle-hid ruins and considered his position: literally, his location, all these twenty hundreds of miles from his beloved Klühn.

  East of Thinhla, this place, tropical forest on the coast situated between unknown river morasses a-teem with leeches, crocodiles and cannibal fishes; where even the vegetation – some of it, anyway – was lethal, bearing spines and suckers all charged with potent poisons. Barriers entirely natural and wholly unnatural stood between Teh Atht and civilized sophisticate city; and yet, where other men might at once give up the ghost, lie down and die, the wizard merely considered his options. And they were several.

  He could set out at once, in the way of more nearly normal men, and simply trek the jungle – and die, most assuredly, in the space of one hundred yards. Hardly a feasible option, that! He could abide here until darkness descend, then call down a grim of night-gaunts to fly him home; except he’d never much trusted gaunts, which were known to have a certain affinity with Yibb-Tstll, a dark god of monstrous appetites.

  If he’d brought his carpet of levitation with him, then that would bear him home; but jungle-spawned rots were ruinous to fabrics delicate as that, and so he’d left his flying carpet home. On solid ground, he might simply infuse his boots with powers of league-long striding; but alas the morass was treacherous, and sad thing to step down from stride of several leagues into gluey, bottomless bog! No, more subtle magicks were required here.

  He reverted to that spell beloved of Sheb’s desert djinn, by means of which he’d landed himself here in the first place; a magick requiring four entire days and a deal of concentration in its construction. And thus, last rune uttered and final pass performed – transforming himself to single tuft of thistledown, and simultaneously conjuring out of the clouds a dust-devil to bend down among the treetops – he contrived to have himself picked up and whirled in a trice back home to Klühn.

  Journey of months and years accomplished in minutes, before he spiralled down and expanded once more into a man on the topmost balcony of his tower overlooking the Bay of Klühn, and there he reeled awhile under the first stars of night as nodding dust-devil raced away toward windy wastes of desert.

  And so Teh Atht returned home.

  Staggering there atop that high place, still dizzy from his flight, he leaned upon parapet wall and gazed toward Klühn – and immediately grew still, shocked rigid by what he saw. Which was this:

  That all the people were at play in the streets where multi-hued lanterns bobbed, and apparently no DOOM befallen, and indeed an air of great merry-making and rejoicing abundantly displayed! What? And had that double-damned deity of an arachnid tricked him after all? If the only curse visited upon Klühn were merriment, then what the loss?

  Raging, he swept inside, sought out his familiars three to question them – and only then remembered how, five years ago before taking his departure, because he could not trust them, he’d immobilized all three with the curse of Curious Concretion. In stony state, they’d know nothing of matters transpired in Klühn; but finding them in their places, certainly no worse for wear however dusty, he immediately unspelled them anyway. There was one who hopped, one who flitted, and one that flowed like a pool of oil and served mainly to lubricate the works of Teh Atht’s astrologarium, wherein swam miniature stars and worlds and moons important in the wizard’s forecasting.

  ‘You, and you,’ said Teh Atht, wagging a finger at the former pair, hopper and flitter, ‘to work! What? Do spiders dwell here now? Has someone bequeathed me a desert in my absence, and delivered it to boot? Make all tidy, at once! And you!’ he dabbled a finger in the liquid one. ‘Go oil something…no, wait! Float me my shewstone down to the kitchen, where doubtless affairs are likewise disordered!’

  Grumbling in their way, the three set to work while Teh Atht stomped to kitchen and revitalized ancient foods, and fried up a pan of cheese and onions. And while he ate ravenously, so his crystal ball came drifting on a pool of sentient oil; and now past the food in his mouth the wizard mumbled a rune of recounting. Up the leg of his table crept viscous retainer, balancing the shewstone on tip of sticky pseudopod and finally slumping to rest beyond Teh Atht’s plate, where he could observe and eat at one and the same time. The milky sphere had slowly cleared, and now Teh Atht commanded: ‘Tell me about Gorgos. Was he here; if so when, and why? Show me all, without delay!’

  And bending to his will as always, the shewstone obeyed …

  Pictures appeared in the clear crystal – sharp and real as life but fast-fleeting, so that they showed much in a short space of time – according to Teh Atht’s instructions.

  It had started five years ago, shortly after he set out upon his fruitless quest, when the first yellow-robed members of Gorgos’ priesthood had commenced to arrive in Klühn from far-flung parts. From Thinhla, Eyphra, Thandopolis they had come, bearing the strange ikons and instruments of their faith. Close to Klühn’s heart they’d bought land, built a temple of hemispheres with one massive central dome of copper, a task which had kept the city’s artisans in work for all of four years. Ah, but long before the work was finished, then too had Gorgos installed himself within his Temple of Secret Gods. And rumour had it he’d brought a female creature with him: a girl-thing of rare beauty, however alien, comb-headed and with shimmery silver skin. But only rumour, for she was never seen.

  By means of an alleged ‘oracle’, then the necromancer began to work blackmail upon the city’s businessmen, its taverners, jewellers, merchants, using such ill-gotten gains to buy his priests, workmen, and finally soldiers! So that soon the entire city was in his grip, where none could escape the oracle’s probing, the narrowed, penetrating eyes of the yellow-robes, the glaring and swaggering of armoured fighting men. But as if blackmail and other threats weren’t enough, the master of that dire sect had a second trump card which no one could deny: magick, and a black and ominous magick at that!

  For now the people found themselves levied of a tax, which they must pay in respect of the ‘protection’ they received from Gorgos and his priesthood against…agains
t what? Against dark forces which even now threatened to devour Klühn utterly, given shape and form in monthly manifestations of weird energies in the sky! Boiling clouds and strange lightnings, aye, and doomful luminous hell-webs on high, whose forces seemed mercifully (?) bled off by temple’s copper dome, or deflected by the devotions of droning priests. For Klühn had sinned, apparently, and was now taken to task, which was why this Temple of Secret Gods had been builded here: to hold at bay a scourge and keep the city safe.

  So said the priests; but common people wondered: what sin had they committed? And were the priests here to combat evil, or had it merely followed them, as fleas follow a dog?

  ‘Hold!’ cried Teh Atht, done with his food and impatient now. ‘I know most of this, and also that Gorgos would call down the Thromb, which were the end of everything! But quite obviously he was stopped. I know something of that, too. Three creatures put paid to his scheme for immortality as Lord of the Thromb, one of which was a man. Very well, now show me these three, for they interest me …’

  And again the shewstone obeyed:

  First there was the silver-skinned lass Gorgos brought with him to the temple in Klühn: his oracle’, a Suhm-yi female gifted as all her race had been with the power of reading minds. Thus had Gorgos blackmailed Klühn. Stolen by the monster as a child and spirited away from her home in the jewelled isles of the Crater Sea, she had helped (however unwillingly) in the elevation of her master to great power. Ah, and also in his downfall! Teh Atht saw it all in his shewstone.

  For now, come out of those same jewelled isles, a male Suhm-yi in search of a mate. Amyr Arn, his name, the last of his race other than Gorgos’ she-creature – and his strange heart bent on vengeance! Not only would he take back Ulli Eys to where they both belonged, but if he could he’d put down her cruel master too, and thus end forever the threat of the Thromb.